welcoming in and working to those whojust arrived we're going to continue a presentation this morning the true causeof disease and this morning we love foundation on why disease happens in thebody and it's not a popular message and it can be a little bit of a surprise tomost people to understand that disease is as florence nightingale said it's aprocess of repair another ride right that it's a beneficial prices in fact earner strips who was surgeon inordinary to the king in nineteen hundred and one at a presentation of thephilosophical society in anambra he got a whole topic on them he said
disease is beneficial process it's aprocess of now this is backing exactly what elements it when she said disease is an effort of nature to freethe system conditions that arise because of a violation of basic laws of healthwhen inventories drunken disharmony interest whether it be anything innature but specifically we're talking about the human body and i often givemeetings on the mind and it's exactly the same with the mind for instancedepression depression does not just come on someone there is always causesdepression depression is growing at an alarming rise in the developed countriesof society today because we are designed
to deal with drama and when the brain isworking well we can do it in fact i would go so far to say you know welloxygenated body in a well funded body in a well rested body into wellexercised body in a bun in a body that he's not exposed to poisons in awell-nourished well mineralized body in a well watered body in a body that hascontrol thoughts and the emotion it is virtually impossible to actually findroute will be able to grind it is virtually impossible for many of thehuman body to deteriorate so i just wanted like that foundation i think we've all heard of a dr normanwalker dr because of his books that he's
written on juicing to prove this pointhe went and lived in the colony for many years and he never let us now we havetold the true cause of disease is germs as a child i was told i would be takento the doctor gibbons sweet cherry flavored mention which was an antibodydesigned to kill the germs and i would be better and isn't it still happeningtoday in medicine if someone is sick often the doctor doesn't try anddetermine which bacteria it is he can get an antibody that is a restrainedspecifically designed to kill that strength isn't that still have a verypopular because it does make us all responsibility for us
rings and i also want to stress thateven know disease is usually caused by us it is much of the time causeignorance people don't go out of their way do that especially when you havenewspaper articles that cite recent research has just shown we don't need todrink as much water there were a lot of people have loved that newspaper go weneed to be looking at the things not that we want to hear but that we need tohear did they bring out the newest reason site stock watering your plantsyou really don't have to worry you plant so much and by the way if you want yourplans too much what happens i don't runs
at the bottom yeah i don't want them nor months at thebottom of the plan and what happens if you woulda human beings too much asimilar thing but we weren't going to take back to dr christopher he said hishis intestacy he drinking too much water project hit on you saw it and if thewater runs it geeez in other words it's virtually impossible to drink too muchwanna most people are dehydrated i need in his book the body's many cries forwater indian dr. hilde he states that eightypercent of men bills are due to dehydration know is that treatment isvery cheap but noticed that the spirit
of prophecy says in the north of healthto use water properly applied and i go the story this morning of a man whodrank only water with his meals so he was applying his water at the wrong timesaid this is a time to drink and actually this time not to drink andecclesiastes when it gives that presentation on thomas doesn't set timeto drink at all not to drink but you certainly can apply to to that situationbut not as when i said with dr. norman would it work he went to live in a lepercolony and he didn't get leprosy see pastor i only have half the theory andon his death he refuted his theory test was the manmost responsible the germ theory popular
and didn't his friends loved him he saidyou don't have to stop partying you don't have to stop drinking all nightyou don't have to stop staying indoors or winter the germ his major sick justtake this medicine that will kill the gym and you'll be better popular theory and united still populartoday the doctor that says you gonna stop smoking you gonna start drinkingmore water you gonna get to bed early you gonna start eating more fresh fruitsand vegetables not a popular or not but the doctor that puts up his pen has thescript and writes the script popular doctor and it's even more popular inamerica sorry australia because in
australia healthcare is free and is nota good thing did you know again and again and again and people don't want toput together a health retreat because it is not a good thing and it doesn'tencourage people to take control of their health but i want this many yearsi saw the wrong finger get opened on the wrong hand i've seen services ripped offaccidentally you know you know a lot more sense toprevent yeah it makes a lot more sense to prove it then actually learningcounter fix it up and we need to know but leprosy i'd like to look in thebottle of leprosy from found in the second step 2 33
and then it talks about calling thehouse before the priest going to see the play that all that in the house be notmad i'm clean and after the pressure guy say the house 37 and he should look onthe play and behold if the playing being the worlds of the house with hollowstrikes greenish already sheesh what does that remind you all and and thenand then it says in 39 if it be spreading the world's number forty thepre-show command that the stones be taken away that had the plague in it maybe cast into an unknown clean place in the city so there were consideredunclean taken out and 41 and they should cause the house to be described withinand without my poor that dust out to an
unclean place out of the city theyshould take a bus times put them in their place in the other stones andmortar and chill plastic the house 43 and if the play coming in and break outin the house the stones have been taken away and after he scraped the houseenough to eat its plastic then she prays to come and look at it and it's the playbe spread in the house it is or treating leprosy in the house it is unclear andhe should bring down the house did you see that the whole thing had to bedestroyed the stones team everything had to be taken out of thecity and if you look down 57 to teach when it is and crane and when it iscrane this is chrissy and there is
another i want rid of that because oftime but it also talks about leprosy in the clothes and in the walk in the westif they'd be a greenish or reddish strikes strikes sounds like mark againin the new international version when looking at legacy in the house it's coldmilk when looking at leprosy in the closed its called mail to its the sign used in leprosy of the skin so whatshould leprosy in the skin should be called mildew on the skin but in the newinternational version any infectious skin disease medical terms of fungus ismy car linked with a whole heap of diseasepneumonia skin disease that all tomorrow
now 101 to do is have a look at thislittle micro because that's what it is can only be seen under a microscope andthe reason why all the stars had to be destroyed is because you cannot destroymild you could boil it tell us you can use cost excited and wanted nothing candestroy that hard out of sight is around the sport ofmulled it is it is so highly toxic know it was recognized as such in the biblebecause it had to be destroyed the house had to be destroyed and the clothes hadto be destroyed now what is little animal specificbecause it's a little bit they can only be seen under a microscope but they arenot dangerous in fact most of them are
incredibly helpful and gone put them inthe on the planet for a reason there are 70 trillion cells in our body but thereare two the 10th or to the seventh amount of microorganisms what does that mean we're more plant andanimal the largest amount of these microorganisms found in thegastrointestinal trick now inside every cell of the body you'll find littlemicroorganisms and i are an important part of the proper running off the sellthe building up of the body now the same time of louie patch stood there was acontemporary cold antoine bushel and 12 bushong six times professor pastor was achemist how come we haven't heard about
10 12 borchardt not a popular theory andtuan bushong cited that when the body is working well these little microorganismsare an important part of its running but whenever so damaged or cell death comesinto the human organisms little microorganisms have the ability tochange roles to me yet to meet a cool change roles or even to evolve intoother homes now we do it all the time i'm sure no one here is dressed now knowwhy there were dressed last night we had our sleeping attire on last not whybecause it was the not i was just a little bit differently when i went on mymorning walk at home if you my god i'm just a little differently theenvironment
tight the change am i right we alsochange your through line we start off his babies and toddlers think childrenand adolescents in 29 chances than 20 years middle age although i we changeall through life so these basic change is a bicycle or fly and it is exactlythe size we faced little microorganisms when they're still damaged into the human body these little microand take off their clothes so to speak and put their rubber gloves on they become the clean up the bacteriumwe had a microbiologist do a program he said oh i call them the garbagecollected because i noticed here
trash bags we knew that we just thankgod like garbage collected the gun did you like this very important role on theplanet in fact if it wasn't for these guys they'd be sunlight rubbish onplanet earth we wouldn't be able to walk on the planet tomorrow dogs in the paddock what what takes itaway the little microorganisms that were an important part in the growth and therunning of the cow what happens to them now the organism is dead now they mustchange change into back to houston next time around this time the measureis brought back to die when i have just tried it he is the carbon cycle reachesout the funeral ashes 319 thats its dock
we go back to dust and then went out andsome hundred and three says he knows a frame him and that's what's important gotta know you got that's where we comefrom and the little microorganism saudi important part of the running of thebody you know they're also in the soil i play an important role in this used to fund its nickname to be undertitus takeaway did things can save the environment types the president's all the action ofthe little microorganisms carbon cycle is acknowledged on the rain forest floorif they acknowledged in the compost bin
laden i have three compost on compostbin i'm adding true but it's not like because these guys give off very badtoxic my middle compoz spanish just sitting what does it smell like bad toobecause they've got a very active but my third compost bin it smells good becauseall the work being done and all the message has been brought back to tell mewhen i can use my compost bin i've got a man that helps me and i said what's thatthey can compost bin doing said nah he said i lifted it this morning and stillsmell but compraste not been done to be with a girlfriend who's got two and ithink comments now marco polo and i get a handful august when is itsnow on you know when my nice tells me
it smells like it's ready for the godlet's have a look and see what it does in the garden here is the roots of aplant when i put the compost into the day what's my compost is a bicycle orsign that says nothing is created and nothing destroyed it just changes wrotedown we know it trees growing it falls down and dogs myhusband comes along with the china shop so we chop it into smaller bits we putit in the father gives office market gives a full and after a couple ofmonths one of our gotta clean have about five nothing's created and nothing isdestroyed it just changes and so this dust that i put into my god and does itgive me beautiful plan but why does it
give such beautiful plants because onceyou pull up being destroyed they they they evolve into bacteria yeast andfungus and mold and when they've done their job they do you hold back to thetop of my compost around my spinach plants which i did recently a couple ofdays later they looking green strong because the little microorganisms thatwere in the comp a very active in the soil and in thesoil they break down the minerals to make them available for the plan wedon't have to wait to get him get them anyway they wouldn't be avaluable to us but there's little microorganisms in the soil they breakdown the mineral make them available for
all the plans and i'm sure lunch timewe'll be eating some green plants at lunchtime children when you eating yougreen plants you eating your minerals that's why god is so important becausesuper falsify ice causes these little microorganisms to go into dormancynothing to breaking down the middle of them making them available for theplants in the plans to deficient and when the plants deficient guess what not only that they break down heavymetal and make them up before the plan actually breaking down the minerals inthe heavy metals different things are released but are all the minerals vitalfor the proper running of a human body
can i very similar thing happened inguest room too soon forget intestinal tract is lined with littlevilli that looked just like the roots of a plant and they do a similar thing asthe roots to a plant these little bit ly is your bloodstream is track you havemicroorganisms to of the two permanent ones lactobacillus acidophilus andbifidus bacterium we call it acidophilus and bifidus or simply willcall it the eye in the be the imdb the two men carry that live in agastrointestinal tract as the food comes these little microorganisms and makethem available pacific quickly you'll be drawn him andyou will be brought him to the proper
running of the cell inside every so youhave a little you have sometimes but luke i am your food and oxygen it's goodto keep you with me now that i'm gonna go i'm gonna magnify these things andpeople were going down the hill we're going even further into the into thelittle fairness we're going even further into the little fairness into the energycycle and here it is this is highly magnified we've got a big megaphone nowwe're gonna microscope now the glucose guys in and they're 123456789 10 11 12putting this about fourteen different chemical reactions be full energy comesout every single one of those chemical reactions is the big 12 deep end seculowon your energy level
anybody alcohol products now so you cancall it that have a little look and if i flight you've got enough and mountedacidophilus and bifidus and if i think you need some kind that's just a littletrick because we all need to be around doctors and being your own doctors mayyou have a little look and study is so so here is the common stock now i wantto take it somewhere you might never have taken it before i wanna take itinto your body because the same processes that apply toplan to apply inside the human body i'm going to give you a little about a mannamed job and he's a smoker what's happening in his long as everybodythat's my what do they also do and they
coughing up a loss which is a result ofthe cell damage inside the lungs is a smart car he doesn't drink much watertoo much alcohol he's got a brother named john and he says john is a fitnessfanatic he goes for exercise every day he drinks too little water and died in abox of fresh fruit and vegetables and you know what johnnie records judgereckons john has taken all the fun out of life we're gonna have a look at itshould be fun we shouldn't be walking around withcreepy places the children unlike at office i told my mother that any newkitchen unlock your head off to yelling rid of the children we should go back tojudge and his brother john so we've got
these two young men in the half butliving tightly different lost all the only really be together because theybrought it home visits and he's got a bad cough we might go to bed call youcan see under a microscope work fly out of the mouth with a cough you'dbe horrified what's actually flying in their room busy cough cough cough i oland on just looking to jo and they go the garbage collectors damage they likea magnet in a war medical supplies were few and then head office i would allowthe blood flows through a maggot and the megasquirt a cup to woundbeautifully but colleges never paid out out like a nanny pat applied pick thatlooked like you eating it didn't get it
played in a very good illustration so here we have all the littlemicroorganisms jumping him tennessee food by the end of the day food supply and what's the white skinoff from these things like to have a judge he goes to bed feeling and inaustralia we call it that way of sick now when a call came in john walked in theroom for rent cargo ship by when all of it eerie sight to the gym i will have topass to john and betty with dr his
cannot but not with a contemporary atthe top of the pastor pesticide about but not ship and i wasright the micro organism not saying that tehran which is what he called the bodyand this illustration show to say who got the call job because these guys had a food supply did you get the call john cause there'snothing you say that now has one pastor said forget the june because rememberthat tried trolls depending on the environment and you might get a testfrom the documents i all you've got this bacteria but by the next day could haveevolved into a nap time depending on the
situation around it but let's just sayfor illustration purposes that johnson spin on a surfing holiday a wall i hadto catch supply couldn't get organic food very well and there's a little bitof rice 240 i noticed how much morning walk it off baby fly i cough up ihaven't got a call but this mucus building up a knock off it up and i stayfor that's one plane trip we have we have organs of eliminationand when you fly a plane you get some toxic and so let's fight john has got alittle bit of wasting his body but you know we've got a self-healing organist aself clinching organism and by the end of the dow jones a bit sniffly guards upoh i'm having a health claim for my
holiday see what do you recognize that'sall i county that's what they'll never find a cure for the company called thehuman body needs to have occasion to know what john does stop drinking thewater to clean house clean dishes lots of what you want to claim china's thatbucket many times you want to clean house then he goes to the gym to workoutdenny has sustained by nicole share on teambuy guys home and he puts junior andgarlic and cayenne pepper and lemon drink down then goes to bed and pullsthe blankets doesn't feel good sweat i've not gets up a few times goes totalk about what goes in must come out wrong to wardha wakes up in the morning
award goes on a run comes back has ahard shell finished with called him finish with call you see what i did hejust said i have done it many times especially from traveling and i've gotlots of many state given i hear a sniffle feel so all i got her onimpulses on my throat kind of appalled to see someone get up on how many people when they get sick goto bed you gotta get out of that big new gonna run this time the slave and i'velectured all died 17 after friday not having a very short throw on the side ofthe concord its widest important both to understand the principles involved inthe treatment of the sick and have a
practical trying to reliable one rightly to apply that knowledge and whodo experiment on yours truly you can do it right back to work next ilike a wage jobs not at work not an iq cite in american resided in stride inbed with the wall it because he's at home in bed with the world it'sreferring to past three months i was a manager all that rutan pulleys given meis work bug control dr sudhir time this is johnloves this dog because this doctor never took a while to find this doctor justlove him cause he just watch the script antibiotics what did they do and hemeans by all means living organisms we
have to get away from this skillmentality anything that can kill a small organism has the potential to kill alarge one we're living things we've got to get away from that killed mentalitywhere does anybody come from alexander fleming 1929 he was growing bacteria inflasks in his report came in one morning and now all did and he did what everytrue scientist does third law of motion to every actionthere is an equal and opposite reaction and action has happened on inspect onhis bacteria to kill it question is causing more trouble thanever because when you take in and he brought in what are you putting intoyour body
mycotoxin there isn't that marketaxess a deadly is the mall isgiving off this waste contains to the sport this wife is the urine and spacehe's so to speak of all the wife of the most consuming the orange but alsocontains something highly deadly the reason it does is to kill off anythingthat would compete with the mall's food source mall with its orange this is myaren't getting it and i'm gonna give up all these toxic guess so no one elseacuminate my aren't basically that's that's what the motive i stood there wasso excited about this discovery because the mo waste
bacteria hundreds of differentmycotoxins in the possibility of making lots of any products eighty percent ofthem was so deadly that killed the red so attached to them now you don't hitthat you know other words and your body a deadly but not deadly enough to killyou right away any body died i killing people in the novel form of cancer if you have a look at the rise in theuse of any party then you put it with another graph in the rise of cancer youwill find that they what's their number one china the china study
62 go to know if a person were to grab aproblem in this country what happened very quickly 2100 i and i trusted to a fungus that wasgrowing on the court prize in 1921 the japanese government passed the rice atand in the rice that put stringent rules on the story price rises every target price on thepain not some gross on grounds to aflatoxin it is the most costly janiksubstance because nothing beats you look at the biological warfare you look atyou all are run in vietnam and you'll
find they're all market 2005 documented69,000 different strains of mouth fungus is and you two hundred of those areknown to cause disease human beings by the time i documenteveryone they estimated 1.5 million american journalist who's a nutritionistwho's put a book together called the germ that causes cancer excellent book i don't think it's out ofprint them and you might get it on amazon his names doug hoffman germ thatcauses cancer and he gives the history and he shows that when we went in fromthe 19th to the 20th century and made a lot like knowledge that can phil was butthe rockefeller funded radiotherapy
machine i funded chemotherapy and ifounded surgery so where did it all go how many people have died in the pasthundred years because because that fact was not known in australia there werethree oncologists headed by professor graham morgan freeman hospital northshore hospital one of our biggest hospitals in new south wales on theresearch done on chemotherapy patients in america and australia between 20012004 and they lead to the son of leniency for chemotherapy five yearsafter chemotherapy that i found a two and a half percent survival right now shocking i believe hopefully 10 yearsprobably not for fifty years they gonna
look back at cancer treatments to dieand consider we were in the dark ages we've got a site in australia's coalbarking up the wrong tree that's what's the definition of insanity to do whatyou've always done and expect different results if someone has came out therapyand is the cancer and i get go into remission you know that person is considered asuccess story even if i get cancer to use like you can't believe this justtakes it doesn't make any sense the poisons will heal a poisonous body doesthat make them doesn't make sense at all ok let's go back to thomas campbelllooking at the children and the
philippines with liver cancer aflatoxin is well known to be the maincause of liver cancer studies will document now even questions that one upso well researched i found there was more aflatoxin in the peanut butter thenthe peanuts i didn't quite know how to explain that the thomas campbell pursuedthe poor children would be dying and the wealthy children would not be donebecause i would but he found the opposite was true the wealthy childrenwould die and the poor children and i only difference was that the world'schildren eating meat and dairy products the poor children would that wassurviving
shocked in this was against everythinghe'd learned in med school so we just sort of walked away from it didn't quiteknow what to do with that one but it was reading in the american medical journalin the time and he found an indian doctor had just done research on twentyretro got twenty rats every one of them was injected with aflatoxin because whatwas he trying to cause cancer well nineteen research that it willcause cancer can read together 20% animal protein dog looking compared tohuman terms that would be made every male dairy products made me veryproductive read a lot of the dog typical longest-running american into the redsea cove 5% animal project that would be
like twice a week little bit of dairy two or three times aweek after two years that's why my study on rats caused very similar to humans infact brett milks the closest monitor human did you know that but we're notgoing to milk bread but this is why they do so much researchon rats caused a site similar to humans in the digestive tract in the way theyrun and also mean to you as you can see what would happen to human seventies atthe end of to use the 20% animal protein every one of them had liver cancer nice to them or did you read from thefox internal pressure you should know
cancer cancer at all and yet that wereall ejected with the condition of the body this really rocked the young dr thomascampbell is like he did his own research on you got the same results do not ifyou are familiar with research you will never get those results you know whatthe results are not positioned vs hundred-percent you will never get soit's a remarkable hundreds of rats light i he found exactly the same thing but hedid another group of friends he gave me 20 percent vegetable protein ok nocancer 20% visual products and then hit differ find it right down to find itdown there is an end zone in dairy
products indian make that triggers cancasey protein in the dairy product he said i'm 72 does this mean no majordairy products in my home twenties and when i get it all out myfriends said you taking all the fun of a lot has anyone ever said that to you youtaking all the fun out a lot 172 died half of them had a stroke cancer theones that are alive in wheelchairs hobbling alone he said i'm 17 i'mclimbing mountains with my grandchildren i'll tell you what funnies i want tofeel good every day and god wants us to do what does he say first 35 out ofcontrol on top of this problem in your partyfrom now and then not a big deal but can
you say what he's doing here tipping the scales and then he sprinklesthe top of these piecemeal what's the blue in the blue line change and then hefinishes the meal with a great big ball of ice cream with chocolate flavoringall over you had enough be washed down with a big glass of coke can you seewhat he's done this kyle feeling better the cough is gone but he wakes up a fewdays later he has gone to nia athletes foot between his toes its wow each redhe's got the worst joke it she's ever head right down the middle of these guyshe's rigged i you know a fungus loves to grow voice goes back to the doctor butcosts fit a dog but i got another
problem now using is an all doctor hestill to look at the time to look at the time of the time should be nice and pickto look at the time it's you know what those why do this little fungus bugsthat's a good sign as the fungus clears up the tank should clear chinese doctorsare things to look at the time the doctor knows what the problem is becausehe knows he's done pharmacology you know where the antibodies come from theweekends in austin which is actually mycotoxin which will kill off now thefun this mean types in the body this happens about five or six times ayear after about four years just coughing up blood goes to the doctordoesn't make sure i got a mess on these
these long does a biopsy he's got cancer with the information because what whatwhat is what is the suggested treatment for cancer today gold cup poison or burn surgery orradiotherapy i've had people come to me that had radiotherapy on their lungsburn a hole in their softness had another lady had radiotherapy on auterus it put a hole in her column it's almost like a shotgun that price let'shope we get all the cancer cells it will kill of cancer cells but the cancercells are in the middle of leaving human cells that can get killed two chancesmight i'm gonna give you time to think
about your options i'm gonna show you afortnight at misty mountain health or trade i don't want your stupid healthretreat but it's been paid for it is a bit upset so we come electra the light bulb goes all seniorfar so we don't have electricity we have a fuel style secrets car in the fall istart walking program called and he says every single www dot com in fact the most popularvideo to be viewed on google at the moment is doug kaufman from the book thegym that causes cancer either viewing dr. tullio simoncini having a 90%success rate was talking to a doctor in
canada last week and she took outsomebody there with brian and she talked to doctor telling us immagini he came tothe motel room every day for seventeen dice he said 10 news of lost one case ofcancer he had all of his qualifications taken away from him he's been told if eqis another case of brain cancer he'll be putting job twenty years grandmothers agriculture they treatfungus in the plan and in australia cost $2 94 for a little piper packet in thesupermarket its sodium bicarb bicarbonate of soda it is one of themost alkalizing substances there is your
stomach lining is constantly releasingit so that the at the definite been hauling it something really hard rightand you dehydrated that doesn't have your pedigree is is constantly releasinglittle bit so that when the food s it comes in to you judy and thatneutralizes some people have said to me but doesn't spirit of prophecy tell usnot to have sodium bicarbonate when your rice cakes with it and actually does heis a sport jackets which means he puts a catholic into the vine and the sodiumbicarb solution goes straight to the brain or straight to the pancreas wasstraight to the little strength we can't do that but this afternoon i'm gonnashow you have an alkaline or the fungus
in the body without using that cause wecan't report different hydrogen peroxide is actuallythought i talks excitotoxic made it 4-2 cells that sodium bicarbonate is justalkalizing can acted and released as accurate oxygen in the blood and exercise arewell nourished body and well mineralized body that is well watered body isrelaxed and trusting and divine power to use of virtually impossible for theselittle micro life forms to make health you can live a happy healthy life in2000 and i on climate but there is a formula and if you are heated thatformula will let me end on a quiet
council and dog food commenting on daniel twenty-eight the erupted for the firmand lactic step the fair countenance that time to breath since this all fromany certificates of good habits insignia of the nobility with which night ron isthose who are eating into her that your health certificates and that is thesignal with which night shop owners who are obedient to her laws broken lawbrings disharmony beatings to law because if you're not getting the fuelto share with you the program to eliminate fungus from body but i want tostay here that if a person has a history
of fungus in their body it doesn't meani have can't remember job and he could and he said it all its favorite food soeventually it got tourist site where did he take over his body wants you saycancer isn't a monster that suddenly comes in and stocks to eat at our bodythere's a reason why it's growing and if you stop can sell off glucose you knowwhat cancer cells do myself justice let me go back to the little energycycle i'm gonna rule for you energy saco on i normal cell and anenergy cycle on atkins the energy cycle on a normal cell has about 15 differentchemical reactions before the energy comes out a cancer cells are verysimilar
has only about chemical reactions thatglucose goes in and the energy comes out this pasta goes into the body this afternoon and
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