and aish of next richard lugar and uh... take a gambleris the founder and ceo appear a training market leader in like on the planetright now at least europe and polly has this too for this book at the convention to usein a row the united states on one's yes i am damaris base for the men in your aboutinto and is in states leicestershire executive
lasts and appreciate them that's on thesporting event but some investment banking the by skies alright southern want want togive the of collecting our whole something around that time and wanting to try and do is i'm goingto look at the whole four years dot then training and learning the stuff forabout four and a half years i'm going to convince it down into an alcohol
so that you might want to take notes one going to give you is not very muchtheory i'm going to give you a lot of applicable usable techniques side if i'm teaching you something isprobably something that you can go out tonight and use it side it's going to be kind of uh... united the structure behind the talk society is in the is a good hands-onstyle by read in the game annals coming from a place where
i was very shy very bad socially i was an introvert and i didn't havemany friends because i was terrible with women so twenty five years old at any case twobills and i literally you know i didn't knowthe first thing about anything my dates would be boring i do know how to get anumber and in the house good for the kids i wasn't confident in a stricken down in the bedroom andpleasure to go in bed
you know i i wasn't confident any partof the pickup sites alone all of it from scratch and outside off like most people you read the game and got a trustingretains tonight utilize more david bowie opener all of that stuff but then something slide happenin andone can give you today of the room big things i've learned really help me get goods and that
i don't think i would have just foundout by chance numbness always something that i calledforcing auto eyes and go into nonverbal game in general so hello guystell me you know how do i game in a really noisy club anyone anyone struggles sometimes in rearingnoisy places in a music pound in the government willunicorn hear anything and sit is funny because i've gone from beingexactly the same from hating that kind of environment
so now assess my absolute favorite place if i go out in london unite i want to game in the place sloughoff the midnight the music's pump and is packed is super loud and there's no way you can have aconversation there and the reason is dial of using all this nonverbal stuff this is really really cool anil aside from the i went on a holiday
and ices start in sweden and either theeuropeans hole with this guy who's still to this daythe best sky dive ever seen gaming unite he did some things when i was when i was with him on this holiday hedid some things where i was watching arrives couldn't believe that i was likethis time in the shaking and eyes couldn't believe what he wasthere in and still to this day is the best i loveever seen when it comes to escalating leading dominating being sexual all of thatstuff
you recently slide a game andy's goes onthe street gets to go back to the house was on the street let's go back to thehouse and what not be in the nightclub wherethey made say playing alone get laid out city i would say that go home the likely outcome on and who cancelledtoledo five minutes later i see a layer and hisyou know is walking home with them and his literally the best balancingthat his name is steve
hands we went on holiday and this is well mademy first big realize ocean so about try most in the traditionalthing in our approach indirectly and eyeball abroad make the target allof the staff roughly followed a mystery method but obscene steve do stuff and he wasn't following that he'dapproach of big group by just a personal hot girl it's acorral that group because so many believe
rockwall you know you can open thisgroup he didn't need a wing man in a vase meats come in and win he never seem to be to hesitate u_s_ in totally confident and everythingis doing and the funny thing was that it's only a while to realize because youknow that you never told me i just hung out with him and affix it all up by realizing has been a few things
and it all started with something thatto this day is still probably one of the most importantthings of lenin as forcing i'll lies and using nonverbal communication sub in the club with them and the firstthing would be quite funny go on the dance floor and he did this really sillydog so maybe then you go about this adopted and what up in the bills economist came offeveryone in the refund of for those classes but what does it show says kualaconfidence
says it doesn't take themselves tooseriously says already been a show in some goodqualities right there but he's getting attention rights of the girls are lookin andbecause he's is in this crazy dogs him ivan tap theirfriends and i think i will see that and when they look him he's def comedy like that'd be a littlepoint might do this might waive my raises drink buildingsomething
the forces a response from them his get their attention many provoke a reaction the way this works is his who's everheard that mission leader of the club and you should use a self to ever go ifshe is ever go or yeah hussein nazi cheers ever go inthe boat ride they're going to get you drink walk around which is to assist now if you think about that before iwent around this room right now anna so
everyone's hindsight their historic hands resisted times of are it you know how i go ahead shake and arenice one so what what do we have left response those pretty friendly responsethere this route bahut on a response that is friendly so if i did in the whole room
i've got to categorize all of you guys right away and how friendly you're goingto be to me okay so if you go around the ball youcheers all the girls some akan alike ditches like that as a lull chaser have a good night which one is going to be more sensitiveif you actually approached in a second one right first one you can purchase till buchananneeds
more game you can the needs to try it maybe pull outs and some special tricksto get this ones might be a bit bitchy of itself the nice thing is you noted that so youknow where to come in you know what's calibrate your going to you don't need to meg every bill youdon't need to use a compliment open or never go you know howzit how do you approach agirl you know what you can use the one
size fits all approach buys very difficult to come up with thatin the time between you see her and you you walk up to her what we want to do is we want to use thenonverbal way of open in the forcing i'll wise so that we know it's not me what kind ofgame with him in need and exactly how quickly we can escalate and we know that before we've evenapproached so this is the first thing up i'd
i saw you last saw him do it and also i think we'll pray into my game and i've been so when i get my contacts i might stop by unit at sea the going todo that and a point and sometimes i might get the goestential might waive i'm i raise my drink and what you've been looking for islooking for a response so her response when you do some lightyou raise your glass we waive her response can be kind of
really positive flight that it can be positive but slightly shayad so chicunidos about that she likes it but you shy was difficult to skydive lied that bustle of those are the onlyresponses you can give if it's positive you can go and you can just sayhemorrhage of how you doing
nice and easy if is negative you can go up in well you know you're going to need tounited be switched on them ready to pull something out there have been outfeel muje tricks or something you know youcannot come up with something that she's depicting to be bitchy she's going to be skeptical
she's not to be friendly so you know if the were caught up so the nice thing is if i'm walkingaround the club and i'm constantly force in i a wise then what i'm getting from girls response the tells me how they came ininteracts with me and the nice thing that did not gives meis total confidence so i can be walking around a club
hands a force in my life does it take united much effort to do that becauseyou can give you approach anxiety units to go and just force a response it's not even something you have tothink about anyone this is the gondola all winter or she's with people all will come outof commercial use on economic issues but she was a guidewhat's what's that you don't need to have any of thosequestions in your head
you see the gui force the response and you can walk around the totalconfidence because you don't have any approach anxiety about doing that and once you forced the response you know exactly what level of pain youneed united for from doing it for a while you get more more confident you can also do things that before youeven approach they raise your values so that the response is more likely to bebetter
now think about this let's say you aregold in a club anne's and diet is walking towards you in your lifei can discuss cummins hail mary in that moment you have to decide notjust a while i came the asking do i want to spend the next few minutes talking tothe sky icy havin fun do i want to do that my friends are going to see me talkingto this guy to i want them to see that you know soyou find gets the law of different factors not just whether she'sinterested whether she's
whether she wants to talk in that moment when you do something nonverbal she does not font processes she doesn'tneed to think she just thinks into while i've been so much and is this is it fun is it playful thingabout my friend on some of that and she looks and she smiles in the kind of doesthat so this is stephen is fun this playful skills kids if he wasn't on singing just by walkingtowards up just think about all this
stuff in it makes it a lot moredifficult so the funny thing is you can actuallygo much higher success rate opening on verbally than you would verbally anne's i'd get a realize it doesn't seemso simple but from watching all the guys can trainin other guys and from doing it for so long i've realized that is the best way toopen bar none and it's not just the guide stays thatdid it
is also a few of the other best delaysare devastating they develops it as wells as a guide on those slept with seven hundred and fifty women and he slept with a hundred finishskills yeah the bet the unit could easily with a hundredfinish girls in ten years and he did it and that's that's finland the few timesbut in a he won the bet there is crazy and he does it and the funny thing isall of these people
develops it you know on their own just from goingout to clubs all the time and sometimes you see a goddess anamazing natural and you'll be doing some of the stuff i develop dot must i do know expanding on it and is got to the point now where let's try and do is walker on a club generous much value as possible
there goes to look at me and then do summing the forces aresponse so i might just be you know something facial expression might be anything and all they need is that small responsenow the response any does not spill at early strong one just the self ng in their face an onexactly what to do on top of this technique that is alreadysuper powerful
i've added a few things anne's everything i think you today is stuffed up by a day is stuff well i do have untriedeverything else and stuff but i do having you know come from a backgroundwhen an introvert diet um you know i don't like him talking spawns of people usuallyarens and i'm like you to be in the funsociable guy in the ball all the time
likens army sometimes but it's not mynatural state her not to say is an introvert guide you know i'll be chillin with one or twofriends quiet children relaxed anthony this game works really reallywell and is actually a positive over the guys that are really high energy and at this place i a value so the next thing i lead on on top ofthis was a new type of opening
a forced the the i a life from adistance ruffle some nonverbal interaction going on and the next part of it is my availableopen the values so hello situations autopsy to directly walk up and start game in it might be a good ole days with the guy it might be a good ole isa bin cookbooks
by guides by girls these are the consulto go and then the guy comes in these have been talking to go and it'sgoing well in the door likes you but her friends trigger away and she has to go with and we've got togo with them directly if our friends tried to drag us away when we weretalking to beautiful girl that i think echo arianesucked but come one of got my money you have to take me however i think they'rejust get lost in it of money for ten years fizzle out butthis will go that way at goes one of the day that
price offer all of those situationshappen and the funny thing is that i canhonestly tell you the third about a year-and-a-half i have not had that happen i've not had a girl drag the golaninterest of the way i've not had any situation be destroyedby other people in the group i realize that before realize what wasactually doing to make that happen what i'm trying to do is i'm trying togenerate instant report with goals and i'm trying to blow outthe rest of the group
why would dissolve approach i know yousunk with the mile-an-hour risky opener on approach to go and i'll say hey how if you've been and also that loudly and when i do that one of the rest of the group thing they think we know each other so then they relax
the best way to explain this is artist album a girlfriend you know it'slike few weeks ago a split up but and lessen uncle a super beautifulgirlfriend and i was silence and i'm unites across a nightclub and you're there i knew i want to state his girlfriends this is how you do it yeah yeah sona happen obviously but you know
behind her late at night i'm out we might go from this isobviously are you can still earn it would work may be a monster this in amore pics dot then it wouldn't work for me probably do you know tonight if i boz iwill not go for it would work some oligo from him in the club is what happens i know it's a good i will cancel it sir are not all here we go you know you'vegot it
going all the little bit but on theskies community-based you might be you know causing trouble was he going tosay what were you doing with this news or something you know what's he gonnacome out with i see the sky approach him i don't instantly go on the offensive i want to see will have responses i look at her and it's just kind of like that so i wasa skype regine about k united said
i can handle this but if i look at our inches come smiling is happy to see the guy what do i think they all ok they knoweach other and i might even let them talk and thenit becomes obvious is hey how if you've been hundred-percent i'm going to let themtalk and i might even sells some skin garboffer was going to get a drink and let them talk
he could have just approach the rightthere and then with the never met before but why i've missed is maybe he was a distance an econ core attention i'm kinda went and he said that i like to shoots maybe just raises drink maybe did a funny bones and she looks inbike on it in a small that for a second
and i've missed that he's the only people who ever see thiskind of nonverbal communication in the club are you in the gulf isn't possible i mean if i if i do that whom i waited too you looking at me you'd have toinstantly look back he'd us figure out who it was wouldn't happen
so the only people that are aware ofthis communication is you in the gulf that would be how you still mygirlfriends and it's not even that difficult is it you'd be out approach and in a situation where would beabsolutely impossible to be verbally you'd need to do crazythings to do that verbally argues this a few times in situations like that inuse any other methods
i've used it when there's like four people leaving theclub and i like the law school prices she's in a group of four theywill even a club and spy light that one mucho mr inside to know where was shebit there she is now of course the i lie and say i'll have a healthy ben lied that therest of the people they want to go to slide three a_m_ they want to go home you know they want to catch a cab
instead of send a couple couple comewe've got a guy which is what would always happen ifthey thought that was just run of the crop based on the outside of waited and they gave us five minutes and that was long enough to get a numberotherwise it just wouldn't have happened nyway they would right away why would they wait for the fed to be china by some guy some randomguy they would never do that
now this time the in the club and there's the billwith the guy something's not quite right seems likehe's interested in her but she's not so interested in him but she's drinking some champagne cited you know maybe spore drink ands and i'm looking at the summer mcconnellwhat that go force the i live from a distance
pay how if you've been haven't seen you fat ages listen speed and power and they're inthe other room maintenance in five americans so hot and will be back in a minute taken the other room kiss up take a number deliver a back to the to the dated
you know it's the elected but again impossible all very very difficult to do though billy but so is so simple to do nonverbal iq what u generating right from thebeginning is a secret connection with the goal but sexy right doing something where she doesn't haveto worry about the social pressure
anyone the looks of that just things youknow each other so she does not somewhere about lookinglike slag you know exactly where to come andyou're not going to come in in the really directs and she's going tobe bitchy owned we're going to be not come in in making her being unitcopy and stuff when she can be really friendly you knowexactly where it's coming 'cause you've set up an on verbally denials allen sweden suit last time i pay a misleadingmessage the same stuff works
what's even better here the guys less active united ls on controls on more comfortable biennale 'cause they're not they seem tobe less care all of those one guy in the play in the borrowers that who's runningaround all the girls he was the only one you know we didn'tsee too much going on it works even better here the goals and more friendly so excuse one way this works absolutelyeverywhere i've tried it
and it is really really simple today once you're in set you can do a whole lot more we within this law size always daram anne's a few guys in the same besides using thesame techniques values and he was there in it so we were talking to four girls and we see another girl
gera tension like that these girls think we know that bill dot goel response positively because we were full goes into a highervalue firms aren't legal suddenly alfred right my extreme is where we were peacefulgirls that everyone's paying attention you know who those guys from that position of power you can sell for all your makes apurchase
we were in that ball and there was no time from the as you know when we firstwalked in within a minute or two we were talking two goals we were talking to those all night we went with them to another club that my point in the night we kind of united standing around you know when you're in set and then aends and then you kind of in the barney
light but i do now anyone ever had dot your body just roll stupid because i gocinema she might then be looking at you beinghere maybe i made a mistake that in a note to self phone also when hecalls tonight and you my panic so that never happens because all we weredoing was we were stuck in the isleye serene
when the first set with setting up the next one there maybe sell one bed and we'd agent how responsive they'reall going to be when we walked to that mexico will kinda woke him up there's no nervousness because we knowit's going to work so we just right over their total confidence the other guys in the ball call do thatbecause they aren't sure and if it is the low balance short mightshow for in some way
innovate cannot total confidence regardless how confident he would usually be you can be totally confident in thissituation if i could lead to a ball and assets okke purge dot goes he's going to bebitchy but if you talk to a firm in as you might be nice
first i go sooo good to in a number by does it stop for in a conflict intothe bar freemen in ten minutes unit this one's called boyfriend butshould be polite if i told you will that all of thatbefore you approach hoon of approach anxieties walk straight and but the nice thing is with thistechnique you can achieve the same result
and the other fantastic thing is is just a reflex it doesn't have tobe anything you think about if i get my concept we would go aiken honestly say another thing that united is really surprise in again in the past year and a half i've never had a situation
where i've had our contact with the goal anne's i've missed the opportunity to build an interest in a moment evenfurther them what enough to plot go non-fiction marvin interested not shold but and i think she was another half anymore but i'm that all ofyou guys of how to excited so much right you guys had thought components they say you know that'sthat's been taken away
and it's all because every time i getback on time not just kind of a can of will break in here or smiling listening i'm doing something the forces areaction the tells me exactly which is because the reason you don't approachevery time you get my contacts is because there's that little bit ofthao is in there there's a little bit of dowel she might be looking at someone else'sof your shoulder that she might just be day dreaming
that she might just be look and you wantone of a got something as that little bit of dowel the holds you back and then the next thing that happens aswell we'll do us a wide-open is should i use the issue with what's going on avago any condoms in my pocket united isthis month brother staying in the spare room melinda it stopped thinking over thestuff
and it fucks it up when you go it's appealing instincts uses than something physical unite if you train martial arts and youget trained everyday that someone punches you with the right hand and you block it with the left punsfurther i'm rocket with the left function of a handbook officer while it's not million of thinking about youjust maybe just leave and if i came up
to an just a day he probably did and hit me back and also regimented is be areflex what you can do is train it to be a reflex we would love the reflexthat every time to go you like it just happens he'll withdraw the baby there in thelight and let me think about it for fiveminutes every time let me sometimes approach let me regret not approaching
yeah haha dot stuff stupid because of every timeyou won't see if your box catch a plane analyte lol school mister ricks havealready an auction that go i'm going in there particular reveal bags have beenoff-loaded if miss the conference several moviewade as inner bus tickets absurd every time you want to another regrets though unit but none of my life to find so manyregrets patterns
now it's nice to know that's not goingto happen anymore so it does not to mess of things that ilearned to recap forcing i'll lies familiarity opening isleye stocking this is like the essence of nonverbalgame but i try and do as much as possible i'dbe very little verbal stuff the next thing i must talk about whichwas the next thing i realized was all of thethings to do with escalation
and again this was an area that i wasabsolutely terrible and i used to just stand there never never touched goes need never came out go for the kids off the like a week four-month even if they were into me right away ithink a gist in another day for things hands now why do bizarre escalate from the moment i see them
and i ask the late in a very very smoothflight which means that i keep testament five seconds i could kiss them in five minutes like a kiss them in an hour i'm going tosome of the earliest possible opportunity and i will not miss it and the reason is due to the way downescalator cannot have the demonstration subjectplease nonstop
right before you might write has made one of thethough trying to tell yourself all right so tradition but still the shy such additional pickup methods when it comes to them for the kids theyreally didn't give me the tools i need it so i was how in the fields and i'llbe talking to go it's going well answer in my head of the rock and it's a that things like or youlook like you're imagining kissing me
can i can see or if you're in kissing school what gradewould you get and i quote this at some of those linesanyone use them iastate itzel considered all and you'renot sure if she's interested or she's just been poet which is called boyfriend actuallysignal show by any of that stuff and it's going to further well they'reand i'm not sure about you guys but for mebike ride along moments where i was in a drum rolls there and even loads ofpressures building up
and are you really going to thissmoothly in that situation you might not do it so this another case where you can missthose opportunities and have regrets saw the ought to develop a bunch of newways to escalate anne's they are not verbal they'llnonverbal okay so what you say does not matterwhen it comes to this the funny thing is you know i've watchedrising field you know i'm watchin and i were always a faint why is it notworking
and so what come up with his ways toescalate you know in every different situation so i'm going to give you a few of thosesituations and the whale when you think about it isa when you think about traditional escalation as being the normal switch so you not sexual you trying to kiss ur your normal is sexual
and is a big moment how it's changed from thinking of eventlike that an on off switch and stop thinkin of it as this is theroad to a hundred scale until consumer guide where i am i onthat scale zero hopefully right i'm talking to a go right before it kissner and you just feel in your hearts reysen uydess feeling that sexual tension feelsgreat
you know zero carrying out their eighty nine c and it works so much better than just up on off because what itmeans is you can do it bit by bit a few different samples that situation is that you escalatewhile you're talking if i'm having a normal conversationmaybe i've just come and talk to you must be in you know i'm spin sociable and then i decided i would
i'm actually sexually interested in themight want to go to the case i'm going to start making a few changes if you look at the way i'm talking nowhe has put on the scale you put it in a zero because i could be talking to a guy right i could be talking to a family member there's nothing in the way i'm talking bit shows there there's nothing sexual there till
and so i need to change that so i'm going to do is i'm going to do afew things i'm going to slow down the way down to him i'm gonna smooth i'm also going to look ahead differently so might glanced down at her mouth dot and i'm going to look at her like awoman her
so i'm not done anything with your wellwere you doing is looking to right being the look ofthe likely winner do you all realize that there's adifference for you look at your granny i'm looking to go you really want tocase would you buy flickr muhd dot all you know you would'nt began to look at what you want to youcan feel inside one kiss this goal you wanted to liedunder you know i'm sure some we want to do crimes of things but you going to show that
you know that's currently in charlottejust by the way you look up you're not going to be groping agrabbing that none of that stuff just in the way you look at sperry simple is just a few elements yougo from talking normally being a bit slower but smoother change in the way you look at her and the key thing the you need to do
is to introduce some pauses because in that moment we've got pulls and the icons tax what if you go sexual tension asset that is the definition sexual tension ifyou will write that down is a pours plus our contacts equal sexual tension is so simple most guys don't do that they feel thetension they do this the like
in by yes a lot about it dot tension up your mind you need tohandle it and dot you cannot kiss a girl with alot well yes so you may you really prettyand i'd like to kiss you connect now i contact you convert you come back we are the others ofwalking around is really good or not he abhors sandwich in the night and hopes on the subway underground oneshot
to false knots or sexual yukon talk live dot andthen suddenly kissed the girl what you want to do is you want toselect a into this seductive vide and she's watched enough films she's had enough boyfriends especially this one metric senate ninetyset enough boyfriends that she's felt that before she's felt that
moment where the sexual tensions there and we are looking for is that momentwhere her heart rate increases and he slipped in so that five and itdoesn't matter if you look in the middle of the packs club is only you'd see that during thisbubble together and all you do to do that slowdown smooth out
change our contacts and introduce poses however these are the mag over talks a lot yeah some women talk a lot is fine we might like it by makes it difficultto kiss a girl maybe you made it sent to me a storynumsp on then i'm not account weakness
finish the circle on another strong causing in this case going on and on how do i have two other a contrived takecontrol of the conversation but if i could also do something alittle bit different so to religious unit ramble on about anything uh... wednesday night began it's really the for d confirming
aka really like it that's different my father uh... discontent app lasted for a long person and i think that you show that'sa loss as well as possible both yet shes talking by mister white house thatpossible lehman touching ur
woman saying alright yeah i think hadfor the k_c_l_ i i'm either interest as a sort of history by to pander to cancer in japan or ifyou can see right now that's all i think him and she fills dot what happens a hallrain creases what does it show confidence it's not sleazy nine touching outright was totally safely feels cool was good since situations that are really toughescalate and
guys always mess up and sat you can't even explain those sut due to the examples of how you can askway when you'll talk and when she still can what about when you're not easy clubsomething i always see happen is onlooker gonig rumors something's wrong then something's gone wrong in thisinteraction united
he should be doing bad in this they'vegot nothing that you know i'm on with my goal is his kids he's lifted is goes first not happenin and that the reason is that he'll bethen he'll you know it's a bit loud maybetalking in the air blah blah blah blah blah and into the courtroom baba bhot thenskin that probably about while we missing
this is a writer so i realize the when i talk and goes it i still always keep the eye contact so we've got guns that women facing eachother i go towards them keep an eye contacti'm listening i'm keeping my contacts i've neverbreaks even when we do in that this still business more so that when it comes tothis particular example this is actually a really goodsituations escalate bases a time when
the law of cause blood so if you think about it let's go to backslide zero to a hundredscale and let's talk about you know if you're talking to your yourfriend in the ball you've invited about all you have probably made did you seeany local cocoon if that's how you do it because that'sthe right now let's try and find out in a bit by bit and get close to ahundred
all right so the next thing you might do is you might you know have a touch it you talk in there misuse of the message is caught up some on the on the reciprocal test on it it so that that would be a slightescalation the next one is you might skeptic listenyou might touch the other side which
means that your you kind of more over plus on the side talk talk talk listen listen listen mhm like that to talk to taken is a slight escalation if you want to escalate more from thatpoint you'll do the next one where
such in back of their heads token in area and you're a bit closer then you listen like that you would not do that with your friendright if you want to take it further than that when you get stalking the air as feliz advection cool honors cartilage orthodox o'brien
for the last minute consecutive the nap when you go to told you might look likeyou've been a case a but you want so you'll go in right ministries to in and then you might go to the other side and you'll be close and when you come by the mud for states the d_c_i_ when you go in it looks likeyour you've been case now
what you get there is what balkan sometimes happen if i justwent in for the case what my golden exactly that silly if i kinda good luck and becauseamendments to the side and she she might be one of the few things youmight move back nevada cash not ready she might just be united state in the same place whichmeans he's ready
which you might how to move into even amal here we go you know and then you notice on rightaway you don't know if you don't know it's the questions they don't need toallsta questions verbally because that's kinda lame isn't it and install skip physically way when youget the onset really simply the final thing that i would add i wouldadd a lot of when i'm talking to those eyes play withevery part my body i use my feet please
my legs he's my house lands and attach them in lots ofdifferent places also the final thing on my date is on my makesure the when i'm talkin' sir i've got some concepts later leg either here or in size but i try and get that like to makecontact can you tell them how this
mstislav in nablus evidenced on the sideby side instead grabbing nothing this is just on the extortion howell sexual would you call that contacts i'd stray sexual all is is alleged mollohan zero somewhere it you know that might cause problemssystem like such an right
but is sexual in the reason this sectionwith this in the way on earth that you would do that with a malefriends so it's one of those touches that is nonambiguous what you're looking for when you're escalating is nam ambiguoustouches and non ambiguous communication you wanna holla rate increase will notstop feeling something but the way i do it you're not doinganything which you can pick up well what are you doing all not so far store anyof that stuff because i don't get those reactions out and get those
you know slow down or not i don't getthat stuff because they only come if you know i'mtalking to go on the murder behind the schedule on a common luncheon i don't think that's it doesn't happenit never happens if you escalate from zero to a hundred one increment at a time an increment every seconds or whatever and he did that smoothly she's going to go with it
you heads it earlier programs we heardit all weekend but are mentioned that theyest ladder and are you going to achieve in sweden unitshas its time in in oregon yesterday kiss meyes uil bus leaves about it uin use the analogy of when you pull thefrog in cold water and then send the heat up
it stays there and buys because it's a gradual thing if you discriminate jump right out so what you're doing with the goesyou're actually not giving her any situation which she has to the sides yesor no is just happens there's nothing she can do about it should go with it so you will get goals
newberry kiss girls the would definitely say no in many other situations and saw talks about the first thingbeing verbal while the second thing being escalation there's another element values when itcomes to escalation that i think is really really powerful arens weakens did something
about that list that's because they so with stand down in the club and i'm talking to you guys and wouldyou say that i'm talking chinna sexual way or and if we were having a conversationabout well you know i'm in sweden and will be here a few days i'm good singleway that's real less less chemical how would you characterize that interaction yep so you put it like there is a rightin terms of sexual
sexual content less imagine you would her friends inthe club what would you think of this interaction would you think that thereis is pretty safe and you don't need toworry about myron miniatures not suddenly going to meetthe club with me yet cool art soon what was going on in behinds there
how and all right michael gillen demonstrate something knew all of you in the room you still mister that means no one else in the club wouldsee that girls have a good gopal and about philpott they enjoy sex
they like man is exciting to me and i valentine you on all that stuff but they still say no doesn't make sense does it where does because they did go part so their ways fighting between the goodsgopal and thereby philpott give billions situation we know that go wants it but she won't give it
she's there and images she may be less secure so that you won'tlet you do anything else even though you can so she's ten dollars she likes me annual been in that situation good go verses by dole right harris comein on what you're doing in this situation is you are not putting her in asituation which units they yes or no okay i'm going to be about to go
you're talking to the good skull i know exciting about sco at the same time you not triggering those responses women need to say no because main keep pushing right they keep mission and then there's someplan with a woman says nonstop so she's condition with that response women conditions unite if you can't runsuch a business is not what you doing
which i think about what you they hadstomach not what you're doing that that conditioned to do that becausethis happens you know many many times may get condition say now that somepoint what the man is still in there iseas he's been a full on the escalation he's pushing hogs so she has a sheaths just to react in some way although it should be bear the slidewhich is you just want to went along with the everytime with every guy so shegets condition say no in the law
situations i'm not sure any of those responses i'mnot triggering any of those loans if i were talking so much bed she is the old something's happened andhe's been exciting sinectis maple that slowing down men are in the off the one thing i stopthat you're moving fall semester mo in frontof my friends million different examples of ways shemight
respond negatively to that if you do a full on escalation when i do this when i do i cu multilevel communication on physically escalating and verbally and has been plain valium in control look at me and it's not like um unite
seem really excited or not i seem like a more under control revenue normal conversation but she's enjoying it so she doesn'tfeel question is the same thing so she can quietly enjoy it she knows that friends are going tothink she's bad but we've got the secret thing goin onand that's really exciting and turning around
and it's going to work and are a member with both of your new treatments one where i i interviewed column that'she's like a is the son of george best the famousfootballer and in london he kind of goes out swathof clouds and gets free drinks he's kind of a being this celebrity in london and sorrow member once i'm when
we were in a inept call he was in thefront seat with the driver and i was in the back seat with this girl he was having a conversation with us wewill have a conversation and i was talking very normally buttouching up her leg like that and then on the first part of the pit really that's interesting kind ofproblem and that is talking to a member so what do you think about that and allthe time i'm touching a rock
and if you want science of you this is one that you were there with thedome one minute you know you've gone he's taken a back to the house now's a goalie was interested in they didn't see it he didn't know what was going on because of the secret communication premium it go now mansion
if we'd just been sitting there in front of all you guys hands are carried on doing that think of you know what time on that is that we hear in a pack three in we've got this little sexual thing goingon the road release away from england all interesting third because a lot of while he's beenshipped it was going on baat
there's that secret thing going on so i mean when i was there in if you wouldn't turnaround was there and as i was just by stricken mister clinton with their buffets again as the top spit to that late at night in fact is a touch that is not ambiguous rightyou would not touch a friend like that
but on the other hand it's not somedistant while were you doing you touch my bat anticipating you're not such agoes back to compose your omron the bill as soon as you needa colony there in the right way com walk up to go see hey how you doing them put on the other or you can but you always become walk up to go inside well hey he you who were these goes upfrom on with uh... those guys over that
of course have to introduce you to it before your arm and a straight away it's not stop state is going to trigger any of those badresponses thank you i think dad thank you very much at so that was the next thing i learned when it comes to escalation
escalate from the get go right away based on zero than stay there but run might want to be could lead to ahundred stall in zero and move up smoothly way that she will never reject you and that you get all of the arms and sothe questions of whether she wants to
kiss you without actually going for it you know without all skiing we would've with some girls all sidesare minority and i talked to him and i was like that was totally up for it this one's really show it should be alot hard workers for the agood girlfriends
this one you know she's kind of in themiddle and lo and behold one of the goes what's sick and had togo home and so the one that was really up forthe to the most up for it they state so within those first fewminutes i made that decision and these goes left their friend theylove their friends got it and they stayed in the club with oscarsi want to be with us when the goal is kind of dancing withbarman shizzle unit totally up for it
within five minutes it was possible toclassify and that is only because you put alittle bit of pressure create some sexual tension and you see what happens so two huge things online guys in on this is responsible for tons and tons of integrates finds outand like i said no regrets because you're always going to be doing italways going to be opening who was going to be escalating
never been abenney situations where youblow it and just takes a little bit of practice all the other benefits of that you knowthat you have a need to wing man you never need to occupy a group you don't need to cuz you instantlyisolating so i think you know you don't have to worry about gettingrejected because of what her friends might think you don't have to worry about i gained dragged away this is justamazing
so that's kind of the end of that section i wanted speech and i wantto see something else this clearly different so if you've got any questions on all ofthe stuff i covered now would be the time there's no question so occurring takeeffect but good somewhat one question how doyou handle to certain because you are saluting live on behind to satisfy the different
is firmly death such as that but he says slightly different becauseobviously the other go call do too much shipyard yeah the idea with a t_v_ setis that in a lot of places back bill will giveyou some time together by you need to find out what thelogistical situation is i mean if they live together in this one needs totake a home with something like that and it's just with getting a number in most cases when the city set willtrying to both of them happy and you radio specials for the both ofthem all
nodding inattention what what i would say audacity does the golem interested inand as the other one the third in the first face seconds i want to make thisother one kind of approve of me to look into that one disc at home unit approval so she's not been inbrunette or cause any trouble then www stalled since forever this one on onelooking for his her response so again i'm going to escalates slowly and i wantto see what she does
it's all things are going to set youcould respond in a few different ways she could give you a full attention andtotally ignore her friends in which case united fine all she could be aware that she's a bignor in our friends their friends and board set you know where prison sheet you might belooking at the friend saved that's kind of one looking for in the second situation wishes aware ofthe premise it's going to looking at her a numbers best
or you want to take both of them andunit uh... talked to both of them taken bysomewhere else or whatever find the for situation you can probably escalatewithout one of the friend or just find another man or whatever question pushy there is your saying like ten yearsseeing in the club the girls ready for it was she's alittle bit shy because i find it very difficult too and get the right thing to today'sshinhoster nonverbal signals of of the
female because maybe she looks weird but thenshe well i'm a nice guy kato's something about how do you know if the girls ready forit or not because buys is there's a couple things that the press is goodquestion right how do you how do you really in separate adults signals first thing is that if you just look upif you've only got a contacts as you got a look-see and then does that
sylvester icon set what does that tell you not very much asoul bus way forced the isleye so fussy the gulf and i do something like that you can have a very easily be able tosee how interested she is based on a response and i will be something likethat if it's negative would be something like you know smiling and given a positive response ifthe if this kid in a fizzle wide doing this stronger action
you don't need to be so good at redeemwomen signals as you get better at it you action canbecome less and less strong so make sense so now i wouldn't which ishe's a facial expression and just from now to be able to sell but in the beginning i was doing someclub they don't see that on dana point or unit doing some action this quite strong so it's tall for the strong actions andthen take it down over time
the second thing is that we're trying toescalate from the first moment so if up a list of my life with you need respond dates i will walcott and from the moment i saw walking i will be trying to escalate me no look at you and i'll try and look at you in a sexualway if you've got to live it
and you're comfortable with it you might get cast as soon as i getthere if your not totally comfortable with it i'm like i need to take a while longer i'll tone it down and then build up as i'm interacting with us so you really get the onset of when you
escalate and when you force a strong reaction with your open up and huge mistake this is another thingin ob gyn soviets right now one thing so far of right down this you do not need anykind of signal from her apart from the absence of and negativeone we are looking for is a red light if there's a red light
you stop way your ap from the level ofescalation iraq a red light meaning she moves back kal she starts breaking eye contact lookingfor a friends or something like that that's a red light but the funny thingis goes give different iowa is you can betalking to a goji such as a hair and you're right that you just want to talkto harass my my life united and yoga second-guessing yourself some goes give different ignores theirambiguous learner is always have some
goes just like attention innocent lives there to list off but they don't really meanit so what you're really looking for is justis the red light there were not because hostile to goes that just stand therelike that and they don't give anything away and ia will and i was with signals hospital isamazing stuff and give me any idolize what's going on if i'm escalated she's standing there
what does it mean she's fine she's hota microns housesengaged this is doesn't need to talk to hash itdoesn't you don't need any of that so you don'tneed to be did it we didn't signals apart from the negative ones which are really easy lean back raise the energy level
so where's my friends gone i need to goto the toilet whatever we all know the negative ones thatreally simple i'm guys always ask wall of the female you-know-who the i elisamcconnell with these long lists you know if the cuts that they've when their feet to woodsy if they all skill name if they ask ifisset yeah of course the zawya lies but you do not need them and if you look forthem and you only escalate when you get them you'll probably only gained fiftypercent of the goes you could
the sounds of the question that war nicely etc stuff did well camelot about you know using using live too nonverbal signals to determine thefollowing originally
worries of this but people like mebecause in bill clinton my body language is fairly frelimolimited in their own got older misses a reflection for bringing thosehome ceramic cleaner occurred i'd wear whatever you're up to thisbecause it's there might just a little too wrong withoutbut there is this route for instead of this because it
conjures last month but it was a stormof the division sure i mean there's two ways to skin acat hand side if the if you're talkin' seagal andjewel escalade physically and in all this stuff bus great but there's another way to really blood goaway and that is review of verbal connection if you can have an incredibleconversation with her which of those totally connected
that wants to achieve the same xo lovemake and i feel a lot so you have to place your strengths andthat's what that's why i would suggest yeah butstill in clubs and my view born to be able to him and she said britain would be a hard too having trouble trying and that's why ithink this is not working for the ride days are cramming for a very noisy clubbut like i said there's this guy is on ourteam in london the only do they gain methodical website they gain dot com iswithout data i hate they gain
mhm i'd love night game you perhaps play just ranks fans why used to do anyone the read my booksthey sell well you really get a connecting until this i'm going to buy hardly used anymore but if i did more date game if i hadsituations where i was in conversations with girls i would bust out law thatamazing conversational material and in a nutshell consummate how quickly committees wereconversations dot
normally take like a week and such andthen two minutes realize conversations dot do you have to go to school sometimesnot tool to goes is the thing is is total opposite of theescalation sub is the complete opposite by if you ever want to create a reallypowerful connection with the gulf deeply connects and make a fill out while you know that was likethe most amazing date
meeting first whatever you know dodge ever had in my life then the conversation stuff to really doit best way to explain is like this in your life right now if you had a big decision to make you when it's quit your job and go andstudy something you want to go then travel the world you want to be somereally bakes i think of a big decision
the you might take in your life you might still a lot of people about it but how many people would you generallygenuinely talked to and really have to that hole to hole and get their opinion on whether youshould do it on anyone go higher than very what that means is that you've got freepeople in your life the totally understand you that you're connected with
the reason you talked to them about this is because they would understand you andthey would make the decision they think about it from your perspective if i told you guys right now i want to go and live in the jungle inbrazil what do you think i don't go man this complex there the universal reform bills both welldangerous is it
you'd say why do you think about it that's not so useful to make is on theone though is thinking about doing it right so herein your opinion relating to your life all i could never leave my job behindnada mas maybe i can unite by thoughts of some mostly bagane on straight from my perspective by something you've always wanted to do you know you've what really hard to begreat spirit
do it now before you know if you want tosell down and have kids and stuff has the right time to do it they dont straight from my perspective and that's why that one so three peopleyou're loved us while you talked to them when you have a difficult decision tomake they are also made so whatever they areyou know lifelong friends family members people really understand us just wall you can get that with a girl
within an hour you can put yourself in that category i would still consider going to stripclub many months ago and also last week but in thisparticular situation many months ago and said we have the situation where shetold me we go into conversations like and deeperand deeper and then she started crying and then she starts can modify somestuff and she told me that
should missus england's and i a familyin people ever was back home should know once you can talk to and she's sorry that you know she justpoured it all out but she thinks i'm already an importantperson in our life skills such as ninety five's ease into trust me wilder kal be careful with this tonight is incredibly powerful here's how you do it not some bulbstechnique
because with dates really reallypowerful stuff unease on the go you really like themuse it just for fun this last day please wanna sleep if i'm telling you something aboutmyself i'm the pickup coach you know i a travel around to confrontus audiences on aids died my own business i'm thefirm cambridge to london by
any any facts about muscle summing uplike doing you've got a problem with your brains isgoing to stop you connecting with me until you can only for a few months and then it might be possible if wereally gone well and the thing is that anytime you get apiece of information you're it sit for a second your brain which is what do i know about this okay so if i say i like playing golf while you thinkin
you're thinking about kal i watch golfon t_v_ all i played tiger woods game on thewhatever i play crazy go when i was on holiday all all my brother plays golf so anytime i say something if this isour love united painting or dancing or you're thinking about your experiencethat if i said i love painting he thinks about back to school when they werepainting as a kids he thinks about some paintings use ornot gallery he thinks about
your friend the is does some soaring andthey're really good and you wish you were you've related to yourself and this isnot a photo because of that stuck in your brain is that's that's just the wayit works but you can train it to do somethingelse if i'm talking to a girl by going and i see that she's prettyenough and i want to talk to her but imagine i've got this blank canvasand i want to fill it all out and get one of the details
and find out who she really is because i need to know could just go be my wife or she justsome random chick dynamite would sleep with and so on so that question i need to be they can find out and imight know within a minute or might need to keep building out thepicture to really make sure and put the report replaces what this means is done trying to findout
all of the important stuff sunny that's all you cannot minutes connects with a so anytime i get a piece of informationfrom a i'm trying to get to three key things and motions motivations and character traits these are the essential ingredients
with who you all the funny thing is people share the same emotions right everyone has the same bay seven my shotout of different ones do you we've all got the same ones we can all understand each other but wedone so if we take these three thingsemotions motivations character traits and let's say you go out tonight and jimmy and bill in the ball
and sheet so see that she's news to sweden few months ago friend argentina part she tells you that you could respond so that or withanother argentina about that or how you like in sweden really goin anywhere they're all you ifyou do that stuff
if you have been mines and motionsmotivations in character traits what could we set about this goal what can we say in terms of emotionsabout moving to another country scary like natural nations yahoo how'sit how would you filled in scary adventurous tulsa character trait so you really got one alright but scary exciting if it's just scare you won't doit right
exciting okay so we got a couple of emotions goone character trait adventures my school don't do that day they willstay where where where bone dry within the same place stay inthe same job stay with us and friends what does this say about her united risk-taker likes you know taking a chance kinds of things what might you wonder you might wonderabout her motivations why my shift on it
mafia people we have pushed away fromhome danger you might meet people win londoners him you know when is what's goin on withsomething they've come over from country because as a war they want toskate maybe they're running from somethingwhat while the motivations might that be just experienced something here jobs they could be economic they want toyou know make the most possible in in their life they want to lend money hands become successful so they cansupport their
family or whatever right that's actually the important stuffisn't it not all way you firm in argentina how do you like sweden what do you do you know buys the important stuff we get into thegoal with that so the anytime i'm talking to a girl i will be thinkin what does that make her feel
why would she do it motivation what typeof person does that introvert action of a adventures boardwhat type of person now whose move country couple of the so you'd be good on certain thatquestion anyone they stayed in the same countrytheir whole life is it possible to still on so thatquestion in the same way we just it's that yes i think buddy s put yourself inher place so
when also consider gulf and she gives mea piece of information i'm immediately fishes like all youngi'm twenty two years all of that on relied on same ugh you know if you don't classes one i think it in my head on the scoutwhat type of dog sitter i'm thinkin what is behind this motions motivationscharacter checks teh character traits united she's due in this thing
she's not forced to do any more she's probably busy with work and she still takes us on every weeksago and arts she's dedicated and i think this was something thatthey're dedicated to go to the gym or they do something all the sign all right so you can identify with that even if you don't
you can still identify and understand it you might even like it you might rewardit how does she feel when she's done is expressiveness liberating is changes her mental state do you have to be a good johnson's youhave to danced on the stand and a lot on so those questions know you've done
so all on their own anytime it's alsogoing to find out any piece of information i want to think emotions motivationscharacter traits and i don't all scar alz myself what type of person would do this why would they do it and how would they feel doing it and because we're all human world thesame underneath it all which is express it differently
i can understand it and that's how but it's also stripper for half an hour ninety distracted from all over moneymaking an order that stuff began to feel totally connected within half an hour to a customer and that's how it might goes in this ifeel like a menu for three months in a few an hour or so
on the first day and that is how i would say that you can really blow a girl away because you can live your whole life the right one person to person freepeople the u dot shwetal too i believe that if i sat down with any ofyou for an hour you my office mein fights if you hadsomething on your minds like that the
big decision you might include me in that list of one two or three people because we're not suited goals that's what they did question i was going to be something else andevidence vietnam died who does the right
they ran out of the new stuff awesome the sea history news technique a danger that youcan disparaging good connection of the group thinking world is theamazing friends and if there is ok prevented i've got no problem getting in franceand with regard to consent of very good thing because i know how to get out of it
hands i would say that if you went out tonight and then became smarmy like on when i'll have been fuckin egos bymet five goals i am i hang out with so i don't know if i did too or not you believe that the best because those five goals you can inviteyou out famous socialize with the remain shouldyou should to their friends anne's you pretty when even need to doany more cold approaching now
commit these girls they gonna look offyour social life so you bring a gun into units into thefriends i and it's a position of power if you gaveme tens supermodel friends i was going to be doing co-ed approaches and all your friends in from new york nybecause she's a model but less cutting the other and she's not
this is richard's is the coolest nicestguy in london and she's not okay unit while still out today unsafe of the social proved to all of usthat's taken care of just from a good introduction fromadults are friends on his is fantastic if you know how to get all of it darn gave you a bunch of ways and i hatewoods echo those you know i have a bunch of is that it'son my me to go fans
all i'm going to do something todemonstrate dhamma tracked it's all the women i'm gonna game other women infront of uh... we talk about other women difficult stuff goin on as i will treather as a friend so i might be cool cancer and check outthere so until conservatives that and then i'm going to do this well but just on so checks out of a go check and i'll go in front of someonewho's responsible front of the friends not finds there from the gulf and don'tread aloud to go friends
you know what does that tell you he sexually interested in women okay was he interested in many ways acheck in this got out unique there instead of god when you hug a high miss miller perfume is that if they're not hunters hey howyou doing pop pop pop if i how do you guys are not going to i dot to mail you can pot pot man manhug on you
that's how you how different do that sir just a few things going on the friends imean it's easy if i've got going to friends and i takeher out to a ball with me by the end of the night i'll be they'll be a 'cause up in the gentlemenof the nice connect soft on all of the stuff so her apart from the final bitwhich is generates sexual tension and escalate by has seen the run-around do that withall these other girls wallace tells looking at me in adifferent way
deciding on i'm better than most girls and we get onso well what's going on here i needed men or just happens no be some moment and i'll be liketickling her or something and unite then i'll stop an onlooker her and they'll be that sexual tension there okay sir
now so you know what we should do thiswas such good friends cancer again i don't know if those rooms for mysupposed i think it's a strong isn't it to some more you know i hope this doesn't mean thefriendship this is bad you voice or the objections but you carry on escalating so you my friends are is easy cycle one two three two gal of it but
to get a close female friends is psalm beneficial to your life so manytimes i've been out and secure crazy things have happenedthis does this go that got me ladies three or four times you know this one gold i met once i madefriends with which is really nice was talking to a friend who was halt she's less hall my things that were the ones but she'swhich is less law
and we might for instance she was justso nice and so farmers communicates them a right to know whatyour front us dot blots gum policy with you the definitely coming with us next timewe go out we go out few times and then she calledme say or some just in the areas just open and say hi we sort of way tooklevel financial come up comes up with thiswhole goal happen to be swedish and will sit there and she sees the i'm getting on wellwith the sweetest girl
and she says guys i'm just going to go and buy somecigarettes will be back in a minute she leaves and doesn't come back so she just delivered to go to my house and before the house than we should becalled approaches running around foot the faithful fully goes in a and i justbought one of the other thing subacute female friends and if they like you and if they've got other female friends which is unitedquite likely
they will introduce insect this is richard is a lovely guy and thisgoes dot okay well i think i with all theserandom guys that could because he could be right this could be murderous and she'll think on this like for dinner cadaver this guy his chances are niceand in a on though he's not going to would be a murder or anything because not seen him on facebook they must beokay
i think goal three mutual friends onfacebook is find muffin by could happen there it just makes is so easy and you knowyou need instead of me then united this much gain you just need thatmuch just the escalation side so response to your question and fiveothers but uh... he have noble when partners for thefinal quality docket argue misinformation forwards at wantedto get the details
non-union the stuff but in states thewonderful conversation with them fired assume cellular shinto you know is never before seen kirk is only on this patent barely exists in my head and on this planet hit and that's it i was just talking about a possiblescenario useless
this approach when u pretend to know because the user-posted you know a group of people and you go and say highlighted how are you being tonight who the fuck are you command and mailed it aren't enough worst decision and it is not your dadthat's ridiculous you wouldn't do that because what you've done is to set upbefore the approach son
you're in a group of four if i just read billy walk up that mighthappen that you might like me but they don'tmay get rid of me all of these things are wild cards and so you know you're not sure what's what'sat least going to happen why one of his own get your attention and i want for something for me from adistance and then of course positive response sewn
i mean i've given a few examples the wealthiestnonverbal staff it really starts you know on the openand then you did that doesn't matter because you know that she's going to bewarranty i give an example of the situation wheni was in the club visit beautiful girl in an exclusive club behind a table withdrinks with a bunch of guys and girls and look to the supplier you will not gobut how the hell do i get in there as absolutely impossible to get his mostbase
they cannot pay make a mess it meansthat no paid for the stable gal or just signal the security guys too to get me out of this is spree muchimpossible sleep allows what do you do so see the gun suits he looks a bitsleepy and i got on this cannot park but she likes it she smilin as i walked towards that goal rememberearly wonderful trust in the mud offered
as a little towards that goal and then i'll hear the fox this guy andthen they look a little and they're not arson as it is either and i'm like alum all hate how have you been in front of the great eliminate cannot just sit here for asecond discuss on one what's going on i said there was somefriends of some richard butler move out
once it makes them to go in the skiestable unrivaled gundam the things that have been faced anotherminority on my list of all it's was going to end on sort of common dawns introduce you to my friends volvo with some hot as was done with some hotgirls from them his own in the so you can go into a situation thisabsolutely impossible but you missed out first element if u_n_on tried it like that tonight
hey have you been was it wouldn't work you need the first thefirst piece of the puzzle that which is to set up mum verbally and then uh... it always works
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