it's kind of late in the day. how's everyonedoing? do we need to move around a little, get the blood flowing a little? if you guyscan hear me, i'd like to move around a bit because that messes up the camera people. well, thanks, everyone, for coming out. doyou guys can hear me okay? yeah. so i was upstairs and somebody asked me today,they said, "are you a men's rights activist?" which is something i'd actually not reallythought about before. and what popped into my head was it's like going to a doctor andsaying, "do you treat cholera?" "we take on all illnesses here," if you're a doctor. ifyou're a philosopher, your enemy is evil. a lot of philosophers don't like to talk aboutit, but it is the case that your enemy is
evil if you're a philosopher. and there isevil, of course, in what the men's rights movement is trying to expose and oppose. soi guess you can say, as a doctor treats cholera, i am a men's rights activist. now, evil is one slippery bastard which iswhy it is still here. it goes through the dark work. it's like ripley in aliens, likeit crawls up your leg. it's in your jam. it's everywhere. and the real challenge of evilis that you can't ever really fight it because the moment everyone recognizes something asevil, it's done. the great challenge is in the definitions of evil and the communicationsof those definitions which is what i'm going to talk about today.
and by the way, i know it's been like a longafternoon of listening, hands up, thrown words out, ask questions, let's make this a dialogue;otherwise, i might as well be, you know, on youtube, where i look even younger. try mein 240p, i'm like 28. so the challenge is always in the definition,right? how many people here are like, "yay slavery!" all right, those t-shirts are notgoing to sell. now, why are we not "yay slavery!"? for a long time people were. in the middleof the 19th century in the south, only two people in a hundred were pro-slavery. nowyou can't find anybody who is pro-slavery because the definition has been expanded.the definition of humanity has expanded to include those formerly slaves including myirish ancestors. and now we don't have a debate
about slavery anymore. there is slavery stillin the world, but nobody defends it. that is the challenge and challenge is thedefinition. once people understand that something is immoral, they react against it. so it'sall about the definitions. once people see something is evil, they will act against it;they will reject it. you know, the most dangerous diseases are the ones that fool your immunesystem into thinking, "hey, this guy is a friend. let's let them multiply." you wantyour immune system to say "kill, die, die, die, die!" to everything that is going tokill die, die you. i don't want to be overly technical. i'm not a doctor. but the definitionis everything. so when people talk about something like circumcision,it doesn't sound too bad -- circumspect, circumnavigate,
circumvent -- it's kind of a venting, right?but what we don't do is to find it correctly. what's the correct definition? genital mutilation-- a little tougher to sell. would you like your son to be circumcised? i don't know.maybe. would you like your son to be genitally mutilated? is this the opening of a horrormovie? you go for help. oh, for another bloody footprint. so the definitions are essential. it is. malegenital mutilation contributes to a wide variety of health problems. do you know if you arecircumcised, you have, hey, five times the chance to have erectile dysfunction as anadult, right? thirty percent of men across the world have this done to them, far morethan has happened to women. it is a third
of the skin of the penis that is contributes to discomfort for women on the receiving end of sex because -- i meanthe whole point of the foreskin is so that there's some give. it's not a broomstick. so it contributes massively to expenses, ofcourse. and do you know what the price is of an intact man? a couple of hundred bucks.amazing, amazing, amazing. so check those out. it used to be that the government coveredthe costs of circumcision and then they decided not to. anybody know what happened to circumcisionrights? yeah, they dropped by almost half because people are like, "oh, 200 bucks?"200 bucks. well, shit! i mean i've got some
standards. thank you very much. a lifetimeof male sexual pleasure, 10% complications arising from this absolutely unnecessary hackingof a human being. no, that doesn't stir our sympathy because, you see, that's male pleasure.and if we train men to actually enjoy life, they're backward courses. the christian almost largely it lay fallowfor many hundreds of years and then in the 19th century -- this may come as a shock tomost of the members of the audience but sometimes men masturbate. all i'm saying is you're luckythere are cameras on me. it's the reason i should waste up. i'm itchy. kind of true iguess. and there was this desperate fear that man would enjoy alone time.
and so one of the ways that they wanted tocut that out, i suppose, was by cutting it up, right? this is one of the ways in whichmen were not supposed to touch themselves was by reducing sensual pleasure, that throughcircumcision we were supposed to be saved from the evils of self-abuse and the, youknow, because i guess there weren't enough hairy palms to show everyone who was doingit so they had to find another way. so in the definitions lies the solution. onceyou define something as an illness, once you define something morally as an evil, thenpeople react against it, right? would you like me to save your child from a one in 111chance of having a urinary tract infection? do you know that little girls get urinarytract infections too? do you know they actually
treat that not by sawing off the labia butwith antibiotics? because little girls live in the 21st century; little boys are medieval.well, it doesn't take in men so... or one in 1,437 chance of penile cancer, whichi hear you can also get from watching nancy grace but that's another statistic. i actuallyhave nothing against nancy grace when i thought of penile cancer. i saw that some psychiatristswho's going to email this and i can explain all of that for you or they just give up andsay medicate them. so you have one in 1,437 chance of developingpenile cancer. you can reduce that slightly if you get circumcised, if you get genitallymutilated. anyone know odds of breast cancer for women? one in eight. one in eight. onein eight. you know, you line up eight boobs
in a row, one of them is going to turn had those dreams, right? i was raised by a german mother so that'seight out of eight but that's a different story. but we don't, of course, say to littlegirls, "well, we've got to remove your breasts because..." oh, but you see, babies don'tremember it. and similarly, you'll all hear feminists say, "well, if the woman is unconscious,when she's raped, she doesn't remember it. so what's the problem?" there's a nice slice for someone to matter,does it? oh, i'll be joining your -- give them a few more! if you play the next part backwards. no, itis. and of course, the body does remember.
do you know that babies who are circumcised,boys who are circumcised have elevated levels of distress hormone cortisol six months afterwards?almost half of circumcisions are done without anesthetic. there was a study that they triedto do circumcisions on boys to test the right anesthetics but they had to stop it becauseit was inhumane. so inhumane to study it; no problem to do it. and for most of the remainingone where there is anesthetic, it's a topical anesthetic, you know like the kind you usefor bug bites and stuff like that? that's one bastard of a mosquito, i'll tell you that. so this is the definition. this is the, i want to make a case for something here that would be interesting and again feedback,comments, all perfectly welcome.
so i was listening to a canadian governmentbroadcaster called cbc and they had a feminist on. so i deployed my earbags, got myself intothe de-stressed position; actually, that's just the position sucking my thumb but i won'tdo that here and i was like, "okay, hit me. hit me with the crazy. come on, baby!" andi'm telling you, she did not disappoint me. not even a bit. i need a prop for this part. so have you ever heard of something calledmicroaggressions. now, microaggressions, i thought they were referring to my schoolyardfighting technique which went something like this. i imagine the tyrannosaurus rex fallingover while having an epileptic attack, somewhat similar, but apparently not. now microaggressionsare when men...
i was going to say fart because sometimes...hey, all livestock fart that's why we have global warming. so this is what is called microaggressionsaccording to this feminist. now, imagine a feminist subway not the shop, like a subwaycar, right? no microaggressions yet. wait. wait for it. wait. hands up when any womanfeels aggressed against or men. now, i've seen women do this in a skirt and i feel quite aggressive against them especiallyif they've got a lady garden like a new york pizza slice. but anyway, so that is microaggression ifyou are a man and you apparently sprawl in a subway, this is a microaggression towardsa woman. and she feels like very sensitive
to that and you probably have heard of theyes all women hashtag. you know, man whistled, a man made appreciative comments about thetight dress, whatever, right? but that's just my hashtag. so these are the microaggressionsthat women experience that they are very sensitive to male aggression. the best way to defeat idiocy is just listento them and just repeat it back. so i would like to sort of explain something about microaggressionsbecause in the same interview with this feminist she said, "well, men are just, you know, theyhave this aggression. they have this violence, this aggression. and women, we can't do anythingabout it." the only way to solve this aggression is for men to discuss amongst themselves howto close their legs on a subway, how to not
impose upon women, reduce the breathing thatthe lady talked about. and then men can talk amongst themselves because where does maleviolence come from? let's just assume that there's male violence.obviously, there is not all men, but there is male violence. so where does it come from?well, according to this woman and this is a pretty common view among feminists, theyare closely like dust in the air, like dust in the wind. they are these male-only memesthat float round the culture that are generated by men with no input from women. they floataround the culture and they go into your ears or up your nose and they make you violent. so there are these memes, these ideas, thesecultures that men inhabit men and make them
violent. and women have nothing to do withit whatsoever, in any way, shape or form. men have to solve it completely on their own. so when i was studying -- i have a master'sin history, focus on the history and philosophy and one of the great writers for clear thinkingis voltaire. i don't know if you've ever read him but if you haven't, right after this call,go read voltaire. now, there was a tradition that he was part of in 18th century francewhich was like the blank slate of human nature. so they went over to the new world. they foundall these "savages." and they then brought them back to the court. and a lot of peoplewrote about the view of the french court from a savage who had never seen it before andit was one way that they communicated how
insane and absurd the monarchy was. so i likethe blank slate approach. let's just talk about male violence from a space alien's perspective."oh, i got to go and check out earth. they're mostly harmless. so i got to check out earth."and you go to earth and you say, "wow, there's quite a bit of violence here" -- wars andpredations and aggressions and, oh, these rapes and terrible stuff that occurs. okay, where does it come from? this is whereyou can throw some stuff in. where do you think violence come from? i don't buy thehuman nature argument. i just don't because the only thing that's common about human beingsis how great we are at adapting, right? i mean muslim kids adapt to the muslim culture.pennsylvanian kids adapt to the pennsylvanian
culture. amish kids adapt to -- saying whatis human nature is like saying what is the shape of water? it depends on what you pourit into. it adapts to that, right? so where do you guys think violence comes from?frustration. frustration. last resort of powerlessness. last resort of powerlessness. what was theother one? fear. fear, yeah. i think childhood experiences.
i'll be coming back to you, young lady. okay, yeah. so you would do the research andyou would say, "well, where does violence in human society come from?" well, the researchis pretty clear which means completely ignored by most of humanity. ninety percent of a child'sbrain is formed by its experiences in the first four to five years of life. and violenceis when the fight or flight mechanism is activated early. deep down in the amygdala, the fightor flight mechanism kicks up. the cortisol and adrenaline and all of that provoked ina child and if the child is chronically stimulated with aggression or abandonment, then the childdevelops a more violent brain, a brain more prone to violence, less capacity to inhibitthe impulse.
you know, you ever had that you get this surgeof anger you actually have about one-quarter of one second to stop that beast, right? imean you've got to intercept what's happening in your brain and that knowledge of your owncapacity for aggression, which i think we all mostly have, being able to intercept itis something that is modeled by parents treating you respectfully and all that and controllingtheir own impulses and so on. so you'd say, okay, we got this problem called violenceand we have science which says where it comes from which is basically the first couple ofyears of a child's life. well, my next question as the space alienwould be, "okay, if violence comes from childhood, early childhood in particular, why who isin charge of early childhood?" 50/50 chance.
yes, it's the ladies who are in charge ofchildhood. now, look, i'm going to give you guys therespect of knowing that you're over three years old and to recognize that there areexceptions to everything i'm saying. i'm a stay-at-home dad so, yes, i'm an exception,blah, blah, blah, right? i know that you guys can hear that most asians are short withoutsaying, "i know what tall is." i understand that. we're talking in generalities. thereare exceptions, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right? so women are in charge from conception onwards,right? the women ingest the right food or not; they smoke, they don't; they have wine,they don't. they give birth and then they
choose to keep the child or they -- i mean,keep the child around and they stay home, they breastfeed or they don't and so on. orthey put their kids in daycare where guess what? a lot of women around, right? i workedas an assistant teacher in the daycare for a couple of years when i was younger and,yeah, i mean it was quite the good fest. i mean it was just women everywhere. so naturally, like all the kids of singlelike no dad, they just, you know, father figure. so women stay home with the kids or they putthem in daycare where it's nothing but women, but then the children go to school. womenare there too, right? ninety-five percent of primary schoolteachers are women. so maybearound grade 10 or grade 11, they might run
into a man. so basically, you have an almost universalcontrol over childhood from women. are you beginning to see the full cannonball crazythat i got on the face from this woman complaining about male aggression and microaggressionsthat women have absolutely nothing to do with, can't do anything to solve, have no responsibilityfor? violence is formed in childhood. women control childhoods. and our desperate hopeas moralists, as people who want a better world is to break the cycle of what happens. we only have our five years away from an absoluteparadise of a planet, from a planet that we're meeting here for a hoe down, not fightingmore corruption and craziness and immorality.
five years, we can just get people to be niceto their babies for five years straight. that would be it for war, drug abuse, addiction,promiscuity, sexually transmitted diseases -- almost all would be completely eliminatedbecause they all arise from the function of early childhood experiences which are allrun by women. okay, so then the feminists would say, "well,yes, okay, it's true that maybe it's true that women" -- okay, they wouldn't admit that.sorry, that's fact-based. i'm just trying to get into the mindset. sexist! woman hater!no, no, that's no good. take down the patriarchy. but they would say the men are bad. the womenare abandoned by the man and blah, blah, blah. okay, let's face it. we're going to say, okay,well, if women are saying that problems in
early childhood are men's fault, well, we'dsay, okay, as a space alien i would say, "well, who chooses who in the dating game?" hands up if you're a man who had been askedout for a date on a woman where she paid. you? i need you to take off your pants, sir.she must have seen you in a speedo and thought, "i need something from to step up on." okay, so what happened? can you tell me thestory? am i the only person? you are the only person. yeah. a dentist met me and she invited me out todinner on a date.
with something like this? "drill, baby, drill."it was nothing like that? she'd gone and dressed up and -- okay so you were asked out by a woman. didshe pay? she did. you slut. she never ever would have done that but shedid. good for you. anybody else? yes, sir. allright. give us your secrets. how are you a man whore? tell me. she said she was german.
she was german? so she ordered you out, notasked. "call me!" she was trying to insert authority over therelationship. i wonder, was she from the philippines? it'sthe same woman, right? all right. so i mean it's 1% or 2%. studies show about95% of the time, men ask women out, right? what women make themselves look attractiveand again generalizing, but women make themselves look attractive in the hopes that men willask them out and they get to choose from the waving, grabbing penis things around. so thisis what happens. now, have you ever been -- i mean once inmy life, i was like, a couple of employers wanted to hire me at the same time. have youever been in like the receiving end of a bidding
war? yeah? it's sweet, right? oh, man, youjust wake up like you're floating on air. you can't do anything wrong. you don't needto shower anymore because people want you. you don't have to show up to work with pantsanymore. i'm there. it's a beautiful thing. it's a beautiful thing. so we actually had this once, this is backin the dot-com days in the '90s, i was in a bidding war, and it got to the point wherepeople were like, "i'll pay you $150,000 a year for three days work in a week." i'm like,"no, i'm going to write novels because that's where the money is." anyway, so if you're on the receiving endof a bidding war, it's a pretty sweet place
to be. and for the majority of women of attractiveness,personality or physical, whatever, they are on the receiving end of multiple offers right?this is always confusing to me when women complain about the men that they have becauseyou get to test drive. i mean for years you get to choose from a variety of cars, youget to test drive cars for years, you finally pick a car that usually pays you to buy it,and then you get to drive the car and then you say, "this car sucks. i'm going to makea boat." you could have just picked the boat to begin with. "no, i'm going to change it." so if women choose the man and get to testdrive the man and get to marry the man and stay with the man and have children with theman and so on, it's kind of ridiculous to
say, "well, all the problems in my life arrivesfrom this guy." you see, this is again space alien time. we're just trying to really detractour self from the minutia of the propaganda that so often bewilders us, right? so here we have, just to recap, the problemwith human violence, of course in early childhood, women are in charge of early childhood. womenchoose the man with whom they're going to have children, right? so how do we break the cycle of violence?lecturing men is ridiculous. i mean factually, it's scientific, lecturing men is ridiculous.there is zero patriarchy for children. again, give or take, right? but this is why whenwomen are complaining about microaggressions
and women are saying, "we have nothing todo with the cycle of violence. there's nothing we can do. you men got to work it out amongstyourselves," it's like we need the space invasion just to cling arms to come down and say, "here'sthe facts that we see from orbit because you're all confused down here." a study was recently done, so a psychologistwent and he said, "i'd really like to study verbal aggression within the household. ican just shake this bottle and open the top." so he went to daycare and he asked the parents-- they were all women. i think there was one man. but he asked the parents, he says,"do you yell at children?" and they all said basically, "yeah. they make me."
so what he did was he put the recording deviceson them like he's some stalked man. he puts the recording devices on them and then hejust said, just turn it on, record every day for a week and then he got them back. he alsoasked them some other questions. so there was one man out of the many men, it's allwomen basically, and the women said, "yeah, i yell at them. i guess i hit my kids maybe18 times a year," whatever. so he got the data back and this is the middleclass -- this is not right down in the dregs. this is like middle class, comfortable, andall that kind of stuff, so this is probably less than it is in reality. anybody want toguess instead of 18 times a year hitting children, what does anybody want to put a finger onthe number at?
we got 300. we got 900. i hadn't had enoughcoffee to do whatever those guys do, the wide rack of livestock sales. 900? it was 932 -- 932times a year. does anyone want to guess the age ranges of the children? i can tell youthis; it was not 18-year-old sons. it's one thing to do this; it's another thing do this.i remember my mom yelling at me when i was like 17. remember the last food you gave me?it's coming back. anyone want to guess what the bottle age ofthe children that were being hit 932 times a year? lower. lower. seven months. sevenmonths of age. a kid doesn't know what's happening. oh, it is. it's abuse. i mean the upper endwas three, three and a half, close to four.
seven months to four years old, these averageamerican women were hitting their children 932 times per year. we also know women hitsons two to three times more than their daughters. why was that only for women? did you testit against men? this is just the people who were at the daycarewho had access to the psychologist. he's been on my show explaining the experiment. youcan look at it more - oh, by the way, freedomain radio not freedom radio, although that wouldbe cool. so i can't reinforce this enough. i get asuper smart crowd and all that. i want you to get the insanity of this. so women saying,"well, men have to just deal with their weird aggressions. we have nothing to do with it.we don't know where it comes from. we're helpless."
if you're a little boy and you're being hitby a giant woman over 900 times a year and probably it's closer to 1,500 if you averageit out in two to three times, 1,500, 1,750, something like that. the study also showedthat the hits occurred within 30 seconds of a conflict beginning. not a lot of reasoninggoing on, right? i mean that's not a cop pulling you over and just shooting the tires out asyou drive past. i mean there's not any kind of negotiation that's happening here. violence begins in early childhood as theresult of abuse. women are in charge of early childhood. women are hitting children 900plus times a year after 30 seconds of a conflict beginning. you don't have to be like clingon sherlock holmes to crack this case. where
does violence come from? and this is why -- let'sgo back to our -- so over here i'd like you picture billions of women hitting childrenhundreds of times a year. not even counting yelling at them. not even counting puttingthem in daycare. it's not even counting neglect or abandonment. not even counting keepingtheir fathers away. let's just talk about the hitting -- 932 times a year. that is nottalked about. you know what is talked about? the differencebetween this and this. but you see how insane this is. you have women pounding the crapout of seven-month-old babies and all we ever hear about is aggression, violence is justsome bizarre male issue that women have nothing to do with.
this is what i mean when i say like the spacealien perspective will strip you of friends, will strip you of any opportunity for a civilizeddiscussion because the way society is and the cases that are put forward by people isso mad. so then again, space alien time; we're saying, "well, what's the solution?" the solutionto violence of course would be a couple of things. we had speakers up here talking about let'shave dads around more. absolutely. two key things for the development of child's empathy:one, a father around; two, free play in nature. anyone know why the second one is? it's kindof interesting. anyone guess? it will have to be the older people because the young peoplefree play nature is like oblivion at high
res or something. yes, sir? when you have age-mixing of children and freeplay such as teach one another about the need to please one another because if they don't,their playmates run away. they have to please within the group. yeah. i grew up in england and we basicallylike we all hang out. it's like, "well, what do you want to do?" we have to find somethingthat wins for everyone that everyone wants to do. you have to sacrifice, you have todefer and all that kind of stuff. so you kind of impose your will. everybody is on theiripads. they're not negotiating, right?
so there is a huge correlation between freeplay in nature, the presence of fatherhood, and empathy which is the most important naturalresource in the world and which is becoming increasingly in short supply. sociopathy,which is really the absence of empathy, has doubled over the last 15 years. when you say free play, are you referringto perhaps a different play style with the child between the two types? no adults. that's all it is. not out therein a soccer field. no structure. go play unsupervised, no adults, no structure. figure out what youwant to do. go, come home with the street lights, and come home.
one example of a different style of play iconsider more free than when my ex-wife now when she would play with the child, be veryformalized and nothing free about it really, whereas when i played with my kid it was likefreestyle, hey, have fun. let's kick a ball. no, if you're there, that's great. that'spart of the empathy. i don't know the exact reason. maybe we can theorize about it. idon't know the exact reason why the presence of man is better for empathy. i personallythink that it's because women grow these beasts in their belly and that's far i remember forthe movie that come out like, coming up and killed john hurt. but i think women are so fused with the kids.i mean they grow them and then they breastfeed
them and that's so fused. i think fathershave a little bit productive space. the closeness and the intimacy is fantastic for the momsand the babies, but the dads have a little bit more space, a little bit more open tonegotiate. yeah, like the space aliens. excellent. dads are like space aliens, you get that?you get that out of context. okay. go ahead. do you know if there is any research on theeffects of helicopter parenting that many women today are engaging in on the abilityfor children to engage in free play? yeah, i mean that's a lot of -- i mean itgenerally provokes passivity and again a lack of negotiation. your children are much saferthan they used to be out in the world now.
we have all of these weird ideas like if thekids are out playing in the neighborhood, that's dangerous. no, no, no, no, no. that'snot statistically the way it is. it's they're going to be attacked, it's going to be somebodyin the family, it's going to be somebody who's a friend. it's not going to be some guy ina van driving. "so we have to be able to keep the kids home and safe and that way i knowwhere they are. i need you to be safe. don't go out." we need to give like micro tasersto kids or something like that. but, yeah, i mean the violence is occurringbut in the home and violence is a bit diminishing in a lot of ways. there are a variety of argumentsas to why that is. i think some of it has to do with the fact that kids are put in institutionswhich is bad in a lot of ways, like children
put in the daycare before the age of fourfor more than 20 hours a week experience exactly the same symptoms as maternal you get this radical attachment disorder which creates instability, neediness, aggression,lack of compliance, and all those kinds of but at least in those institutions they arenot getting hit 932 times per year. no, i think in general i think -- again us schoolsare a little different because i know in us schools and a lot of them in the south schoolsin particular corporal punishment is still acceptable. i think it's 18 or something likethat states. but most daycares, at least not in the ones i worked in, i mean you couldn't-- not that we were all dying to, but you couldn't attack the kids that way. so theywould be hit a lot less and that may have
something to do with it. being the daughter or a single mom and justreading about -- just having worked around single moms and just reading about what theydeal with, they just have so much stress. and i think an important factor in your discussionis just when you're a mom and you're around your child all the time and you're arounda small child, it's just very, very stressful. i have just done some reading about -- likethere are articles about single moms in stress and all that kind of stuff, and they'd listall the things that can ease the stress in a single mom's life. and i go on down t helist and then i'd read and read and not one of them mentioned anything about involvingthe father. it's like why? because the father
is -- it takes two to tango and the fatherought to be there. he ought to be, well, responsible. but it doesn't take two to tango because womenchoose mates. again, if that's rape, that's obviously a different situation and so first of all, it takes two to tango, women still are in the privilege position of choosingfrom a variety of suitors, in general. that's first. the second, the stress argument bothers meand you could be correct but i will tell you why it bothers me and we can certainly openit up to discussion. there's no stress defense for hitting your wife. there's no state ofmind excuse for male violence, and that's why i talked about it in my show many times.the feminist will talk about the abuse of
power disparities. feminists will talk aboutabuse of power disparities like the boss dating the secretary or the man keeping money awayfrom his stay-at-home wife or something because there's power disparity there. of course, in reality and in fact, there'sno greater power disparity than between parent and child. the wife chose to be there. childrendon't choose to. they don't choose their families. they are not there by choice. wives can leaveat any time -- legal rights, property, independence, shelters. children cannot leave. so i can't go with women are stressed andtherefore... because there's no state of mind that excuses male violence, not that i'veever heard. and you'll see this when you look
online. whenever people talk about women'sabuses, they will almost always put in that excuse. well, they're poor. well, they'restressed. well, they're juggling work and family while they don't have help and resourcesand this and that and the other, right? but again, i've never heard that for men hittinganybody. i think what i was really trying to say isin the literature that i read about single moms in stress, i think what would reallyhelp would be if they just acknowledge that since man is half of the reason why the childis there, that the father -- they are just interdependent on the fact that they needthe father, they need him to be around, and it's you have to adopt the mindset of a teamworker.
well, but if they chose a man who's not around,then they're still responsible for that choice. again, i'm not taking men out of the equationcompletely, but the woman is currently the gatekeeper because the woman is the one whosuffers a lot more of pregnancy than an irresponsible man, right? now, historically, what used to happen priorto the welfare state was the woman who got pregnant outside of wedlock, we all know whatwould happen, right? they would go on a vacation. they would give birth to the child. they wouldreturn to the family without the child and the child would be given up for adoption,which was in the best interest of the child statistically because children who were adoptedinto two-parent households do just fine. they
do just find relatively to everybody elsewho's born there. statistically, there's no difference. but women who keep the children as singlemothers harm those children. it's an incredibly selfish and destructive thing to do. if youdon't have a husband, if you chose the wrong guy to keep the child is abusive almost always.and that's what used to happen before women could force all men to become better providersthrough the powers of the state. and that's what should for the best interestof the child. give it up for adoption. you've already proven that you're can't choose the right guy, you can't keep your legs closed and can't use birthcontrol of which there are 18 different kinds.
so maybe parenthood isn't for you. i meanat least yet. work on tying the shoes. yes, sir? so bringing you talk full circle. we're not done yet, brother. what i'm wondering is that i looked for astudy like this and i haven't seen one, but it certainly makes sense just from observingdifferent countries in the world. i'm wondering is there any data looking at the amount ofviolence in a society particularly male violence, military aggressions, things of that nature,and circumcision rate? it certainly makes sense if you have increased stress hormonesshortly after birth, if you have a culture
of violence to men immediately. the problem is you can't just separate onevariable. where there is circumcision there is general more brutality towards childrenand more brutality towards boys in particular. so you can't just look at circumcision andsay that's -- everything is the same but circumcision. it's a symptom of a wider disregard for thethoughts and feelings of men and boys. so certainly, you can -- i've been readingan audiobook by lloyd dumas called the origins of war in child abuse which is available, and that's where he talks about how war comes directly outof this, directly correlated to levels of child abuse. so i think accepting that circumcisionis male genital mutilation, it's certainly
going to be part of the fire that burns theworld. listen, i just had a look at my speech notes,it's already half done. i'm kidding. i've got five more minutes. that's good you guys want to have any questions because i don't want to miss that part? hi. i know you said something earlier aboutthere are always exceptions, but as a licensed daycare provider for 25 years and foster momfor 10 and 11 loving a nonviolent mother, i just want to acknowledge that there aremoms that don't hit children and there are some excellent daycare providers out there. absolutely, yeah. i'm married to one. we'venever raised our voice. we've never punished.
we've never hit. we've never -- and she'sa fantastically wonderful child. you know, when you don't have violence, you get creativityand if you don't have "well, i'll hit my kid," then you have to figure out creative solutionsas you know, right? and that's a lot more fun as parents. you know why a single mom is so stressed?well, if they're hitting their kids 932 times a year, the relationship sucks. they haveno authority. they only have force. that's a very stressful situation to be in. you'reconstantly playing whac-a-mole. it turns out in the study that the behavior that the momshit the kids for was resumed to less than 10 minutes -- less than 10. it doesn't work.all it does is vent to sadism at the moment.
we had a question? i'm taylor. i was curious -- you got to do some barry white for me, man.that's a beautiful voice. i get that a lot. i was curious there any data that shows the percentage of circumcisions that are seriously botchedto the point of urinary or erectile dysfunction? thank you. i do have those numbers. just come to me afterwards.i normally do this with a powerpoint but i consider powerpoint for the week except foreveryone else who did powerpoint. i'll get to those numbers afterwards but it's not insignificantfor sure.
yes, sir, in the back. hey, stefan. i have a question. i am alsoagainst -- i don't have any children but the things that you talk about child abuse reallymake sense. i think it's wrong to -- first any type of spanking. and one other thingi wanted to say that i've talked to my mom about this and, yeah, i was spanked but shecame to the realization that just like you did. she chose to be in her situation i didand she said that she actually apologize for that. it was just out of nowhere and she justthought of it. i don't know what she watched. maybe she watched freedomain radio show. idon't know. but another thing i was doing research onthis and if, you know, being a black man myself,
i'll just accept it for what it is. is ittrue that when it comes to race, that when it comes to spanking your children, it's actuallyworse in the black community than other, you know -- i mean, i'm not going to just say,"hey, it can't be true, it can't be true." i think it is true statistically. i thinkit is. so i did this video on trayvon martin and george zimmerman which basically i don'tcare that much about the case but it was a great way to get a million people to see init in the spanking message. i included a clip of president obama, which you may have seen,where he was talking about how "hey, remember the good old days when even if it wasn't yourkid, if you saw them acting up, you hit them?" like you couldn't say that.
i don't think you could say that to alikea white community but he's in there in a black community, and there is of course a lot morecorporal punishment. there's lots of reasons for that. some sociological, some historicalwhich i'm not going to speak to, but i think a lot of it has to do with the prevalenceof single motherhood as well. so single motherhood is associated with higher rates of child abuseand of course much more single motherhood in the black community than the white communityand even less in the asian. so on the subject of circumcision, feministsoften say "my body, my choice." at what age do you think someone should be allowed "mybody, my choice"? yeah. i mean if it's a spleen that they'retalking about, that's one thing but that is
a human life in there. i think that shouldhave a say as well. but as far as adults go, i think we already have laws in place forthat. the age of consent for medical procedures is i think 18 and maybe it's 21 in some places. but, yeah, hey, if you want to go hack upyour penis when you're an adult, i mean it's idiot but go. that it is your body, your choicebut you cannot make that choice for newborns. it is symptomatic of the degree to which theidea simply asking children what they want when they get bigger and deferring to theirchoice for men is somewhat incomprehensible to a lot of people. why would the man havea say? it's his penis but it's our culture. kick off to the cycle of violence, how arewe going to have soldiers?
yeah, how are we going to have soldiers ifwe don't brutalize kids? yeah, that's the reason why men are hit more times than womenbecause women need to train warriors to protect the tribe from blah, blah, blah, right? it's essential to the civilization system. well, child abuse and civilization -- i thinktrue civilization is not that, right? i mean we're talking just at the very beginning aboutthe extension of human rights, human principles of morality to formally ignored society whetherit's minorities or women. well, the last one is kids. the last way we need to extend ethicsis kids, right? you say spanking, it's just hitting. it'skidnapping and hitting because the kid cannot
leave. it's assault. as confucius said, thebeginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper names. once we identify it for whatit is, then we recoil from it. but whupping and spanking and blah, blah, blah, so whateverit is, these aren't categories of crimes you'd ever dissociate with adults. so the point is how are we going to get ourwarriors -- how are we going to get soldiers that are sociopathic enough to go fight ourwars, which is according to our last speaker, there's no way around it. we're going to havewar. yeah, they said that about all evil humaninstitutions prior to their end. everyone says, "this can't last forever." oh, is itgone already? i guess i was in the way, wasn't
i? yes, sir. hang on. you know that circumcision is tiedto religion. did you take that into consideration? what do you mean take that into consideration? in the sense that a lot of them who are religiousbelieve that it's god asking them to do this. sure. absolutely. the old testament also commandsthem to kill homosexuals and believers which is apostates, sorcerers, basically everybodyelse and human sacrifice. so to me the first recorded depiction of circumcision was 2400b.c. in egypt. that's your first clue that it's barbaric. it's 2400 b.c. i mean you say,"well, that's tradition." it's like do you have a cell phone? then you're willing toupgrade, aren't you?
thank you everybody so much. can i ask a question? wait, wait, wait. sorry. can i tell you notfor the first time in my life, i was a little premature. i'm sorry. go ahead. we just had kathleen wynne as a newly electedpremier of ontario. she has earmarked $1.5 billion to childcare or daycare. i listenedto you at the domestic violence symposium and it really stuck in my head out of allthe things that you said the harm that children have by being put into daycare. what can wedo to deal with this issue? because i see it very concerning that we're going to put$1.5 billion extra money into sending these
children -- i've seen them being strung alongon ropes. oh, yeah. at two years of age. and it is appalling tomen. no, but it's good for the government becauseif you get women to go into the workforce, you can tax them. you're going to tax if you get women to go into workforce, then you can tax two new groups of can tax the women who are now working who formerly were providing childcare andyou can tax the childcare workers and get them into nice unions that will always votefor bigger government and blah, blah, blah. so it's a great investment on the part ofthe government just as usual it's at the expense
of children. so much of what we do in societyfrom the national debt to wars, to the family court policies is at the expense of childrenfor the sake of irresponsible adults. and we don't have a society as yet where the interestsof children are put first and foremost. it's just a hallmark card we look at and then throwin the shredder. but if were actually to realign our societyand put the interests of children first and foremost and think about that every time wetry to make a social decision, then we would say, "well, what do the children need?" well,they need their moms or their dads but mom comes with the feeding bags so it's usuallybetter for them to be closer. and so we want moms home with their children and so we wouldtry and figure out a society which would allow
for that. i'm a big one for -- social shaming, socialnegative consequences is to me the best way society should be organized. and when we getthis everything goes in single moms are heroes, everyone is fine, everyone is great, we endwith this multiplicity of rules. there's an old segment which says, when you get rid ofthe big rules, you don't end up with no rules; you end up with an infinity of tiny rules.and the big rules are we should be responsible for our children. we should be responsiblewith our sexuality. we should have children in a committed pair bond relationship andwe should have children outside of that. and if we make a mistake and mistakes happen,then we should give the child two people who
can raise it in the best way for the child. now, everything furthers that end to me wouldbe advantageous to society, but people who are irresponsible always want to escape theconsequences of their irresponsibility. that's what we like to do and with the government,that gets to be held easily i think. so i think there's a variety of policies whichcould be suggested but i think that would be, first and foremost, in the best interestof the child should be a motto tattooed on our hearts not bullshit said by the governmentthat they never follow. before we take our last question, i wouldlike to make a suggestion and offer. i'd like to work with you to do something about thisdaycare business and the $1.5 billion up our
tax dollars that should be used for that. well, actually, the bill is going to go. thekids, they're not billion and a half dollars. they're just borrowing it, right? so hey,they get to stuff you in daycares and stick you with the bill. can i make a comment? yeah. thank you. i stepped out so i might have missedthis. if i'm saying something that you already mentioned i'm sorry. but there is media hereand i'm very involved not just with the men's rights movement but with the intactivist movement.and i think this is important to say because
the american media tends to never really dotheir research on circumcision outside what you read in the us from the american medicalassociation and groups like that. and that's where they get their information. of course,the american medical association is profit-based and they make a tremendous of money off ofcircumcision. recently, what i think the media and everyoneelse here needs to know that recently the council of europe which represents -- whichis even larger than the european union is, about as twice as many member nations andhas commissions specifically to address human rights, they held extensive debates and reviewedextensive literature on things like the trauma that it causes the children as well as theloss of sensitivity and all kinds of things
about this so-called benefits and all that.and they have voted that it violates the child's human rights. and in fact, that it isn't comparable to femalecircumcision because there are several different types of female circumcision, one of whichis the removal of the clitoral foreskin which is anatomically equivalent to male circumcision.and the media needs to know that when you write stories on circumcision because thecouncil of europe's decision was backed by pediatric associations all throughout scandinavia.the top pediatric medical association in germany backed them up 100%. and this is not a fringedgroup that's out there against circumcision. it's very real and something we need to lookat.
from a moral standpoint, it's such an easyissue that it takes a massive amount of propaganda to ignore the basic fact. it's the initiationof the use of force against the helpless and defenseless infant. my argument is it healthy flesh? then leave it alone. yes, ma'am. hi, stefan. my name is janet bloomfield. ihave three children. i have never hit them ever once. yay! i actually don't believe in punishment ofany kind. i believe in letting them learn. you want to throw rocks in the air, well,go for it. i was raised by an extremely violent
mother so i had to learn how to be a parentand i found dr. sears and attachment parenting. what do you think of that philosophy? i think that whatever contributes to a closerbond, to an empathetic bond between parent and child is the best shield against aggression.aggression results when you dehumanize whoever it is. if you empathize with that person,you would rather hit yourself than hit that. and i just want to support you in saying thatwhen there's no violence, creativity emerges. that's my kids, all three of them. they'rejust fantastic. and i'm constantly getting compliments on how well-behaved they sort of -- it's weird. i'm getting congratulated for not beating the fuck out of my kids. likeisn't that just a basic -- shouldn't people
just know that? my point is for people who are looking forguidance for how to be the kind of parent that doesn't need to resort to screaming andyelling and punishment, dr. william sears. he is an absolutely fantastic resource. hepublishes books. anyone who is expecting a baby, look for books by dr. sears. they area wonderful place to start i think. yeah. i'll just finish with one story. mydaughter is five -- i guess two stories. i bit my tongue the other day and she lookedat me and she's like, "ooh, dad, i felt that in my own tongue," which is the implantationof mirror neurons which means that she empathizes with somebody else's experience to the pointwhere she feels. it was like great. my job
is like mostly done. like 90% of parentingis the first couple of years. and so she has the empathy. i now no longer have to worryabout her ever being cruel. the other day we went to a play center andi don't know why, i don't have a lot of hair, but last time i was at a play center. i waskind of inching my way down the slide and i hit something metal, and basically it waslike airstrike of lightning going through my body and it scared the crap out of me,almost literally actually. oh, there's been accident at the slide. anyway, so i didn'twant to do it again. and so the next time we were at that playcenter she said, "dad, i know you're scared. i get it. i understand. like when i fell offmy scooter, i was scared too. but you remember
what i did?" i'm like, oh, no, i know. "you'refive. get in line." what she said, "i went back and i did my scooter again and you encouragedme to do that, remember?" hey, i'm an authority. i wouldn't be an authorityif i wanted rules to go two-way. so i ended up going down the slide. we had a great time.i was coached by a five-year-old on how to overcome my fears. you can't beat that asparenting. i mean that's fantastic experience. i think we're done now. okay. thank you, everybody,so much.
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