Friday, 28 April 2017

Cancer Prostata

hello, my name is daniel. i am estevam kovacsik's grand-grandson you've probably neverheard of him before. he was anordinary person who, in 1924,fled the war in eastern europe, made brazil his second home country and lived his life in sã£o paulo. what distinguishes himfrom millions of other people is that in 1948,aged 45,

he started a research on cancer. and, according to him, to what i was told, and to whati've seen since i was born, he discovered the origin ofcancer and its cure in 1954. he based the entire theoryof his kovacsik method on a science called radiesthesia. you might object: “calm down! in 1954,

a poor and uneducated man, a self-thought researcher, discovered the cure for a disease which scientists, researchers,and doctors who have millions at their disposalcould not find to date?" i confess,it sounds very unlikely, but i would never say it's impossible! whenever i talk to people about it, two questions come to my mind.

does this treatment really work? if it does, why haven't therest of the world heard of it yet?" from the origin to the end of cancer “cancer, in jabaquara the discovery”. “over 3,000 cancer patientscured in sã£o paulo”. “is the cure to cancer in jabaquara”? to answer those questions, i'm going to look for peoplewho were linked to mr. estevam or in some wayto his treatment.

this is mr. luis,a friend of estevam's, who helped himfrom the beginning of his research and with the development of the pyramid, later, he also started to care for people. i met him through his son, carlos, since carlos and rodolfoworked together in one of mybrother in law's workshop. one day, carlos told me mr. estevam wasresearching on something

that might turn out to besomething very good, so i insisted to meet him. on the same day,carlos took me there, introduced me to mr. estevamand we talked. mr. estevam told me whathe was researching about, which was the origin of cancer. jotacir is my father; he is married toestevam's granddaughter. after having undergonethe treatment in 1975,

he now helps otherpeople to get treated. kovacsik's treatment was developed by mr. estevam, estevam kovacsik. he was self-taught, a self-taught researcher, and made cancer diagnostics, treatment, and prevention possiblebased on radiesthesia. mr. antoninho and mr. paulowere friends of mr. estevam's and had close contact with himin life and work.

he was very, very stern. he was a very serious man. he wanted things to be clear and often shocked people by getting upset easily.he was easily upset. he was a man of few words. celeste is my mother andestevam's granddaughter. she was born into this treatment and is today one of the peoplewho maintains it.

well, as a person, he was very systematic and severe, preserving the good customs, the family, and honesty. he didn't tolerate failures. as a researcher, he was excellent. he was very committed; he committed his entire life to research. he gave up his private life,

his family life for his goal, for a greater good, which was the cure of cancerfor all of humanity. also born into the treatment, sergio is estevam's grandson and also keeps caring for patients. who was the person mr. estevam? who was the man estevam? the husband? the grandfather?

the worker? a man who renouncedeverything in life. he lived exclusively for that deed, for that discovery. he had his work, of course, he worked for 35 years, retired as a driver, but never had any free time. he never relaxed,

as so many people do, as we do. there is a moment when we look after our personal interests, our trips, we go to the beach, traveling, but he never did that. this work simply summarizes his life. he got almost no education, he actually only went to primary school, since only those who could affordit went on, at that time,

which was not his case andhe had to find a job, actually. but he was very studious.he was interested in everything. politics, geography, history, anything. he was extremely studious. he dedicated his life to studying, even before taking up his research. i don't know the exact date, but he started in the 40's,more or less. he started to think, well,

if cancer has existed for so many years and if medicine has not beenable to discover its origin, has not been ableto treat it to date, then it certainly goes beyond its scope. it's not inheritedor contracted, it's not a contagious thing, no. and then, he started to think this disease could comefrom somewhere else, otherwise medicine would alreadyhave found a cure,

a medicine, or something similar. to get to know the basics of radiesthesia, mr. estevam's research base, i contacted dr. wu tou, a cardiovascular surgeon and the president of brazilian radiesthesiaand radionics association. it's a very simple technique. it requires much concentration, much neutrality from the operator,

to not exert anyinfluence on the results, because we work withthe vibrations of objects and living beings of the universe. let me explain that better. we work both with living beings and inanimate objects. any substance in this universegives off some kind of vibration. these vibrations are specialcharacteristics of each object or each being.

in 1948, he had his first eureka, i.e., a first insight of how this disease could build up. it was a routine situation at home. having a large backyard, his wife wanted to breed chicken and bought some chicks, about 30, 35. he noticed that mostof them died quickly,

but had enough timeto transfer some of them to another location and thus savedthe life of some of them. what was a routine situation and would notmean much to most people, who would give up breeding chicks or simply transfer itto a different location, was a moment of doubt to him. what started then?the research.

what was happening there? so, he went witha rod or a pendulum and found out that inthat very place, there was a vibration, he detected a radiation. what was that? it came from a water vein, right? but, what water vein? why was this kindof phenomenon occurring?

he kept researchingand found out that there are not only healthy water veins, but of course also contaminated ones. radiesthesists detect some vibration, and first of all, his body should show some movement responding to the detected waves. but, a pendulum or a rodmay help to better identify or demonstratewhat's being detected.

so, actually,a radiesthesist is able to show the vibrations more systematically, to detect the vibrationsand may even catalog or index them systematically, which may result in a diagnostics and even in some treatment. well,the development of the research and the definition of the treatment took him quite some time.

in a first phase, i would say the first research development cycle lasted from 1948 to 1964. he found out that this water vein was unhealthy and people, animals,or even plants that were exposed to thatradiation would not evolve, did not show any healthy, normal development.

so he started, of course, to observe,through the eyes of a scientist, which was his wayto look at things, and concluded that was a very bad thing. this treatment changed theway we look at the origin and the treatment itself of cancer. he made some statements, already in the 60's,

at the end of the 50's andat the beginning of the 60's. based on radiesthesia, he detected and identifiedthe origin of cancer as being long-time exposureto underground radiation. therefore, the identified origin was underground radiation, vibration, radiation from contaminated water veins that were polluted,mainly by refuse, sewage. well, what he defended?

that the disease belongedto the entire body, not only to a specific organ. people would acquire it individually, it is neithera hereditary illness, nor a contagious one. so, after a long research,mr. estevam concluded that after a long-term exposure, which he defined as 2 years, the disease installed itself in the body

by means of subtle vibrations, and was characterized by an agent. there is actually only one cancer. it... it gets located,when the person gets the agent, it gets located in two differentparts of the body. not exactly at the very location, but it's in the spleen regionand the heart region. and there it remains. sometimes, a person gets theagent sleeping on radiation,

it remains latent for many yearsand nothing happens. then, suddenly, if the persongets injured for some reason, or hurt, it starts getting active. he said it was an agent. he discovered that if yousleep on a field of radiation for 2 years, it keeps weakeningyour organism, what happens next is that it attacks your most sensitive point,

e.g., the womb and ovariesin women every month, the prostate in menafter a certain age. cigarettes. it's not the cigarettesthat cause cancer, they weaken the lung and when the disease starts to develop into a tumor, a lesion, it always attacks your weakest spot and develops there. therefore,the kovacsik treatment

is a treatment based on radiesthesia which provides a diagnostic, a treatment, and, by means of this treatment, eliminates the agent that causes cancer. thus, even without surgery, without extracting any part of the body, the person may get rid of the illness, since that carcinogenic process, which was alive, is not alive anymore.

estevam's biggest challengeand his hardest fight were scientifically proving his method. unfortunately, he wasn't able to. now, after so many decades, i am trying to finish his work. that's why i have asked myformer professor, mauricio monteiro, for help. i asked him to set up ascientific research project, which would be a wayto find an institution

that could scientifically corroboratethe kovacsik method. i first heard about it from you, right? you asked me if it might interest me.if i could help. my help was more methodological,scientific. not obviously related to the subject, but to the way of treating a specificsubject scientifically. i started to get very interested when you showed mesome documentation and i got more enthusiastic,

because i could seethere was a foundation and that there was an interest to show the publicthis kind of procedure, which was created by yourgrand-grandfather, estevam kovacsik. after reading the material you sent me, i became aware that his theory is founded on geobiologyand radiesthesia. so, i thought,what am i gonna do? i don't know anything about it.i'll have to read about it.

so, i started looking for references, to beable to understand and write about it. i'm not an expert on it. but setting up a project seemedto be the way. to understand how thekovacsik method works, i came to discuss it with thepeople who offer it today and the people who are looking for it. nowadays, the treatment is offeredby celeste and sergio, who are siblings andgrandsons of mr. estevam. once a week, they care people

who are looking for the treatment. today, we have a fewtreatment options. the first one is the pyramidassociated to a metallic part called the accelerator, which eliminates thelife of the agent thus achieving the goal, which is eliminating lifefrom the disease. an alternative form used is the u, a metallic part that yieldsthe same results.

the recommendationof one or the other, are both valid alternatives, but one is for people whohave difficulties to sit and are thus more easily treated in a horizontal position, laying down. the other in different way. the treatment starts with a diagnosticsmade with a pendulum. at this moment to better definethe treatment with radiesthesia. that's the diagnostics.

the use of the pendulum shows the connection between the developed treatmentand radiesthesia, since it is carried out without touching, without invasive or picture exams. the physical vibration ofthe person is identified and it is through thatvibration that one detects if it is normal or not and if it carries the illness,

cancer, in our case, even if it has not yet developedin its traditional forms. the pendulum is used to enhance the radiesthesist'sneuro-muscular movements, it makes them visible. these movements penetrate his brain, pass the nervous system, his muscles,and the pendulum starts to balance, showing that something was detected.

because the radiesthesistdetects the vibration, that means he feels something. but, those sensationsare sometimes very subtle and that's why we use an instrument, to amplify the vibrations. so you can see them and become awareof what's actually happening. at this moment,i am going to test this patient to see if she carries the cancer agent or not.

to do so, i carry the cancer vibrationin my hand, as well as a pendulum, which serves as an intermediarybetween this agent in my hand and the one insidethe patient's body. once our treatmentis a radiesthesia one, where we study the radiations, which are the set of vibrationof the person's body, and if this personis vibrating and radiating the cancer agent in her body, in applying the test to her,

together with the witness,there will be a resonance if her body carries the agent. he says it's an agent,he always defended it categorically,that it is an agent. he managed to isolate it and used this agent during the test to find out if people were alreadycarrying the diseases. the agent, or not.

what happens by meansof the pendulum? what is a closed field of radiation? it's you holding the isolatedagent in your hand and by means of the pendulum, you transmit the radiationof the person's body... a resonance between them. that's right.the person with the agent, the radiesthesist's sensibilityreaching the isolated agent. if that person, that patient

were hosting the cancer agentin her body, there was a resonance and the pendulum balanced informing us that this patientis a cancer agent host. that's not the case of this stopped. our treatment, his,which he used to offer, and we keep offering is carried out three times, weekly. you start on any weekday and

submit yourself three times to it. on three saturdays, for instance? three saturdays,or any other day, three mondays in a row,that's the treatment. that's just a follow-up, because from the first session,the person already starts... eliminating the agentwho causes the disease the person really needsto go for the recovery the body, of course, needs

basic conditions to recover. what from?from the entire ravage that might have been caused bythe disease up to then. in short, that's the treatment. it represents the effects of the pyramid. these are the instruments that eliminate the agent of the disease,you see? it's the synthesis of howthe pyramid operates. the person uses itfor 20 minutes,

which is enough for the treatment. application of those two metals, which are a combination madeand developed to eliminate the cancer agent, is carried out every 8 days, for 20 minutes. and our treatmentlasts for one year, one session per month,for one year. the treatment consists ofthe person comes here one day,

submits herselfto the first session, comes back in eight days,gets the second, eight days laterdoes the third one. then once a month for one yearfor the follow up to see if the person is actuallyusing the insulator correctly, if she understands the treatment. the simplicity of the treatmentconfuses people. it's so easy that people often getlost and do it wrong. and what's interesting is that

it eliminates the disease's life. and therefore, after the treatment, three, four sessions, its life does not exist anymore. symptoms start to regress, e.g., in the case of a tumor. what can you expectfrom the treatment? after the first sessionwe expect it to not progress anymore and start to regress.

my name is jefferson sandro. my case goes back to '98, i had a brain tumor. in '98,i had the first convulsions which were causedby the growth of a tumor on the left-hand side of my brain. in addition to the convulsions, this tumor paralyzed my entireleft side. i couldn't walk anymore. in '98,i decided to operate,

but even after the surgery andradiotherapy, it was not very successful. it kept going on... the tumor slowly resumed itsgrowth after ten years. so, even after all the exams,radio surgeries, it has gradually resumed its growth,up to now. and then, i started to do thetreatment he asked me to. then,in the second week, i had no reactions, so i thought"wow, something is changing." in the third week of the treatment,

i started noticing a strongkind of progress. why? because at least, i had no more attacksthat paralyzed my entire left side, although i still couldn't movemy left arm properly and couldn't feel it either. in the second, third weekusing the magnetizer... the accelerator 20 minutes a day, i started using it every day, too, it started,i started feeling my arm. the dormancy stoppedand i started feeling it.

after the third week,which was the last stage i had done with him here, i've beencoming back here once a month. i stopped having those, what i've been actually taking is just a remedy,which is basically against convulsionsand which is quite harmless, it's called hidantal.i was taking it before, but it wouldn't help, becausei was having convulsions anyway. if you follow upa person with cancer who undergoes this treatment,

between one, two weeksyou can see how it improves. immediately after the session, you cansee a change in the person's color. she arrives in that yellowish color,that horrible color. physically, looking at her, she alreadyleaves with a healthier color. just by looking at heryou can notice the improved. the person starts coming in a better shape.because, the person who sleeps on a radiation field is being sucked.she sleeps badly every night and wakes up as if shehadn't had any sleep at all. more tired thanbefore going to bed.

you can often watch howthe tumor volume decreases. it's common, and mainlyin the case of surgeries, doctors recognize that the tumoris not the way it usually appears, in a rooted manner, but rather loose. why? because the treatment process islike cutting the roots of a tree. from that point on,it is not being nourished anymore, and it doesn't grow anymore and starts shrinking.

there is a curious thing, too,i would like to share here. i do treatment at thecancer hospital, and she, after i did thebreast amputation surgery, during the aftercare... during that aftercare appointmenti went to get the results, i was sat like that,she got the exam results and said "i can’t believe, i can’t believe". she repeated that over 3, 4 times. i asked"what's the matter, doctor?"

-"i removed your breast for no reason".- "what do you mean?" "those 750 gramsof breast that were removed show no result at all.nothing shows in any of the exams." i had been following the treatmentfor almost two month at that time. i was so happy. "don't worry. it's just abreast. i've still got the other one" to kid her. i was so happy,because i could see the result. because for me, i'm still sayinguntil today, it's my life. for my entire lifethere's a friend of my mother who i call "aunt",but i've never know

how that deepfriendship began. and during my research,i discovered this friendship started when she did the treatment,more than 30 years ago. the doctor told me during a consultationthat i had to do a surgery because i had cervical,uterine tube, and rectum cancer. so he said, we are going to operateand then do chemo. i said "no. i'm neither going to operate,nor to do chemo. because i don't know anyone whotreated that disease and got well. i'd rather like youto give me some medication

that alleviates the pain,because that disease hurts very badly". i started feeling sorry for myself, but then i thought many healthy people just dieby crossing the road. i at least knowi still have some time to live. but to die, everyone is going to die.and that lift me up. i built up courage inside myselfand didn't care anymore. "what the heck, i'm gonna keep livingmy life as usual". to distract myself, i did lots ofcourses, i went back to school.

and that's where i foundthe solution to my problem. i registered for a high schoolcourse at that time and met ms. julia's cousin,who is your grandmother, who was living withyour grandmother. suely saw that i was very skinny and pale,doing all these lab exams every day, it was a long story,but we got friends and i met mr. estevamthrough her who is a self-thought scientist,one of the world's greatest radiesthesists, who discovered the cure to cancer.

he saved me, through suely. so, i went to mr. estevam'sto make the test and he thought i would notwithstand the treatment, because at that time,he used to prescribe a medication. a remedy.and it was very strong. when i got back to ms. julia's place,who is your grandmother, she told me if she were my mother,she would give me the remedy, if i accepted her inthe role of my mother. i said: i accept.and she, out of her kindness,

wanted to help me to go through thetreatment. i find this story marvelous, because it was a momentof great love from her side towards someone she barely knew,she just met me that very same day. and she said, "i'll treat you asi would treat my daughter". i stayed at her place,got a sick leave from work, stayed at her place andshe gave me the remedy. she came into the bathroom,gave me a hug, gave me a glassof the remedy, gave me courage and said:“drink it, dear”.

and i did.and that was very good. that was the solution, because today,i've all my organs, you see. i'm a very healthy person.i only do a menopause treatment, due to my age.but i'm a calm person, i enjoy dancing,i'm very healthy and full of life. as we said,the illness is caused by radiations the person absorbsat some place of her habit, during her normal life.if she does the treatment, gets better, gets cured,but returns to the same habit

and expose herself again to underground radiation.the illness reappears once again. that's when he resumed his research. well, i need to find a way to isolatepeople from contacting this radiation. that's when a new phasestarted, the insulator phase. 1964 was an important date and that'swhy i said it completed a cycle. why? because he alreadyhad identified the disease's origin, in 1960 he developeda treatment for it, and in 1964,he developed a metal plate

which he called insulator and which isolated people fromthose underground radiations. this provided the necessaryprevention to patients and to everyone looking forprevention against the disease. using the insulator is anessential part of the treatment. it's needed to complete the treatment. after the vibration was identifiedin the person's body and the treatment was carried out eliminating the radiationfrom the person's body,

this person needs to usethe insulator to avoid exposing herself again to the radiationthat comes from those contaminated underground waterwhen resuming the normal life. the insulator is everything!the insulator is everything! what did he do? he discovered a wayto isolate people from that radiation. it's another part of the research,in addition to the drug, to the agent, a way to protect people fromgetting contaminated. using the insulator properly, according to the prescription, in your bed,with all the necessary care,

the periodic cleaning.i mean, this, the insulator, it's for the rest of your long as the person is alive, this is a guarantee she willnever again be assailed by that disease. it's of fundamental importance. he discovered the disease's originlies in the underground radiation fields. and what happens? the person needsto remain for over 4 hours in the direction of that radiation field. so, often you think it'swhen you are lying in bed, which is the place we spend most ofthe time, when we sleep.

but there are also those jobs, like switchboard operator, telemarketing,sewer. many cases like these. the insulator needs to be used in do you use it in bed? one needs to place it in theregion of the chest. only a regular bed sheet ought to liebetween the insulator and the person. when sitting on a chair or an armchair, put it on the seat and sit directly on it. in bed, only a single regular bed sheetbetween the insulator and the person. on chairs and armchairs,a direct contact.

the goal is the same, neutralizing theunderground radiation. so mr. estevam developed the preventivepart of the treatment too, by developing the insulator,which is a metal alloy stored in a fabric bag.the bag material was studied, either, the thread used to sew the bag.everything is perfect, studied, elaborated. you put it in your bed.measure 40 cm from the top down, find the bed center and put it there.that field gets isolated from negative radiation. that's what makes thetreatment last forever. you may die from flu, an ingrown toenail,but not from cancer.

then, we're transferred from theemergency hospital to the cancer hospital, where the oncology department is, where they treat it,whatever cancer you have. they did all the exams, promptly saidit was lymphoid leukemia, and immediately startedthe chemotherapy. they applied all the drugsthat exist today. we had him do chemotherapy; he waseight month and almost two weeks old. he did time went by, he started getting a lot of problems,a lot of drugs,

all kinds of different drugs,oral, injected. he got all the problemschildren usually have. he used several types of catheter, one close to the heart,which required several surgeries to replace it,due to rejection. anyway, he did severaltypes of chemotherapy, home treatment,was hospitalized several times, stayed at the hospital for months. but never a solution that...

we kept asking the doctor"is there a cure? will that solve it?" and they would say"no, only time will show." she said "as soon as he gets dischargedfrom the hospital, i'll take him there" on that day, i was saying to myself"should i believe?" "should i not believe?" because when you've a childin such a state, you lose your faith. then she took me there, brought him here. mr. carlos did hismeasurement and everything else. he said "look, do you wantyour son to die or to live?" he did the entire diagnostics and said,"look, he still got the agent.

do you want him to be healthy or to die?" he gave me a hard time. i said"no, i want my son to live. i want to stop the suffering". i went home.we took the accelerator with us and started to use the tinymetal plates in bed, right? and i thought...i kept going to the hospital, but i was using them at home."no, i'll be courageous. let's do it." then, there was a time,after one month, he did a general check to find outif there's still the problem or not.

he did the check and the resultsshowed that he was free of it. and the doctors were puzzled. they said"no, something must wrong." celia's case was a very interesting one.i was constantly visiting my grandfather, you had just been born, you were lyingin your cradle, i'll never forget that. i was at my mother'swho lives next door. i went there, as usual, to have a were asleep and i quickly went there i was walking down the hallway,there was someone sitting, it was cold,she was all rolled-up, like this. when i went by"celeste, celeste",

i really didn't recognize her.she was a different person and she said "hi, i know you don'trecognize me, i look awful. it's me, cã©lia, remember?we worked together at that bank?" “in 1982,i had no expectation of life and my chemo doctor was sayingi might have 4 months left to live. i took my mother to thest. judas thaddeus church. after church, i told her i wouldgo to the clinic to cancel my treatment. i was very upset, 22 years old,had lost all my hair and even a tooth dueto very heavy chemotherapy..."

so i took that chemotherapy and the next day,my hair was on my pillow. i was shocked,went to the bathroom, started showering and the restof my hair went down the drain. i tried to pick it upto put it back actually, i didn't wantto believe i had that problem. and i smelled chemical; i had no sense of taste left,i couldn't smell anymore. so, i left my motherat the church,

because we think thatthings might get better. and i went to cancelmy treatment. when i got thereand went up the stairs, there was another young girl,who was already married, jumping up and downwith joy and i said "what's all that happinessif we are doomed to die?" because they say, it's a death sentence.that we only have some months left to live. "oh celia, i was going to removea malignant tumor, i followed mr. estevam's treatment,

a scientist i met in vila facchini, and the treatmentworked out so well that when i got here to do the surgery,they did the final checks and there was nomalignant tumor anymore." the next dayi went and met mr. estevam. i was in the final stage,he was a very serious person, severe, but had inner peace.he gave the treatment credibility. i got there and saw he calledmy mother and he told her in private "i am absolutely sure that this girl..."i was young, i was 21 years old,

"... this girl is goingto get cured from cancer." so, ms. maria made me lay downinside a pyramid and said "trust in god and in thetreatment and you'll get cured." i stayed 15, 20 minutes and startedto feel saliva flowing again in my mouth. because since i had lost my senseof taste, i refused to eat, to have water, to have food. and my appetite came back. after i left i felt hungry, then i ate somethingand realized my sense of taste was back.

i improved greatly in the first week. i wasable to resume my normal eating habits. and i gained weight, gained weight. after the second pyramid session,that took place after seven days, i got the impression that my hair, i wascompletely bald, started to grow again. after the third pyramid session,i had recovered my love for life. well, actually my desire to livecame back the day i met mr. estevam... because... because,we know death exists. but no one accepts it.i was very young. i had my dreams,i was going to college.

i had to leave everything. then, i got born again. i wanted to resumemy studies, my work, because i wanted to showthe world i got cured. to meet celia and hear aboutclarisse's story touched me profoundly. their happiness and the love theyfeel towards mr. estevam and my family made me reflect deeply on the treatment,its relevance, and made me believethat mr. estevam's work and the way how it's conducted to dategoes well beyond the cure of cancer.

to our special friend, a friendof humanity, dr. estevam kovacsik. i have never written a cardwith more love in my entire life. how could i not thank you? when reading this card, imagine the world'smost beautiful flowers filling your entire home! mr. estevam was sent by god. that's what i think.there are things we try to explain, but we lack the wordsto explain certain situations.

just as we fail to explainthe violence in someone, a strong feeling of evil insomeone, we also lack the words to describe the absolutegoodness someone may feature. he was a serious man,not very talkative, of few interests,but working hard to discover and treat people without expecting any returnor profit from his work. i think that the careand the way he treated people and humanity, which is not fully bad,were the most important part.

that's what i find the most interesting. in myopinion, that's what's lacking in this world. from the point of view, i mean... i think,we are just passing through here; i am not saying thisbased on religion. but, we pass here to leave something leave something good. to help one or the other, to help this oneand to help that one. so, imagine helping extinguishing,eradicating a disease, to care, to prevent a diseasethat kills millions of people specially in more deprived regions. he wouldn't charge a cent,

did not accept anything,did everything out of love for humanity. he loved the people, because they sufferedexcessively and did get any support. because we could not get any support,not even from hospitals, nor from doctors. what would they give us?a few days left to live, a few months? but, thank god and thank mr. estevam,i'm still alive. mr. estevam was very good, did muchgood to the people, here on earth. imagine getting to a certain place, like here, sao paulo,or somewhere else and say "let's move bed so it gets lessexposed to this, exposed to that"

and i don't want anything in return."i want you to live." i think that was istvan's thing, his humanitarian vision, really. doctors swear to oaths. i doubt a plastic surgeon swearsto an oath at that level. i always told celeste, estevam's granddaughter, that he would only be recognizedafter his death. because people don't seemto appreciate free things.

we're so used to paying, everywhere we go,we've to pay and pay, that when the cure simply comes through a hand of light and love, people even seem to get frightened. it's that old story, if we don't learnthrough love, we learn through pain. i think that's how it works.i think when people suffer, they say"oh, that's a good treatment!" when they see a very simple they say"what? impossible! the doctor prescribes,operates, and removes things.

how could that possibly work?it's madness." we can not forget we're discussinga disease that kills, even today. even if they say there isa cure for cancer, it keeps killing. and killinga huge amount. it is therefore a serious diseasethat puts people emotionally down. and when they come across anapparently very simple approach, when a very elementary treatmentis presented, they hesitate. why do they hesitate?serious disease, simple treatment. but there is more. because today,there is a whole range of resources

to treat that disease;diagnostics, treatments, all of which are apparently very, very impressive,of great complexity. people seem to say,"oh, it's for free." that's what i feel.but i trusted it. i thought, my god,i had a purchasing power... we were very simple people,i couldn't pay for any treatment. when i got there, the first thingi did was asking for the price. i remember as if it were yesterday.

"oh, dear,we are not here for money. i only want to sharemy knowledge with people." our treatment, the one developedby my grandfather, is extremely simple. how can you believe by puttinga tiny metal on your shoulder, by using the insulator,a small metal plate in your bed, you are getting cured from cancer?when? “to the self-denying couple,mrs. maria and stevan kovacsik. as a reminder of my eternal thankfulnessfor giving me back my life again. i will never forget the day ofjanuary 29, 1981".

and the most important we shouldn'tforget to mention is the... things seem to happen and people getactually together to achieve their goals. and if it hadn't been formy grandmother's persistence, my grandmother maria, if she hadn't beenthe partner she was, he really wouldn't have managed.he wouldn't have obtained these results, because she was a survivor. together withmy father and he together with him. she gave him all her support, all the logistics,all the time. she would support and help him, go to places with himso he could start to research. a wonderful wife.

without her, things wouldhave been very different. she was always a great partner. it's hard to live with a methodicaland difficult person as he was. she remained at his side in such a perfect way,so full of understanding, support... because in a certain way, he putthe family at a secondary level, so the children and grandchildrenwere left to her. my grandmother was all love,entirely dedicated to us. i'm not saying my grandfatherdid not love his family, but his wayof loving was different.

he thought he was providingsafety for his family. her role was the one of a grandmother,a mother, in the usual nice and caring way. mrs. maria was a women totallydedicated to humanity, too, because she collaborated with people.she supported it. she also helped him, was very patient,because he was attending all the time, there were constantlya lot of people around and she always showed patience,she'd never complain about it. he too, would always attendanyone with great love... spent time, his whole day,but he never left anyone unattended.

well, she was an assistant,a supporter. really. i think it would have beendifficult without her. he would have made it anyway, but in her,he found all the support he needed in the difficult moments,when you complain and get pissed offbecause nothing works out. she stayed at his side, then.she would support him, understood how crankyand demanding he was and would stay at his side,doing things, giving him hints, encouraging him,supporting him.

look, i believe she actuallywas an angel of light in life, because sometimes, some patients were insuch bad conditions that he would say i can't guarantee your cure, becausethe patient was at the final stage, was at the end. he sent them away, becausethere was nothing he could do. but then, mrs. maria secretlywent after the patient, went around the house, because there wasanother pyramid at ms. julia's and she would do a sessionat ms. julia's place. once the treatment was completed,

the patient came back to talkto him and mrs. maria would say: "estevam, can't you remember?" and he said "i can't, there areso many people coming." "it's that personi run after and all." that's how she used to behave,you see. always. she never let anyone leave, because she knew this place was the lastplace people would come to look for help. i got married in april and i am baby is due april, 1982. i'm feeling well and i am very happy.

noticias populares, march 25, 1965. "formula to cure cancerin 30 days discovered in sãƒo paulo!" the radiesthesist estevan kovacsik,czech, 62 years old, living in brazil for 41 years, says he has discoveredthe formula to cure cancer. diãrio da noite, july 6, 1965. “i have discovered the originof cancer and i can cure you." “a new discovery has been made in thefield of science in sao paulo and the hope to cure humanity's greatest fear,cancer, is spreading all over the world.

he started with some close friends who offered themselves as test subjects and gave them themedication for 30 days. it had to be taken in the morningand was very strong. not everybody could take it, a strong physical resistance was needed;otherwise it would be risky. in that period,people would take that medication, in the next phase,it was three times a week, then twice a week. and he developedhis research together

with those people whohad offered themselves, at the beginning it was very few people:neighbors, relatives, etc. and the result was good,people got cured. so these people started spreading thenews and others got interested too. “famous for doing good: in sao paulo,there is a man who cures cancer. the news spread quickly from mouth to mouthand soon people came from the inland of sao paulo, paraã­ba, rio grande do sul,santa catarina and other states." but mr. estevam's medicinehad to be taken twice a day, at six in the morningand at six in the evening,

i.e., there was an average difference of12 hours between one dose and the next. on the next day again, at sixin the morning and at six in the evening. iin the beginningpeople had to take it for 20 days. it was in 1967. '67. in '67, i took that medicationdose he gave me. he told me the whole story,what i would feel, everything.i got very sick. he said "if she manages to take it,she'll be saved".

the effects of the drug weredevastating. it was very strong. and only few peoplehe diagnosed as contaminated showed the necessary physical conditionsto resist the entire treatment, because it was actually very strong. let's put it this way,the effect on the person's body, due to the condition of a sick person, these people already werephysically debilitated, plus the heavy impact of the drug,limited its application. - the body wouldn't be able to resist.

many people would not have resisted. it was 21 days,i did take two doses a day. he explained the reactions in details, on that day i'd have such a reaction,on that day i'd have another reaction. and he explained it thoroughly.i got all the reactions.... i fainted,lost my senses, but i came backand kept taking it. he told me the drug causestrong nausea... and it did. but, thank god and mr. estevam,i have been here to date...

40 years, and i'm still alive. cure? for those who woulddo the treatment 100%. that was the basic principle. hundreds, thousands of peoplegot cured due to that treatment, due to that dose,that remedy. “more than 3000 cancer patientscured in sã£o paulo.” imagine, around 3000 people,3000 patients in a newspaper article, that's 3000 people giving evidence.some have done a biopsy, some have a medical statement,go back later, and say, i got cured.

and even doctors confirm they're, there is a base. mr. estevam personally wentafter that kind of diffusion, he visited the departments responsiblefor the treatment of cancer, but got no success. he told me oncethat he wished the medical establishmentrecognized his treatment so they'd produce a lighter remedy,a more tolerable remedy; he didn't manage,but i don't know why. yes, he tried to take his knowledgeto the largest hospitals in sao paulo

who deal with that issue.people turned their backs on him. if at least one doctorhad taken his work and studied it at least for some monthsto follow up on the cure of one patient. this… from the cancer hospital. he had an interview with… to talk about the formula,to see if they could exchange ideas. and … seized him by the collar of his jacketand threw him out of the hospital. - by the collar?- right. and did he say why?

no. he simply threwmr. estevam out of the hospital. dear sir. estevam,my second father, a souvenir of mine and my family's.with love and gratefulness. dinorã¡ cremose. february 15, 1982. nine years after the treatment. after that, in 1965,they tried to diffuse the treatment which called much attention,at that time. he participated in the"fact in focus" tv show,

by the host,at that time a famous presenter, the man in white shoes,jacinto figueira jr. i watched. i didn't wanna miss it.estevam's house, which was being filmed. one day, the police stood at the doorto prevent him from attending people. many people came. mr. estevam evenattended people from abroad. it was a hectic phase of his life, because diffusion brought repression. charlatan guaranteed cure to cancerby using a lead plate: agents tivelli and moacir from thevice squad's sector for healing practices

arrested the charlatan estevam kovacsikat 86 eurico st, vila facchini, jabaquara so, he actually got persecuted.this was one of the most unpleasant events, we had to tolerate thepolice invading our home and confiscating working material. it was a hectic time, because they broadcastedon march 21, 1965 and on april 9, two weeks later,he was taken to the police station. the medical establishment did notwant him to perform cures by any means. i remember, i was a boy,just a boy,

i can not tell you exactly, but we wereusing shorts, wandered in groups, first high school year,i don't know, i remember exactly howthe police invaded the house. my grandparent's homewas invaded by the police, they arrested him inside his practice,which we called the small office, a small room underground,almost in the basement. i mean, it was a disastrous,frightening, bad event to be treated like law breakers,thugs, a man who preached what he was doing,what he was doing.

man who cures cancer in one month fearspolice and wants to stop his activities. estevam kovacsik, the man who alleges andknow many people who can give evidence that curing cancer can be done within30 days for four thousand cruzeiros only has decided to stopattending people because he was taken to the di vice squadon friday, at 04:00 p.m. he was arrested, you see.and when he got arrested he told me the only man who helpedhim was dr. ademar. ademar called him to talk and sought throughthe public hospital

that scientific evidence be done. what year was that? it was in 1965. after april 12, 1965. the governor of sã£o paulo tried to arrangefor scientific testing at a hospital? that's's registered. that was 40 years ago anduntil the present moment... he threw up challenges,e.g., let me prove it, let's chose, let's do paralleltreatments so you can see,

follow up on whati am saying. that's scientific work. that's an's sound and valid, not just an attemptto do the right thing. scientist from jabaquaracures cancer in 20 days. "stefan kovacsik mainly wishes to improvethe remedy he discovered to cure cancer, which is applied orally today, whereasit could be injected for better results. when taken to the adolph lutzinstitute for testing, the drug didn't show any contraindications;test results were sent to the governor of sã£o paulowho is expected to pronounce a verdict."

there was a clearlypolitical rejection; the governor had to give in to thedemands of the medical area responsible for thepublic state hospital. the governor told mr. estevam thefollowing in the clearest terms: "my good old man,from now on, i won't be able to doanything for you but protecting youfrom being molested. change your mind, keep up your treatment;carry on with your research in secret, keep up your open public treatmentand you won't be molested anymore."

that's what ademar de barrospromised and kept. and mr. estevam went on until 1979, when he was definitely forbiddento prescribe his drug. i'd like to understand whythe medical establishment, which should be mostinterested in curing it, instead of banning estevam,made no offer to study his treatment. radiesthesist estevam kovacsik has stoppedtearing off the sheets of his calendar since august 30, 1979as a sign of protest. on that day, he was forbidden to carry onhis studies on the final cure for cancer

by the community health department, occupational division of thelargo sã£o francisco, medical section, for havingillegally exercised that profession. he was fined twicewith 20,000 cruzeiros. then a doctor came, i was at his place,on saturday afternoon. a doctor in chief came.i don't know exactly who he was and can't remember his name, either. he told mr. estevam that hecould not go on treating people... - at mr. estevam's home?- at his very own place.

so he said, “you cannot practice,you are not a doctor. how are you going to treat people, diagnosethem, giving them medicine, etc?” mr. estevam answered:"you said it rigth! i give them the remedy.i don't charge for it. so, if i got a remedy,which i know cures people and which i can give them,why can't i give it? my medicine is curing them and in such a successful waythat you wanted to arrest me, becauseyou found out it cures

and you can't cure cancer”.they really can't. and they stillcan't cure to date. “you are not allowed to cure,because you are not a doctor. so, mr. estevam said“well, if i can't, then i stop”. and ended up. he stopped treating patientswith his medicine. “i’ve heard thatyou are being persecuted by so manycalamities like in the past. “… i've also heard that many of yourfriends are helping you efficiently

to stop that persecutiononce and for all, i am at your disposal, as always; i am on your side in any circumstances”. i can't answer that. it should be answered by thosewho refused to tell us the answer. i mean, before 1965,only a few people knew, but now,we know for sure the governoradhemar de barros was woken up to watch mr. estevam's presentationon jachinto's show.

if his assessor, who was the director of thegovernor's staff department, was watching the program, if the governorhad the opportunity to watch the program, many other people,among which were doctors and other researchers,certainly watched the live program too, and got sufficientlyinformed to take measures, not in terms of developingresearch or test procedures, but in terms of repression. i actually can't say why the departments,the authorities in charge

didn't give greater attention to this treatment. there is something else thanquestioning its scientific truth. there is obviously fear too.we live in a capitalist country, in a capitalist world,a capitalist bloc, where big holdings,big lobbies of big companies try to dominatea series of circumstances in benefit of humanity. imagine, e.g.,that today someone discovers

water can be used as car fuel, that would have a huge impact. but interests of manufacturersand distributors are privileged overthe interests of humanity and i believe it appliesto medicine as well. i see it as a huge politicaland economic problem. “the government has no interestin industrializing any remedy that cures cancer, since it'd go againstthe interests of multinational companies. such a remedy would make

all remedies currently usedagainst the disease obsolete." many people showed up,but they had financial goals. he said the treatment is for free. it's a free thing. it's something that can be found in comes from nature and goes back to it, so why should peoplecommercialize it? but as this is the world's curse, a curse everyone suffers from,he believed that people would start speculating with itto make money.

much money is involved,a very large figure, we have no idea. imagine cancer treatmentall over the world. can you imagine what that means in terms of financial transactions? it's a huge business.extremely big. incalculable. “i don't practice medicine. i'm a scientistwho found the cure to cancer. but the owners of that industry– the white mafia – and health multinationals have set up amonopoly to sabotage

any effort to curethe disease successfully." can you imagine how difficult it would be to counterthose powerful lobbies, when they see a totally freebenefit for humanity? suddenly i go to my backyard, fill up a water canisterand pour it into my gas tank. suddenly, i find out that a pyramid, lead and chemical compositionsthat were discovered by istvan maysupport that treatment.

who is going to buy their drugs?pay for their drugs? who's going to do chemotherapy? someone shows up and says"that's the cure! the cure is insideyour own home! you don't have to leave hometo get cured". how do you copewith something like that? what's going to happen to all these investments?all the equipment developed? “how weird man is!

he simply ignores other people'sachievements when they don't suit him. this is simply abominable, because many peoplewould stop suffering, there would be less sadness,and the world would be a better one." with all that suffering, the first thing we remember when wewake up is mr. estevam and his cure. “i pray to god to help you, to live in your heart,to help you to triumph so that you may keep upyour wonderful work."

the next stage was a3-year paralyzation period. then, there was another inquiry, this time by a department for theregulation of the medical profession and he gave up applyinghis remedy for good. we could sense how he felt,his effort. "but what can you do" he said"if they don't want it, there is no way". so it ended. then he had to stopfor almost three years, which was enough timeto carry out a new research

and a new treatment stagebased on capturing natural energy bymeans of the pyramid. i always say that bad thingscan turn into good things in life. up to that date, just few people were ableto tolerate the medicine, other couldn't. so, what happened?the evolution. that's the most important point,the decisive point in his life, i believe. that's why i insistthat the strong continues. they may stumble, fall, get up,and keep going. that's precisely what he did.

so once again mr. estevam,who was already quite aged, resumed his studiesin a kind of wise way. and when he got bannedfrom distributing his remedy, mr. estevam thought aboutanother way to treat people. as people get ill due to radiation, i am going to fight with radiation.let's see what i can do. he tried out several things, lots ofdifferent things, but didn't work. then he found the pyramid. what did he discover?he discovered a way...

the entire pyramid theory, including its geographical location,dimensions, angles, and he projected it into a pyramid basedon approximately one square meter following the configurationof the original pyramid, aligned ona north-south axe. he also discovereda metal that intensifies the capture of energy bythe pyramid hundreds of times. he created an accelerator who amplifies the quantity ofcosmic energy captured by the pyramid.

without the accelerator,the pyramid captures 1 x of energy, whereas with the accelerator,it captures 100 times more energy. it's a cosmic energy chargepeople get, by which the agentis eliminated. the medical establishment did notwant him to cure at all. but then, when they banned him fromgiving out his medicine, mr. estevam discovered the pyramid. the pyramid together withthe accelerator could cure people. “how are they going to prohibit me fromlaying down a patient into my bed?

how can they forbid that? first, right,i distributed the remedy, which the law prohibitsbecause i wasn't a doctor. i can't prescribe a remedy,make it myself and distribute it. but the pyramid, how are they goingto prohibit that? there is no way”. it was his biggest achievement. after everything he went through,his whole life path... his way of being.after everything he went through. the way they came here, all the troubles.imagine arriving with your family

in a country where you don't speaka word of the local language. a self-taught man who first hadto learn the country language, he learned readingthat language by himself and did everythinghe did by himself. i see it as a gift, a gift for what he believedand for which he aimed at, the certainty he had that the harmful energy could be eliminatedby a positive energy.

“all the good and beautifulwords in the world are not enough to thank you for whatyou have done for our son manir... the nightmare is over. my son is alive and in additionto god's merit, it is yours too. what else can athankful mother say but may god bless you?" he was a very strong man, because he hada powerful woman at his side. when my grandma died,he simply said "i died too. it's over."

if she hadn't died,he would have easily gotten over 100. he just lay down in bedand didn't left it anymore. they joined to get where they got toand to discover what they discovered. so, you can get an idea of how important she was for himand he was for her. i think if it had beenthe opposite, if he had died first, i think it wouldbe the same. because it's a life together...complicity.

not only the lifeof a ordinary couple, they had much morebusiness together, life, people. so, they were heavilyinvolved with each other. it marked was not a simple life. if our life marks us evenif we mind only our business, our children. imagine their responsibilitytaking into account everything they went through in life.

so, when she died, he fell into avery deep slump. very deep one. nobody helped himmore than mrs. maria. mrs. maria who ... it's quite a frustration.i can't see it differently. i understand he died with theconviction of everything he had done. the wonderful work he left us, he left to everyone who wanted it, but i still feel it's frustrating. his struggle for the discovery,

to diffuse it,and to have failed. he said he had donewhat he had to do and it was a shamethey didn't believe in it. that humanity lostsomething very valuable. this depressed him,destroyed him, getting old without accomplishing hisdream. deliver it to humanity. so he said“cã©lia, i am very tired”. i said “mr. estevam,forget all about that part, don't even try to diffuse it.

because curing people alone has already beena miracle to us. you proved it. it's not somethingyou have hidden”. i said “one day the doctorswill open their doors and all of you willwork together”. it's highly unfair to diein such conditions, in such sadness, due to everything he went through,grandmother's death,

but i think all thiswould be less heavy, he would have died happier if his work would have reached a larger number of people,than it did. because what we dois a drop in the ocean. because once mr. estevam'sscience embraces medicine, we won't have anysick people anymore. he felt that what he was doingwouldn't work out anymore. i used to tell him “mr. estevam,wait, what you do is one thing,

but what you feel is...unfortunately your wife died, that's what god wanted”. they lived togetherfor almost 60 years. "what you feel about her... i believe you have verystrong feelings for her". but, unfortunately..." - “it's not possible anymore, it's not possible anymore.i want you to continue my work”. so, he stopped?

yes, he did. what did he want?first of all, he wanted to benefiteveryone who have cancer, regardless of their economic situation. second, he wanted theresponsible departments to understand, to assumeand develop the treatment which he, with his few resources,developed so well. he believed thatbetter prepared people with more resources could doubtlesslyachieve much better results.

unfortunately, the medical establishmentnot recognized this science up to now. if everyone would get rid of their pride and accept the science thisilluminated man left us, many people would not be ill. today, even if he has passed away, he must be happy.why? because in addition to all thosepeople he treated personally, during the 15 yearsafter his death, many others have joined the list.

because his treatmentis still being offered the way he initially developed it, according to a standardof free treatment and regardless of theirsocial-economic situation. our doors have alwaysremained open, right? during half a century. it's beenhalf a century we have been doing this. or even a bit more. i feel highly satisfied andi even get deeply touched when i speak about this matter.

it's a very important,not only because it benefited me, but because i've been following upon it for the last 35 years. i've witnessed with what reliabilitythe treatment was researched, developed, and offered to people. the simplicity withwhich it was offered. although proud ofwhat he had achieved, mr. estevam was freeof any presumption and offered it to people in needin a totally impartial way. we know this disease

doesn't choose its victims, but we know that those wholack resources always suffer more. “only god will be able to reward youfor everything you did for me and many other peopleyou cured and keep curing. i've been well for two years,thank god and thanks to you, and i don't start my daily workwithout giving thanks for that”. oh, it was a fantastic thing,because if you go to a doctor and know that you havea short term to live, first you get shocked,but then you accept that.

it's all right, it's ok,it's going to end. and boy, i had so many otheropportunities in my extended life. what i can say? be gratefuland pray to god for his soul. because he was a very special man. and thank god for sending mea colleague who brought me here. so then,from 1975 to date, june 23, 2007,i still be alive, otherwisei would have been gone for long. well, first of all,

i thank godand mr. estevam, because if i had notbeen taken to him, i would have diedmany years ago. but thanks god and mr. estevam,i'm still alive with 82 years old. because, what i learnedwith mr. estevam is to share. and it reallywas a share of love. i believe... he was a light for me and my family too,

because my mother had already given in to the ideathat i would die. that's why i saywith absolute certainty, for me, it's god in the first placeand mr. estevam in the second. i owe him my life. if i hadn't taken his medicine, i probablywouldn't be chatting here with you. i'm sure about it. that's somethingi won't forget for all my life, never! i've always struggled and havealways wanted to show how much... all the goodhe brought into my life.

i wouldn't have been a mother,not even alive; i think i've really been blessed,haven't i? this is the resultof mr. estevam's work. i got pregnant,and people used to say i would never be ableto have a daughter. here is the proof. and my husband who'salways been an angel too. my angel of light. and i thank god and the workof the scientist, mr. estevam,

who made it possible...i became a mother. god gave me a heavy was a hard time. but he also gave me angels who helpedme to overcome all that and to recover. i am very grateful for having met allthose wonderful people who helped me so much,which touches me so deeply. then i met mrs. julia, she became my second mother and i also got new brothersand sisters, a whole new family.

- and i got an aunt.- and you got an aunt who loves and adores you and whofeels very grateful towards everyone. only love brings peace! a message of faith and trustfor the great man of science. may god bless him andmake justice for the final victory. the end of cancer...the beginning of a new world era. so, now, i compare my grandfather, i think that's how it is. santos dumont broughtmankind great benefit.

how would life bewithout him, today? the world?he benefited the entire world. and everyone used to say: "this guy is crazy. how can he imagine such things?" it's the same for my grandfather. he also developed a hugebenefit for all mankind. and until today, many peoplehave been saying that he was insane. but when it comes to public, it will be the miracleof the century. just as the discovery of the airplane,and so many other discoveries.

i believe the day will come when his life effort and dedicationwill get the recognition it deserves, because not anyonewould have done that. people usually don't havethe persistence he had. he brought it until the end, with honor. there will still be a long way forman to realize that money is the worse disease in the world andthat only love gives life its meaning. what remains is ourhopeb things may change

and it's our task to make thefirst step towards a new morning. i herewith put the kovacsik treatmentat the disposal of the government, the institute, or anyone able to takethe cure to those in need in the way estevam taught us. “i'll never hand the resultsof my research over to a private person. i wish to deliver them to humanity as whole by means of competent authorities underfull public knowledge”. estevam kovacsik. only love brings peace! first of all,i would like to thank god

and everybodywho has been working here. god, for the opportunity. i'm sure it is his willthis documentary is being made. and mainly this groupof young people who took on this cause with love,with an open heart, without any financial profit in view. everybody is offering their time, sacrificing their free time,dedicating it to a higher cause, the wellbeing of others.

because i've not met anyone to date,my grandfather fought for so many years, he fought for 50 years and nevercame across an open door, anyone who wanted to help him. so, time went by,but the moment has arrived and that's why i want to thankthe team who's here. without them,their goodwill, their love, their dedication, this documentaryhad never happened. that's why i want to thank everyonewith all my love and my consideration. thank you very much.

and because i believe very much in god,i put my faith in god regarding many things he gave me you, daniel. what couldn't be done through the medicalestablishment, the dissemination, it was done by an insider.... because he often answers my prayers. he knows it's always very sincereand for the good of others. i've never askedanything for myself. i got very interested, when you wantedto start and said "mom, i'm gonna do that." you... funny, like me, like my were behind me, since your tender age.

but we are used to thinkingchildren don't worry about anything. my grandpa had so many grandchildren andnobody paid attention to what he was doing and i thought"well, it's just a kid." you were playing with the pendulum,all the time, it was very funny. "what's that supposed to mean?" and you were always lost inyour dreams. that's how it went. and then,you did the radio & tv course, but i would never have thoughtthat this would be the way. by the way,

when you arrived and started doingall this, that i saw it was working. until yesterday,i wished i would wake up. i don't like very much to get excited,involved, to believe too much in something and then to get deceivedwhen i want something badly. but when i actually sawit was a serious thing, that it was working, why not? my grandfather's goal was to makethe treatment known to the world. what's the way to get in touch with theworld? it's not in the hands of few. he went to reference hospitalsand they didn't accept it.

so, what is the way to disseminateyour work for the world? it's tv. so this new canreach the whole world, to be at its entire disposal.just how he dreamt it. broadcast it to the world. so everyoneknows it and get rid of this sad disease. i believe everythingcomes in the rigth moment and nothing gets helpless. he came with that missionand god has kept it going. so, this really touches me. today i though, if only he couldbe with us and see this.

i believe he deservesto get recognized. no doubt about this. and i'm sure he sees usand is very happy with what we are doing. eventually,his goal is going to come true. i think there is a meaningto everything in life and our goodwillsets things in motion.

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