Thursday, 27 April 2017

Cancer Pins

hi and welcome to the 30 days of qigong to better health. my name is chris shelton and thank you for joining we're gonna be working with the heart move. and the heart, you know thisthis organ can't be talked about enough because in chinese medicine the heart isactually the consciousness of the body. according to chinese medicine, these fiveorgans that we're going to be working with over the next five days here, workwith different systems of the body and are all affected by different negativeemotions and also restored by positive virtues, but the heart is interestingbecause the heart indicates how much of an emotion is going to be expressedor suppressed, and the heart is also

affected by the negative emotions of overexcitation,too much joy, and mania. and what's interesting is, here in the west, we have a hard time thinking that or associating that too much joy can be a bad thing. you always hear people saying be happy, smile a lot, laugh a lot. and that's true, youyou should be happy, you should be happy within yourself, but too much excitation canactually create a heart attack and unfortunately here about a month ago iactually witnessed that happen at a tournament. but anyways, as we cleanse out the negativeemotions of overexcitation, joy, and mania, then the positive virtue of lovecomes forth. but because the heart's the emperor of the body, as we're doing thismovement today, if you can think of anything

that has caused you any kind ofgrief, sorrow, or loss, or anything that has affected the heart, then go ahead andfocus on that. don't just focus on something that you're nervous about, orfocus on something that's created too much excitation in your life. you know,whatever pops up into your mind, whatever you feel that you need to work on. it could be something the in present tense, it could be something future. more likely, for most of us, it'ssomething in the past and even if we think that we haven't worked with it,or even if we think that we have worked it through all the way, you know,the chances are, there are still these issues within our tissues. so, what'sgoing to happen here today is that we're

going to start off with the clearing exercises, then we'regoing to go through center and balance meditation. after the center and balancemeditation, directly intothe micro-cosmic orbit meditation. from there, i'm going to do few movements of collecting heaven and earth energy. the practice that we did on day #6. and then from there, we're going to go into the heartmove. now, there's two ways that you can actually do this movement. one way is asif you're holding a ball, and if your left hand is on the bottom, then theright hand would be on top of the ball and then as to shift to the left, then theleft hand comes to the top, the right hand

shoots to the bottom. that bottom hand here isthen going to come back to the center, move to the bottom of the ball and thenis going to press and become the top handon the right side. as i do this, i'm going tobe shifting my weight from left to right i'm going to gaze at the upper hand andthen gaze at the lower hand. in chinese medicine, the heart is associatedwith the fire element, and normally, we talk about five elements, like my book, "qigong for self-refinement, total health with the five elements." there's actually a sixth element, and the sixth element would be another fire element. and that element, excuse me,that sixth organ actually would be the

pericardium, and then what is known as thetriple warmer. and we'll get into what the triple warmer is later on. but thepericardium is the actual membrane around the heart. and in chinese medicine, external pathogenic heat as well as emotions tend to affect the pericardiumfirst, and then affect the heart. if something happens to your pericardium, then you'll cease to exist in this form. so, we want to make sure that we clearout this emotion, and as we're doing this you're going to gaze at the upper hand first, then gaze at the lower one. as we come back gaze, here inhale

exhale as you press, inhale, exhale as youpress. now if you're at home or at work and you're watching me do this and yousay wow that's a little bit too complicated for me, then let's do it a more simplifiedway because qigong is meant to be simple, it's not meant to be complicated. if it becomes complicated, then the mind becomes too active, too busy, and it derives from thepractice. so from here, as though your cradling a ball or cradling a baby, you are going to then shift and press, inhale, shift and then press and when i say shift, what imean is when i push to the left i'm going to shift my weight to the left. when i come to the center i'm more 50/50 and then as i shift to the right, or press myhands up to the right, then i'm going to

shift to the right leg here. so, if youwant to make this practice even deeper, what you can do is, as you inhale, imagine a pinkor a red cloud filling up around the heart, the pericardium, and then what's going tohappen is, as you press, you imagine as though any negative circumstances thatyour focusing on, whether sorrow, grief anger; anything that has affected yourheart or that pops up into your mind, you're going to just imagine that that leaves out throughthe pinky and down deep into the ground. the heart meridian emerges from the armpit here,this is heart number one, travels down, and then it comes up here, and thenit comes around here, and actually ends actually ends here at the inner corner,inner corner of the pinky here.

so, you've got the small intestine meridian, i'm sorry, the small intestine meridian comes to the outside, the heart meridian comes on the inside, some people, they actually will press this point. this is heart nine (ht9) and they'll make a sound vibration associated with the heart the ha sound, in order to help to cleanse it, but anyway, if you want to, you don't have to be that exact, but you canjust imagine that the negative emotion leaves out through the pinky and downdeep into the ground. so, inhaling, exhaling, and inhale, exhale. okay then we're going to come back and finish pulling down the heavens three times. and then wrapping everything up with thewhite pearl meditation. and the cool thing about practicing qigong, i don't know if you noticed by looking at the video here

but i'm wearing jeans today. and what'sgreat about qigong is that qigong, i've said this before, what's so amazing about it, is that it does not discriminate against race, gender, religious background; it doesn't even discriminate against what you wear. you can wear jeans and practice qigong. you don't need any special clothing, stretch pants, you don't need any mats orprops in order to practice qigong. it's something that you just carry withinyourself and you can practice anywhere. so if you're at the office, and that's onlytime that you have to practice, even if you're wearing your suit, you can stand and press and do this heart move, or do any of these practices that we're doing over thesethese next 30 days. once again, if

you're somebody who's stuck in awheelchair, or stuck behind a desk, you know, you can do this from a seatedposition as well and still accomplish what we need to do, which is to balanceout what's going on within our entire being. so if the heart functioning right, andthe rest of the organs are functioning right, then that actually radiates on theexternal part of the body, and that vitality as it shows through, thenpeople will say wow you're looking younger! or wow, you're looking like'what have you done different?" and it's not that anything has changed externally but as you change internally,doing this internal cultivation practice

then it is reflected on the outside. okay, so let's begin. from here, taking yourposition into the wu ji posture, your feet are out shoulders width apart, knees are slightly bent, tucking the sacrum underneath, pressing back to ming mein, breath long steady even and deep, into lower abdomen, one inch below the navel. tip of the tongue curled to the roof of the mouth behind behind the teeth as if saying the letter "n." we're going to begin bypulling down the heavens three times. inhaling collecting the energy back, exhale, inhale calming the mind settling your energy and inhale, exhaling

then from there raise arms up aboutshoulder height, begin to clear the energy, the stagnation inside the body. exhale as we shift and turn. little adjustments there on the lower spine. as we inhale we pull in white light or golden light. whatever you want to think using your creative visualization/ imagination as you exhale imagine any dark heavy energy flowing several feet away from the body and down deep into the ground. any excessive thoughts, feelings, oremotions, any stagnation in the chest, shoulder, neck. if you have any paindiscomfort of the neck or shoulder region. just imagine that is a dark cloudfalling several feet away from the

body and deep into the ground, and what'sinteresting is that, talking about the heart move there were doing today, if youdo have any pain in your neck or in your shoulders. a lot of times people that comeinto a clinical practice and say, "chris you know i think it was bed, i think it was the pillow, l slept wrong last night, i woke up with a kink in my neck." it's not the bed, it's not the pillow, what it is is that the emotions. somethingemotional that affected the heart. you probably had suppressed it. just moved forward with it. just like we're taught and raised to do, and as a result of thatobstructs the channels of the shoulders and neck and if you were to look at aacupuncture chart, a meridian chart

you actually see that the heart, smallintestine, pericardium, lung, triple burner, large intestine channels all run up thearms, inside, outside of the arms, up into the chest, and up into the neck and into the face. those organs take the brunt especially of grief and sorrow. like the lungs take thebrunt of grief and sorrow, and the heart being the emperor it takes the brunt of that.then it discharges it to the lungs were it affects the lungs. if you haveany grief, sorrow, if you have any pain, or tension in the shoulders then goahead and do more this heart move. then from here pulling back. inhaling, exhale. remembering to breath through the nose. inhale and exhale. okay, the next practice we're going to bring the feet just a little closer together

they don't necessarily have to be right next to each other because you can lose your balance, but if feel comfortable having them next to each other, that's fine. i like to have them just underneath the alignment of where the armpits are. what's going to happen is you begin by bouncing slightly,closing the eyes, focusing on the major joints in the body. starting with theankles, allow for any tension of the ankles to release out deep into theground, knees any attention or tightness in the knees allow for that to releasefrom this gentle vibration, this gentle shaking out through the legs, outthrough the feet, and deep into the earth. next the hips, groin, low back, this area of the body, this major gate of the body tends to

store a lot of tension and tightness.just allow for that to shake out for this gentle pulsation on the ballsof the feet. guiding it out through the legs out through the bubbly well points and downdeep into the earth, and then next center of the back and chest if you have any tension on the spine, in-between the shoulder blades, allow for that release out through the body, out through the feet and deep into the ground. from here the fingers, wrists, if you have carpal tunnel, arthritis, shaking out all that tension in the joints of the wrists, hands, and fingers.just using your mind intent, imagine it guiding it out through the end of the fingers and down deep into the earth. from there, elbows, shoulders, head and neck.

guiding out all that tension and tightness. using your mind intent. guiding it out through the arms out, through the fingertips, and deep into the ground. then from here pull the golden light up through thebody as we inhale, and dropping out all negative energy, as we exhale. we inhale pull it up, and release. dropping down. inhaling pulling up, and releasing you pull up, inhaling, golden light through the body, beyond the top of thehead, and release. again, this time a little bit quicker. we are going to bounce, release from the ankles, the knees, releasing that. shaking out any tension in the hips, groin low back, center of the spine, right opposite of the heart

shen tao point, fingers, wrists, hands,elbows, shoulders, head and neck. releasing out all that energy. guiding it outthrough the arms, through the fingers, and deep into the ground. we stop bouncing. inhaling pulling up. and release. up and release. inhaling up and release making sure you back into your wu ji poster again. this time my favorite practice shaking the trees. starting withthe fingers, inhaling all the way up the

body down, and exhaling, all the way down. making sure to relax the shoulders, relaxing the hips, the waist. inhaling and exhaling. another way of doing it is as if you're grabbing a couple of ropes. inhaling, shaking down (3x) pulling the energy back three times. inhale and gather. exhale. from here, closing your eyestucking your chin, pressing up on the crown point by tucking the chin. tip of thetongue still gently curled the roof of mouth behind the teeth, as if saying the letter "n." lightly squeezing the anal-sphincter muscle. relaxing the body. knees slightly bent, breath long steady even and

deep into the lower dan tien, one inchbelow the navel. focusing first on the front of the body. beginning the centerand balance meditation. starting at the top of the head. imagine warm oil that melts down through the scalp, through the forehead, enveloping the eyebrows, and eyes and temples, the side of the face, the ears, the nose, the cheeks, beneath the nose, the lips. inch by inch, cell by cell, tissue by tissue down into the chin and jaw structure. flowing and pouring into the neck and throat, shoulders, upper chest, biceps, elbow creases, forearms, wrists, palms of the hands. all the way out to the fingertips and then from there enveloping the entire chest. around theflanks of the body, to the armpits, melting

down for each tissue, though the ribs, through the abdomen, through the midsection melting into the groin, into the thighs into the knees, shins, ankles, feet and toes. all connecting, all flowing off deep into the ground. from here, feel the entirefront of your body from head to toe simultaneously. now feel just as much on theright and left sides of the body. expand to what's around you. what's infront of you. what's to the left and right. feel the walls, the doors, the windows, thefurniture. just imagine as through you can touch everything. while simultaneouslyjust feeling the entire front and left sides of thebody. then from, we begin to

melt down through the back of the body flowing down through the back the head, the back ears, the neck, flowing into the shoulders, relaxing in the shoulders, and into the triceps, the back of the arms, the elbows, the back of the forearms, the back of the wrists,hands, and fingers. and from there, enveloping the entire upper back enveloping the mid-back, the low back, the waist,flowing through the buttocks, melting through hamstrings, the back of the knees, thecalves, ankles, heels. allowing for this warm oil to flow down deep into the ground. and from there, feel the entire back of your body from head to toe, feeling now andexpanding into what's behind you

feeling everything that is behind you feel as much in the back as you do in the front to the left and to the right and then from there, melting down throughthe center of the body connecting to your higher source, yourhigher power, or if you don't believe inanything else like that then just imagine a whitelight of energy that begins to flow down through the center of your body enveloping the brain, the surroundingtissues, the skull. you feel beneath the brain you feel the right and left hemispheres ofthe brain, visualizing them, melting down into

the eyes, behind the eyes and nerveendings that connect to the center of the brain the cheek bones, the muscles, thecapillaries, blood vessels. now visualize and feel the sinuses and the inner ear,flowing and pouring down into the jaw structure of the teeth, the gums, the tongue.feel the glands and traveling down through each of the vertebrae of the neck. traveling down vertebra by vertebra, cell by cell, you feel the arteries of the neck and throat, the carotidarteries, branching off now into the bones and muscles of the shoulders,feel the fascia, the connective tissues connecting the muscles to the bone.and then from there, through the upper chest,upper back, in through the center of the biceps,triceps, elbows, forearms, wrists

all the small bones, tendons, ligaments of the wrists, hands and fingertips and then from there, you feeleach rib, traveling down, feel the ribs as they wrap around to the spine on the back, feelthe heart, the lungs, the liver and gallbladder, the stomach and spleen. travelingdown each vertebra even further into the intestines, the kidneys, right opposite the navel, theurinary bladder, the pelvic bone the bones of the legs, the muscles, the femoral arteries, the center of the knees,the center of the shins and calves, all the small bones,tendons, ligaments of the ankles, feet and toes allow for this white light to flowdown deep into the ground. and from there, just imagine that your feet melt into the floor,and you have roots that grow out from the bottom of your feet

all the way down to the center core ofthe earth, and as you inhale, you begin to feel this golden light rise up through theroots, through the abdomen, as you inhale then as you exhale, any dark, heavy energy flowsout through the abdomen, out through the legs out through the roots and down deep into the ground inhaling, flowing up,and exhaling flowing down. just guiding this energy up and releasing it back down and release. so as you release, with yourmind intent, release out any toxicity, any stagnation you feel inside the body, any blockagesyou may have. if you have any blockages in

the organs that you know of, or you justfeel this overall unease, just bring the golden light in there to heal it, and thenas you exhale, just allow for that dark, heavy energy to release back outthe feet and deep into the earth and two more last one and release. and then this time, bringing it all the way up as you inhale, straight up the spine, up over the top the head, down the front of theface, the chest through the midline of the chest and abdomen, doing the microcosmic orbit,or also jupiter cycles meditation also referred to as small heaven breathing.inhaling up, up the spine, up over the top of

the head, down the front of the face, thechest, the abdomen. and if you want, you could use your arms like i'm doing here tohelp guide the qi up the governing vessel and down the conception channel.the governing vessel starts between the sex glands, anal sphincter muscle, comes up over thetop of the head, ends underneath the nose and then the conception channel alsostarts in between the sex glands, anal sphincter muscle but comes up through the midline of thebody, and ends underneath the tongue. this is why we place the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth, behind the teeth, purposefully connecting these two majoracupuncture vessels of the body. two of the eight extraordinary vessels

inhale up, exhaling, benefiting the other 12regular acupuncture channel systems, benefiting the internal organs and the entireorganism. great meditations. so as the quantity and quality of this energyincreases, you feel the channel open up and become wider and wider. and you may sense and notice that the qi movesfaster than your hands move or moves faster than thebreath and that's normal. just allow for that to happen. and doing one more cycle inhaling,and exhale and pulling down the heavens three times, inhale,

making sure to pull out any excess energy out of the head, guiding it down with the white light. inhaling.staying present with your practice. and inhale. exhale. and there from here, collecting heaven and earth,inhaling, exhaling and in bending over at the waist, grabbing the yin energy of earth, combining it with the yang energy of heaven up

creating balance of yin and yang inside the body. and, last one going directly into the heart move then i come up and then i hold the balland i shift and press inhaling center, exhaling as you push, as you inhale,you can imagine a red or a pink cloud filling up in through the chest, as youexhale, focusing on any negative emotions of over excitation, joy, mania, or anysorrow or anger, anxiety that you may have if you suffer from anxiety, imagine thatpushing out as a dark cloud from the armpits, out through the arms, out throughthe pinkies and down deep into the ground

a simplified way: cradling, press shifting the weight from left, as we press to the left,to right, pumping the blood up to the chest inhale, press allowing for the positive virtue of the heartwhich is love they say that the heart houses the mind,which houses the shen. the shen is the spiritual component of the heart and, when the spirit is intact the person will have bright, glistening eyes.if there's an obstruction of the spirit, of the shen, then the heart, or the eyes will tend to be dull and lusterless.

so by doing this movement, we help toroot the spirit, root the shen, bringing forth consciousness, universal love inhaling exhale and even if you slow it down even more, you could inhale in pulling the pink light or cloud into the heart and coming back to center, pulling down the heavens again three times, inhale

for heaven collecting the energy back release inhalingand restoring and then slowly open up your eyes,coming back to the present okay, so this wraps up ourheart cleansing exercise for today thank you once again for joining us for30 days of qigong to better health my name is chris shelton, and remember: qigong is a simple practice with profound results

until next time, it ain't easy being cheesy

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