Thursday, 13 April 2017

Cancer Gifts

is there a supernaturaldimension? a world beyond the one we know? is there life after death? do angels exist? can our dreams contain messagesfrom heaven? can we tap into ancient secretsof the supernatural? are healing miracles real? sid roth has spent over 35 yearsresearching the strange world of the supernatural.

join sid for this edition ofit's supernatural! sid: hello. sid roth here. welcome to my world where it'snaturally supernatural. my guest had cancer three times. nothing the doctors could do forhim. in desperation he went to oralroberts just before oral was promoted to heaven. oral prayed for him. his cancer went away, but he gotsomething new, the supernatural

gift of faith and he wants toimpart that to you. anyone want it? okay, i have james goll here. he's a good friend. i've known him many years. i trust his prophetic word. that's why the devil tried totake him out. thirty times he gets cancer. doctors say there's nothing theycan do.

in desperation he goes to oralroberts and asks for prayer. what happened? james: well it was an amazingencounter, a god encounter. and so went from nashville,tennessee with a white mask on. my white blood count wasdangerously low. there was nothing more thedoctors could do, my third bout with non-hodgkin's lymphomacancer. so to tell a story short thentowards the end of the time in his home i was sitting on thislittle ottoman at the chair

where oral roberts was sittingand he laid his hands on me. sid: you're provoking me tojealousy. i wanted to go there. i never made it. james: i really wanted to bethere, too, and so, and i wasn't even on the list to get invited,and i heard about it, and i said, god i want to be there. and then all at the last momenti got invited, so i got your invitation.

okay. sid: wait a second. james: god does things fordesperate people. it was something like that. so here i am in oral roberts'home and then towards the end if you wanted prayer you could beprayed for. well i wanted prayer. that's what i went for. and i thought, i really believedin my knower that i was going to

be the last person that oralroberts would pray for that would get healed. i'm sitting there and he says,"i want you to know i have never prayed for anyone for longerthan 15 seconds." and i'm going, "i don't care. one second will work." and so helays his hands on me, and he said this, and it's marked inmemory for all the days of my life. and he laid his hands upon onme, and he said, "i eradicate

every cancer cell in your bodyand i command it to never come back again." and i felt like alightning bolt of the presence of god went down on the insideof me. it was amazing. and something happened. guess what happened? sid: i know what happened. james: what happened? sid: you got healed.

james: i got healed. sid: but now you know me. i am just so curious about god. i get so excited about god. james: right. sid: what did it really, yousaid lightning bolt. i know that word. did it really feel that way? james: i don't know else to sayit.

it was an energizing power,presence of the holy spirit. it was external and then withhis laying of hands it went and deposited in me, in me. and what i actually believe itwas, was the gift of faith. sid: okay. so you got a double thing. the cancer went out. james: that's right. sid: and this gift of faith wentin.

had you ever had such a giftlike this? james: no. i had moved in discerning ofspirits on a regular basis. i moved in prophecy for 30-someyears and different gifts of the spirit. but i would say that that wasnot one of my strong points and i had not really regularlyfunctioned in the gift of faith. but i ended up at doctors. my white blood count wassupernaturally raised.

my blood count was all fineafter this and i go back, to this day, once a year for acheckup and seven years later the cancer has never come back. and guess what? it's never coming back again. sid: i agree. now i know you have faith forpeople that have cancer to pray for them. but you have something new thati'm excited about.

i'm so excited. this same supernatural gift offaith that was imparted to him from the laying of hands of oralroberts, he by speaking can impart that to other people. now you recently had downloadeda teaching that is really revolutionary on gifts of thespirit. tell me about this. james: oh my goodness. sid: tell me about when ithappened.

i want to know that. james: well actually it's been adeposit over years. and like many people you situnder teaching and then it builds up and builds up, andbuilds up, and being a teacher myself and a pastor in the past,and recognized as a prayer and prophet leader. so there's been this build-up. but then i go to teach thismaterial and i go to teach it all over again and the lordgives me a dream, and i'm going

out, and i'm saying to the lord,i'm saying, lord, there's a piece missing. there's a piece missing. i know you have the piece. what is the piece? and i get this, and it comes tome so clear and simple, and it was releasing spiritual giftstoday. and the holy spirit emphasizedthe word "today" and the word "today" resonated on the insideof me, and then i understood

hebrews 11:1 better. "now faith is." faith isn'tabout yesterday nor is it projected to the future. now it is present. it is present tense. now faith is. and that's how spiritual giftsare, releasing, receiving and releasing spiritual gifts, when? yesterday?

thank god for everything that'sgone on in the past. thank god for what's going tohappen in the future, but how about faith for the release ofspiritual gifts today. sid: well faith is always nowand that's what you do with your teaching. everything you teach is not bythe time you develop your muscles, your spiritual muscles. it's now. i like it.

i think god is in a hurry. i think god wants to show himsome before people that don't know him and what happens if allbelievers are equipped to demonstrate the kingdom, thesigns and wonders. in fact, define to me "spiritualgifts". james: well they're not naturaltalents. some people think that you getlike a gift that matches your personality. not necessarily, really.

sometimes, but no. it's supernatural. i think there's a televisionshow that's out today and i have this friend, and he wears theselike bright ties sometimes. sid: all the time. james: a different one on everyshow and it's called something like "it's supernatural". well the spiritual gifts arethat way, sid. they're not natural.

they're supernatural ability ofgod that he deposits by grace and they're free gifts that hegives to his people to demonstrate his love throughthem to others. sid: briefly tell me about anexample of using these gifts, like in albania. james: awesome. oh well. right after communism had liftedand i was one of the first people into albania and i hadministered in the capitol in

tirana for a while, they take meup the coast, and it's dark, it's raining. i'm on the cliff overlooking theadriatic sea and i'm saying, o god, o god, o god, what do youhave for these ancient shqiperian people? and a word floats to my mind andit is "sarah". there was no worship. it was a cold building. it was raining.

it was not a good atmosphere. it was like january. and so i'm up there and i had totalk with my interpreter, and, oh my goodness, it didn't seemlike i was getting very far. so we cried help. but guess what? the helper answers and he saysto me, and he reminds me, "sarah". so i turned to my interpreterand i said, "how do you say

sarah in shqiperian he says,"sabrina." so then i speak and the interpreter interprets, andi try to tell this. and i said, "is there a sabrinahere?" place is packed. everybody knows everybody. no one is a believer. and so one lady stands in theback, and i go, praise god, hallelujah jesus. sabrina was there. so she stands.

so i say, "sabrina, come to thefront." she's now standing there. words of knowledge are coming tome. "your name is sabrina. you have never heard the gospelof jesus christ in your lifetime. you're 32 years old. you have a tumor in your leftbreast and jesus wants to heal you." sid: that's calledstepping out.

james: yes it was. her name was sabrina. she had never heard jesus. she had a thick winter coat. she had cancer and a tumor inher left breast. she gets healed, saved,delivered all right then in front of everybody. sid: i'm going to tell yousomething. when we come back james hasrevelation on the working of

miracles. i want him to teach about that. be right back. so i'll never forget the namesabrina now. she gets a marvelous healingfrom cancer. and so james now has a driver. he's going to the next city, butthe story continues. james: it's absolutely amazing,sid. so it was raining, pouring downrain.

we didn't even know how we weregoing to get from that city to the next because cars weren'teven new in albania at that time. and so but we're out there. we thumb a ride. a person pulls over. we get in. and so i start telling him thestory. and i said, "there was a womanat the meeting tonight and god

knew her name, and her name wassabrina. he knew her age. he knew that she had a tumor andthat the holy spirit rebuilt all of this, and she met jesus."this man starts tremoring and shaking at the steering wheel,and it's like he's trying to avoid the potholes. and then he goes, "oh!" and hestarts talking, "that was my wife!" sid: this guy just pickshim up and .... now you skeptics, figure thatone out.

james: and he gets saved, too. sid: you know something james? life is boring without knowingthe holy spirit. how would you like to livewithout knowing jesus and the holy spirit? i don't know how someone wouldmanage. humans can cope, but the truthof the matter is you don't know what life until you know jesusand you have experiential knowledge with god.

i don't mean intellectualknowledge. tell me about the gift of theworking of miracles. james: i break it down, youknow, the three vocal gifts and the three revelatory gifts, andthe three power gifts. in this realm here there is thegift, obviously gifts, plural, of healings. sid: what does this mean to you,this gifts of healings, plural? james: because there's differentmodalities. there's different dimensions ofthe way that the gift, gifts of

healings, healing isdemonstrated. there's different ways. it works through differentpeople. sid: for instance, tell me aboutthat person in a coma. james: so here's anotherencounter that i had. there was a person in a citythat i was living in and they were in the hospital. the wife calls our home andwants me to come and pray. i go into my intercessory prayerplace and the holy spirit

forbids me to go. i'm like, now wait a second. this doesn't seem like the kindjesus. sid: but jesus, when he went tolazarus, remember, he waited. james: i know, sid. that's where we're going. are you prophetic, sid? sid: did i hear you saypathetic? james: i said, are youprophetic, sid.

i think you're picking up on my,no, i mean, okay. so what happened was then afterpraying for around 36 hours, and i was not permitted to go,finally things clicked on the inside, and i knew it's time togo. i knew it was time to go. see that again is a gift offaith. and i knew. see, oral roberts defined itthis way. the gift of faith is i know thati know, that i know, that i

know. and i just knew now was thetime. so then i went. but when i went he now hadslipped very deep into a coma. i go into that hospital placeand i'm like, it's not like gentle jim that's showing up. this is giant james. and i go in there and i thumphim, i thump him, i thump him, i thumped him on his heart.

he wakes up. he comes out of the coma and hegot totally healed. sid: god is starting to operate,for some reason the giftings, like i'm a specialist in certainareas. sid: those that watch know. but the gifting i have, it'sstarting to increase, which i'm very excited about. for instance, i felt somethingand i know someone was healed right now.

i felt something right abouthere, neck to shoulder. you are healed in yeshua, that'shebrew for jesus, in yeshua's name. i command that pain to leave. i have to tell you, i getaggressive. why do i get aggressive? i don't know. when my voice goes up theanointing gets stronger. have you found that?

james: well that's whenauthority and that faith i mentioned, revelation then ismixed with authority. and when those two things cometogether there is an impartation that occurs. so right now also i seesomebody, i hear somebody with like a laryngitis, but it'sactually it's really important because you're a singer. but i right now, i speak to thatperson in the name of jesus and i see the holy spirit puttinglike a holy spirit soothing

anointing of like an oil. it's going to go down yourthroat and i just speak grace over your vocal chords becausegod has a new song for you to sing to bring impact for jesus'sake. amen. be healed. when we come back i have an ideathere's a few people that would like james to impart thesupernatural gift of faith. is that you?

shake your head at me on tv. let me know. sid: the thing that i love aboutthis revelation that james is teaching, yes, it's for you toget healed, but it's for you to get healed or receive animpartation to help others. you're not just called to walkhealed. i mean, that's not the purposeof your life. you're called to impart it toothers. i imagine there's nothing moreexciting to you than when you

impart to someone that they thencan impart to other people. james: one of my greatest joysis mentoring and helping raise up the next generation to impacttheir sphere of influence for jesus christ's sake. sid: i want those that are inour studio audience, i want those that are watching all overthe world to receive an impartation as great if notgreater than what you got under the ministry of oral roberts. would you pray for them now.

james: i sure will. sid: would you raise theatmosphere. james: the presence and theglory realm of god, arise, shine, for his glory has come. and i speak the overwhelmingimpartation of his glorious presence and i speak animpartation because what i received that day from oralroberts was not just for me, but it was to give away, andaccording to romans 1, i say, be filled with the holy spirit.

be filled with the gifts of thespirit. be filled with the gift of faithnow. let it start to flow throughyou. some of your hands are going tostart feeling tingling and heat coming on them. some of you are going to feelheat. someone is getting healed rightnow of a heart valve palpitation issue. somebody had a hole in theirheart, and the finger of god is

going and he's touching yourheart right now. there's someone thatdiverticulitis and the holy spirit is touching things in itsnature and god has something better than radiation. he's got holy spirit fire. and so i speak right now healingrealms of grace, glory and the gift of faith for such a time asthis. sid: and while james was prayingfor you i'm going to tell you something, i saw someone with ahip, and i don't know if it was

metal, yes i do. it was a metal hip and it'sbeing changed to bone right now. sid: and i also see someone withpains in their fingers, an arthritic condition. start moving your fingers. you may have carpal tunnel. just move your wrist. you'll see the pain is gone. your wrists are totally free ofpain.

and backs are being healed. what did you release, james? backs are being healed. it's something in the ribcage isbeing healed right now. but the most important healingis i tell you this is eternal life that you might haveexperiential knowledge of jesus. i pray that you ask god, as wego off the air, to forgive you of your sins, come inside of youand be your lord and for jesus to give you experientialknowledge.

holy spirit, grant these peopleexperiential knowledge of god. and i pray the peace of godwould invade you and your house in yeshua hamashiah's name,jesus. sid: next week on it's supernatural! three doctors said to my guest,you're going to die. you have cancer. they were preparing for thefuneral and god called it off. your gifts to this ministry willhelp sid air it's supernatural

in israel 28 times a week anddistribute his evangelistic book to the jewish people worldwide. ♪♪

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