Saturday, 6 May 2017

Cancer Symptoms

- [dr. group] hi everyone. i'm dr. group withglobal healing center, and today i'm going to talk about on of my favorite nutrientswhich is b12. so the presentation is basically going to be, "why every single person, wellthe majority of people i feel need to be on a b12 supplement?" and everything you needto know about b12. so i'm happy you're joining me today, andtoday we're going to talk about what i consider again one of life's most important nutrients.most people know b12 is a vitamin that supports their energy levels, but there's a lot moreto this vitamin than just supporting your energy levels. b12 is essential for your brain,your nervous system, your heart, your mental health and so much more.

unfortunately if you don't get enough b12your health is going to suffer many things and your body is going to suffer. the statisticsshow that an overwhelming majority of people worldwide simply don't get enough b12, andmost adults over 50 according to studies but i think even adults over the age of let'ssay 25 or 30 have problems absorbing b12. so getting enough b12 in your diet alone canbe a challenge, and if you follow or you're thinking about following a vegan or vegetariandiet, you probably been told that it can leave you especially vulnerable to a b12 deficiency.but i'm telling you that, that's not really the case. b12 deficiency can affect anyone,not just vegetarians and vegans but also believe it or not most meat eaters are deficient inb12. some of the more common symptoms of b12

deficiency include fatigue, irritability, feeling run down... especially inthe afternoon, never having any energy, memory loss, depression, pale skin, brain fog, mentalcloudiness, even weird things like burning sensations, muscle cramps, bleeding gums,slow reflexes, all of these things are potential indications that a b12 deficiency is affectingyour body. the good news is that all those problems arecompletely and easily avoidable. if you pay attention to your nutritional needs and youknow what to do and supplement with a good b12 supplement. that's what we're going tocover today. every single thing you need to know about vitamin b12.

so first of all, i'd like to discuss whatexactly is vitamin b12. b12 is not created by plants or animals, it's actually createdby soil based bacteria. you might even say it's similar to a probiotic. the term b12is actually a catch all used to describe a group of vitamins known as "cobalamins", andthere's four types of cobalamins. there's methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin which arethe two co-factors of b12, and then there's hydroxocobalamin, and then there's cyanocobalamin.hydroxocobalamin is the one the pharmaceutical companies have patented and usually that'sused as an injectable form of b12. so methylcobalamin is one of the co-factorsof b12 and is one of the two better forms or the best forms of b12, specially when it'scombined with the other co-factor which is

adenosylcobalamin. these are the only formsof b12 that are already broken down that your body is able to absorb almost instantaneouslyand use. methylcobalamin is also really good for yourheart. as a matter of fact, one study found that methylcobalamin was effective at loweringhomocysteine levels. high homocysteine levels are associated cardiovascular disease. adenosylcobalaminis the other co-factor form of b12 and the second active form of b12. then you have hydroxocobalaminand cyanocobalamin. hydroxocobalamin isn't bad but the methyl and the adenosylcobalaminare way better for your body to take in. cyanocobalamin is the one you want to avoid, it's basicallycobalamin bonded with cyanide and commercially produced. this is the type of b12 that isproduced by bacteria fermentation for the

purpose of low cost, cheap vitamin and foodfortification. this is the kind of b12 that people fortify and all the different typesof food, cereals and stuff like that out there at conventional grocery stores, it's the onethat's really bad for you. if you start looking at b12 supplements, it'sthe one you see cyanocobalamin in the majority of probably 99% of the b12 supplements outthere contains cyanocobalamin. one easy rule is if you see cyanocobalamin in something,you know that company is not a good company so don't buy their nutritional supplements,don't by their foods or whatever. it's just a very low poor quality. so let's talk about why b12 is actually veryimportant for you. i can't stress enough b12

plays a huge important role in your body. it impacts everything from your energy levelsto the way your brain functions. your nervous system and brain neurons actually rely heavilyon b12. in fact, people that have ms... multiple sclerosis or also lou gehrig's, als need extravitamin b12 supplementation because it helps protect the myelin sheath surrounding thenerves. b12 and folate also work together to createhealthy blood cells. b12 helps with melatonin production that can impact your sleep, yourmood quality. b12 is involved with serotonin production which can help supports your mood. b12 contributesand support your thyroid health. we see people, i mean practically the whole world is havingproblems with their thyroid now and it's because

b12 deficiency, it's also because of iodinedeficiency. b12 helps support your immune system, also male fertility sufferers suffer from alack of vitamin b12 and that was actually a study done at the university of marylandmedical center. the linus pauling institute and oregon stateuniversity found that low vitamin b12 correlates with an increase risk of breast cancer. there'seven evidence that suggest that high vitamin b12 administration can help protect againstbrain atrophy and destruction. something that could be really important as you grow olderspecially with dementia and alzheimer's care. so it actually helps support the brain andmight even help prevent some of those damaging dementia, alzheimer's, parkinson's diseaseswhich are nothing more than just toxic chemicals

and heavy metals that have accumulated inthe brain, but the b12 can help to protect those brain path ways from degradation fromthe other toxins. b12 also supports energy levels, your endurancethat's why it's great for athletes to use it. it works by supporting your cellular functionand this directly translates into more physical energy. so here's the bottom line, with somany systems in your body relying on b12, if you don't get enough you're setting yourselfup for b12 deficiency and a long list of health problems. so i want to get in to b12 deficiency butbefore we do, it's going to help if i first describe exactly how your body processes andabsorbs b12 because this is one of the big

problems that i found when doing researchon b12. by the way, i was not the kind of person that i thought people needed b12 allthe time, but so many people started writing in and saying, "well, you're not recommendingb12. we all need b12. what's going on?" so i actually had to take three months and doextensive research into b12 and i was actually amazed of what i found. i mean, because ireally don't like to recommend a lot of things to people, i'm more into if you cleanse yourbody, you keep your body clean on a regular basis, you can act-- keep yourself healingmechanism activated, obviously avoiding all the junk foods and stuff like that. but whati have to say is everybody was right. the conclusion of this research or summarized--i'm going to summarize all my research during

this presentation today and hopefully you'llsee the same thing that i saw, and i started taking b12. i actually developed a b12 supplementbecause i wanted to take a b12 that had the methylcobalamin and the adenosylcobalamin,and it was gmo free and vegan friendly, vegetarian friendly and everything like that. now there's a bunch of b12 supplements outthere and this is not an advertisement for my b12 supplement, it's just good informationthat everybody needs to know because still today, i don't know everything about everything.i mean you still find out things and with the world evolving and changing, you stillfind some things that you're not going to get through the food supply like i talk alot about iodine which we have iodine receptors

and vitamin d, those are all things that ithink everybody needs to be on. so how does your body actually absorb andprocess b12? well first we have to understand that our bodies do not make b12. the onlyway to get it is through our diet. now this is the case with most vitamins. however, mostvitamins are water soluble and easily absorbs but b12 is different and it requires thatyour digestive system is working properly which most people's digestive system are notworking properly, and this is what lead me to the conclusion that we all need to takeor supplement our system with b12. when you consume b12 through foods, it goesthrough a lengthy digestive process that begins in your mouth. when you chew up your food,it mixes with saliva. although most people

don't chew their food properly until it'sa liquid before they swallow it. the saliva actually contains proteins that protect theb12 from gastric acid in your stomach. another thing about your stomach, it's lined withcells that are called parietal cells. the parietal cells secrete hydrochloric acid whichhelp with protein digestion, but they also secretes something called intrinsic factorand this is they key when you're talking about b12. intrinsic factor is actually a carrier forb12. so when you swallow your food, the saliva protein known as the r protein will degradein the small intestine or the duodenum and it will release the b12. so it protects theb12 in the stomach until it gets to the duodenum

or the small intestine, and then it releasesthe b12. it's right there in the small intestine thatthe b12 will bind to intrinsic factor and transport the vitamin through the duodenumand the jejunum into the ileum which has intrinsic factor b12 receptor. so the ileum actuallyhas b12 receptors and that's how you absorb them, but the intrinsic factor has to carrythe b12 to the ileum to reach the intrinsic factor receptors. so along the way, it's involvedwith the synthesis of hormones like melatonin and neurotransmitters like dopamine and, if you don't have enough intrinsic factor then the b12 can't bind to it and it can'tbe absorbed properly. it'll just exit out through your body. now keep in mind that'sa best case scenario. good b12 absorption

is relying on a lot of different things speciallyenzymes and pancreatic enzymes like lipase and protease as well. if anyone of those stepsis out of balance, you might not be able to absorb the b12 you need, and that's what we'refinding with today's society. all of the toxic foods, the beverages, all the other stuffis that we have a problem with intrinsic factor and actually absorbing b12. so it might not be that you're not takingit then, it might just be that you're not absorbing it, carrying it and utilizing itproperly. this is a big problem for the majority of people and usually the primary cause isnot b12 but not having enough intrinsic factor. now there's a number of reasons that you mightnot have enough intrinsic factor. if you have

weak stomach acid or you just don't produceenough stomach acid, you might have low intrinsic factor. sometimes stomach surgery, if you ever haveany type of stomach surgery, that can affect intrinsic factor production. if you have gastritis,that can destroy the gastric mucosa which in inhibit intrinsic factor production. someof the things that most people eat on a daily basis like msg which is hidden under naturalflavoring, hydrolyzed vegetable protein. i mean there's probably 35 different hiddenterms for msg where you would never think you're consuming msg but you actually are.that has been shown to directly decrease gastric intrinsic factor. so if you're consuming,you're eating out of restaurants, even though

you're taking an animal protein and stufflike that that might contain b12, you're not producing the intrinsic factor that carriesthe b12 to the ileum. one thing you definitely need to be carefulof and i had no idea about this is mercury. tap water, water contamination, if you havedental fillings of mercury, all that can leak down into the gut. if you eat fish that containsmercury, high fruit, corn syrup. i mean there's plenty of sources of mercury out there. whathappens is the mercury can damage the small intestine and affect not only b12 absorptionbut also intrinsic factor production. another thing that we can link altered intrinsicfactor production to is genetically modified foods, specially the gmo foods that containsthe bt toxin which can damage the stomach

cells causing them to not produce or alterthe production of intrinsic factor, and that also leads to leaky gut syndrome. gluten isanother thing that i would recommend everybody avoid whether your gluten sensitive or notbecause now it's been shown that gluten can actually cause an immune response for up tosix months straight if you just consume gluten one meal, and those who don't know what glutenis, that's going to be any of your wheat or barley or rye, the majority of the foods outthere that are made with any type of wheat are going to contain gluten. so whether you'resensitive or not, we all are sensitive to gluten and it has been shown that gluten causesdamage to the parietal cells in the stomach. so again gluten can actually prevent you fromabsorbing b12.

what happens is your immune system can actuallyattack intrinsic factor which can be induced by gluten sensitivity, chemicals, plastics,bad food, an acidic environment. when your immune system attacks the intrinsic factorthat can cause what's called "pernicious anemia". the causes are enormous, i mean we could talkabout probably thousands of different things that you're going to take in through yourmouth, air, food, water, beverages, all that stuff because so many people are having gutissues, stomach issues, but the bottom line is any of those toxins that are coming intoyour mouth can cause an alteration in your stomach, can cause alterations in the aciditylevel of your stomach, and all that can lead to b12 deficiency.

so let's talk a little bit about b12 deficiency,i would say after doing three months of research and please do your own research because don'tbelieve everything that i say. i'm just relaying this information so you can use this to startyour own research. i would say that b12 deficiency is a huge problem, and it probably affectsclose to 80% of the population out there. i say that because believe it or not, evenmost pets are deficient is what their finding. i mean if you ask your vet, they'll probablygoing to do some test and find out that your cat or your dog is deficient and that's whymost cats and dogs right now are getting b12 shots. but anyway, b12 deficiency can producea huge range of symptoms. now for most people, the biggest symptom ofb12 deficiency is fatigue, mental fatigue,

as well as physical fatigue. they just don'thave the energy. they're always feeling drained. if this is you, and sleep and exercise aren'tdoing the trick to increase your energy, that's probably because you have a deficiency of b12.b12 can also bring on physical symptoms that can be anything from an upset stomach, shortnessof breath, neuropathy, nerve pain, anemia, that's when the blood doesn't have enoughred blood cells. now a lot of people think this only relates to iron deficiency whichisn't true. remember, b12 is necessary to produce red blood cells, and red blood cellscarry oxygen. so if you're low on red blood cells, you'renot going to have enough oxygen headed to your brain and your muscles. so muscles needoxygen and poor oxygen circulation can also

cause muscle pain. so you can link a b12 deficiency to many thingsand ultimately not enough oxygen to the brain can cause symptoms of mental illness, brain fogand more different types of symptoms. in fact, talking about b12 deficiency and how it affectsthe brain and mental health, i touched on it before but quite frankly, anytime you gotneurological or psychiatric issues, a b12 deficiency needs to be considered. now, thinkabout all the kids and all the people these days that are taking the anti depressants,anti psychotic, add, adhd medications, bipolar medications, anti anxiety medications, i meanpersonally i don't believe there's anything that mental illness doesn't even exist becausei've done the research, all mental illness

is caused by some sort of vitamin deficiencyor it's caused by too many toxins coming in, chemicals, phthalates, endocrine disruptingchemicals, all that could go up to the brain and cause misfiring of your brain which can endup causing mental illness. but right now, doing research i actually found out that vitaminb12 deficiency is involved in many neurological disorders, alzheimer's, parkinson's, memoryloss, stress, anxiety, depression, add, adhd, nervous system damage, there's even400 studies linking b12 deficiency to anxiety and depression. there was a paper from the journal of nutritionand wellness that reported b12 deficiency can lead to psychosis, mania, depression,memory loss and memory malfunction and more.

so if you're experiencing or if you know anybodythat's experiencing depression, mood swings, even sadness, lack of motivation, you needto think about b12 as a possible cause and make sure that maybe you want to go down andmeet with your natural healthcare practitioner or whatever because, "hey, it's a simple easyremedy that might actually take care of these mental illnesses and prevent you from beingon any type of psychiatric or psychotropic drugs which are extremely damaging, and thelist of side effects for those is we could do a whole show about that. there's even researchto suggest that b12 deficiency contributes obsessive compulsive disorder.researchers at the university of michigan and tufts university found that vitamin bdeficiency may increase the risk of age related

cognitive decline including again alzheimer'sdisease. in some cases, a thyroid disorder like hypothyroidism can combine with the b12deficiency and creates symptoms of depression. a lot of things happen with the thyroid and a lack of b12 deficiency. just think how many psychiatric ailments can be linked to a relativelysimple dietary deficiency, specially iodine, b12 and vitamin d. those three are three ofthe things that i always do, of course i always do complete cleansing with people first butanybody that's suffering from any mental illness clean up their intestines, clean their liverand gall bladders, as a matter of fact traditional chinese medicine, ayurvedic, always associatemental illnesses with liver congestion. so cleansing the liver and iodine vitamind3 and b12 might be, i mean i'm not saying

it's going to work all the time but it mightbe something you want to look into for any type of mental or neurological issues. thequestion is, "are you giving your brain, your nervous system the nutrition it needs to functionproperly?" i mean that's the question you have to ask, so it's better not to wait forsymptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency to arise before you start paying attention to, if youneed b12 or not. there's even something called subacute combineddegeneration which affects the white matter in the brain's spinal chord when you're b12deficient. this is something you want to avoid obviously at all cost since it can affectyour neurological function, how you walk and your muscle strength. so think about that,it's much easier to just get enough vitamin

b12 than to have to deal with the then, i went to look into what actually causes a b12 deficiency? why are we all b12deficient? so it's obviously-- well, obviously b12 deficiencyis caused by not getting enough b12. that's what most people are thinking anyway. well,you didn't get enough b12 in your diet that's why you're deficient. however, the real numberone reason most people are b12 deficient is because they didn't absorb enough due tounhealthy digestive system. that is what i realized and that's what a lot of other practitionershave realized. it's not like you're not consuming enough b12, the problem is you're not absorbingit and your digestive system is messed up. so remember how we talked about the intensiveprocess your body goes through to digest and

absorb the b12? well, if your stomach or smallintestine have any functional or structural damage, you may have trouble absorbing enoughvitamin b12 and other nutrients for that matter. so if you have leaky gut syndrome, food allergy,you're sensitive to dairy or gluten, you might have excessive bloating or gas, if you haveharmful organisms in your intestines like parasites that can steal or destroy the b12before you even get it. for example, tapeworms are notorious for stealing vitamin b12 frompeople. if you eat sushi, i mean i've come to the conclusion also that every single personhas parasites. i mean if you're not doing a parasite cleanse twice a year, at leastonce a year then it's time for you to seriously look into doing that. i mean for example,one square inch of sushi has been found to

contain 10,000 to 100,000 larva or eggs ofdifferent types of worms, mostly tapeworms. parasites can lay up to 100,000 eggs a dayor maybe even up to a million. so it's just something to consider but any type of gastricproblems, any chronic irritation of the stomach lining can result in the reduction or loss of gastric cells. ibs, crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis celiac disease. i mean the listof digestive problems goes on and on and on. really any inflammation or inflammatorybowel disease or digestive ailment, if you have any of that there's a strong chance thatyou're not absorbing enough b12 or other nutrients for that matter. don't think that, "hey,"like me i eat a fairly healthy diet. i mean i'm mostly raw vegan most of the time,and why would i have deficiency in b12, most

likely i probably would. wrong, after reviewingall this research and even eating a healthy diet, i still and i didn't do any test buti still had some of the symptoms of b12 deficiency and i started taking 2,000 micro grams a dayand i've notice a tremendous difference in my overall health just by taking some additionalb12. some people think well, i eat healthy. i'mexempt from all the problems but that's not necessarily true. i mean, age can be a factor.i'm almost 50 and as you do-- i had a horrible diet for probably the first 25 years of mylife, 30 years of my life. so that does come into play. i did have digestive problems,that's one of the reasons why i started-- i stopped eating meat slowly over a periodof time. wasn't because i was a radical, and

i just wanted to say, "oh i want to be a veganor i want to be a vegetarian." it's because i grew up for a long period of time on crappyfood. i even can remember a time where i was eating tv dinners. i mean, i can still remembereverything that comes on a salisbury steak tv dinner because i ate it for like weekson end at one time in my life. so even not consuming enough probiotics and lacking a good solidbalance of good bacteria in your gut can lead to a b12 deficiency too. so there's a lotof assorted items that can be problematic factors. alcohol consumption. i mean alcoholisn't good for the liver and it can cause inflammation to the stomach and decrease stomachacid which can lead to b12 deficiency. there's quite a bit of research to show thatparietal cell function is dramatically decreased

when it's exposed to alcohol. also the british journal of nutrition reporteda study that showed high coffee intake correlated with low b12 status. that's people that aredrinking probably more than one cup of coffee a day. we have to remember also that 80% ofthe coffee, the world's coffee supply is heavily contaminated with pesticides and insecticidesresidue. i personally would probably link the damage to the-- not specifically to coffeebut more to the pesticides and the insecticides and the herbicides that are causing damageto the parietal cells. i don't like to think anything naturally growing on the earth ifit's organic can really cause that much damage to the body unless it's over used. so stressactually, smoking is another thing, acidic

conditions can also destroy b12. meat forexample which is a source of b12 is actually very acidic and can destroy the b12 that itcontains. one thing that doesn't get talked about enough is the number of prescriptionmedications that can cause b12 deficiency. that was very shocking-- well, it wasn't shockingbut you know, when you look at all the different things like i was doing it's like, "okay,let's see. is this true? does everybody need b12?" well when you look at all the differentfactors out there that can damage the parietal cells and damage the production of intrinsicfactor and can neutralized b12 absorption, i'm telling you there's a lot of things outthere. some of the things you would never even think about. i mean think of how manypeople right now and how many children are

on one or more prescription medications. if you are, if you know somebody that is,no doubt about it, you're going to be b12 deficient and you're going to have to supplementb12 into your diet. antibiotics, big. this is something tracingback because antibiotics can destroy b12 and considering that many animals on feed lotsare raised with antibiotics, cows, pigs and stuff like that. this also might be a reasonwhy so many meat eaters are deficient in b12, because if you're not eating grass fed, organicchicken and beef and everything organic. i mean even the organic ones still sometimeshave to use antibiotics then, you could be thinking you're getting your b12 from yourmeat but you're actually not because the animal

has antibiotics in it. i'll tell you also with so many people beingon-- having diabetes and the metformin, a type two diabetes medication, that's beenlinked to impair b12 absorption. so anyone out there have heartburn, okay. if you takeacid blockers, watch out because most anti acid, practically all anti acids are goingto reduce b12 absorption. i know, living in houston, we have the oiland gas industry here. there's people that-- i mean practically everybody i talked to,men over the ages 30 have a roll of anti acids in their pocket, and they pop them like they'recandy. they go through two or three rolls of anti acids a day. so how on earth are they goingto be getting b12, they're not. so just be

aware, all anti acids are going to inhibitb12, proton pumping inhibitors which are used to reduce stomach acid and manage acid refluxhave been linked to a 65% increase risk for vitamin b12 deficiency, and that was a studypublished by the journal-- jama, journal of american medical association. if you've known anybody that's had cancerthat has gone through chemotherapy or radiation. chemo is ultra rough on your whole body forthat matter specially the digestive system. it irritates the stomach, the intestines whichis terrible because b12 is specially important for people with cancer. anyone undergoingchemo should be taking mega doses of b12 because it's going to help protect some of the normalcells.

one thing that i should talk about is howb12 deficiency affects people following a vegan or vegetarian diet because that's allyou hear out there. well, if you're a vegan, if you're a vegetarian, you're going to bedeficient in b12. no doubt about it. in fact, what i found out is, that is one of the biggestmyths about b12 deficiency, that's it's a bigger problem for vegans and vegetariansthan meat eaters. unfortunately it's pretty common for people to mention to their doctorthat they're transitioning to a vegan or vegetarian diet and the doctor jumps all over them andbasically says, "oh, you're going to be deficient in b12, you're going to be deficient of ironand all that." aside from the fact that the health benefits from a plant based diet areincredible specially a live plant based diet,

the truth is that eating meat isn't some sortof free pass out of b12 deficiency and meat eaters are just as likely if not more likelyto suffer from a b12 deficiency because peole who eat meat are more likely to have the gastrointestinalissues that inhibit the absorption of b12. sounds strange but there was a study performed60 years ago called the framingham study and it looked at the effect of cholesterol oncardiovascular disease and inadvertently found that many meat eaters were low in b12. one of the reasons is that the b12 producingbacteria is heat sensitive and is killed when the animal dies or is cooked. so this alone isgoing to make most animal sourced b12 unusable. so that means, that study proved and withmore research coming out-- is you can't really

even get your b12 whether you're a vegan,vegetarian or meat eater. there was a study from the journal of agricultural and food chemistrythat found microwaving foods containing b12 reduced the vitamin content by close to even if you have a little bit of b12 left in your food and you microwaved it which ihighly recommend, by the way everybody throwing out your microwave because microwaves radiatethe food. they cause damage to the food and what you're getting is dead radiated foodthat you're putting in your body. it's extremely non-healthy and it activates the immune system,and immune system actually has to attack your own food. so we talked about the symptoms of b12 deficiencyand a lot of the health problems. obviously

most people are wondering at this point intime, is there some way to test to see if i have b12 deficiency? the answer is can test. there are few ways to check for b12 deficiency. they are not a 100% accuratebut they can definitely provide some clues. the thing to know is that b12 works in thecells, not the blood stream. so a serum b12 like a blood serum b12 measurement isn't goingto be totally accurate. but there is something called spectracell test which can determineintracellularly if b12 deficiency exists and is a better evaluation. you can also measuremethylmalonic acid and homocysteine levels to indirectly tell if b12 is low, but they'renot as reliable as spectracell. there are tests that can determine if you have anemiaalso and what type of anemia. there is something

called the shilling test actually which checksvitamin b12 absorption and can also determine if you have pernicious anemia. all of theseare fairly standard lab procedures you could have done, but obviously if you can, the bestidea is to avoid that scenario in the first place. you could go to a doctor and you canget a lab test done or you can just look at your dietary habits, see if you're havingany problems, see if you're having any symptoms, or what i'm doing and what i recommend peopledo is just take a b12 supplement which is what brings me to the next part of the presentationwhich is, "what is the best way to correct and avoid a b12 deficiency?" well, the best way to avoid a b12 deficiencyis to consume enough b12. i personally recommend

at least 1,000 to 2,000 micro grams a day.the only b12 i would take is a b12 supplement with the co-factors which is a combinationof the methylcobalamin and the adenosylcobalamin. so where can you get get b12? well, one obviousanswer like we talked about is food. foods considered to be good sources of b12 are beefliver. how many people that you know eat beef liver, red meat. of course if it's mediumor rare or something like that is probably going to have more b12 in it because it'snot cooked all the way through. make sure it's organic. dairy which i recommend, nobodyeats dairy products because dairy is an inflammatory products which cause inflammation in the intestinaltrack and may even harm the parietal cells which secrete intrinsic factor. but raw dairyis another-- it would be something that some

people might want to consider. shellfish alsocontains b12. so you have to decide for yourself whether or not to consume animal products,and if you do, that's your choice. that's fine. but i still with all the toxic chemicalsand everything else, you're looking at even consuming animal products all day you probablystill going to be vitamin b12 deficient. personally i avoid meat and dairy but that'ssomething that i had problems with for a long period of time and i slowly eliminated it.just make sure you only get organic grass fed meat or a dairy locally, sustainably raisedand stuff like that. if you are a vegan or you are a vegetarian, there's definitely feweroptions available for you. now, a lot of the foods for vegans and vegetarians are fortifiedand even other foods are fortified with synthetic

vitamin d. there's like soy which i highlyrecommend people avoid, and the fortification is done with cyanocobalamin. the cyanocobalaminis not the ideal form of b12. the ideal form is the methylcobalamin or the adenosylcobalamin. those are the only two co-factors of vitaminb12. those are what vitamin b12 breaks down into the body. there's a lot of supplementsout there that contain methylcobalamin. but the adenosylcobalamin is the other co-factorof b12. unfortunately the adenosylcobalamin is very, very expensive to put in in a nutritionalsupplement. so the perfect nutritional supplement would have a ratio of adenosylcobalamin andmethylcobalamin in the same supplement. that's what we use and that's what i actually produced,even though the adenosylcobalamin is $14,000

- 15,000 dollars a kilogram. but if i'm going to betaking something, i'm going to be taking the best and i'm going to be taking both of theco-factors. so there's really no question in my opinionthat a b12 supplement is the easiest way to consistently and reliably meet your b12 requirements.a lot of people go in for b12 injections. they take a pill, they take the sublingualdrops. there's even b12 patches available. so it doesn't matter whatever you choose todo, that's what you choose to do. you might just try to avoid the cyanocobalamin. there's really no denying the fast actingefficacy of a b12 injection. injections are great but if you don't like getting shots,or you don't have easy access to the doctor,

they're not for everyone and what i foundis they-- i haven't found injectable b12 that contains methylcobalamin and that's why i feel like the liquid supplements are fast, easy, convenient, take a few drops.take a drop for full, hold it under your tongue. swish it around your mouth for 30 secondsor so, swallow it. i specially like the fact that the ones thatcontain vegetable glycerin. the glycerin actually protects the b12 from some of the stomachacid. so you actually get that b12 coming down into the small intestine. according toresearch at texas a&m university, b12 injections and b12 supplements are equally effective.the lancet which is the british medical journal even published information that cited oralb12 supplementation as more tolerable than

injections. not much surprise that a swallowof liquid is easier to take than getting stuck with the needle. so like i said the best b12 supplements onthe market are going to contain a combination of the methylcobalamin and the adenosylcobalamin.that actually-- not only that i'm saying that the national institute of health website saysthe exact same thing. that's what some doctors are recommending although it's very rare tokind of find a supplement that has both of those. so while we're talking about the absorptionof b12, it's probably a good time to mention the necessity of making sure your digestivesystem is in order because remember, we talked

about before about the intricate process ofwhat has to happen for your body to actually absorb the b12, and how any kink in the digestiveprocess can cause problems with b12 absorption, and really nutrient absorption overall. soyou can take all the b12 in the world, but if you're not absorbing it, it doesn't matter.the answer to this is, is to strengthen your digestive system, heal your gut. remove theinflammatory food from your diet. if you're consuming a lot of processed sugar, stop.if you're eating gluten, stop or just slowly reduce it over a period of time until youcan stop. another big thing is to avoid and stop eatinggenetically modified foods, that's going to be your corn, your soy. i meana lot of things are genetically modified,

and how to avoid? the easiest way is to justeat organic, certified organic foods. there was study over 15 years ago that found thatmice fed potatoes treated with the bt toxin is what they use in genetically modified foodshad structural changes in the ileum, and that's where your b12 is going to be absorbed. the ileum is the main-- well, it is the onlyin the major absorption side of b12 before it releases into your system. so changes inthe ileum structure will absolutely affect your b12 status. if you're not eating probioticfoods, taking a probiotics supplement then something i highly recommend you start doing.that's not a replacement for b12 supplementation but some probiotic bacteria particularly lacticacid bacteria play a role in production of

b12 in the guts. so kefir, kombucha tea, agood probiotic formula. those are all really good to repair and strengthen your gut health.there was even a study in stanford, they found if you take a probiotic supplement it greatlyincreased your b12 levels and the absorption of b12. another thing that i always recommendthat people can do to help reset their digestive system is to perform a series of body cleansing.oxygen and intestinal cleansing and liver cleansing specially. if you've never donethis, check out our nine-step body cleanse program on our website at it can be a huge game changer for you. soanytime, really the one thing that i always talk about is reactivating your body's ownself healing mechanism. creating a clean and

green outside environment, breathing cleanair, eating clean food, drinking clean water and avoiding all the toxic things that cancome in to your life or into your mouth. so let's just do a little recap of what we'vetalked about. vitamin b12 is absolutely essential for your health. it doesn't only affect yourenergy levels but your cardiovascular health, your nervous system, your bones, your jointsand specially your brain. unlike other vitamins, absorbing b12 requires that your digestivesystem and your liver are working efficiently, so that's another thing to consider. is yourdigestive system healthy? would you benefit from an intestinal cleanse? are you gettingenough probiotics? are you getting enough enzymes? have you performed a liver cleanse?are you giving your liver regular nutritional

support? so it's my opinion that the easiest surefireway to get your b12 requirements is by regular supplementation with a high quality b12 supplement,and when you're looking for one, make sure it contains the methylcobalamin and the adenosylcobalamin.i actually created the one called vegan safe b12 but there's plenty of b12 out there. themain thing is do your research, look at what is available. take the information that i'vegiven you today and expand upon it. specially, i'd really like to hear from anybody whosedealt with b12 deficiency. how they corrected it. the difference its made in their lives. pleaseleave a comment at the bottom of this video. it's great feedback that'll help others andit adds to the conversation. so thanks for

watching. tune in for more great videos onour youtube account at global healing center or visit us online at,sign up for our newsletter, our blog and thanks for taking the time to watch this presentationtoday.

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