Friday, 24 February 2017

Breast Cancer Herbal Treatment

by the time a man reaches 50 years of age,he has a 75% chance of having an enlarged prostateand a 33% chance of having prostate cancer. as hecontinues to age these numbers continue to worsen. it's an accepted medical fact thatif a man lives long enough, some kind of prostate problem is virtually guaranteed. prostate problems are not however, inevitable. there are six main causes of prostate problems.these are hormonal imbalances, cancer, zinc deficiency, cadmium toxicity, calcificationand infection. in this presentation, we will discuss eachof these 6 problems in detail, and then for

each problem, tell you which natural ingredientsare most effective at addressing that particular problem. should you want a product with all of theingredients for each of the problems we are about to discuss, they are available in theendosterol product, which i believe to be the finest prostate product available today. now let's begin with hormonal imbalances andcancer as these two problems are intimately related. up until his early thirties, a man producesmore testosterone than estrogen. yes, you heard right, men produce estrogen. this isnatural and nothing to worry about. men produce

estrogen... and women produce testosterone.the difference is that men make more testosterone than estrogen and women makemore estrogen then testosterone. it is this predominance of one hormone over the otherthat is responsible not just for the differences between male and female bodies, but also thedifferences between male and female personalities. unfortunately, as a man ages he make lessand less testosterone, and more and more estrogen, until by age 34, a man makes more estrogenthan testosterone. i call this a 'hormonal inversion'. this process accelerates with age so thatby the time a man is 60, he makes twice as

much estrogen as testosterone and by age 90,12 times as much. while somewhere in a man's fifties, this changeis officially labeled as andropause, which is... the male version of menopause... youcan see that the process actually starts in a man's mid thirties. a hormonal inversion can show up in many the sports world, a man's performance begins to suffer. this is why you don't seemany professional athletes at the top of theirgame past 40. muscle size and tone decreases and fatbegins to accumulate. this gives a man a softer more feminine appearance. in the businessworld, a man may begin to lose his competitive

edge. in relationships he becomes more general, as the hormonal inversion begins to takes hold, a man becomes more sensitiveand less aggressive... more feminine. regardlessof how you feel about the effect of female hormoneson your personality, the male body doesn't like it at all. in particular, thishormonal inversion wreaks havoc on a man's understand how hormonal inversion affects theprostate, we need to understand how the hormonal process takes place. hormonal inversion, or the dominance of estrogenover testosterone in man, is due to three

actions. first, as a man ages, he makes lesstestosterone. this is understandable as all hormones decrease in their productions withage. second, some of his testosterone begins turninginto di-hydro-testosterone or dht for short. this happens courtesy of an enzyme called5- alpha reductase whose job it is to convertgood testosterone into its evil counterpart dht. it's dht that is the main cause of hair lossand prostate enlargement. did you ever wonder why baldness is predominantlya male problem? it's because men make more testosterone then women and thus are at agreater risk of having that testosterone turn

into dht. the third cause of hormonal inversion is abit more bizarre. it turns out that there is an enzyme in a man's body called aromatasewhose function it is to convert testosterone into estrogen, and not just any kind of estrogen,because there are actually 3 different types of estrogen. this aromatase enzyme turns testosteroneinto the most powerful the three forms of estrogen, namely estradiol. thus as a man ages, he not only makes lesstestosterone, but what little testosterone hemakes his body then turns into dht and the estrogen estradiol. now we already know thedht causes hair loss and balding, ...what

does estradiol estrogen cause. aside fromfeminization of the body and personality, estradiol causes cancer, and most specificallyprostate cancer. so, just what are the odds of this happeningto any given man? as we said in the introduction, in terms ofprostate enlargement, by age 50, 75% of all men have an enlarged prostate and by age 50,33% have prostate cancer. prostate cancer is the most common non-skincancer in the united states and the second leading cause of death from cancer among after lung cancer. as a man gets older these numbers get muchworse, and if a man lives long enough, prostate enlargement and cancer are virtually guaranteed.

medical treatments for an enlarged prostateand prostate cancer often leave men in diapers, unable to ever have sex again. so, what do we as men need to? we need toincrease testosterone production, block the enzymes 5 alpha reductase and aromatase, andfind some way of dealing with a prostate that has already become cancerous. alternative medicine has identified many naturalingredients that can help us do this, but the best of all of them are beta sitosteroland ellagic acid. beta sitosterol suppresses both 5-alpha reductaseand aromatase so that takes care of dht and estrogen.

in terms of prostate cancer, animals treatedwith beta sitosterol, had 43% smaller tumors and had 1/2 the rate of metastasizes overuntreated animals. ellagic acid works by causing cancers cellsto actually self-destruct. the technical term forthis is aptosis. whenever a cell becomes cancerous, our dna instructs it to self-destruct.this is one of the most powerful safeguards wehave in preventing cancer. unfortunately, some cancer cells manage to block this signal.these are the cells that go on to grow and formtumors. what ellagic acid does is too reinstate the self-destruct signal in these cancer cells.

ellagic acid does this for all cancers butstudies show that it is particularly effective at this for prostate and breast cancers. so, what should we do, go out and buy somebeta sitosterol and ellagic acid? first, you need a concentrated source of betasitosterol, and even the saw palmetto berry, the plant recognized as one of the best sourcesof beta sitosterol, contains only 333 parts beta sitosterol per million. to get 1 gramof beta sitosterol from its saw palmetto, you would need to have over 6 and 1/2 poundsof saw palmetto berries. furthermore beta sitosterol is very poorlyabsorbed orally. less than 5% of what you take by mouth makes its way into the bloodstreamand then even less gets to the prostate itself.

thus to absorb 1 gram of beta sitosterol aday from saw palmetto, you would actually need to eat over 132 pounds of the berriesa day. ellagic acid is found in raspberries and pomegranates,but again we have the same problem with absorption and concentration. unless you have the digestive capacity ofa 500- pound mountain gorilla and you spent all day stuffing yourself with saw palmettoberries and raspberries, we need to get a concentrated source of beta sitosterol andellagic acid. so, the first two ingredients we chose toput in endosterol were concentrated forms of beta sitosterol and ellagic acid.

okay. that takes care of the first to problems,hormonal inversion and cancer. let's move onto number 3. the third cause of prostate problems is zincdeficiency. a zinc deficiency not only causes the prostateto operate less effectively, it can also cause it to enlarge. different organs in the body have differentrequirements for elements, and for the prostate, zinc is required. it may sound strange thatsome organs need more of one element than another but you already know of the most commonexample. it's called goiter. while the younger generation may not be as familiar with this,the older generation will be.

goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid glandin the neck due to insufficient iodine in the diet. iodine is a heavy element and raintypically washes it out of mountainous soil into the rivers and eventually the sea. peopleliving near the oceans who eat fish get all the iodine they needed but people who livein the mountains often became iodine deficient and can develop goiter. of course this isn'tseen much anymore in developed countries where iodineis added to table salt but it demonstrates the point. individual organs (or glands) havespecific mineral requirements and when they don't get what they need, they malfunctionand can enlarge. thus, prostate enlargement can be consideredprostate goiter.

unfortunately, zinc is not added to tablesalt like iodine is. this added to the fact that zinc becomes more difficult to absorbwith age leads to the widespread zinc deficiencies we see today. keeping in mind that we not only need to supplementwith zinc, but deliver it to the body in a highly absorbable form, the third ingredientin endosterol is pumpkin extract which is high in bioavailable zinc. the fourth cause of prostate problems is cadmiumtoxicity cadmium toxicity is actually related to zincdeficiency in the sense that low zinc levels can cause cadmium toxicity. cadmium is a toxicheavy metal commonly found in soft drinks,

seafood, cigarette smoke, plastics, watersofteners and other places. cadmium can cause chronic fatigue, hair loss,high blood pressure, arthritis and impotence and of course prostate problems. cadmium owes its unique ability to damagethe prostate to its similarity to the element zinc. now all beneficial elements have toxic analogs,poisonous elements that the body mistakes for the beneficial ones. this is due to similaritiesin the atomic radius and electrical charge of certain elements. thus the body mistakesaluminum for magnesium, lead for calcium, mercury for selenium and cadmium for zinc.

now the prostate needs zinc to function, andit is often zinc deficient, so when it sees some toxic cadmium floating by in the bloodstreamit thinks, oh good, here's some zinc, i need that and it gobbles it right up. in this mannerover time, cadmium accumulates begins causing problems. if a man were to take supplemental zinc hiswhole life, it would offer some protection against cadmium absorption, but even so, somecadmium is bound to make it to the prostate. the only way to deal with cadmium is to removeit with a chelator. a chelator is an ingredient that has a very strong attraction to a particularelement. if the attraction it has is stronger than the attraction the body has for thatelement, it can pull that element away from

the body. the safest and most effective cadmium chelatoris called edta. edta is an amino acid that has a fifty-year history of removing toxicmetals like cadmium from the body. once edta has attached itself to cadmium,the entire complex becomes water-soluble and will be eliminated harmlessly in the urinewithin a few hours. thus edta is the fourth ingredient in endosterol. the fifth cause of prostate problems is calciumdeposits in the prostate we've discussed cadmium, and we can agreethat it is a toxic metal, but what about calcium. isn't calcium vital for our health? absolutely.calcium keeps our bones and teeth healthy

and has many important roles to play in ourbiochemistry. what is not commonly known is that as we age, calcium migrates from the bones and teeth where itbelongs, into the soft tissues and organs of the body. when calcium does this, it turnsfrom a beneficial mineral to a pathological one. when calcium moves into the kidneys, we getkidney stones. when it deposits in the gall bladder, we get gallstones. when calcium migratesinto the arteries, we get arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis. when calcium gets intothe joints, we get arthritis, and when calcium gets into the prostate, we getprostatic calculi, also known as prostate

stones. in addition to being a gland, the prostateis also a small pump, and like any pump it needs to be free of debris to function we age, these tiny prostate stones accumulate reducing the prostates health and functionality. now there are two ways to remove prostatestones, the first is a medical procedure that involves a catheterization. ouch. the secondis with edta, which goes in and pulls the calcium out just like it removes the cadmium.thus edta serves double duty supporting the removal both toxic cadmium and calcium stones. (for a product with only edta in it but inhigher amounts see medicardium.)

the last cause of prostate problems we willaddress is that of infection. in addition to cancer, the prostate is susceptibleto bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections. you will recall that ellagic acid is the ingredientused in endosterol to decrease cancer risk, but it does much more than that. ellagic acidis truly a remarkable ingredient. ellagic acid is anti bacterial, anti fungal, antiviral and anti parasitic element as well. ellagic acid is such a remarkable ingredientthat its work learning a bit more about it. ellagic acid inhibits all bacteria by inhibitingthe enzyme dna gyrase. dna gyrase is only found in bacteria and is the enzyme that allowsbacterial dna to coil. without this enzyme,

the bacteria's dna unspools the bacteria dies.unlike traditional antibiotics that are specific to certain bacteria, ellagic acid works onall bacteria. ellagic acid inhibits fungi and yeast by inhibitingthe enzyme chitin synthase ii. almost all fungi and bacterial and fungal cell wallsare built out of a polysaccaride called chitin and chitin synthase ii is the enzyme thatthey use make chitin. thus by inhibiting chitin synthase ii, ellagic acid suppresses the growthof almost all fungi and bacteria. ellagic acid inhibits all viruses by inhibitingthe enzyme integrase. integrase is the enzyme that viruses need to enter a cell. as youknow, viruses cannot reproduce without entering a cell so by inhibiting this enzyme, all virusescan be inhibited.

finally, ellagic acid inhibits parasites butthe mechanism by how this happens in not yet understood. while many people believe parasitic infectionsto be limited to third world countries, many people harbor millions of intestinal parasitestheir whole lives without ever knowing it. thus, in addition to the effects of ellagicacid on prostate cancer, ellagic acid also deals with the infective aspect of prostatedisorders, ellagic acid is put in endosterol. (for a product with justellagic acid in it in higher amounts see ellagica. conclusion we have now discussed the 6 main causes ofprostate problems; hormonal imbalances, cancer,

zinc deficiency, cadmium toxicity, calcificationand infection. we have also discussed the ingredients bestsuited to deal with these problems, namely beta sitosterol, ellagic acid, pumpkin extract,and edta. the last question to be answered is in what form should these ingredients bestbe administered? the answer is as a suppository. suppository administration was chosen as thedelivery mechanism for endosterol for 2 reasons. firstly, rectal absorption is recognized asbeing some 20 times greater than oral absorption. secondly, and more importantly has to do withthe location of the prostate. when a suppository

is inserted into the body, it rests some mereinches away from the prostate itself. it is thisability of a suppository to delivery ingredients directly to the prostate that makes it theoptimal method of administration. congratulation, you've now completed a crashcourse on prostate health. you know the six main causes of prostate problems, as wellas what ingredients can be taken both preventatively as well as therapeutically. for more information on endosterol, a productthat combines all ingredients we've talked about, contact the health care provider whogave you this presentation. in this next chapter, we will talk about howthe same ingredients used in endosterol have

other applications for our health. in particular,we will discuss endosterol and the role it can play supporting the body in dealing withchronic inflammation, circulation disturbances, immune dysfunction and generalized femaledisorders. endosterol part ii while the ingredients in endosterol are specificallydesigned to support prostate health, there are other health conditions that they cansupport, and in this second part we will briefly go over them. they are chronic inflammation,poor circulation, imbalanced immune function and generalized female health problems. let's start with inflammation. as we get older,chronic aches and pains can begin to accumulate

in the body. inflammation is an importantpart of the healing process but the chronic unresolved inflammation associated with agingis definitely not beneficial. chronic inflammation has also been associatedwith disease conditions ranging from alzheimer's and m.s. to heart disease and strokes. clearly, inflammation is a problem that needsa solution. unfortunately, many of the anti-inflammatorydrugs used in the past have had disastrous side effects that have only showed up yearsafter their initial introduction. this is because pharmaceutical drugs workby overriding the body's natural biochemical pathways. all the pathways in the body areinterconnected and by manipulating one, you

always inadvertently apply pressure can do this in the short run, but over time, it causes problems. current examplesof this include the terrible side effects found with vioxx and celebrex including increasedrisk of heart attacks, strokes and blood clots. the only way we can be sure of avoiding unforeseenside effects is to work with nature, not against it. in nature, the inflammation pathway is controlledthrough the fats and oils in our diet. certain oils and fats increase inflammation and othersdecrease it. luckily, nature has supplied us with the sawpalmetto plant. saw palmetto oil works by inhibiting the same lipoxygenase and cycloxygenaseinflammation pathways that the pharmaceutical

drugs do, but it does so in a manner thatnature intended and is familiar with through dietary oils. lets move on to circulation in dealing with circulatory problems thereare 2 main issues to address, and they are blood viscosity and plaque blood viscosity refers to how thick the bloodis, how prone it is to forming clots. we need out blood to clot to prevent us from bleedingto death from injuries, but when the blood becomes to thick clots begin to form insidethe body in the arteries and veins. these clots can decrease the flow of blood leadingto fatigue if they are small and strokes and

heart attacks if they are large. fortunately,saw palmetto in general and beta sitosterol in particular both inhibit platelet formation,which is what causes the blood to clot. lets look at the second issue raised, thatof plaque. plaque are the blockages that grow inside the arteries obstructing blood flow. scientific studies have shown that beta-sitosterolsupports the removal of fat directly out of arterial plaque. many people think that allthey need to do to take care of their circulation is keep their cholesterol low. the truth isit isn't the fat in the bloodstream that causes the stroke, but rather the fat in the plaqueitself. while lowering cholesterol may look good on a blood test, the real key islowering the fat in the plaque and keeping

the blood thin. still, if a good blood testis important to you, you will be happy to hear that beta-sitosterol has also be clinicallyshown to support the lowering of ldl cholesterol and triglycerides. immune function is the second issue we willaddress in this section. while most people believe that a strongerimmune system is a better immune system, the truth is that what we really want is a strongand balanced immune system. a person suffering from allergies has a strong but unbalancedimmune system. a person suffering from an autoimmune disease also has a strong but imbalancedimmune system. to understand the concept of immune balance,we will compare the immune system of a person

to the internal and external security of aritzy nightclub. in the nightclub there are doormen and bouncers.the job of the doormen is to make sure that only the right sorts of people are allowedin. the job of the bouncers is to wander aroundinside the nightclub and toss out anyone that starts causing trouble. in order for the nightclub to operate successfully,there needs to be a balance between the doormen and bouncers to keep the nightclub runningsmoothly. on the other hand, if the doormen are tooaggressive and the bouncers too passive, or vice versa, the nightclub will have problems.

let's look at the first scenario, overly aggressivedoormen and passive bouncers. with overly aggressive doormen, perfectlygood clients will be denied entry to the club. with passive bouncers, anyone who does getin and then causes a problem won't be removed. this type of immune imbalance is paralleledby a person with continual allergies and colds. the overly aggressive doormen reacting toclients that aren't a problem is analogous to a person allergic to things like cat hairor ragweed, things that pose no real threat to their health. the passive bouncers lettingclients get drunk and cause problems inside the nightclub is analogous to a weak immunesystem low on natural killer cells, unable to get rid of infections and cancer cells.

now let's look at the second scenario, passivedoormen and overly aggressive bouncers. with passive doormen, anyone can get intothe club. with overly aggressive bouncers, peaceful and valuable clients are tossed outand fights between the bouncers and normal folk just there to have a nice time are alwaysbreaking out. this type of immune imbalance is paralleledby a person with an autoimmune problem. the overly aggressive bouncers fighting with peacefulpatrons that aren't doing anything wrong is analogous to a person whose immune systemis attacking itself such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or m.s. you can see now that before we attempt tostrengthen an immune system, we should first

balance it. sometimes strengthening an immunesystem only makes matters worse by increasing allergic and autoimmune responses. fortunately, beta sitosterol has the uniqueability of being able to balance the immune system, the doormen and bouncers so to speak.for those of you more scientifically minded, beta-sitosterol has an adaptogenic effecton th1/th2 ratios. it is this ability of beta sitosterol to balance the immune system thatgive it its seemingly magical ability to support such a wide range of immune disorders. female health the last issue we will address is that offemale health. based on everything we have

discussed in the first part of this presentationregarding the prostate, it may come as a surprise to learn that the ingredients in endosterolare also beneficial for supporting female health. in fact, saw palmetto has a long history ofuse for both men and women. it has been used as a reproductive tonic forwomen, increasing libido, fertility and increasing milk flow in nursing mothers. it has beenprescribed to relieve painful periods, to regulate the menstrual cycle, and for pelvicinflammatory conditions including salpingitis and ovarian pain. it has even been used to increase the weight of the uterus in postmenopausalwomen. saw palmetto also has an affinity with

the urinary system, and has been taken torelieve urinary infections and fluid retention. none of this should come as a particular surprise.all of the 6 causes of prostate problems discussed in part one of this presentation have theirfemale counterparts. women experience hormonal problems,cancer, mineral deficiencies, toxicity, calcifications and infections as often as men do andso they need ways to deal with these issues as well. the same hormonal imbalances in menthat cause feminization, prostate problems and prostate cancer,in women cause pms, uterine and ovarian dysfunctions and breast cancer. well, this brings us to the end of this presentation.we started talking about a product for the

prostate, continued with circulation, inflammationand immune disorders and ended discussing women's health. that's one of the nice things about workingwith natural ingredients. instead of getting unexpected side effects you get unexpectedside benefits. you start working on helping one problem, and you end up helping lots of problems that you thought weren't even related.

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