Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Brain Cancer Tumor Types

i love the light of the infinite creatorthe root cause of cancer no one knows it's been hidden since the nineteenthirties most people think that dna damage iswhat causes a cell to be cancerous while it is true that cancer cells may havedna damage it is highly unlikely the dna damage can cause any cell to becomecancerous in fact the dna damage as a result ofthe true cause cancer so let us discuss what really causes cancer there havebeen many discoveries about cancer in the past one hundred twenty-five yearsfor example william russell 1850 to 1940 in 1890 discovered that there aremicrobes inside and outside of cancer

cells later it was discovered that themicrobes inside cancer cells were polymorphic that is they changed shapesand sizes depending on the ph inside the cancer cells in 1931 the nobel prize inmedicine was awarded to audio warburg for his discovery in determining thedefining characteristic of cancer cells was low atp energy atp is nate insidethe mitochondria of sales in was called adenosine triphosphate it is true that cancer cells may havedna damage it is highly unlikely that dna damage can cause any cell to becomecancerous was low atp energy atp use need insidethe mitochondria of sales in this cold

adenosine triphosphate related articlesthe nobel prize winner dr. otto h warburg had devoted his life to thestudy of in cause of cancer . dr warburg was one of the 20th century's leadingbiologists and he discovered that the root cause of cancer is too much acidityin the body meaning here is the root cause of cancer wants to get their fairshare of bad press they have painful stingers and they're not as useful orcute to us as being however their time to step into spotlight may be justaround the corner their venom has been shown to attackcancer cells while brazilian was kills cancer cells but not healthy cells in1930 it was proven that if the microbes

inside the cancer cells are killed thecancer cells will revert into normal cells this discovery was made by dr.royal rife a microbiologist who developed the use of harmonicfrequencies to vibrate the microbes in till they exploded and i'd rather thanwinning a nobel prize for his discovery dr rough slab and inventory weredestroyed by the combined consensus of the food and drug administration fda and the american medical association amaso why was driv shut down it was because his discoveries led to a 100 percentcure rate amongst his cancer patients see this might seemstrange to most readers why would a

cancer researcher be shut down forcuring cancer it is assumed that conventional medicine in thepharmaceutical industry are diligently looking for the cures for cancer nothingcould be further from the truth what they are looking for our massive massiveprofits selling their pension chemicals that is drugs curing cancer is not ontheir agenda since that would cut into their profits so what exactly is thepurpose of the food and drug administration the fda is the privatepolice force of the pharmaceutical industry their primary objective is tomake sure that the profits of the pharmaceutical industry are protectedeven if that means shutting down those

who know how to cure cancer such as dr.rife it is all about patents drugs made by the pharmaceutical industry can bepandit frequency waveforms in molecules in mother nature cannot patents are themain drivers of the war against natural medicine by the pharmaceutical industrythe fda and the ama they are all in bed together the media is also part of thisconspiracy medical doctors are intentionally glorified on televisionshows and advertisements manipulating the unwell to head for the doctor'soffice the modus operandi of the media can besummarized by a person who was an expert in understanding propaganda techniquesnamely stalin when a person is diagnosed

with cancer they cannot run fast enoughto their nearest oncologist the media has done their job well so even thoughresearchers seeking natural cures for cancer today know much more about thedisease than in the nineteen thirties very few patients start their treatmentwith natural medicine the scientists said the independent cancer researchfoundation icrs dash in non-profit foundation investigating naturalmedicine are the ones who discovered how themicrobes inside cancer cells were partially blocking datp energy asdiscussed below with this knowledge they develop more than 25 natural cancertreatments targeting and killing

microbes inside cancer cells as dr.royal rife did reverting them into normal cells theyalso use in new technological device inspired by dr rice equipment whichkills the microbes inside the cancer cells known as the high rof frequencydevice according to the cancer tutor website com the cancertutor website is the main i crf website so let's talk about how microbes insidethe cancer cells partially blocked the production of atp energy this is the keyto understanding many new cancer treatments first of all let us look at what causesthe atp energy to be created in a

healthy cell step one in a normal cellglucose receptors allow glucose inside the cell step 2 in a 10th step chemicalchain reaction this glucose is converted into pyruvate step 3 the pyruvate entersinto the cell's mitochondria every cell has thousands of mitochondria step forthe pyruvate is at the beginning of a chain reaction called the citric acidcycle or krebs cycle step 5 about halfway through the citric acid cycle asecond chemical chain reaction begins called the electron transport chainthese two cycles create most of the atp energy in this else here is the key cancer cells have more glucose receptorsin normal cells in 15 times more glucose

than normal cells that though themicrobes intercepts most of the glucose so even though a cancer cell has farmore glucose than a normal cell less of this glucose gets inside itsmitochondria than in normal cell thus a cancer cell has lower atp energy becauseit has less pyruvate and it has less pyruvate because it has less availableglucose so let us talk about why cancer cells may have dna damage the virginia livingstone team of naturalmedicine cancer researchers discovered that one or more of the microbes andsign the cancer cell penetrate the cell nucleus where the dna is located the dnaof the cancer microbes may mix with the

dna of the selling modify the dna of thecancer cell causing dna damage this is the basis of gene therapy inconventional medicine but dna damage is not what causes this out to be cancerousit is only a symptom of the presence of the microbes cancer researchers such asthe american cancer society are trying to fix the dna damage this is a totalwaste of time but it convinces the general public that they are looking fora cure for cancer when in fact they have no intention of curing cancer had hiredone of the icr of cancer researchers they could have 25 cures for cancer inone week many of the conventional cancer research organizations do a good job ofpretending to look for cures for cancer

but in fact they have no interest incuring cancer at all this is the key by killing microbes inside the cancer cellsdr. rice was able to prevent the microbes from blocking the atp energyonce the microbes were dead the cancerous cells were able to accesstheir atp energy and reverted into normal cells again the i crf researcherwho discovered how microbes block the atp energy also developed about 25different ways to kill these microbes why they are inside the cancer cells themicrobe is actually a bacteria helicobacter pylori thereby reversingthe cancer cells into normal cells here is one example of how the bacteriainside the cancer cell arqule let us

consider that honey and turmericprotocol which is part of the dirt cheap protocol that is its real name becauseso many cancer patients cannot afford some of the natural cancer treatments onthe cancer tutor website cancer cells have more glucose receptors than normalcells investors are attracted to honey to some degree when you can chill themicrobes and signed the cancer cells but it is far more effective to mix thehyundai with turmeric or some other which kills my groups toeradicate these microchips therefore honey becomes a trojan horse to get theturmeric inside three different studies show that turmeric is the most effectiveherb at eliminating helicobacter pylori

in the cells are reverted into normalcells the dirt cheap protocol includes over a dozen other techniques that aresynergistic with honey and turmeric because they are also designed to targetand kill the microbes and signed the cancer cells the dirt cheap protocol canbe found on the cancer to their web site www dot cancer along with severalother natural cancer treatments in addition the royal rife technology whichalso reverse cancer cells into normal cells has been replicated and improvedupon on the cancer to their website the high are a frequency protocol isautomated and performs everything the original rife frequency generatorsdepend much more in conclusion natural

medicine researchers used traditionalmethods for example carrot juice with a little beet juice mixed in as well asstate of the art technologies as a cure for cancer there are many naturalmedicine cancer clinics some run by medical doctors who switched naturalmedicine dr. mark hyman m d has just published a groundbreaking new book ihighly recommend that you read it from the moment i glanced at the dedication iknew there were some real answers waiting and dr. mark hyman his latestbook eat fat get thin for the one in two americans with chronic disease for thosewho struggle to answer the question what should i eat this is for you he isspeaking to an america that has followed

so many food crisis in search of betterhealth that we find ourselves totally confused and and simon says fatter andsicker than ever and almost fell out of my chair when i read the statistics in1961 in 100 americans had type 2 diabetes today it is one in 10 peopleyou could say doctor hymen is on a mission to change the world as he saysthe single biggest health problem we face globally is the metabolic disaster has led to a global epidemic of obesitytype 2 diabetes and heart disease we experienced this tragedy every day aswe see countless obese children who don't know what it means to run aftermost the end be carefree our parents and

grandparents died prematurely and ourfriends go through the motions of living but never feel alive doctor hyman book makes me feel hopefulbecause he gives us both the why and the how to reverse chronic disease and climbout of this disaster in part one of the book hyman tells the story of how we gotto this stage of what he calls metabolic havoc in which had was demonized in foodmanufacturers responded with a dizzying array of low-fat but high sugaralternatives current research points to sugars and refined carbs as the truecauses of obesity and heart disease not advance as we have been trained tobelieve hyman tells us that carbs turn

on the metabolic switch causing a spikein the hormone insulin and leads to fat storage hymen is very clear that sugarby any other name agave nectar died honey dot high fructose corn syrup isstill sugar and sugar is our true villain my favorite concept of dr.hyman's is diabetic t his term for all sorts of problems that come aboutbecause of blood glucose and insulin imbalances you can almost call it hisbread-and-butter theory of carbohydrate intolerance this is the epidemic that haunts ustoday as we do everything in our power to avoid fence while we've done ourbodies with carbs that create a

metabolic reaction that blocks our pathto wellness doctor hyman shares an increasing body of research showing thathigh-fat diets outperform low-fat diets for weight loss and for reversing everysingle indicator of heart disease risk including abnormal cholesterol diabeteshypertension information and more common shares the evolution of knowledge thatleads us to an understanding today that there is no clear link between dietaryfat saturated fat or cholesterol and heart disease part two of the book is where doctorhyman really takes off in his quest to discover harmful myths and clear upambiguities about fats

he explains that fat calories are burneddifferently from sugar calories and defend calories can actually speed upmetabolism but they don't turn on the metabolic switch despite insulin thewake arms do it is the composition and quality of foods that determine whetherwe gain or lose weight doctor hyman does a wonderful job atexplaining the wide world of fat especially discussing the dangers of theinflammatory oils such as trans fats we find them easily fixed oils shorteningvegetable and seed oil etc and she lays out an understandable case for thehealthy fats omega-3 fats olive oil coconut oil avocados wild caught coldwater fatty fish etc i wasn't expecting

the crash course on fat and heartdisease thanks to dr. hyman i now feel preparedto hold my own in discussions about information cholesterol and state andespecially when it comes to questioning so many myths that have been bolsteredby big pharma i am happy to once again say that takes all my friends and theyare even better with grass fed butter part 3 offers a 21 day eat at get themplan hyman simplifies and clarifies food choices not as a manual to lose weightbut to get healthy he has been refining the approach for years in his work withpatients and has shown real results through pounds dropped waist jammed andreduction in blood pressure and blood

glucose levels doctor hyman goal is notlooking for faster results but an initial reset followed by a long-termindividualized eating plan for life the plan outlines everything one shouldeat the right fax to increase weight loss drink and do including idealexercises and strategies to relax and sleep better a daily schedule is laid out which is afabulous way to ensure success once readers have journeyed through the 21day plan mastering the principles of an optimal human diet they are transitionto part for the presidency fact get then cooking suggestions and recipes dr.hyman's extensive experience following

his patients successes and understandingthe nature of their roadblocks remains an undercurrent as he attempts to everydetail such as the best way to planning for the week the easiest way to make ahealthy eating plan is to pull it together over the weekend . with thisbasic framework you can't go wrong i've only had a chance to try a couple of therecipes so far doctor hyman screen breakfast smoothie is a favorite whatbetter way to power up for the day then by drinking a whole avocado spinachcucumber and lots of other healthy ingredients it is a great way to enjoyhealthy fats and i have to remind myself

when it is time to eat later in the day food cravings disappear when we are on asure-footed path to wellness eat fat get then is an excellent resource i lookforward to offering my readers to when they reach after suggestions to helpthem achieve their goals of better health weight loss and reversing theepidemic of chronic diseases that are disastrously robbing life from so manypeople thanks for taking the time to read this article if you found thisinformation helpful please share it with your friends and family your support and our endeavor of sharingfree information would be much

appreciated lawsuits from several quarters arebeginning to pile up on monsanto considered the most evil corporation andthreat to agriculture by many guerrilla warfare has been utilized successfullyin the past to ward off unwelcome invaders the cumbersome militarymachinery of invading or colonizing population isn't able to withstand theconstantly surprising unpredictable attacks even though it is usually smalltheir synergy adds up to two still made the larger military forces considermonsanto the colonizing invader that's in league with the government which isinternationally a colonizing military

invader monsanto former key employeesoccupy the white house in control of the usda the epa and fda trying to get thisgovernment to even label gmos is a losing battle so now we must resort toguerrilla warfare through the trial court system the whl world healthorganization finally give right for those of us who care about our food andthe future of food safety they commissioned a study by the arcinternational agency for research on cancer that determine glyphosate theknown active ingredient of month endows roundup is the probable carcinogenicwith a carcinogen rating of 28 month sandoz pr people tried to computethe issue by declaring the wh 0 rating

is to be possibly carcinogenic butthere's a big difference between possible and probable the next level upfrom probable is declaring it carcinogenic 10 like he has finallystepped to the plate with a tort law suit against monsanto roundup by formerkona coffee growers recent citizens legislative attempts to regulatepesticide herbicide testing that were running rampant on the islands fromsyngenta months and oh and there were thwarted by corrupt state officialschristine and cannot shepherd the former owners of dragon's lair kona coffeefarming hanan not who i have launched their lawsuit against monsanto sheppardalvi monsanto company it was filed in

the us- district court in honoluluhonolulu attorney brian k mcintosh and the military law firm of orange virginiathe shepherds clean christina was diagnosed with late stage non-hodgkinslymphoma nhl after using roundup on their coffee farm from 1995 to 2004 shewas diagnosed with the cancer in 2003 and the filing states months and i knewor had reason to know that its roundup products were defective and wearing hereand dangerous and unsafe when using the men are instructive and provided bydefendant there are several other similar lawsuit most of them for nhl alymph cancer and leukemia a blood cancer many are from farm workers according tointernational news agency reuters the

baltimore firm of say i and kirkadvertises a free round up lawsuit evaluation on its website the washingtond c function it and clark is doing the same as our other firms in texascolorado and california these and other law firms are the ambulance chasers toride with for guerrilla attacks against monsanto this is the type of activitythat elevates ambulance chasers 2 righteous crusaders and they wouldn't bepiling on if in addition to the wh 0 carcinogenic claim there has beeninternal documentation proving months and has known of the dangers and i to cover them up months and thereis also finding off claims over its past

manufacturing of polychlorinatedbiphenyls pcbs which the wh 0 classifies as known carcinogen group 1 at least 700law suit against months and months and related entities are pending among them are large lawsuits fromcalifornia cities demanding months and no pay for cleanups of massive pcbcontamination that the company had manufactured until the late nineteenseventies then it was declared group 1 carcinogenic by all agencies except armypla which categorized it as probable or groups to a monsanto basically unleasheda virus that couldn't be contained and doesn't go away it's got some me andenvironmental attorney with baron and

budd a texas based law firmcollaborating on a pcb cleanup cases so here we are trying to convince thegovernment and its citizens that the company that specializes in makingtoxins that harm the environment such as agent orange pcbs and round up as wellas toxins that threaten human and animal health such as aspartame and syntheticgrowth hormone that forced cows to milk more and become sick is not to betrusted for feeding the world nevermind expecting help from corruptgovernment and politicians for now simply sue the line disease-causingsociopathic busters as often as possible from as many different angles andsources that can exist

here's why it is important to maintainat least a level of guerrilla warfare against the biotech industry thanks fortaking the time to read this article if you found this information helpfulplease share it with your friends and family paul fisher is a contributing staffwriter for rattle from the c dot com his pet peeves are the medical mafiascontrol over health and the food industry and government regulatoryagencies corruption contributions to the health movement inglobal paradigm shift her well-received by truth seekers visit his blog byfollowing this link and follow him on

twitter here a fairly recent and large study investigated the linkbetween depression and the intake of coffee tea and sweet drinks afterfollowing approximately 300,000 people researchers at the national institutesof health determine that coffee intake was associated with a slightly lowerrisk of depression source they cite a study that was published last june inneurobiology of aging where the researchers supplement the diet of ratswith a component of coffee as a result the animals brains were shielded againstthe changes that take place in the brain which are typical of alzheimer'ssufferers they also cited 2013 stay in

which another experiment found the samecompound to have protective effects against parkinson's disease in mousemodels definitely some intriguing research that warrants furtherinvestigation but it's interesting to see that science is shedding light on adrink that has always been used as a device to receive a quick energy boostanother example comes in the form of colon cancer treatment among people whohave staged three colon cancer drinking at least four cups of coffeedaily actually reduce the risk of cancer recurrence or death by more than 50%drinking at least two cups a day lower the risk by 31% source i 2007 betteranalysis found that drinking two cups of

coffee per day was associated with a 43percent reduced risk of liver cancer which has also been confirmed by variousother research source another meta analysis that look at 59th studies foundthat drinking one cup of coffee per day was associated with a three percentreduced risk of cancer and there is even research claiming that coffee can lowertheir risk of skin cancer sole-source coffee has also beenimplicated in lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes and many researchers agreethat it is likely that compound found within puffy have the potential to lowerthe risk of multiple chronic diseases the researchers hypothesis is that thefactors that increase risk for type 2

diabetes such as obesity a sedentarylifestyle and high insulin levels also drive colon cancer dr said and many studies have shown that coffeeconsumption is associated with a lower risk for type 2 diabetes a chronicillness that may increase the risk of colon cancer we believe that activatingthe energy pathways that contribute to heart disease and diabetes is alsorelevant for the proliferation of cancer self dr fuchs said while also stressingthat more research was needed the analysis determined allowed riskassociated with kathy was entirely because of the caffeine one huh

is that caffeine increases the body'ssensitivity to insulin so it requires less of the hormone that in turn mayreduce inflammation which is a risk factor for diabetes and cancer there arealso a number of studies showing coffee can assist with heart health multiple sclerosis parkinson's diseasedementia and premature death source that being said many otherstudies have suggested that coffee consumption might actually increase yourcancer risk but when that analyzes like the one mentioned above are down theassociation seems to vanish and coffee instead becomes protective obviously wewould not recommend getting your coffee

from a starbucks or tim hortons based onall of our research into pesticide accumulation we strongly recommendpremium single-source fair trade coffee and tea organic is prime conventionalcoffee is often grown using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides with the aidof genetically modified organisms it is also processed and packaged with manychemicals anything with synthetic fertilizers herbicides pesticidesartificial flavorings or preservatives should really be avoided what are yourthoughts are you a coffee drinker if so do you notice a difference between whenyou do drink coffee and don't doesn't do anything for you

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