Thursday, 16 February 2017

Breast Cancer Care Uk

thank you everyone for having me forthis learning challenge i'm just gonna tell you about i'm going to talk for about 30 to 35minutes today after that we have about 15 to 20 minutes q&a so hold yourquestions until then and i just make your aware that some things i tell you today may surprise you and may even shock you but i'm only here to give youtruth i'm not here to tell anyone what to dohow to feel how to think everything i bring you here is fact it's not just myopinion. now i'll tell you some quick things about myself myself my name is martin of the youtubechannel just over 10,000 subscribers and

i use my youtube channel to promote mylifestyle because i've had a dramatic change of lifestyle in the last two tothree years i'll get into that bit more but firstwe're gonna play gonna a game and i need you all to participate as you can see on the screenor two circles now despite what your initial thoughts might be they're notthe same size ones bigger than the other well those that are the front may have anadvantage by i want you all to tell me which is you things biggest who herethinks the red ones biggest ok who here thinks that the blue one isbiggest okay now before i said one was bigger than the other who here thought that theywere definitely the same size

yeah the reason you probably feel thatis because they are the same size they're completely identical but yeah igot pretty much everyone in this room to decide that they were so what was thepoint of that what the point was is you to prove that you can be manipulated just like that to make a choice againstyour natural instinct i mean what if we were told a lie like ijust told you then from birth and we were told it again andagain and then that kind of just becomes part of normality / part of ourreality and then it gets told all around it gets told all around bristolclevedon england it just becomes part

of culture and then that story thatlie it gets passed on through the generations and it becomes parttradition but we know from certain things that happened in the past thattradition isn't always morally acceptable look at slavery for example does anyone look back at that and think it was morally acceptable no, but because of alie that was told for 400 years and it was made became part of tradition everyone believed it was ok but we knowis a lie now here's a few more lies but yet these are things that we've beentold since birth and been made to

believe they are one hundred percenttrue now we're going to play another gamenow and this i want you to say the first thing thatcomes to your mind - keep it clean, when you see this picture. say it, shout out whatever strawberry strawberry yeah because it isstrawberries. if i had some strawberries here on the table what would you think what you want to do?eat them yeah would your mouth starts to salivate at the sight of it? if someone got up or one of you gotup and started eating them would anyone think that was weird what if i got a strawberry and stuck it underyour nose what would you smell?

you'd smell a strawberry what if i got a strawberry, cut it open and stuck it under your nose what would you smell? you'd smell a strawberry. so we see that the sensations are consistent you see a strawberry, you smell a strawberry you taste a strawberry because it is a strawberry now i want you to tell me what comes tomind when you see this picture yeah there's always a few to say baconand that of course i was expecting that yeah so we see a pig there aresome percentage that may see bacon or just say it as a joke

what if i had to pig running aroundhere little piglet running around what would you wanna do? yeah of course lets be fair we'd want tostroke it would be interested some people may even be scared who knows butwhat would you see it with your mouth start to salivate? that'd be pretty weird if we did if wesaw someone drooling because the pigs running around what if someone got up grabbed that pig and took a bite would we think that was weird? yeah of course you would if i get thatpig and shove it under your nose you smell pig, it might be stinky i don't know what if got the pig

cut that in half and stuck that under your nose then what do you smell? blood, death a rotting corpse because that's what it is now for those of you that did see anysort of animal products or bacon and that what do you see in this picture why don't you see food why don't we eat dogs? because let's have a look is that actually any difference between thesetwo animals or is there more similarities? i mean let'stake a look they have - like us, ears to hear nose to smell, eyes to see they have a mouth to taste and communicate. they have a heart that beats they have a brain that thinks and theyhave feelings but how do we know if we

have feelings, if we saw a pig or a doghere on the floor how would we know if he was happy forexample what would it do? wag its tail, jump around and make a cute sound how do we know if it's in painlet's take a simple example let's say we had a bunsen burner flame if i caught myhand in it how would you know if i was in pain fromit yeah much swear take my hand out hold it, put it under the water what about the dog if it caught its paw in a flame what would it do? yeah it might make that sound it would give you the signs what about apig would it do any different?

squeal. yeah it would run away and give us the signs what if got the strawberry and put it in the flame it would melt right? it would burn, it wouldn't even beable to get itself out of the flame why? it doesn't have a nervous systemlike these animals do and that we animals do that's what tells are brain that we'refeeling pain now the main difference that we've been toldabout these really is that we are supposed to love one and kill another. but what's natural to us as humans? when we look at this do we look at them and seea food product? is it natural to kill one and not the other? or is it naturalto kill both or is it natural to kill neither the latter i think andbelieve me when i say that we are

killing animals like pigs across theworld in unbelievably large numbers we are killing around 100 billionland animals every year across this planet cows pigs lambs chickens and we'rekilling 2.7 trillion marine animals and not only are we killing themits how we're treating them when they are alive we're imprisoning them we're branding themwere cutting off their horns burning off their beaks cutting off their teeth testicles cutting off their tails how is it as clearlycompassionate beings who see the animals and you know want to stroke them,how is it that we can have so much

hatred towards them because it's clearthat all compassionate i mean were we born compassionate? i'm pretty sure that as babies, as toddlerswe have no discrimination against any other being we don't care if the skincolour is different we don't care if their ages different what shapethey are what size they are but we're taught speciesism nowspeciesism just like racism and sexism is a form of discrimination but it'sbetween species and what we do as humans we believe that we are better than theseanimals we believe that we are superior but howcan we call ourselves the ones that do the murdering how can we call ourselvesbetter than the ones that are the victims

how can the murder be better than thevictim and we have this arrogance to say "it's my meat, it's my milk" but westole that from an animal it was never ours also as well if you put it inperspective bees as a typical example if bees assmall as they are if they're extinct from this planet humans will die shortly after if antswent extinct the whole ecosystem would collapse that's howimportant those are but if humans were to become extinct all other plant life and animal lifewould do much better without us because

we're destroying the planet and we'redestroying the animals an alarming rate and it isn't just the animals likepeople think in the meat industry only a lot of people think because an egg ormilk is a product that comes from an animal and necessarily don't have to kill itto get the product they think well there's no harm done but if anything they're worse eggs forexample every hen as soon as it is born has its beak burnt off. imagine having an iron and pressed against your face to burn off your nose that's what happens to absolutely everysingle one the male chicks however they

don't lay eggs so as far as an industry is concernedthey don't make money to them so they are killed the day that they are born either thrown into bags and suffocated or dropped in a grinder and ground up aliveon the day they were born within hours and every egg bought supports this. this isindustry standard this is what they do across the board and dairy is just asbad as well now some people think that dairy cowsthey just produce milk magically for us but they're mammals and just like us toproduce the milk they need to be pregnant and just like us to getpregnant

a male and a female have to mate but asthey run an industry and they want to make money theydon't want to wait around for a bull and a female cow to have sex together so what do they do? they force nature, withartificial insemination they get their arm with the bull semen and shove itstraight inside the vagina of a cow and they plant the bull semen to get herpregnant so basically they're sexually violating another being against its willwhich is basically rape people might say well that's a bit of a harsh term but even inthe dairy industry in the usa they call it a rape rack the apparatusthat they use that goes to show

exactly what they're doing andeventually once they're pregnant that milk will start to flow after a fewmonths and they're strapped into a machine three times a day for seven outof nine months imagine doing that to a pregnant woman. what do we think pregnant women we know they're delicate they're just asdelicate but yet we're doing that to them three times a day seven out of ninemonths and then of course the day comes when they're due to give birth to theirbaby and of course naturally in nature the baby would come out the mother'smilk which he had created and produced just for the baby the baby will feed but ifthat was to happen then they wouldn't be

able to sell that milk to us so theydrag that baby away on the day it is born away from her mother and its mother willscream like any mother would she will scream and she will scream for days after seeing her baby dragged away. now thisis one of the things that made me rethink my choices this is one of the darkest secrets whichi just didn't know even though it is obvious and as the days go by months go by and they do it all again they'll rape her again they will take hermilk again and they will take her baby

away again and they will repeat this cycleagain and again and again until her body gives out after about four or five yearsand she doesn't produce any milk so therefore they think they can't make any money out of her they slaughter her so all dairy cows meetslaughter too it's not just the beef cows as for the female calf the same willhappen to her as she will be a female and be able to produce milk she will get impregnated she will get hermilk taken from her she will have a babies taken that's what the life is for a female cowwhereas for the male calves it is a bit

different one of three options willhappen in the uk if they find that they can't do anythingwith the male calf and they think right we've got to do something about itwe can't make any money to shoot him in the head on the day he is born or they may besell him for beef or a more popular option around the world not so much inthe uk i'll tell you why in a minute is they put him in this pen chained up feed him an iron deficient diet and kill him after six months and that's what we call vealand a lot of people in the uk frown upon veal that's why it's not such a bigindustry but veal only exists because of dairy so if anyone you know or any of you guyshave an opinion about veal as a bad

meat and unethical it only existsbecause of dairy every bit of dairy contributes to this so we're killingbabies and it's not just there it's across the board cows for beef are killed after 18 months pigsand lamb killed after six months chickens the layer hens are killedafter 18 months when they can't lay anymore eggs and chickens are killed for meatafter only 42 days that's six weeks why are we killing so many babies? idon't tell you this stuff to guilt you guys out i really don't because i used todo it for 30 years i tell you to give you theinformation that i didn't have as a

teenager so you can make informed decisions tohelp change this now i'm going to show you a little video andin this video you will see a true representation of what happens for overninety percent of the meat dairy and eggs that is produced in this countryand is not the worst the standards you see in fact are actually from some ofthe highest uk standards in england it is graphic there is graphic footage andit may upset some of you and you may want to look away but let me just putthis to you before you even think of looking away that if it's not good enoughfor your eyes then why is it good enough

to put in your mouth now i know that stuttered a bit due to the player onthere but let me assure you for what you saw there that's not isolated incidents thats industry standards and a lot of people see this and the initialreactions is why is this happening well the reason is happening because wevote for it to happen with the money we pay the choices we make we vote foranimals to be tortured imprisoned and killed but we're not killers we've seen from the kind of test we didearlier the pig we're compassionate but

where did it go wrong along the waybecause we're not carnivores in fact we're actually closest to herbivores anda lot of people making but we're omnivores well we only eat that way and ourbodies are somehow adapting but physiologically speaking we are closestto herbivores we don't have any claws for example that's a clear trait of carnivores andomnivores our teeth are different our teeth are broad short and blunt andalso i know people say but we got canines and that our canines is it just forthe harder foods nuts apples carrots they're not going to be ripping intoflesh and breaking it off just like a lion

would or a dog's would and plus our jawsmove differently as well everyone move your jaws see? yeah we go fromside to side for grinding whereas a carnivore and omnivore they're just chomping down rip and swallowrip and swallow their intestines are different as well carnivores intestines are about three tosix times the length of their torso this middle bit here and as they producemore hydrochloric acid as well that means they break down foods like meat a lotquicker and push it through their system it's why they don't get heart disease and alsoour intestines they're about anywhere

between 7 to 13 times the length ofour torso for herbivores what that means is meat when it gets in there, it stays in our system longer and that's why the saturated fat andcholesterol from meat gets in to our veins and clogs them upand causes heart disease do we ever see carnivore getting heart disease like a lion or dog no we don't we're eating the wrongstuff for our body now let's take a look exactly what thisstuff is meat dairy and eggs now meat simply put is blood flesh veins tendons and muscles

it's the cut up dead body of an animalbut yeah what do we do we cook it we season it we put salt in it and wecall it beef pork we basically transform it from the dead animal it once was to convince us it's a food product really that's what we're doing now thisis a fake image its like a zombie picture but that's like what we are literallydoing but we've transformed the process it makes no sense another thing thatmakes no sense how old are you guys 13? 14? but yet you're still breastfeeding you love a bit of breastmilk don't you? because this is you guys right? again this is a doctor picture but cut outthe middle man that's pretty much what

we're doing why are we breastfeeding from a cow, really?what about elephant milk? rhino milk? cat milk?dog milk? chimpanzee milk? chimps are closer to us ona dna level surely that makes more sense right? no! we shouldn't be drinking milkpast infancy let alone from any other species we are the only species that does it but yet we've been made to believethat's what we need this is what's in milk though hormonesantibiotics blood and pus yes the same stuff they get squeezed outof your face puss that goes into there because when they'restrapped into machines introduces an

infection called mastitis and that leaches pus into the milk and that goes straight into the milk and in the uk the legal limit forpus in milk is 400 million pus cells per litre hat's going on your corn flakes in yourcups of tea and coffee a lot of people say "but it's pasteurised" that doesn'tremove it, it sanitizes it and a lot of people say "don't we need thisfor calcium?" there are so many other sources forcalcium lots of green vegetables pretty much most plants contain calciumon some level if not you've got replacementmilks as well hemp milk soy milk

almond milk coconut milk and that's justto name a few and i guarantee you will find one that you like coconutalmond soy are probably my three favorite cow's milk simply put it's designed fora baby cow is meant to turn a 90-pound calf into a 500 pound cow within a year so why are we putting that in our bodies because it'sgot growth hormones in it it's meant to grow that cow you put in our bodies andit grows things like tumors or can help with weight gain it's backwards that we'rehaving this and another thing that's backwards

the thing that you love eating no doubtis what comes out of a chicken's bum and yes it is a chicken but this is called acloaca it's a multi-purpose hole for a chickento push out its poo its wee it's vaginal fluid and it pushes out thething that you like to fry scramble and hard boil. but what are eggs though? simply put they are the end product ofthe female chickens menstrual cycle in other words they are a hen's period why are we eating a hen's period especially why are we eating periods that come out the same hole that poo andwee does is it not disgusting? so let's evaluate what let's see whatwe're eating on average

we're eating blood flesh veins tendonsmuscles were eating hormone pus and antibiotic filled cow's milk and we're eatinga hen's period that comes out the same hole poo and wee does and we're convinced somehowthat this stuff is healthy for us and that we need and it's meant for us and. as far as species go we are the dumbest when it comes to dieteating these sort of things because no wonder really we're getting sick andsuffering from so many chronic diseases across the world now here's a list of deaths in the uk now this is been put together bymultiple doctors around the world and

what they found that the vegan diet canprevent all of these and this is from going through all of the medicaljournals and studies that have been published all around the world invarious languages as well and i'll give you an example of how this works withheart disease it's the number two killer in the uk number one around the worldand what the studies and research has shown that when someone suffering fromheart disease was put on a vegan diet the body just healed. heart disease is whenthe arteries get clogged up from saturated fat and cholesterol is like aplaquey like substance that builds up in there but that just cleared our body just one instance and

this is quoted from one of those medicaljournals of saying one person went from not being able to walk 9 to 10-foot tobe able to climb mountains within a matter of weeks i mean how is it possible that thenumber one killer around the world heart disease that the one disease that manypeople just give up on as soon as they find out they have it or they just go onto medication to prolongtheir inevitable death how is it that we can prevent that wellthe vegan diet has no cholesterol and if you cut out meat dairy and eggs you'recutting out about ninety-five percent of the

saturated fat you would have so what we're doing we're just lettingour bodies heal. typical example let's say you go outside and you fall over andyou graze your knee, the knee bleeds if you leave it scabs over, grows new skin you healbut if you keep grazing that knee it starts to heal, keep grazing that knee and keep grazing it and you just graze and graze you're stopping your body fromhealing you're re-damaging yourself inexactly the same way and that's what's happening with these diseases we're re-damaging ourselves. so people who maybe get heart disease and then eat thisstuff they're just not giving themselves

a fighting chance the research has also shown that the vegan diet can help treat these diseases and help reverse these diseases includingthe top two there have been numerous thousands ofcases where cancer and heart disease patients have been put on a vegan dietand they've completely gone back to normal and the vegan diet does this because itprovides everything all the nutrients all the minerals all the vitamins evenprotein and if anyone was going to have that as a question and they probablylook at me and think where does he get his protein it's in every single plant there is onthis planet

you would struggle to not get it in factdo these guys look like they struggle with protein look at the size of themwhat do they all they all eat plants they're all herbivores just like us and in fact only breast milk containsabout six percent protein and that's when we do our most growing all fruits andvegetables contain about five to ten percent protein and nuts seeds beans lentils contain higher amounts and then any ofthe replacement vegan milks or vegan cheeses vegan meat they contain highamounts as well so you can get plenty of

protein you can get everything you needand it will taste delicious these are some of the foods that you caneat now all of these i can vouch for apart from some of the cheeses i've triedevery single thing here you've got burgers you got things that taste likechicken burgers chicken nuggets pies vegan fish fingers sausage rolls some of these are in pretty much all ofthe supermarket's some places like holland and barrett a better to go to, ocadoare really good for vegan food all of this stuff now this is only if you want toreplicate the taste if you feel that you want to eat burgers i don't eat that muchof this

it's not the healthiest but incomparison to the meat or dairy counterparts it's you know it's a lot healthier andchips that's what i can't believe chips breadpasta these simple things which people think they'd miss out on they're all vegan some of the otherstuff as well all the sweets biscuits crackers chocolate cakes all of this i realize it's unhealthy and iwouldn't recommend eating this all the time but i'm showing you that it's available

the healthy stuff is fruits vegetableswhole foods nothing refined nothing processed that'sthe stuff that's going to make your body work as it's best and not struggle as muchand you know this isn't something that only certain people are eatingpeople all around the world are eating this, over half a million people in the uk areeating a vegan diet and there's lots of famous people too liam hemsworth he's vegan from the hunger games i'll go fromthese top to bottom left to right kerry mccarthy bristol west mp david hayeprofessional heavyweight boxer jenna marbles youtube big youtuber 16million subscribers russell martin

scottish international footballer miley cyrus musician and very outspokenanimal activist as well brad pitt actor tim shieff i've actually gotto know this guy he's a two-time world parkour champion venus and serenawilliams the tennis champions peter dinklage from game of thronesnatalie portman hollywood actress this guy here patrick baboumian he's aworld strongman record holder and he broke 4 world records as a vegan so anyprotein argument you can just go and ask him jme london rapper and bottom right natediaz for those you that know mixed martial arts

he beat the very fancied champion conormcgregor and he did it as a vegan and the reason why so many people are findingthis lifestyle so beneficial is because of the ethics they don't want to harmanimals they realize that that's what is wrong thing to do because of the healththey realize is the optimum diet but arguably probably the biggest reason whypeople not the reason why comfortable most important reason is because of whatit is doing to the planet animal agriculture is literally destroying thisplanet right now we're growingaround enough food to feed 10 billion people but there's only 7.5billion people on the planet so what

happens to all that food? well we're using it through the animalswere feeding plants to animals to get their meat but we get less food pound forpound i'll give an example. a 1.5 acre area ofland which can get you 375 pounds of meat will get you 37,000 pounds ofvegetables nearly a hundred times as much we're wasting all of that food through animalsand there's nearly 800 million starving people around the planet and we're using45 percent of the earth's land just the farm animals we're also using a thirdof water a quarter pounder burger takes up 660gallons

you would have to not shower for twomonths to save that same amount of water we're also destroying the rainforest withninety-one percent of the rainforest destroyed for animal agriculture we're cutting down a football pitch sizeevery second just to farm more animals and that considering the amount of oxygen itprovides combined with the waste and toxic chemicals of carbon dioxide andmethane that comes from the animals has made people realize that animalagriculture is the leading cause of the greenhouse gases affecting this planetcontributing 51-percent all transport combined only contributes to 13% but yet we're told to walk

somewhere or get a bike it's also destroying not just our landand our air it's destroying our oceans now because of all the waste that animalsproduce this is basically a farm in american and those are all animals and thisis their waste from their poo their wee it's toxic there's blood in there as well thatgets into our rivers which gets into our oceans and it causes, it's caused over 500nitrogen flooded dead zones in the ocean that's 95,000 square miles in totalof the ocean that is devoid of life nothing can live there is too toxic we're destroying this ocean and if theocean dies we all die because it

provides eighty percent of our oxygen that's why i stress is on to you. some haveeven predicted that at the current rate of environmental destruction that no childunder five years old will see their retirement age this affects all of our futures doesn'tmatter what age you are that's why i'm here today because i wantto stress the importance to you i didn't have this information when i was young. i lovedanimals, we all grew up loving animals and i know without having known any one ofyou that you're all good compassionate people if you went outside of school yousaw someone kicking a dog you'd no doubt

do your best to have something doneabout it to make it stop but you know what we don't have towait for anything to change we don't need any laws to change anyone tobe voted in we have the power ourselves it's allgood and well having good intentions but we need to put them into our choices ouractions veganism isn't about changing who youare it's just about changing what you do andevery day this is what you can do you can save 1,100 gallons of water 45 pounds of grain 30 square foot offorest 20 pounds of carbon dioxide and

one animal's life every single day justby changing the way you eat it's really that simple so be brave andget out there and make a difference thank you for your time thank foreveryone for listening today i really appreciate you listening with an open mind

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