Saturday, 20 May 2017

Cat Cancer Treatment

my feeling about the treatments that are given,the key to verita, in my opinion is the ability to bring synergism with all of the treatmentsand the way they are brought together. there’s a daily plan that’s given. a weekly plan, i should say. and then every day that plan is modified inaccordance with the blood pressure, the feelings, the physical feelings and all the attributesthat make a good plan. and it changed daily. so, i believe, the systematic approach ofverita life is that they modify the treatments in accordance with the way the body adjustsand so forth.

and it makes it a perfect systematic approachrather than just throwing a bunch of protocols at you without knowing how they interact witheach other. and that's what i think makes dr. gunes’ approachso great that it’s the knowledge, that it’s behind each protocol and the working of them all together. in my research, if i can show you this. i ran across a book here. oh let me… it’s called, you could find this on amazon. is that good, the way you have it?

you can find it on amazon, it’s called german cancerbreakthrough, a guide to top clinics by andrew scholberg. in that book, andrew scholberg interviewsall the top clinics in germany and of course he becomes very familiar with the top doctorswho head these clinics. in that book, there’s a quote involvingdr. gunes, at that time he was doing research, he wasn’t really in charge of the clinicand there’s a tremendous quote there. i can’t quote it to you right now but basicallyhe was the, andrew scholberg felt he was the greatest “go-to” guy that he knew. as far as expertise in cancer treatment andplus he had a dimension of studying herbal

approach to adding herbs to cancer treatment. so he brought with him, not only the expertiseof the germans but also the additional research he did on herbal medicine. so, i contacted dr. gunes through his website,and he sent me, i sent him all my information for diagnosis and he returned to me his recommendationprotocols. well, through my research, i saw many thingsthat were very advanced and even the alternative. my journey to discover verita life, i canonly say, it’s like trying to discover a needle in a hay stack. in america, of course, a conventional, alternative cancer treatment is basically

outlawed. so here i am an american, facing, where doi go? well, i begin in my research to, i realisedthat mexico had a lot of alternative clinics and i really was gonna go to mexico but theni said, “you know, i need to continue to research”. well of course, when i received dr. gunes’response to my request from his website that is his recommended protocols. it was veryspecific. i already knew a lot about the particular protocols. i knew they were advanced. i really didn’t need a consultation. i alreadyknew that this guy was way ahead of his time.

he was the “go-to” guy. and so my wife and i both looked at his email.we felt the compassion that was in there. we just couldn’t resist following this man. so, i didn’t need a consultation. so, i was totally convinced dr. gunes wasway ahead of his time really. and, so, at that time, i didn’t realisehe was in charge of verita life. and as he sent back his response to me, hetold me about his clinic, not specifically naming it. he was just recommending. he wasavailable at verita life. well, as soon as i discovered through hiswebsite and through him that verita life existed

my wife and i decided this is the place comebecause it was dr. gunes that i was really, i wanted that expert treatment. and so that’s how i ended up here. one of the big problems, and i’m speakingas an american citizen here there’s such a tremendous amount of misinformation.people do not understand or even are aware of integrative and complementary methods. so, when a person is dealing with, when he’sdiagnosed with cancer is a family who are all in shock and all in fear. just like the patient and of course everybodywants to go down the safe road.

so, what happens is everybody says of course,you have to go, you’ll have to get chemo and… and so here you are faced with families that areagainst what you’re doing and even to the extent where they think you might have lost your mind. so, in my case, i ran across a video by dr.gunes on the youtube website and the verita life, i’ll show you the video here, so youcould look at it yourself. and it’s called “an introductory / complementaryoncology”. now this was a webinar, so there’s a littlebit of imperfection in the sound. as it stands right now, i understand thisis gonna be edited to be improved but at this

present time, you can go on youtube underverita life and look at this. this is probably one of the greatest toolsto understand complementary versus conventional. the way that dr. gunes explains what canceris, very simply and how it grows. this is a very simple basic video. you don’t haveto be a doctor. and the he explains the impact of conventionalversus what they do here at verita life. and i have to tell you, when i sent this videoto all my family members, everyone to a person was so positive about me coming here becausethey finally understood the difference between complementary and conventional, and the weaknessesof the conventional method. and dr. gunes does not slam anybody. hedoes it with information and with statistics

and it is so well done. i mean, i have an engineering background,i know presentations. i have never seen a better presentation than that particular one. so, this, that particular video is so importantfor yourself and for anybody, any members, any friends, to really understand complimentarymedicine and what they do here in verita life to save your life. it’s not a death sentence, it’s just acondition that can be treated. and i have, i don’t know what else i cansay, it’s a great place. in my 8th week right now, i just went throughipt which is insulin potentiated therapy which

includes the chemo treatment they do herewhich is low dose and normally that knocks a person down and i haven’t felt betterthan i feel right now, since i came here. for example, my blood is producing blood cells,the white blood cells, so forth, all the blood counts, by itself and in the normal rangeand so far that’s been the case. so therefore, it’s indicative that the lymphomadoes not have at this time the upper hand in my body as far as which is where the problemis, it’s the blood. and also, dr. art, as we call him, has a thingabout trying to measure the tumours he can feel. and he’s already, of course havingan oncologist background, he is familiar with

locations, so forth. so he’s told me thatsome of the tumours that he can feel have diminished. so, those are two good signs rightthere. but ultimately when i leave here within amonth i need to go back and get a pet scan. and that will really determine the activityof the cancer in my life. i, as far as the difference between the lowdose chemo and the regular chemo, the way it’s supplied conventionally is people arejust given one hundred percent of these drugs. and basically, conventional medicine doesn’tworry too much about the patient’s condition to receive that chemo. and, so the chemos both destroying the person,his blood, and its organs, at the same time

it’s killing the, effectively killing thecancer. and what happens is when the cancer comesback, the body is not able to recover and so the cancer, that’s why people die ofchemo after remission. but with low dose, you’re getting roughlyten percent of the dose of chemo but what they do here is they monitor the blood andthey carefully watch how your blood, like for example the hemoglobin, in my case, level,it went down. so they sent me for transfusion to get my blood level back up quickly so i canreceive another ipt. so it’s all about monitoring and keepingthe body and the immune system in proper position to handle even the low dose of chemo.

can you imagine coming to a clinic like this,having your body adjusted, having your immune system made perfect and then of course thedestruction of the cancer and minimising it, i’m back on top of things. it’s where my body can now take over, i’mvery confident that when i leave here and i go back home in good shape, good healthand i’m gonna continue with my proper lifestyle that i know and proper diet. i’m gonna beatthis thing. when i went to the oncologist, all his bloodtest showed that i had low grade lymphoma and that i may have had it for a while. andof course, as i reflected on this, of course, with the knowledge i have now, i had a demonin my legs for probably 15 years. now, i’ve

been here 8 weeks for treatment and my demonis virtually all gone. which is indicative of the fact that my tumourshave been reduced. i have tumours right at my groin area that may have been interferingwith the flow of lymph and so forth. and the other thing of course was platelets.i’ve been bleeding freely or having struggles with clotting for years. so, it shows thati probably have had lymphoma for years. well, of course, i was already aware of, havingread some books, bill henderson has in his book, i can’t remember the exact title butin his book he discusses specifically a protocol for diet and for supplementation and so ibegan to use that particular diet. what’s interesting is most of the protocols for dietare vegan for cancer, so they recommend no

meat. well, i felt in myself, i needed protein. i combined the juicing and a lot of vegetables,no carbohydrate, but i continue to eat meat. and i actually began, becomes, feeling stronger. every person is unique and every diet is goingto be perhaps a little different than what, everybody wants to say this is the key diet. well, since i have a weakness with protein,i already knew i needed protein. so, that’s that’s the keto side. oh by the way, there’s an expert consultanthere, a nutritionist who i discussed this

with and she backed me up that each person’sunique. and i think at verita life, they will helpyou to discover the uniqueness that you need as far as diet, so you cannot believe oneanswer fits everybody. you need expertise that they have here. and they’re open to what your feelings are,what makes you feel better. so you’re not gonna be inundated with ideas that are justgrabbed out of the air and people believe. you’re going to be worked with. and as isay, because i have a problem with low protein, i am going back and i’m going to be eatingeven more meat. the key is to understand that if you go toa doctor and you go into his office and you

wanna have a consultation, it’s gonna costyou a small fortune. you have to realise that verita life is veryinterested in the patient. there are people in the medical arena especially in complimentaryand integrated medicine, that really care about the patient. and verita life, i cannot say enough aboutverita life as a whole. it’s a team, they all are very positive upbeat. i come in inthe morning and they all stand up there, all come and greet us like an entourage. and it’s that way all day long, every nurse,every helper has a smile. they’re very careful. the nursing staff, i can’t say enough aboutbecause they’re so intricate in everything

they do. they follow every protocol of shortcuts. again, i’m for detail and i’m observant.and i’m so impressed with the staff here. everybody works as a team. i have to say, you know, as a plug here, icame here, i had all my back teeth pulled because i wanted to have, i had infectionsin my mouth and i wanted to come here without any infections or anything that would compromisemy treatment. so i came here with basically no back teethto eat and i made it known to the staff here, and what they did is they took me to the hospital,they went with me, they were there to interpret, i have new teeth today at a very low costbecause thailand is known for good medical

treatment and at low cost. and they never charged me for the time. they’rehere for you, these people really care about you personally, your personal issues. i had ear, hearing problems, i thought itwas, a tumour may have been blocking my hearing. dr. hossami looked in my ear, he’s happenedto have a background in, with his father, hearing, nose and throat. so he helped meclean up my ear, you know, and then recharged me. i mean how can you beat this kind of service.wherever you need is, they’re here for you. now, as far as the, reason to contact veritalife, i have, of course, i had already all

the confidence that i needed in dr. gunes.and i never really had to have a consultation. but there’s a lot of people that aren’tsure of themselves and you need to get a confidence in people that are gonna be treating you forsaving your life. i mentioned that the website on youtube, veritalife and the introductory to complementary medicine which will help you to understandwhat verita life will do for you. before you may even wanna contact them. andwhat you’ll find is when you do contact them, they’ll ask you to send all your diagnosticinformation that you’ve had and they’ll probably help you to know what specific treatmentsor diagnostics you need. and then once you sent that information, they’llexplain to you. they’ll review it and they’ll

give you the protocol and that what they’regonna do for you, and what you can expect to receive as treatment, and the chance youhave of survival. instead of just throwing chemicals at youand you not knowing, in fear, what’s gonna happen to your life. it’s going to be veryclear to you. and you've got to realise when dr. gunes interviews you, he’s a compassionateman who really believes in treating you as a patient and not just trying to kill a disease. i just want to put a plug in, you have to knowme as a person, i love people and i always want to give my best to people and help themwhatever way i can. and i’m appealing to people to realise,i’m not being paid for this. i want your

best. i wanna know that you are beating thesystem, the medical industry system. that really isn’t really interested in your life. but a system here which really cares about successin treating you and making you a better person, healing you. and since i found this, i wanteverybody else to find what i have found. and they’ll take the fear away from you.they’ll educate you. they’ll make you understand what cancer really is all about.and you’ll find out, it’s just a condition. it can be treated like any other condition.

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