Friday, 28 April 2017

Cancer Pulmonar

amen, amen. what's up rock church? say jesus! how is everybody doing today? bless, bless, bless. how many of you are suffering insome way? you are struggling in some way? this is the place to be, let'sstand up. thank you for coming to churchtoday.

i want to say hello to allpeople in all campuses. say east county. what is up. city heights. north county and that will soonbe san marcus campus when they move, and san ysidro and then wehave microsites, give them a hand to all of those people outthere. god bless you. amen.

the microsites are portablechurches we have in places all over san diego, and from 10 to100 people, and we set up in a suitcase, speakers and screenand watch live. and then we have five locationsaround san diego. let's pray. lord thank you so much, soexcited about today's message. i pray that you encourage us andi pray that you give us wisdom on how to get ready for trialsin our life. that are always coming and goingin our life, in jesus' name,

amen. turn to the person next to youand say, this message is for you. so here's what we do, if you area visitor, you may have someone shout, who's the man, and sayjesus. for some that don't know, ifsomeone shouts out, who is the man. and you say what? jesus.

and if someone is shouting thisout, for real, i will be at the airport and who is the man. and by law i have to respond, ican't be like yo, man, i don't know who the man is. so you know if you are out, justshout it out. if you hear it random, who's theman, jesus. and also i will count to three,and after i count to three, lift your bible up, whether a phone,tablet or book, and say word. on the count of three.

okay. that means, i will say, one,two, three and lift the bibles up. are you ready? one -- very good, y'all arewaiting. one. two. three. word.

one more time, lift your bibles,look at all the bibles. that's what i am talking about,yea, baby. this is the word of god, alwayswill be, and not the word of god because of what man says. it's not the word of god becauseof what scholars say or church pastors, it's the word of godbecause of what god says. turn to daniel. book of daniel. chapter 1.

it's in the old testament. if you were to need a lungtransplant. you went to the hospital andhave lung cancer, often it's smoking. whatever reason, you need a newlung. you go to the hospital and testyou and try to find compatibility, lungs are hard tocome by, but if you found a lung that is for your body, theywould not test the compatibility, but can youafford the medicine.

and you can't afford themedicine and the lung dies and it's a waste. do you have the discipline totake care of the lung, in other words you are not going to startsmoking again. because if you are not, we arenot going to give it to you. and do you have a support systemin your life, that can encourage you and be there for you. because the more relationshipsyou have and love in your life, the more healthy you are.

some of you may be sick becauseit's not physical but spiritual, and another issue. and they want to know if youhave people in your life to encourage you, if not, you mayget sick again and waste the lung. they prequalify you to test ifyou are prepared for the trauma to get a new lung. everyone say prepared. we started this series calledpain, two weeks ago.

and last week we talked aboutyour response to pain should be compatible with your identityand relationship with god. in other words, if you are god'schild your response to pain is compatible to the character ofgod and it should glorify god. but if god is not your father,and your father is devil, that's by default, because only twospiritual options as dad. and if your father is the devil,your response is about you. poor me, this is not fair. if you are going throughsomething, listen to yourself

and you know whose dad you areglorifying. if you are complaining andblaming other people and saying it's not fair. you are not glorifying god butthe devil. and we talked about that messagelast week. and today we want to talk aboutpreparing for your pain. what you can do before the hearttransplant. before the lung transplant. granted a lot of y'all are insomething, and applies.

it will help you not only thetrial you are in now, but the future trials you are going tohave. you will have future trials, onefor sure though is when you die. dying is a trial. i don't know if you have watchedsomebody die. it's horrible. i watched someone -- i watchedmy father die. it dawned on me when i watchedhim die, and how painful -- actually he was in pain it wasmorphine, but -- ugh, and he's

in glory. i don't know how we will die,but something you should prepare for. in this story, it's about threeguys, shadrach, meshach and abednego. when you read a story in thebible, you are learning and god is showing by the stories howpeople that trust him respond to stuff. you are also learning how godresponds to the people who trust

him and how god responds to thepeople that deny him. in the story that we read, it'sabout three guys, shadrach, meshach and abednego. and we will say their names alot, and i need you to say the names. and there is also a guy nameddaniel, who is not in the main story but in the beginning ofthe story, because it's very important his role in theirlife. there are three things, i wantyou to look at before we get to

the story. three things that you should putin place. and always have in place, inpreparation for facing the pain that is going to come in yourlife. number one in your notes,friends that stick closer than a brother. who is in your life that is yourfriend that will pray for you, and encourage you in hard times. i give you some context, in 606b.c., nebuchadnezzar kidnapped a

lot of jews and before themshadrach, meshach and abednego, 20 years before and stilltogether 20 years later. look at 1, verse 6 of daniel... everyone say shadrach. take a deep breath in. say shadrach. say meshach. say abednego. there is no "r" in the negopart.

no "r," no "r." that's not a bad word, justmaking sure -- it's abednego. who in your life can sharpenyou? by the way, iron cannot sharpeniron unless there is sparks. a friend is not your friend ifshe or he is not willing to create sparks. what does that mean? get in your face and you are notready to receive that. not something that tells youwhat want to hear, not a friend,

but what you need to hear. proverbs... people that can be there throughthick and thin. who are those? shadrach, meshach, and abednego. number two in your notesconsider spiritual disciplines. they did not allow them topoison their spiritual disciplines. they prayed regularly andworshipped the god of heaven.

and when they were trained to bebabylonians to serve in that culture. and they said, no, we want toeat our food, and we want to prove to you that when we dowhat god says, we will be stronger and smarter. look at daniel 1:11... shadrach, and meshach andabednego we will eat god's food and you let yours eat your food,they had disciplines. and later the king had a dream,and asked astrologians if you

can tell the dream, and if youcan't, i will kill you. but daniel -- verse 16, saidthat he went and asked the king to give him time to tell theking the interpretation of the dream... in other words, you astrologerscan't figure it out, we are going to go pray, because that'swhat we do. in chapter 6 a law that someoneprayed to a god than darius the king, would be thrown in thelion's den. and daniel, who is 90 years oldand if you pray to a god than

darius the king, and daniel saidi will pray, and will continue to pray, look at verse 10... so they had friends but they haddisciplines. what are your spiritualdisciplines? who are the people in your life,the reason we have life class, the reason we have life groupsso you have people in your life to be there for you in advanceof pain, through your pain, after pain. but you can't do it yourself,you should never try to do it

yourself. number 3, examples of god'smiraculous faithfulness in your life. the miracles god has done inyour life. chapter 1:19... they said we are going to fastand eat vegetables and water for 10 days and see if after 10 dayswe are not better than your guys. and after 10 days they werefound 10 times better, and after

they interpreted the dream, godblessed them, verse 48... in other words, daniel got aword from god from the king's dream, your god is above allgods, i am going to promote you. promotion doesn't come from man,how many of you want a promotion? your life? how many want a better job. how many want to have a betterjob, it's not coming from people.

if you think he's holding meback, she's holding me back, no they are not. you serve god and god will putyou where he wants you to. and you ask, why isn't happeningsoon enough, are you glorifying the pain or devil, and you mayneed to learn something from god. chapter 6 verse 32... i don't know if you have evertouched a lion, i pet a lion. as a matter of fact i was in alion's cage, it was a six-acre

pin, and i walked in there andsurrounded by six full-grown lions feeding them custard witha spoon, that is crazy. how many of you don't believeme? for real, i have video. and there is hundreds of people,he's going to eat you, and i was scared to death and it says thatthe angels shut the mouth of the lion. the thing is that shadrach,meshach and abednego have a history with god.

who are the people in your lifethat encourage you? in this story, we look atshadrach, meshach, abednego. every time you see one name, youwill see the other two. 13 times you will see all threenames together. and see that not only were theytogether, but because of their history with god, they said weare not bowing down to any other idol, because our disciplineonly allows us to worship one and the context they had a jobover babylon. and jews were not caldeon andsaid we will have a version of a

service, and build this idol 90feet high of king nebuchadnezzar and you have to bow to the idol. and knew that shadrach, meshachand abednego wouldn't bow down. and if you don't, you die. there is a culture that istrying to poison and pervert your relationship with god, youbow down to the culture of the world, and not the bible. christian is becoming a haterand bigot and changing the definition of love.

because they are against thebible. that is your reality whether yourealize it or not. and many of you have adopted theways of the world, contrary to the ways of the bible. and you are bowing. and you say, wait a minute, ishouldn't be doing this. and here's shadrach, meshach andabednego. and told to bow, and in theirdiscipline they don't do that, and they have each other andthey know that god is faithful.

that's how they are going todeal with it. at the end of the service, wewant you to walk like shadrach, when you come to church anddon't be bowing to the world, no, i bow to this. you are not going to come hereand oh, god says, i saw them at the rock and go to heaven. and that is never go to happen. and i had a friend and wouldn'tget saved, and wouldn't get saved and he said, i tell godthat i know you.

and i said, brother, don'tmention my name. don't get me in trouble. i will be walking in the gatesand angels say, brother we have a conversation before you get inhere. okay, okay. chapter 3. one of my favorite stories inthe bible, here we go, everyone say shadrach -- sit up straightand put your booty back in your seat.

take a deep breath in, sayshadrach. take a deep breath in, saymeshach, and abednego. 22 times and they were togetherand 20 years later after kidnapped and they are playingthe music, and oh, nebuchadnezzar you are the man,nebuchadnezzar you are the man and verse 8 look at whathappened. it says... and by the way, none of you everwill be cast in the fiery furnace, you may be unlikedunfriended or someone may tweet

about you. but you are not getting thrownin the fire. verse 12... in other words, shadrach andmeshach and abednego, we will give you another opportunity toget high, i know that you want to get high like everyone else. we will make it easy for you,light the joint, put in your mouth and all you have to do isinhale. we will make it easy for you towatch pornography, and put it on

your phone, and make it easy foryou to curse, and bow down to the idols of the world. if you don't, who will be meetand marry and that is going on in your head, it's the devil'sgame. they are standing there, one,two, three, the fire is there and they are going to die. everyone is bowing down, kingyou are the man, you are the and they are saying, i'm notbowing to that fool. and the king says, shadrach,meshach and abednego, you guys

are my right-hand dudes, what iswrong with you. and this is what they said tothe king, the most powerful man... verse 16. trying to find where i was at. i am all like this --ain't going to happen. ain't going to happen. he says, look, i'm going to playthe music, i'm going to play the music one more time.

and look at what it says inverse 19... the king, nebuchadnezzar wasfull of fury and his expression changed and spoke and commandedseven times and commanded certain mighty men of valor inhis army to behind shadrach, meshach and abednego and castthem in the fiery furnace, and these were cast in the midst ofthe burning fiery furnace, and the flame was hot that the flamekilled those people that took shadrach, meshach and abednego-- notice how many times they say their names, god wants youto know they were together the

whole time. these three men fell down in themidst of the burning, fiery furnace. king nebuchadnezzar wasastonished and rose in haste and spoke to the counselors, did wenot cast three men in the fire. true oh, king, look i see four,loose and not tied up and walked in the midst of the fire, andthe fourth seems to be the son of god. back up, oh, king you are theman.

and shadrach and meshach, andabednego, and we are not bowing. and they say, king, playing themusic and when you hear the music -- michael jackson, youbow. they say, king, that's not partof our discipline. you have to predetermine beforeyou get out of bed every day what you do and do not do. no, i am serving you god today,i will obey you today. in advance of the drama, i amgoing to that person if i get tempted.

i go to that person if istruggle. in advance of the drama, i knowthat god has been faithful in my past, he will be faithful in myfuture. if you have no money and you aretempted to sin to get money, no, god will provide for me. because he's always had, if youare angry and want to curse, no, i will honor god because he willget me through, because he has. and here is shadrach and meshachand abednego and look at this fire, all i have do to live isdo this, i'm dropping something

on the ground. are you feeling the same if youknow what i am talking about. [coughing] i ain't bowing, justcoughing. fake it to you make it. no, get up shadrach, meshach andabednego, we ain't bowing, we are sticking together. and the king said i am tying youup. and the bible says they gotthese big, mighty men of valor to tie them up and throw them inthe fire.

and the bible says that the firekilled the men throwing them in the fire. i wasn't there and i have thistheory based on common sense. my theory, that the guys pushingthem in the fire were behind them. say amen if you believe that tobe true. you are not hey let's get in thefire -- oh, it's hot. come on first, i will pull youin. and they are get in the fire.

but the bible says that the guyspushing them in died. they died. so if i am pushing you in andyou are here, and the fire is here and i am pushing you in[yelling] how am i pushing you in thefire? here's my theory. that they were pushing them inand shadrach, and meshach and abednego all tied up and going,lord, lord, and god in heaven, who is bored with a lot of ourprayers.

what do you pray? dear god, please bless my food. ain't nothing wrong with yourfood. there is really not anythingwrong with your food. you just cooked it and killedall the germs, it's fine. i am not saying don't pray foryour food and thank god for your food. that's what you pray? dear god, bless my sleep.

you lazy lima bean, you sleepfine without prayer. these people prayed and askingme to do something they can do. oh -- boring. boring. for real, boring. shadrach and meshach andabednego, god says to his angels, look, those guys werewilling to die and all they had to do to say their life wasthis. but they did not want todishonor me even this much.

i am going to honor them. and so god called all of hisangels, gabriel, michael, latoya -- get down there -- protecthim. so they get called in, and theangel, again i wasn't there. but somehow the flame wentaround them. and killed the dudes behind themand again i wasn't there, looking at these crispy critterson the ground, all fried up. thinking, we're good. because god is faithful onceagain.

they jumped in. now they are in the fire. and by the way, this is going tobe you in a minute, some of y'all need to come in the fire. what i mean by come in the fire,walk away from the world system, walk away from your sin and lackof faith. walk into what god has for you,and trust he will be there. look at verse 26, nebuchadnezzarwent near the mouth of the fiery furnace, and said shadrach,meshach, abednego, and 13 times

you see the names of all three. and said come out you servantsof the most high. do people think of you mosthigh? you can go to church and not begodly. ladies, if you meet a guy andsays he goes to church and wants to take you out. make him prove it. one simple way, pray for meright now. look me in the eye and pray forme.

you want all of this, startpraying. you know what this means inchurch, brother? you know what this means? what is the lord telling youabout my life? that's the guy you need. you have to hear god, he's notgoing to be a good husband if he ain't a good son of god. now let me say this, he will bethe best husband he can be, if he's a son of god.

not saying he won't be a goodhusband without god but the best with god. and look at next verse... said to them, come out, comehere. i wasn't there obviously and iwould have done this a little different. i would have, i think i, i hope. he said, shadrach, meshach,abednego, come on out. i would be like, you the king,come on in.

when you walk with god, you cango places other people can't go. and see things that people can'tsee and hear. it's a whole different realm, ina sense. he said, come here, come out. and verse 27, the administratorsand governors and kings gathered together and they saw the bodiesthat the fire had no power. and the hair on their head wasnot singed or the garments affected or the smell of firenot on them. you know how easy your hair getsburned.

and how easy smoke gets in yourclothes, can i get amen. and fire would never have totough your body to blister your body. these guys were in the fire andthe bibles wants you to know that the fire would havezero impact. and to have zero impact, what ifthey say something about me on facebook or twitter, zero. and look at verse 28... nebuchadnezzar says blessed bethe god of shadrach, meshach and

abednego who sent his angel anddelivered his servants and frustrated the kings word andyield their bodies. by the way, it says yield theirbodies, listen to this. that's our physical body. this belongs to god. they surrendered their body toserve god. their mouth. their eyes would only serve god. their ears only listen to whoglorifies god.

they yield their body, what youwant to do with this. that's their faith. not just let me feel something. no, lord, this is supposed toserve you. i want this to serve you. i want this to honor you. and it says, in verse 28, itsays, nebuchadnezzar spoke saying blessed be the god ofshadrach, meshach and abednego that sent his angel anddelivered his servants that

trusted him and frustrated theking's word and yielded their bodies that they not serve orworship any god but their own. and i make a decree that anypeople, nation or language speak against the god of shadrach,meshach and abednego shall be cut in pieces and their house inashes. because there is no other godwho can deliver like this. and then the king again promotedshadrach, and meshach and abednego in the province of god,give shadrach, meshach and abednego a hand.

here's your challenge, when youread a story, do i want to be like the men and women of thebible or not. in a minute we will pray on allcampuses. and your challenge is this, iwant to be like shadrach, meshach and abednego, what doesthat mean? number one, i want to give mylife to that god, i want to serve that god. for some it means that you giveyour life to christ and ask jesus to be your savior.

and for some it means i want tostand up and be bold in my faith. i am tempted here andmanipulated here and i am bowing all day long to this, that andthe other. to stuff you are consuming andwatching and saying and doing. you are bowing to the worldsystem, you come to church but you bow. which means that you are bowing. that this is just for show.

and you say, i don't want to doit anymore, i want to be like shadrach, meshach and abednegoand that god will protect me. understand that all day long youare attacked and criticized no matter what you think. if jesus is attacked andcriticized. that's the nature of walkingwith god. and you have to decide to get myshadrach, and meshach and abednego in my life and reflecton the amazing things that god has done in my life and walkwith god.

in a minute, we will pray andchallenge you, number one, give your life to christ for thosewho haven't yet. and number two, for some of youthat need to stand up and say, i want to live my life likeshadrach, meshach and abednego, and some are you going throughstuff, and want to walk away from your fears. and bonded by the world system,and i want to get away from that. i want to be like shadrach,meshach and abednego, and when

the fire is burning, nope, nope:let's bow our heads and pray in all our campuses. if god spoke to you during that sermon and you feel like you want to ask christ to be your savior, it's as simple as a-b-c. admit and accept that you are a sinner. the bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god. believe in your heart that jesus christ is lord, that he died for your sin and rose from the dead.

then confess yourself a sinner and say, "jesus, please forgive me of my sin." if you would like to ask jesus christ to be your savior, just look at me right now, and pray this prayer with me in the privacy of your heart knowing that god know you and loves you very much. say, "dear god, i believe that i am sinner." i know the penalty of my sin is death. i don't want to die and go to hell. i believe that jesus christ is lord,

that he died and rose from the dead for my sin. i confess myself a sinner and ask him to forgive me of my sin. jesus, please forgive me of my sin and fill me with the spirit of god. in jesus name, amen. if you prayed that prayer, if you just asked christ to be your savior, we want to know. we want to email you some resources. if you just prayed that prayer with me, to accept jesus as your savior,

click on the link that just appeared we want to send you some free resources. god bless you, and we will see you in heaven.

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