Friday, 17 February 2017

Breast Cancer Charity

is there a supernaturaldimension? a world beyond the one we know? is there life after death? do angels exist? can our dreams contain messagesfrom heaven? can we tap into ancient secretsof the supernatural? are healing miracles real? sid roth has spent over 35 yearsresearching the strange world of the supernatural.

join sid for this edition ofit's supernatural. [applause] sid: welcome to my world whereit's naturally supernatural. my guest has moved for manyyears in miracles, sometimes a creative miracle. but something just happened tohim and there's an explosion of creative miracles. he just back from argentina andin a matter of minutes 60 people had creative miracles, i mean,new organs,

and he says it's transferable. anyone interested? now apostle guillermo maldonado,you said that god spoke to you recently about body parts. what did he say? apostle maldonado: i have seenfor 25 years healing miracles, signs, wonders, but i had neverseen this kind of creative realm come upon the ministry. so three months ago, the lordsaid, "i want you to release

angels and when you releaseangels they will bring body parts from heaven and put itinto people." sid: because of miracles, iunderstand you probably had a million people make professionsof faith in this last year. apostle maldonado: i went topakistan and we had 1.2 million people, and 95 percent of thosepeople were unbelievers and they came because we announcedmiracles, and that's what they did. they said our god is not,doesn't do miracles.

sid: most of them were probablymuslim. apostle maldonado: yes. so we want to see what this, ipreached on the cross and we started praying for miracles,and there were thousands upon thousands, upon thousands, uponthousands, and as a result, i would say 900,000 raised theirhand and they gave their life to jesus. sid: you know, this is comingand it's not just coming to apostle maldonado.

it's not just coming to me. it's not just coming totelevision personalities. it is anyone that has thesuperstar, jesus, living inside of them. do you have the superstar insideof you? sid: anyone interested here inseeing a video clip of these miracles? let's go. woman: the doctorsaid i had a scoliosis and i had

a missing rib. i also want to say that i didn'twant to come up, but when i closed my eyes, god showed melike an x-ray of my ribs. and then you said about creativemiracles, and then mom said, "go up for your rib." and then i went up, and then ijust felt my legs wouldn't stop shaking. apostle maldonado: so what didyou feel? woman: well i checked her beforeto make sure what

she has already. and then after praying i checkedagain and i felt the missing rib here. apostle maldonado: soyou saw an angel. my god! feel the presence of god. woman: i saw the hands of anangel placing something in here and i felt the heat. and so when the doctor protectedme over here.

he turned me around like mydoctor would and had me swallow, and he said he felt the rightside of the thyroid. apostle maldonado: and she camehere today. she says the doctor told herthat you said a word that god was giving somebody brand newkidneys. she got a hold of that word. the power of god came over her. she says, "i felt afire in my womb." and even her skinhas begun to lighten up

because it was too dark becauseof the kidney failure. woman: i couldn't stand. i couldn't walk. i couldn't pick up my son. apostle maldonado: wow. what happened tonight, daughter? woman: i felt the fire of god. apostle maldonado: and what didhe change? woman: my hands were so dark.

and look, they're brown.-------on top of your kidneys. they had to be removed. apostle maldonado: how long ago? woman: since i was born, twoweeks. after i was born i believe theytook them out, and i've been taking medicationever since. i just felt something push. apostle maldonado: somethingpushing you. woman: yes.

woman: and mykidneys are here. i can feel. i've waited for this 26 years. narrator: in the past yearalone, we have seen over 5000 documented miracles. god is the same yesterday, todayand forever. the supernatural is visiblyevident now. sid: you know, i just, wheni see something like that, i felt such compassionwhen i saw some of those people

testify and i can, not almost, isee tears in your eyes. you were there and you're stilltearing up over it. i believe, sid, that the pathwayto the supernatural is love. when moved, jesus to do themiracles wasn't faith. when moved, jesus, themotivation behind those miracles was love. faith works with love and i haveseen the most incredible miracles when i see thatcompassion falling upon people and it's incredible.

i've been doing supernaturalencounters and i went to mexico. there was an arena for 20,000people and 42,000 people came to the arena. we couldn't fit them in there,so we got 22,000 people outside waiting online, three a.m. in the morning. sid: people are sick andhurting, and hungry. apostle maldonado: andunfortunately, the church cannot supply because it's just alittle teaching and preaching.

there's no miracles. there's no manifestation. but this is what happened, sid. as the presence of god came, asthe holy spirit came, i heard the shouts of theushers saying, "apostle, apostle, people aregetting up in wheelchairs." and suddenly i see a mass of 14people pushing the wheelchairs coming to the stage, came fromthe second floor, third floor, 14 wheelchairs.

sid: you didn't even lay handson them. apostle maldonado: i didn't eventouch them. i didn't even pray. they just came running. and it was so, and most of thosepeople they were missing organs in their bodies, fingers, bones,i mean, all kinds of. they sent them to die and injust an instant, 14 wheelchairs got up. sid: you know what?

apostle maldonado: i believe thepower of god is not based in a personality. the powerof god is based on truth. so as long as you know the truthand that truth is revealed to you, you will move in miracles,signs and wonders. you will cast out demons andthis is the time for every believer to move in miracles. sid: guess what? not only that, people aregetting healed. you've seen the reports thatcome in.

people are getting healed justwatching television. you know, christian televisionhas become mostly entertainment. i want to be a flow of god'sspirit, a flow of god's glory. get ready. we're going to be right back. we'll be right back to it'ssupernatural. we now return to it'ssupernatural. sid: now you saythat god's word is simple, practicaland powerful.

apostle maldonado: i believe,sid, that it's simple when you understand you have power andauthority, when you understand and got the revelation who youare in god. as a believer, as it said in thebeginning, the power of god is not based on personality. the power of god isbased on truth. if you know the word, ifyou know the truth you will do miracles. i've seen all kinds of people,young people, adults, moving in

miracles and they don't have anygift because the tradition is well you have to have a gift. well if you got the truth that'senough to do miracles. sid: you mean, tell me about atransfer of this resurrection power. tell me about reverend paul fromindia and the nurse with the brain tumor. apostle maldonado: this pastorcame from india. as he was activated i laid handson him.

i speak the word, he got theimpartation. he went back to india and awoman, her baby died and i called him, as soon as he gotfrom miami to india. man: and i saidgod is going to raise her up. and i began to pray for her inthe telephone, and i began to call out and said, "in the nameof jesus, come back to life. i come against every spirit ofdeath in the name of jesus." and i prayed and i hanged thephone. apostle maldonado:so he prayed to rebuke the

spirit of death. her baby came back to life. so now, sid, this is not aperson, he's not known. he got a nice size church, butit's not known. again, we're going back intomark 16:15. if we preach the word do webelieve the resurrection, do you believe jesus is alive now. see, what happened is if you askme a question why the church is not moving in miracles, i wouldsay that we preach

an historical god. miracles doesn't happen in thepast, miracles doesn't happen in the future, miracles happen now. sid: tell me about the nursewith the brain tumor. apostle maldonado: she washealed. it was a terminal disease andshe's watching me by television, and she was healed. she was delivered. and then now she came to one myschools.

she was activated and went back. and there's a baby that died inthe hospital, and she said, "i rebuke the spirit of death." and that baby came back to life. sid: this nurse works withbabies that are not expected to live and she has this miracleanointing. and people are getting this overthe tv. they're having their ownmiracles over television. you told me that god spoke toyou that there was a portal

opening for creative miracles. tell me about that. apostle maldonado: okay. the lord spoke to me. he said, "you've been seeing." he gave me a foretaste of thosecreative miracles. i saw a lot of creativemiracles. i saw deliverance, the wholething on the supernatural. but in this time he said,"there's a portal open over your

ministry and for you to impartto my people." that's the key, because again,we're not talking about celebrity. we're talking about the people,any believer moving in the supernatural. so i saw the shift in it. i saw the shift and whenever yousee somebody that's missing a breast and the breast grew back,and whenever you see flesh and bones growing, akidney, it's powerful.

so i saw the shift and theamount, and the creative in it. sid: all right. last monthyou were in argentina. tell me what you sawwith your eyes. apostle maldonado:one of my churches in argentina, 27,000 people in the stadium. and thensuddenly the spirit of god said, "you to ministercreative ministers." and i just prayed like two orthree minutes because the portal on my life, that portal createdthe realm,

the realm of creative. so i just prayed. i said, "god, create miracles"and i released it. sid, we documented. it took 15 minutes, 15 minutes. sid: fifteen minutes. apostle maldonado: fifteenminutes to have in the altar the first testimony and then we havea line of people. and then we counted.

we got doctors and our people,60 creative new organs. the first lady, she wasstanding, and the first lady, she said, "oh my god, mybreasts," she said, "my breasts were removedbecause of cancer." and there's another lady, shesaid, "my god, adrenal gland," she said had been removed. and she had a hole here. and she said, "i didn't have theeardrum. i was born without it.

i couldn't hear." so suddenly, shestarts screaming, "i can hear! i can hear!" and she said,"i don't have the hole anymore. the lord put the gland in." and just like that, 60 miracles. god will do it to those peoplethat are watching. sid: you told me that was allyou had time to document. there are many more.

apostle maldonado: oh yes. we got lines and linesof people waiting. and god will do it forthose people that are watching. are you ready for it? sid: jesus used the casting outof demons to announce, that was his advertising. he didn't have the internet andall the things we have today. but he had something morepowerful. he used the casting out ofdemons to illustrate the fact

that the kingdom of god has comeon earth. now i'm taking you back manyyears, guillermo. early in your ministry, you,like myself, like everyone, had many questions. you would wonder why people whowere believers were addicted to things like pornography andalcohol, and things like that, where people would have fears,unreasonable fears they couldn't shake. he had all these questions andgod answered you.

apostle maldonado: the answerwas that there was a missing ingredient. even in my leadership i didn'tsee the church in the ministry grow. and the lord said the missingingredient is the ministry of deliverance. sid: for some people this iskind of new because that whole ministry, which was the thingjesus emphasized, has been set aside.

would you define for medeliverance. apostle maldonado: deliveranceis a permanent removing of influences and demonicoppressions from the person, either from the mind, emotions,and will from the soul, is removing, is the removal ofthose things, especially believers. and i believe jesus ministersfour stages: preaching, teaching, healing and castingout demons. today we do preaching andteaching, not healing, a little

bit, and casting out demons, no,we don't want to do it. and how come we can identifywith the ministry of the jesus? i would not be ashamed to do thedeliverance. i was not ministeringdeliverance. i was just preaching the kingdombecause when you preach the kingdom the sign of thepreaching of the kingdom is the casting out demons. so there's a confrontation,there's a conflict between two kingdoms.

and believers are manifestingand being delivered. sid: i have heard people saychristians can't have demons. apostle maldonado: well theycannot be possessed. possession and demonization istotally different. there's two terms. possession is ownership. demonization is influence. sid: didn't jesus cast out aspirit of infirmity? apostle maldonado: yes, that'swhat i'm saying.

there's influence. but i'm ministering in thischurch and i see people being delivered, and he cut me off. and i said, "listen, jesus'blood paid for that person to be delivered." sid: find out morewhen we come back. we'll be right backto it's supernatural. sid: our spirit is savedinstantly. but you believe it takes alifetime to work out your

salvation. apostle maldonado: the soul isbeing transformed, being changed andbeing delivered. in other words,it's not instant. our spiritis being saved. the holy spirit lives there. so that's what i don't believe. a christian can be possessed bya demon, but can be influenced in some areas.

for example, i've been in aplace when the lord said to me, "i want you to call every personthat is sick in their body and the doctors cannot find thecause of that sickness." usually, sid, when that happensis a demon because they don't have any detectors, supernaturaldetectors to say it's a demon. doctors can say that. unless you have discernment, youcan't discern if it's a demon. so usually when i rebuke thespirit of sickness the person is instantly healed.

sid: you say that we shouldstart acting like jesus. how did jesus act? apostle maldonado: well jesusacted as the son of god, anointed by the holy spirit. he left behind his glory. nowhe's acting in the power of god. but we all, every believer hasthe power and the authority to cast out demons because so manypeople are afraid. no, i'm afraid. sid: why are people so afraid ofdemons?

apostle maldonado: becausethere's a tradition in theology and doctrines that if you layhands on people that demon will jump on you. wait a minute, greater is hethat is in me that is in the world. let's go to the scripture. the lord has given us, sid, andthose people that are watching, the lord has given us power, theability, divine ability, and god has given us the authority: luke10:19, matthew 28:19.

in other words, we got both. we got the ability and we gotthe legal right, the authorization to use the power. any believer has the power andthe authority to cast out demons. you don't have to be asuperstar. sid: right now, i want you,there are people that they're believers, butthey're not free. i want you to pray a prayer forfreedom for those

that are watching. i want you to pray it. we have a large number of prayerrequests. let's hold on to this and youpray for freedom for people watching and these people to behealed. apostle maldonado: father, inthe name of jesus, can we start praying inthe holy spirit. father, in the name of jesus, ithank you, father. i release that anointing fordeliverance, freedom, those that

are bound, those that areaddicted to alcohol, those that are addicted to food, those thatare addicted in depression and oppression. in the name of jesus, right nowi set you free. any spirit of sickness in theirbodies, be healed, be delivered right now. go in the name of jesus. i see somebody tryingto commit suicide. god is delivering you now.

i see somebody that is you'vebeen in depression for 15 years. you've taken medication. god is setting you free in thename of jesus. god is doing something verypowerful. there is someone strugglingwith alcohol. you're struggling with alcohol. god is setting you free. in the name of jesus, theanointing is destroying the yoke right now.

be free in the name of the lordjesus christ. amen and amen. sid: do you realize you aregod's ambassador and as an ambassador you need to be fullyequipped. and anything in thebook, it's yours. every promise inthat book, it's yours. if jesus is your messiah andlord, and if he's not, tell him you're sorry for your sins, askhim to cleanse you by his blood, and come live inside of you andtake over your life.

say, thank you, lord jesus. sid: next week on it'ssupernatural. so many forbidden doors havebeen opened because of sin, and especially sexual sin,pornography, so many open doors that need to be closed. but my guest had a revelationfrom god on how to do it, and it's so simple. it's unbelievably simple and youcan do it for yourself, and you can do it for the thousands, andi say thousands that are going

to be lined up at your door. your gifts to this ministry willhelp sid air it's supernatural in israel 28 times a week anddistribute his evangelistic book to the jewish people worldwide. ♪♪

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