Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Cancer Natural Treatments

this year 350,000 americans will diefrom cancer. one out of four of us will developcancer in our lifetime. that's over 50 million people in the united statesalone. the purpose of this presentation isto show that this great human tragedy can be stopped now entirely on the basisof existing scientific knowledge. we'll explore the theory that cancer like scurvy or pellagra is adeficiency disease aggravated by the lack of an essentialfood compound in modern man's diet and that itsultimate control

is to be found simply in restoring thissubstance to our daily intake. we are not in thebusiness of promoting vitamins, food supplements our products of any kind. we're not prescribing any course oftreatment we endorse nothing except freedom of choice we have nothing to sell but facts whatyou're about to hear does not carry the approval of organized medicine the food and drug administration theamerican cancer society and the american medical association

have labeled it fraud and quackery theaverage position however is less dogmatic he's more apt to say let's give it a tryand then passed judgment consequently an increasing number ofdoctors all over the world now are testing and proving in their ownclinics that the vitamin concept of cancer is true with billions of dollars spenteach year on research with other billions taken in from thecancer-related salem drugs and with vote hungry politicianspromising ever increasing government

programs we find that today there are more peoplemaking a living from cancer then are dying from it if the riddlewere to be solved by a simple vitamin this gigantic commercial and politicalindustry could be wiped out overnight the result is that the scienceof cancer therapy isn't nearly as complicated as thepolitics of cancer therapy in the past the fda and other agencieshave government have used every means at their disposalto prevent this story from being told they've arrested citizens for holdingpublic meetings to tell others are their

convictions on this subject they've confiscated films and books they even our prosecuting doctors whoapply these theories in an effort to save the lives of their own patients with this background in mind it mayappear to be the height the folly to proceed with this presentation but ladies and gentleman if this storythat follows is true as we firmly are convinced it is then inthe name of humanity someone simply has to stand up againstthe bureaucracy

and we are determined to do it the the history of science is the history of struggle againstentrenched error many of the world's greatest discoveries initially were rejected by thescientific community and those who pioneered those discoveries often were ridiculed in condemned asquacks and charlatans columbus was bitterly attacked forbelieving the earth was round bruno was burned at the stake forclaiming the earth was not the center of

the universe galileo was imprisoned for teaching atthe earth moved around the sun even the wright brothers were ridiculedin condemned for claiming that a machine could fly above the earth in the field of medicine andrea's thisalias was denounced as an impostor and heretic because of his discoveries in the fieldof human anatomy william harvey was disgraced as a physician for believing that blood was pumped bythe heart and actually moved around the

body through arteries and egg not some allies wasfired from his hospital post for requiring his maternity staff towash their hands centuries ago it wasn't unusual forentire naval expeditions to be wiped out by scurvy between 1600 and 1800 the casualty listto the british navy alone was over one million sailors medical experts at the time were baffledas they searched in vain for some kind of a strange bacterium

virus or toxin that supposedly lurked inthe dark older ships and yet four hundred years the cure wasalready known and written in the record in the wintera 1535 when the french explorer jacques cartierfound his ships frozen in the ice of the saint lawrence river scurvy began to take its deadly toll onaccrual 110 25 already had died and most to the others were so well theyweren't expected to recover and then a friendly indian show them thesimple remedy

tree bark and needles from the whitepine both rich in a score big acid or vitamin c were stirred into a drink which producedimmediate improvement dance with recovery upon returning to europe cartierreported this in turn into the medical authorities but they were amused by such whichdoctor cures a ignorant savages and they did nothing tofollow it up yes the cure for scurvy was known

but because i've scientific arrogance ittook over two hundred years and cost hundreds and thousands of lives before the medical experts began toaccept and apply this knowledge finally in 1747 john lynn young surgeons made in thebritish navy discovered that oranges and lemonsproduced really from scurvy and recommended that the royal navyinclude citrus fruits in the stores have all the chips and yet it still took forty eight moreyears

before his recommendation was put intoeffect the 20th century has proven to be no exception to this pattern only a generation ago large portions ofthe american southeast were decimated by the dread disease a polygraph which wasthought to be contagious and probably caused by an as yetundiscovered virus as far back as 1914 doctor joseph goldberger had proven thatthis condition was related to diet and later showed that it could beprevented simply by eating liver or yeast but it wasn't until thenineteen forties almost thirty years

later that the medical world fully acceptedallegra as a vitamin b deficiency by 1952 doctor ernst e krebs junior a biochemist in san francisco andadvanced the theory that cancer likes curvy or pull aggro is notcaused by some kind of mysterious bacterium virus or toxin but is merely adeficiency disease aggravated by the lack of an essentialfood compound in modern man's diet he identified this compound is part ofthe nitro aside family

which occurs abundantly in nature inover twelve hundred edible plants and found virtually inevery part of the world it's particularly prevalent in the seedsuproot but also is contained in grasses maze sorghum millet this other linseed bitter almonds and many other foods thatgenerally had been deleted from the menus have modern civilization a chronic disease is one which usuallydoesn't pass away on its own accord a metabolic diseases one which ariseswithin the body

and isn't transmittable to anotherperson cancer therefore is defined as a chronic metabolic disease doctorgraham's has pointed out that in the entire history of medical science there hasn't been one chronic metabolicdisease that was ever cured and prevented bydrugs or mechanical manipulation at the body inevery case the ultimate solution was found only andfactors relating to adequate nutrition and he thinks thatthis is an important clue as to where to concentrate our scientific curiosity

in the search for a better understandingof cancer but there are other clues as well before looking at the more technicalaspects have doctor krebs theory it's well that we examine some of themfor example domesticated pets often seek out certaingrasses to eat even though they're adequately filled byother foods this is particularly likely to happen if the animals are not well it's interesting to note that the grassis selected by instinct are johnson grass tunis kress suitingress

and others that are especially rich innitrogen sides or vitamin b17 monkeys and otherprimates at the zoo when given a fresh peach or apricot willcarefully pull away this week fleshy part crack open the heart pit and devour thissmall seed that remains instinct compels them to do this eventhough they've never seen that kind of fruit before the seeds are one of the mostconcentrated sources have mitral asides to be found anywhere in nature whilebears are great consumers have nigella

sides in their natural diet not only do they seek out berries thatare rich in this substance but when they kill small grazing animalsby their own food instinctively they pass over the muscleportions and consume first the viscera and roman which are filledwith nitro side grasses in captivity animals seldom are allowed to eat allthe food at their instinctive choice in the san diego zoo for example theroutine diet for bears although adequate in volume andnutritious and many other aspects

is almost totally devoid of nitro inside in one grotto alone over a six-yearperiod five bears died of cancer it wasgenerally speculated by the experts that a virus had been the cause now it'shighly significant that one never find cancer in the carcasses of wild animalskilled in the hunt these creatures contract the diseaseonly when they are domesticated by man and forced to eat the foods that heprovides and the scraps from his table doctor george m briggs professor ofnutrition at the university of california has said

the typical american diet is a nationaldisaster if i fed it to pigs are college withoutadding vitamins and other supplements i could wipe out the livestock industrya brief look at the american diet tells the story grocery shelves now arelined with high carbohydrate foods that have been processed refined synthesized artificiallyflavored and loaded with chemical preservatives some manufactures even boasted howlittle real food areas in their product mill it once was the nation's staplegrain

it is high in nitrogen site content butnow it's been replaced by tweet which has practically none at allsorghum caine has been replaced by sugar cane with the same result even our cattle are fed increasingly onquick growing low nitro side grasses so there's lessvitamin b17 residue in the meat we eat in some places livestock now are beingfed a diet containing 15 percent paper to fatten them quicker for market and sowe see that in the past 50 years the foods that once provided theamerican people with ample amounts at natural vitamin b17

gradually have been pushed aside orreplaced altogether buy food almost devoid at this factorsignificantly it's during this same time span that the cancer rate has moved steadilyupward to the point where today one outta every four persons in theunited states is destined to contract this disease theultimate scientific tests to the vitamin theory of cancer would be to take a large number ofpeople numbering in the thousands and over a period of many years exposethem to a consistent dieter rich

nitroprusside foods and then check the results fortunatelythis already has been done in the remoterecesses of the himalaya mountains between west pakistan india and chinathere's a tiny kingdom called wenger these people are known the worldover for their amazing longevity and good health it's not uncommon for undercuts to livebeyond a hundred years and some even two hundred and twenty ormore visiting medical teams from the outside world report that there neverhas been a case of cancer

in hunza although presently acceptedsciences unable to explain why these people should be freeof cancer it's interesting to note that the average 100 diet contains over 200 times more night /urlaside than the average american diet in fact in that land weather is no suchthing as money a man's wealth is measured by the numberup apricot trees eons and the most prized all foods isconsidered to be the apricot seed it's also interesting tolearn that when the hunza cuts leave their secluded land

and adopt the menus are other countriesthey soon succumbed to the same diseases and infirmities including cancer as the rest at mankindthe eskimos are another people that have been observed by medical teams for manydecades and found to be totally free of cancerthe traditional eskimo diet is amazingly rich in nitrogen sides that come from the residue when the meata caribou and other grazing animals and also from the salmon barry whichgrows abundantly in the arctic areas when the eskimo abandons his traditionalway of life

and begins to rely on westernized foodshe becomes even more cancer brown then the average american there are many other peoples in theworld that could be cited with the same characteristics the occasions near the black sea thehopi and navajo indians of north america certain native populations in southamerica and south africa from all races and all regions in theworld the one thing they have in common isthat the degree to which these people

are free from cancer is in direct proportion to the amount ofnitrous i'd or vitamin b17 found in their nativediet in answer to this the skeptic may arguethat these primitive group aren't exposed to the same cancerproducing elements that modern man is and perhaps that's why they're me on letthem breathe the same smog filled air smoke the same cigarettes swallow thesame chemicals added to their food or drinking water use the same soaps are deodorants andthen see how they fare

this of course is a valid point butfortunately even that question now has been resolved by experience forover two decades there has been a steadily growing groupof people who have accepted the vitamin and who have altered their dietsaccordingly they represent all walks of life all ages both sexes and reside in almostevery advanced nation and the world it's estimated that there are manythousand in the united states alone now it's true that there's no way todetermine their exact number or to conduct clinical examinations oneach of them but they do constitute a

rather well defined group that is both local and conspicuous itsignificant there for that after starting and maintaining a diet rich in vitamin b17 none of these people has ever been known to contract cancerlet's repeat that statement while their fellow citizens aresuffering from cancer at the rate of one other every four not one of thesethousands as ever been known to contract thisdread disease for many persons the logical all these facts put togetheris so great that it would be easy to

close the case right here but in view of the powerful oppositionagainst this concept let's not content ourselves only withthe logical that there re let's reinforce our convictions withthe science at the theory also that we may understand why it works theway our logic tells us that it must in 1902 john beard a professor atembryology at the university of edinburgh in scotland reported that there were no discernibledifferences between highly malignant cancer cells

and certain pre embryonic cells thatwere quite normal in the early stages of pregnancy in technical terms these normal cellsare called trophoblast extensive research had led professor baird to theconclusion that cancer and trophoblast are in fact one in the same his theorytherefore is known as the trophoblastic thesis have cancer the trophoblast in pregnancy indeed doesexhibit all the classical characteristics have cancer

it spreads and multiplies rapidly as a eats its way into the uterus wallpreparing a place where the embryo can attach itself for maternal protectionand nourishment the trophoblast is formed as a result ina chain-reaction starting with another cell identified asthe deployed told apartment for our purposes let's call this simplythe total life cell because it containswithin it all the separate characteristics are the completeorganism and has the total capacity to evolveinto any organ or tissue

or for that matter into the completeembryo itself about eighty percent of these total lifecells are located in the ovaries or testes where they serve as a genetic reservoirfor future offspring arrested them are distributed elsewherein the body for a purpose not yet fully understoodbut which may involve the regenerative or healing process have damaged tissue the hormone estrogen is well known forits ability to affect changes in living tissue

although it's generally thought %uhthere's a female hormone it's found in both sexes and performsmany vital functions wherever the body is damaged either byphysical trauma chemical action or illness estrogenalways appears in great quantities possibly serving as a stimulator orcatalyst for body repair it's now known that the total life cellis triggered into producing trophoblast when it comes into contact with estrogenwhen this happens to those total live cells that have evolved from thefertilized egg the result is a placenta and on thelegal cord

amines have nourishing the embryo butwhen it occurs non sexually as part of the general healing process the result is cancer when cancer beginsto form the body reacts by attempting to stealit off and surrounding it with cells that are similar to those in thelocation where it occurs a bump or lump is the usual result undermicroscopic examination most to these tumors are found to resemble a mixtureor hybrid both drove a blast andsurrounding cells a fact which has led many researchers tothe premature conclusion

that there are many different types ofcancer but the degree to which various tumors appear to be different is the samedegree to which their b-nine which means that it's the degree towhich there are non-cancerous cells within it the greater the malignancy the morethese tumors begin to resemble each other and the more clearly they begin to takeon the classic characteristics of pregnancy drop a blast

and the most malignant have all cancersthe korean epithelium its are almost indistinguishable fromtrophoblast cells bars doctor baird pointed out overseventy years ago they're one in the same let's turn nowto the question i'll defense mechanisms before we can hope toconquer cancer first we must understand how natureconquers cancer i'll major protects the body andcontrols the growth the trouble blast cells all animals contain billions of whiteblood cells

one other functions that these cells isto attack and destroy anything that is formed and harmful to our bodies for this reason it would seem logicalthat they would attack cancer cells also but since cancer is true of a blast andsend trophoblast is not foreign to the body but is in fact a vital part in the lifecycle nature has provided with a very effective means of avoiding the whitecells one of the characteristic to the job ablast is that it's surrounded by a thinprotein-coding that carries a negative

electrostatic charge the white cells also have a negativecharge and send similar polarities repel eachother the trophoblast is well protected part of the solution to this problem isfound in the pancreas which secrete an enzyme called trypsinwhen this enzyme reaches the trophoblast in sufficient quantity it digests the protective protein coatthe cancer that has exposed to the attack at the white cells and it dies applying this to the embryowe find that the trophoblast cells there

continue to grow and spread right up tothe eight week and then suddenly with no apparentreason may stop growing and are destroyed recent research hasprovided the explanation it's in the eight-week that the babiespancreas begins to function now it's significantthat the upper intestines near the point where the pancreasempties into it is the one place in the human body work answer is almost neverfound we note also that diabetics those whosuffer from a pancreas malfunction are three times more likely to contractcancer than on diabetics

these facts which have puzzled medicalinvestigators for years at last can be explained in light of thetrophoblastic faces have cancer but what happens if the pancreas is weak or if the rate of cancer growth is sohigh that the enzyme trypsin can keep up with it then what the answer is that nature hasprovided a backup mechanism a second line of defense that can do thejob even at the first line should fail it involves a unique chemical compoundthat poisons the malignant cell whilenourishing all the rest

and this is where the vitamin concept ofcancer finally comes back into the picture the chemical compound in question ofcourse is vitamin b17 which is found in thosenatural foods containing nitro sides it's known also as amiddylan and as such has been used and studiedextensively for well over a hundred years but in its concentrated in pr fide form developed by doctor krebsspecifically for cancer therapy

it is known as late rail for the sake ofclarity in this presentation however we shall favor the more simple namevitamin b-seventeen the b-seventeen moleculecontains two units and sugar wanna benzaldehyde and 1 i'm cyanide all tightly lockedtogether within it as everyone knows cyanide can be highlytoxic and even fatal if taken in sufficientquantity however locked as it is in this natural stateit's completely inert chemically and has absolutely no effect on livingtissue there is only one substance that

can unlock this molecule and release thecyanide that substance is an enzyme called they tickle casadays which we shall call the unlocking enzyme when b-seventeen comes in contactwith this enzyme not only is this i night released butalso love the benzaldehyde which is highly toxic by itself in fact these two working together are at least100 times more poisonous than either them separately the unlocking andi'm is not found to any dangerous degree anywhere in the body except at thecancer cell

where it always is present in greatquantity the result is that vitamin b17 is unlocked at the cancer cell itbecomes poisonous to the cancer cell and only to the cancer cell there'sanother important enzyme called road unease which we shall identify asthe protecting enzyme the reason is that it has theability to neutralize cyanide by converting a instantly into byproductsthat actually are beneficial and essentialfor health this enzyme is found in great quantities in every part of the body except the cancercell

which consequently is not protected herethen is a biochemical process that destroys cancer cells while at thesame time nourishes and sustains non cancer cells it and intricate and perfect mechanismof nature that simply couldn't been accidental there's much speculationtoday about carcinogens the things that supposedly cause cancerwe're told that researchers now have proven that smokingor excessive exposure to the sun or chemical additives to our food oreven certain viruses

all can cause cancer but as we have seenthe real cause is an enzyme and vitamin deficiencythese other things merely are the specific triggers that start the process anything that produces prolonged stress or damage to the body can trigger of theproduction of estrogen as a part of the healing process if thisgoes unchecked because the body lacks thenecessary chemical ingredients to fight back then the result is cancer specificcarcinogens therefore

do not cause cancer they merelydetermine where it's going to occur a coursemajors defenses against cancer include more than just the pancreatic enzymesand vitamin b17 research has shown that an importantrole also may be played by other enzymes other vitamins oxygenationat the blood ph levels and even body temperature vitamin b17 seems to be the most vitaland direct acting up all these factors but none of them can be ignored fortheir own interlocking part to the total natural mechanism

fortunately it's not necessary for manto understand fully every theoretical aspect to thismechanism in order to make it work for him in practice all that he really needs to know is thenecessity at eating foods rich in all the vitamins and minerals andminimizing damage or stress to the body the reality of the vitamin b17 conceptof cancer has been proven in the laboratory beyondany doubt for example doctor dean burke head tothe side or chemistry section %uh the national cancer institute

as reported that in a series of tests onanimal tissue the b-seventeen had no effect on normalcells but released so much cyanide inbenzaldehyde when he came in contact with cancer cells that not one of them could survive hesaid when we adlai a trail to a cancer culture under the microscope we can see the cancer cells dying oflike flies week said in b17 is harmless 29 cancer cells thisis true

but perhaps it would be more accurate tosay that its as harmless as any substance can be after all even life is essential water or oxygen can befatal if taken in unnaturally large doses andthis is true also a vitamin b17 for example there's one case a man whoreportedly died from devouring almost a couple appleseed'sincidentally the case never has been authenticated but assuming it's true if the man had eaten the apples also he would have obtained enough extrawrote unease from the whole fruit

to offset the effective even that manyseeds in his stomach but that would require that he eatseveral cases a battles which of course would have beenimpossible in the first place nature can do only so much it cannot anticipate excessive this kind therefore it's wise to follow the simplerule that one should not eat at one time moreseeds and he likely would consume if he also were eating a reasonablequantity at the whole fruit this is a common-sense rule with a largesafety margin that can be followed with

complete confidence and when it comes to the laboratoryforms a vitamin b17 known as make the lawn or lay a trail there'seven less cause for concern for over a hundred years standardpharmacology reference books have described this substance as non-toxic after a century abuse inall parts of the world there never has been a single reportedcase a related death or even serious illness in one series a test white rats were fedseventy times the normal human does have

lateral and the only side effects produced weregreater appetite weight gain and superior health justwhat one would expect from taking a vitamin aspirin tablets are 20 times more toxic than the equivalent amount to play atrail and in fact doctor burk at the national cancer institute has demonstrated that late real is evenless toxic than sugar let's turn now to theall-important question

does lay a trail or vitamin b17 actuallycontrol cancer in human beings and if it does is their statistical evidence to support that claim spokesmanfor organized medicine say no almost all official opposition to lay itreally is based upon a 1953 report by the cancer commission %uh thecalifornia medical association the report said flatly no satisfactoryevidence has been produced to indicate any significant cytotoxic effectivelyatrial on the cancer cell using this report as a primary reference government agencies soon declared thatit was illegal to prescribe transport or

even recommend layered trail the report waswritten by the committee chairman doctor ian macdonald and the committee secretary doctor henrygarland there were seven other prominentpositions appointed to the committee but none of them not even the man whowrote the report at any personal experience with lateralthey had based their conclusions entirely on the written records a other experimenters the scientificjudgment at these men

perhaps can be best appreciated bynoting that mcdonald and garland where the doctors who had made headlinesclaiming that there was no connection between cigarette smoking and lung cancer in fact mcdonald hadclaimed the 24 cigarettes per day was a harmlesspastime and then he said a pack a day keeps lung cancer away but even more importantthan this scientific ineptitude is the fact that both men actually hadfalsified their summary in the lateral experiments

for example their report claimed thatmicroscopic examinations and tumors taken from patients treated with latereal showed no evidence that beneficialchemical effect yet ten years later it was learned that wanna the path allergists conducting theexaminations in fact did report several instanceshave tumor destruction which he stated at the time could wellhave been caused by the actionable a trail mcdonald in garland had not told thetruth

the report also stated that laboratorytechnicians had tried unsuccessfully to release cyanide from leah trail this was offered is powerful evidencethat the entire theory was a fraud and yet just two months prior to that the american medical associationchemical lab had reported that it had been successful in releasing cyanidefrom lateral and of course other labs have done thisalso including the california food and drug lab and of course the cycle chemistry lab atthe national cancer institute

again mcdonald n garland had obscure thetruth another important aspect to this report is that the patients had receivedextremely small doses away a trail much too small to prove anything todayit's not uncommon to administer two or three grams or the material in a singleinjection generally 30 or 40 grams are requiredbefore the patient can report enjoyable signs of improvement but in the california experiment themaximum total dosage was only about two grams

and even that was divided among 12injections five patients had received only twoinjections and five had received only one so it'snot surprising that these experiments had failed to obtainconvincing evidence that later worked what is surprising however is that thisand similar discredited reports continued to be cited by the americancancer society as proof that lead to real is a hoax butlet's return to the original site at this question what evidence is there to support theclaim that lead to real

does work as we have seen the healthrecords are the hunza cuts the eskimos and many other groups aroundthe world are statistically conclusive that vitamin b17 does control cancer in human beings withan effectiveness approaching 100 percent there can belittle controversy over that but what about cancer once it alreadyhas started can be 17 restore a person to health after he is contracted the disease theanswer is yes if it's caught in time and if thepatient is in too badly damaged by prior

x-ray treatment or toxic drugs unfortunately most cancer victims start taking latereal only after their disease is so far advanced that they've been given up is hopelessby routine medical channels usually they've been told that they haveonly a few more months or weeks to live and it's in this tragic statednear-death that they turned to vitamin therapy as a last resort if theydie and indeed many of them do then they arecounted as statistical failures

for lateral in reality it's a victory for lateral that any ofthem should be saved at this stage for once a deficiency disease hasprogressed so far the damage it doesn't simply can't bereversed a man who has been shot with a gun can have the bullet removed but still die from the wound likewise a patient can have his cancer destroyedby vitamin b17 and still die from the irreversibledamage already done to his vital organs and soin view of this tremendous handicap

the number i've terminal patients whohave been restored to health is most impressive in fact there literally are thousands ofsuch case histories in the medical record the american cancer society has tried tocreate the impression that the only ones who claim to havebeen saved bilateral are those who merely were hypochondriacce and you never really had cancer in the first place but the record reveals quite a differentstory

let's take a look at just a few examplesmister david edmonds a pinole calif was operated on in june 1971 for cancer of the colon which also hadmy task to sized or spread to the bladder when the surgeon opened him up he foundthat the malignant tissue was so widespread it was almost impossible toremove it all the blockage in the intestines wasrelieved by severing the colon and bringing the open end to the outsidehis abdomen a procedure known as a colostomy

five months later the cancer hadreturned and mister edmund was told that he hadonly a few more months to live missus edmonds who is a nurse and heard about late reply and decidedto give it a try six months later instead and lying onhis deathbed mister admin surprise the doctors byfeeling well enough to resume in almost normal routine an exploratory cystoscopy at the bladderrevealed that the cancer there had completely disappeared

at his own insistence he was readmittedto the hospital to see if his call and could be put back together again in surgery they found nothing evenresembling cancer tissue so they reconnected the colon and sendhim home to recuperate it was the first time in the history thehospital that a reverse class to me had beenperformed mister ed man's knowledge living a near normal life love health and vigor in 1967 missus joan wilkinson had a tumorremoved from her lower left leg

just below the thigh four months laterthere was a recurrence requiring additional surgery and the removal ofmuscle and bone a year later a lump in the groinappeared and a biopsy revealed that her cancerhad returned and was spreading her doctor told her that surgery wouldbe necessary again but this time they would have toamputate the leg the hip and probably the bladder and onein the kidneys as well the plan was to open up for lunch firstto see if cancer had located there if it had then they would not amputatebecause there wouldn't be any chance of

saving anyway at the urging of her sister and a mutualfriend missus welcomes and decided not toundergo surgery but to try lay a trail instead herdoctor was upset by this me told her that if she didn't have thesurgery she couldn't possibly live longer than 12 weeks five weeks after starting onlateral the lump in her grind had disappearedtoday years later she's living a healthy andproductive life

in 1972 doctor dale danner a podiatrist fromsanta paula calif developed a pain in the right leg and asevere cough x-rays revealed a carcinoma both lungs and what appeared to be mass andsecondary tumors in the leg the cancer was inoperable and resistantto radiotherapy the prognosis was incurable and fatal at the insistence that his mother doctor danner agreed to trilateralalthough we had no faith in its

effectiveness primarily just to please her he obtaineda large supply in mexico but he was convinced from wadi in red inthe medical journals that it was nothing but quackery and a fraud perhaps it was even dangerous he thoughtfor he noticed from the literature that contain large amounts to sign i'd within a few weeks the pain and thecoughing had progressed to the point where no amount of medication could holdit back forced to crawl in his hands and kneesand unable to sleep for three days and

nights he became despondent and desperategroggy from the lack of sleep from the drugs and from the pain finallyhe turned to his supply and lateral giving himself one more massive dosesmedication hopefully to bring on sleep he thenproceeded to administer the lead role directly into an artery before losing consciousness from themedication doctor danner had succeeded in taking atleast an entire 10 day supply and possibly as high as a20-day supply

all at once when he awoke 36 hours later much to his amazement not only was healive but also the coffin pain were greatly reduced his appetite and returned and he wasfeeling better than he had in months reluctantly he had to admit that lead toreal was working so he obtained an additional supply andbegan routine treatment with smaller doses three months later he wasback to work since latrell was developed in 1952 there have been literally thousands andsimilar case histories reported and

documented and when all these are viewed as a groupthey begin to take on the former numerical statistics which of course are more meaningful thanindividual cases there have been at least twenty-sixpublished medical papers written by well-known positions willabuse lead trail experimentally in the treatment at their own patientsand who have concluded that late real is both safe and effective in thetreatment of cancer the american cancer society and otherspokesman for the medical establishment

would have us believe that only crackpotseven doors this conclusion but the doctors who conducted theseexperiments and those who share their conclusionsare not quacks here are just a few of the names in westgermany there is doctor hahn's neighbor director of the department of medicineat the silver city hospital in hanover he is a pioneer in the medical use acobalt and is credited with developing theanti-cancer drug cyclophosphamide undoubtedly he is oneof the world's most famous and respected cancer specialist

in canada there's doctor nr bluesy on director research laboratories at saintjean dark hospital in montreal he is a member of the hospital's tumorboard in charge of chemotherapy also he is dean at the americanassociation a bio analysts in the philippines there's doctor manuelnavarro professor of medicine and surgery at theuniversity of santo tomas in manila he is distinguished internationally as acancer researcher and has over 100 major scientific papersto his credit summer which had been read before theinternational cancer congress

in mexico there is doctor ernestocontrarians who for over a decade has operated thefamous good samaritan cancer clinic in tijuana he is one of mexico's most distinguishedmedical figures he received post-graduate training atharvard's children hospital in boston he has served as professor of histologyand pathology at the mexican army medical school andas the chief pathologist at the army hospital in mexico city in belgium there is doctor may's intothe universe div love at in italy there

is doctors your daddy at the universitytour in in japan there is doctor sick i aprominent position in tokyo and in the united states there are suchrespected names as doctor burk at the national cancer institute doctormerona the jersey city medical center doctor krebs who develop lead trail doctor richardson san francisco and manymore from over 20 countries with equally impeccable credentialsthese researchers have reported that most to their patients experiencedseveral important side effects including an immediate lowering a bloodpressure improved appetite

an increase in the hemoglobin and redblood cell count and above all a release from pain without narcotics even if the patienthas started lateral therapy too late to be saved this last effect is a merciful blessingin itself in the united states if a doctor whichis to avoid being labeled a quack he must practice what is calledconsensus medicine in other words he must use only thosetreatments that generally are also used by his colleagues

at the present time in the field ofcancer those are limited to surgery x-ray and drugs for comparison therefore let's turn now to the results andbenefits attained through these so-called orthodox treatment as we shall see surgery is the least harmful at thethree and in some cases it can be a life-saving stop-gap measuresurgery also has the psychological advantage a visibly removing the tumor and fromthat point of view it offers the patient

and his family some comfort and hope however the degreeto which surgery is useful is the same degree to which the tumor isnot malignant the greater the proportion of cancercells and that tumor the less likely it is that surgery willhelp and the most highly malignant tumors a ball generally are considered inoperable thestatistical radar long-term survival after surgery is at best only ten or fifteen percent

and once the cancer has metastasized toa secondary location surgery has almost no survival valuewhatsoever the reason of course is that like theother therapies approved by organized medicine surgery removes onlythe tumor it does not remove the cause therationale behind x-ray therapy is essentially the same aswith re the medical objective is to removethe tumor but to do so by burning away rather thancutting it out here also it's primarily the nine cancercell that's destroyed

the more malignant tumor the moreresistant it is to radiotherapy in fact this procedure has all the samelimitations and drawbacks and surgery plus one more it actually increases thelikelihood that cancer will develop the in other parts of the body yes it's a well-established fact thatexcessive exposure to radio activity is an effective way to induce cancerthis has been demonstrated not only among the survivors at hiroshima but a research team at the university atbuffalo recently reported that less than a dozen routine medical x-raysto the same part of the body

increases the risk of leukemia by atleast 60 percent and these routine x-rays are nothingcompared to the intense radiation used on cancer patient x-rays inducecancer because i'm at least two factors first they do physical damage to thebody which triggers of the production of trophoblast cells as part of the healingprocess second day we can or destroy theproduction of white blood cells which is we have seen constitute theimmunological defense mechanism the body's frontline defense againstcancer as with all forms and currently popular treatments

once the cancer has metastasized to asecond location there is practically no chance that theradiology patient will live soul in addition to an almost zero asurvival value radiotherapy has the extra distinctionare also spreading the very cancer itsupposed to combat the record in so-called anti-cancerdrugs is even worse most to them currently inuse are highly poisonous not just to cancer but to the rest tothe body as well in fact generally there are more deadlyto healthy tissue than they are to the

malignant cell most to these drugs are described as radio memetic which means that theymimic or produce the same effects as radiationconsequently they also suppress the immunological defensemechanism and thus help to spread the cancer to other areasbut whereas x-rays usually i directed to only one ortwo locations these chemicals do their deadly work onevery cell in the entire body the usaid exotic and highly toxic drugsis the latest fad in cancer therapy

as cores at these drugs are developedeach year cancer patients become the human guineapigs upon which their tested the tragic results are well depicted in the following statements taken fromjust a few love the official chemotherapy reports %uh the nationalcancer institute an effort was made to choose patientswho were well enough to withstand the anticipated toxicity early death a to love the first fivepatients treated caused a reduction to eight milligramsper kilogram per day

no significant anti-tumor benefited anyduration was observed in this study 60 the eight children died no therapeutic effect was observed toxic clinical manifestations consistedof vomiting hypertension changes in are on nukleuzmembranes and diarrhea renal damage and cerebraledema were observed at post-mortem examination in each of the six patients who diedwhile receiving this drug the death the two patients wasunequivocally caused by drug toxicity

82 the 14 patients who survived theinitial courses at therapy children in general deterioration anddied within 10 weeks after therapy began and so it goes year in and year out deadly experiments fully approved byorganized medicine experiments that can be viewed only as aform are human vivisection this then is thecomparison between vitamin therapy and orthodox treatmentthe statistics that follow are taken from the national cancerinstitute the american cancer society and from the clinical records are thosephysicians who have used lead trail in

the treatment at their own patients they vary widely depending on aged the patient the sex the cancerlocation and the degree of malignancyconsequently the figures shown will be averages for all kinds in all groupstogether this is this story they tell are thosewith advanced math test the site cancer who have been told by their positionthat there is no hope only 15 percent will be saved when theyturned a vitamin therapy which is not good but under orthodoxtreatment

less than 1 out of 1,000 or one-tenth up 1 percent will survive five years are those with early diagnosed cancer at least eighty percent will be saved byvitamin therapy but no more than 15 percent will surviveunder orthodox treatment and to those who presently are healthywith no clinical cancer to begin with close to 100 percent can expect to befree from cancer as long as they routinely obtainadequate amounts of vitamin b17 but those who subsist on the typicalamerican diet

and rely only on the therapies areorganized medicine are doomed to a survival rate of justeighty-four percent and that figure includes all ages it ismuch less for those above thirty as mentioned previouslythese figures will vary widely depending on age sex cancer location and degree ofmalignancy also they're somewhat arbitrary when itcomes to separating early diagnosed cancers from those thatare advanced for often there's a gray area between the two

nevertheless in general they are asaccurate as any such tabulation candy and they tell an impressive story thatcannot be brushed aside considering the lack the resultsobtained by orthodox medicine it's been said thatboudou witchcraft would be just as effective and perhaps even more so for at leastthem the patient would be spared the deadly side effects radiation and chemical poisoning just aswe are a news today at the primitive medical practices in history

future generations surely will look backat our own era and cringe at this senseless cuttingburning and poisoning that now passes for medical science no matter how useless or even harmfulcurrent practices may be consensus medicine demands that they beused by every physician regardless of how manypatients are lost the doctor's professional standing isupheld because those who pass judgment through peer review are using the sametreatments and getting the same tragic

results on the other hand if a doctor deviatesfrom this pattern and dares to apply nutrition as the baseis it is treatment even if he attains a high degree ofsuccess he is condemned as a quack he may lose his hospital privileges andeven is subject to arrest there's no doubt that most to theopposition to vitamin therapy comes from well-intentioned people whosimply don't yet have all the facts but vested interest also plays animportant role as stated at the beginning at thispresentation

the science of cancer therapy isn'tnearly as complicated as the politics have cancer therapy the history of how these vestedinterests have succeeded in influencing the medical profession government agencies and public opinionis a fascinating story by itself but of course time doesn't permit it tobe told here for the full story in both the science and the politics read world withoutcancer this book contains all the informationpresented in this film plus a great deal

more it includes extensive extracts fromprimary research documents and is amply footnoted so that theserious student can pursue his own avenues of investigation we recommend that you obtain severalcopies of this book for the purposes lending to your friends the informationcontained could well save their lives once vitaminb17 is widely understood and available as other vitamins cancer then will be as rare as is curvyor pull aggro today

when i trailer sides are used perhaps asa routine seasoning to our food like iodized table salt then the battle finally will be one this is our goal and it's an objective thatcan be reached right now by anyone who are act upon thisknowledge you and your family now may become secure from cancer butthat's only because someone else has helped to bring these back to yourattention can you do less for others join with usin this noble task together weekend create world

without cans

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