Saturday, 25 March 2017

Ca 125 Test For Ovarian Cancer

it's a call that's telling me i'm here toserve. it's a need to make a difference in the world. 24 hours day or night these healinghands will make it right. looking in their eyes i know that i'm changing lives, changinglives, changing lives for the better, for the better, changing lives. hi again everyone,jim knox along with kandace krueger and welcome back to another edition of the best docs networkfeaturing some of the best doctors in the entire dallas, fort worth area that helpedchange people's lives. and speaking of helping change people's lives, we'll start with ourfirst doctor. he certainly has changed a lot of people's lives, it's dr. ken reed who hasan amazing procedure to help relieve people's pain from migraines. my migraine started marchof 2009 from a faulty spinal tap and right

from there like my migraine never went away.i've gotten many treatments, a lot of medications and i've seen countless doctors and i justdidn't get any relief. my mom and i went to dr. reed and he felt like i was like the perfectapplicant for the stimulator. i remember when andrew came in for the perma unit, we hadto decide which side to put the battery on. it goes in the upper outer kind of rear glutealregion. andrew wanted it on i believe the left side because he's a baseball player.he slides on his right side so he wanted it on his left side which brings up an excellentpoint about the stimulators, there's no restrictions. here's this very active young man, baseballplayer sliding left and right and no problem. he has done absolutely fine with the i got my permanent simulators implanted

and they put a little battery right at thehip and it runs up your back and i have two leads in my back, two leads on my templesand two leads right here and i'm able to control the frequency and the intensity of the stimulationwith a remote. it's amazing what dr. reed has done and i'm so appreciative. he cameback recently having lost a lot of weight. he had lost so much weight, the little batteryhad gotten more superficial and i needed to replace it a bit deeper in. but he was doinggreat with it. he was looking forward to going to college up at texas tech in a year. likea lot of patients he's done very, very well. i think it's safe to say that it's changedhis life, certainly changed it for the better. i don't care about having these batteriesand these wires inside of me, i'm just so

happy that my migraines have gone away. it'samazing what dr. reed has done. acne and folliculitis are both kind of related conditions in a waybecause they both involve the hair follicle, so that's where our hairs comes out of ourskin and that is an area that can be colonized with bacteria and then it can lead to an acne, the way that it develops is a little bit different in most people usually. it usuallystarts off with the tiny bits of scaling that occurs in our skin. in acne it kind of startsplugging up the follicle, it doesn't kind of slough off as normally as it should. wheneverany orifice gets plugged up and behind that area you can actually start getting an there's usually an over production of what we call sebum which contains oil. it getsinfected with bacteria especially what's called

a propionibacterium, an acnes or p acnes andthat sets up inflammation and you start getting a pimple that's red and sometimes a pustule,sometimes it can even form cysts or nodules and what's really bad is they can lead toscarring. folliculitis is related to that but it's a little bit different. usually whatcauses folliculitis is a different type of bacterium, usually staph, staphyloccus isthe most common cause of folliculitis but some other bacteria can also cause it. sometimesstrep can cause it and sometimes even some gram negative bacteria can lead to folliculitisand that may or may not involve the face. it often commonly involves the neck, the trunk,the arms and legs so it's a different kind of location. the ones usually caused by onetype of bacterium usually more aggressive

like staph and the other one is caused mostlyby p acnes. if you really don't know the difference whether you have folliculitis or acne is basedon kind of a general distribution of it, it's always a good idea to go see a dermatologistand have them check it out. there are actually a lot of things that can look like acne andfolliculitis. it might even be other things than either one of the two, so if there'sany question about it, it's never a bad idea to go see a dermatologist, especially if youhave mild acne and maybe you've tried one of the topical things that are on tv or overthe counter, it's not working, then you want to go see a dermatologist. acne can lead toscarring and it's not necessary to get scarring and cosmetic disfigurement so if you're notgetting good response with something you can

just buy over the counter, go see somebodybecause there are other things you can use. if you've had a doctor help change your lifewe'd love to hear about it. send us an email at all of the doctorsfeatured here on the best docs network are all about changing people's lives, like ournext doctor, it's neurosurgeon, dr. rebecca stachniak. roger is a patient that came inimmediately before christmas. he was a gentleman in his 60's who was attempting to go to thebathroom and passed out on the floor and when he awoke he was paralyzed from his neck it first happened i was in and out of consciousness but i was really frightened when first ofall i couldn't move my legs or my arms. unfortunately when he passed out and fell onto the hardsurface of the bathroom floor like a ragdoll

he didn't have any support from any of hisnormal muscles because he was unconscious and allowed all of that really significantarthritis to really hurt the spinal cord. it was the very first time that i met dr.stachniak, i had never had an occasion to use a neurosurgeon. i was totally impressedwith how she came across as being very confident. also i mentioned earlier her bedside manners,the way she just held my hand and gave me that feeling that it wasn't just going tobe a business deal but it was going to be personal. we had to reconstruct his spinefrom the front and the back to take away really severe degenerative stenosis that he had developedover the years that was totally unbeknownst to him. it was a very complicated surgerythat was about 5 รข½ hours and after surgery

we had felt that everything went perfectlybut unfortunately he could only have some flicker movements in his extremities. andi think one of the things that i wanted to happen was i just wanted to be well fast.and it wasn't until a couple of months after surgery that he really started to see bigimprovements in terms of his strength and actually he's starting to gain the functionto be able to walk and then as months started to progress after that many really significantkinds of improvements started to happen fairly quickly. and then finally you get that courage,you get that feeling in you that you know you can beat this thing, that it can happen.kristen came in to see me. she's just a ball of energy. and she's a 21 year old girl whojust wants to be active and healthy. unfortunately

she has the genetic makeup where she's beenoverweight all of her life. this friday i'm having my surgery and i could not be moreexcited and i'm ready. i trust dr. swanson and i'm really comfortable with dr. swanson.i'm really excited to do this and i can't wait, i wish it were tomorrow. i'm real excited.this is an object in health and that's what she's really interested in. she wants to beable to go hiking. she wants to be able to run. she wants to be able to go down a waterslide.she wants to do all of these active things that normal 21 year olds do. that's her reasonfor doing this. the object of being more healthy, of being able to be more active, to live alonger life. that's what it's about. it's not like she hasn't tried like every dietknown to man and tried to exercise, tried

all the things that you're supposed to she's not had success with that. we should condemn her to continuing to be overweightfor another how many years. as an adult if you choose to be healthy i think you shouldbe given that choice, you should be allowed to make that choice. after the surgery, i'mreally excited to feel comfortable in my skin. after the surgery i'm really excited to goto the mall and buy clothing from any store i choose. after the surgery i'm really excitedto ride any ride that i can because i'm not over the weight limit. after the surgery i'mjust excited to live a normal life as someone in their twenties and not feel embarrassedor ashamed or alone. after the surgery i'm excited just to be me, be who i want to be.dana, a mother of two was diagnosed with breast

cancer and credits dr. patrick allen for savingher life. to find out more about dana's story and other life changing stories, logon chronic low back pain is a common condition.barbara started having back pain after a fall she had at home. i was pretty debilitated.i had very short moments of pain freedom where i could just do a few little things and theni was flat on my back with an ice pack or a heating pad or something like that. wheni saw her in the office she had tightness, achiness, a lot of pain in her lower back.was unable even to rotate her spine or to tilt it one way or the other based on howmuch pain she was in. dr. farhat suggested that we do some injections which we did andthey were helpful but not completely because

he couldn't reach some of the places becauseof the scar tissue. as a second step in her treatment, we did the second procedure calleda rhizotomy or radio frequency ablation where basically we deadened and stunned the sensationnerves in the lower back that carries all the pain signals coming from the posterioraspects of the lower back and spine and go up to your brain. i had never heard of therhizotomy. it kind of freaked me out at first because i thought oh my gosh, i'll be awakeduring it but my pain level is so high at this point that it was a piece of cake reallyand i didn't find a lot of help right at first, like a couple of weeks to kick in and whenit did it was like the most awesome relief. i believe we made a difference in barbara'scare with helping her achieve pain freedom

and she's very satisfied with what we've doneon her so far. dr. farhat has given me pain freedom to do the things that i couldn't dobefore like getting dressed, sitting through a movie, working all day. i'm pretty muchpain free 24, 7 which to me is a miracle. the moment that i walked in the door to theexamining room of dr. farhat's, he treated me with respect. he gave me dignity whichi didn't have at that point. as always for more information on any of the doctors you'veseen on today's show, please visit our website, it's that is the placeto go and right now, kandace, the place to go is our next best doctor, it's dr. carolnorton. we have recently introduced a new treatment to our various and sundry offeringsthat ties in very well with our weight loss

options called i-lypo which is a non invasivefat reduction technique i guess is the best way to put it. it's not liposuction but itdoes melt fat stores. the i-lipo is non invasive, there's no down time, there's no discomfortso it's an excellent technique for those patients looking to reduce fat in a very localizedarea without having to undergo any kind of surgical technique. the i-lipo technique canbe used in conjunction with a suction technique that directs the energy a little bit moreinto the epidermis itself that then stimulates a collagen reaction. so deeper into the fatlayer it empties fat cells but it's more superficial the same energy can actually induce collagenresponse and it causes basically a tightening effect of the skin. the best candidates forthis technique are patients who have focal

problem areas such as the pooch on the abdomen,the little saddlebags that occur on the thighs. you can do it on arms, we've done it on chins.the i-lipo used in conjunction with a weight loss program gets the patient to their targetfaster, keeps them more motivated and involved in their weight loss program because theycan see the results so much faster. so the normal treatment course is two treatmentsa week over four weeks. you want to focus on one treatment zone at a time. the treatmentitself takes about twenty minutes but we do a measurement before the treatment and a measurementimmediately after the treatment and there is a noticeable difference from those measurementsthat we're able to take. i think that the benefits that the i-lipo technique offersover other fat reduction techniques is its

simplicity. it is fast, it's pain free, nodowntime, no recovery and very definitive almost instantaneous results. it's a quickfix, it's very natural in many respects. wouldn't it be great if we had a blood test that couldtell you if you had cancer or you don't have cancer? well, we don't quite have that yetat least for most cancers and in the future we probably will. i would say within 5 yearsthere will be tests that we can do on your blood that will tell us if you have a tendencytowards certain cancers or if you even have cancer cells in your body. there's a lot ofgenetic testing and a lot of research going on so great things are going to happen. nowas it is now there are certain tests for example for ovarian cancer. there's a test calledca-125. you don't need that test unless you

have a strong family history of things likecancer of the uterus or ovary cancer in your family. however, it is a good test to tellus if that cancer is brewing. there are certain tests that help us with pancreas cancer. butin general the blood test that you have when you do your physical give the doctor a clueas if you are at risk for cancer. for example, you might be anemic or your platelets whichare part of your red blood cell count may be high. there's also other things like livertests that may be elevated and that indicates your cancer risk is high. so get your bloodtest done, check it out and hopefully in the next 5 or 10 years there will even be betterblood tests. for additional medical minutes from dr. honaker, logon to,click on education and the medical minute

tab. mohs surgery is a surgical techniquefor the removal of skin cancer that enables us to examine all of the surgical marginsof the tissue that were removed so that we're sure that we've gotten all of the skin has the highest cure rates of any technique of treating skin cancer and enables us topreserve as much normal tissue as possible while still removing all of the skin cancer.the technique is very much like the biopsy in that everything is done in the office.we just use a little local anesthetic, numb the area up and remove the area that we cansee. the way in which it differs from the biopsy is that we take the tissue that weexcise and prepare it in our lab. we make our own slides and i examine the slides undera microscope to determine if we've gotten

all of the skin cancer. if we have we stopthere. if we haven't we know precisely where any residual skin cancer is. we go back justto that area, remove a little bit more tissue, make some more slides and keep repeating thatprocess until we're sure we've gotten all of the cancer. if the skin cancer is verysmall and very superficial the wound that results from the surgery that we do may bevery similar to the wound they had after the biopsy. very often it will heal satisfactorilyon its own with good routine wound care. however, if the skin cancer has invaded more deeplyor is wider than what it appears to be on initial exam then we may recommend a repairof some sort and they range all the way from simple side to side closure to a skin flapor a skin graft. and as with all cancer early

detection and treatment is the best way tocure skin cancer. for more information on any of the outstanding doctors you see ontoday's show, head to the website,, that's now it's timeto head to one of the best plastic surgeons in the entire dallas, fort worth area, itis dr. bruce hermann. one of the things i like about plastic surgery is the varietyof patients you can see. you can see more cosmetic type patients but also you can seepatients who have problems that are more functional in nature. the wound center is a great exampleof this. a lot of the patients that come into the wound center have wounds that have beengiving them problems for months or even years. i was 4 years old in egypt and i got run overby a car and i had to be rushed to a hospital.

my mom said that whenever she came to seeme in the hospital, all you could see was bones on my knee and it was a big scar. rawda'scase is one of my favorite cases i've done since i've been here. her family is originallyfrom egypt and when she was a very little girl, she was playing in her yard in frontof her house and was actually struck by a police car. she was taken to the local hospitalwhere they treated her. she had received some quite traumatic injuries to her leg aroundher knee which included some burn type injuries. i saw her as a patient. i evaluated her andfound that we actually could improve upon this quite dramatically. dr. hermann mademe feel comfortable by telling me and leading me through the process of what he was goingto do to my knee. and whenever i was going

to have surgery, he was planning with me andtelling me what was going to happen and what he was going to do to help me. we used a methodcalled tissue expansion where we placed an inflatable balloon both above and below herscar. we did that in surgery and then we gradually inflated these balloons to essentially stretchout her skin to recruit more area of tissue that we could move into the scarred area.i was feeling better and i'm more active and this year i was in athletics and i could domore running and i was confident with like showing my skin and it was easier for me tobe active and play around and have fun like i wanted to. it's just so much better. weare happy to welcome to the best docs network in the studio, this is dr. ed singleton, podiatrist,dr. ed singleton, one of the best in the dallas,

fort worth area, over 25 years of experience,he's your go to guy when it deals with foot and ankle and also tarsal tunnel syndrome.explain this as far as what people may be experiencing, the symptoms with tarsal tunnelsyndrome. first, thanks for having me today. tarsal tunnel syndrome is a condition that'svery similar to carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist and everybody's heard about's a very similar condition that affects the nerve that goes behind the ankle and downinto the foot. there's different things that cause it but the bottom line is there's acompression on the nerve as it passes behind the ankle joint and goes down into the foot.the symptoms range anywhere from burning sensations, cold, numbness, zingers that go out the toes.people have told me it feels like fire shoots

out the tips of their toes, sort of like hittingyour funny bone. right. and it affects the foot, the arch and out to the toes. i knowa lot of people out there watching have experienced those symptoms. now dr. ed singleton is theonly one in north texas that can treat that type of problem with a minimally invasiveprocedure. explain that, doctor. i'm fortunate that i've been trained by dr. steve barrettwho developed the minimal incision technique for the tarsal tunnel. most people will approacha tarsal tunnel surgical release with an incision anywhere between two to three inches and fiveto six inches long depending on how large the person is because that exposes the entirelength of the nerve so that you can decompress all the structures that squeeze on it. theapproach that i use involves an incision approximately

one half to three quarters of an inch. thatincision is placed behind the inside ankle bone and the benefit from this is usuallya much faster healing rate, usually you're on your feet much faster and usually you havesignificant less amount of pain than you would with a standard open technique. there yougo, all right dr. ed singleton providing pain freedom to your feet. appreciate it doctor.thank you so much. what is advanced lipid testing? most of my patients say, well i hadmy cholesterol checked with my doctor. i said well advanced lipid testing is evaluates different parts of the cholesterol, different areas that we can effectively makechange. so, it's important to do an advanced lipid analysis. there are multiple companieswho provide that service. but ask your doctor

to look at your lipids in a more advancedway because there are things on the lipid analysis that can tell us if you have earlydiabetes, insulin resistance, if you have a high tendency towards clotting, if you'regenetically prone towards having a heart attack or not. these are important questions thatyou need to know. when we're sitting out there in the communities and we have physiciansthat may or may not know about these things, i think it's important that there are informationalshows like this out there that can teach you, the public, to check on your own health. so,ask your doctor for advanced lipid therapy. it's an amazing way to take hold of your ownhealth. for addition health information, be sure tocheck out our healthy living blog for the

best tips, latest medical procedures and upto date news for modern medicine at our website at i have a four yearold daughter who me and her mom went through a divorce going on three years next monthand i saw some behaviors in my daughter that didn't seem normal. she didn't socialize withkids. we would go to the park, we would go to mcdonalds and she will play in the playgroundbut then when kids would come she would say let's go or quit playing just standing therebeside me and say let's go. she was having a really hard time in social settings, interactingwith anybody besides her dad. she was very shy with even children her age. any otheradults would have a really hard time communicating with them, talking with them, playing with them and sohe was concerned that she was starting to

be really withdrawn and he didn't want thatfor her. the first year it was like shall i do this or shall i not but once i interviewedwith katie you know i kind of felt comfortable that this was the right decision. what childrendo is they come in and we have a whole playroom stocked full of toys that have been researchedand picked specifically for their therapeutic value. children come in and they use toysas their words and so based on the toys that they choose and how they interact with them,how they interact with me as the therapist really gives me a clue into what they're strugglingwith at home, at school and gives me a great idea about how to help them through that.i had doubts of bringing my daughter, thinking that she was too young and though i even askedher a couple of times are you sure that her

age, is she ok, she said you know what, it'sthe sooner the better, you'd be surprised how many parents wait until kids are eleven,twelve and it's tough on them. in the first several sessions, she wanted dad right nextto her and really close with her. as we've moved on, her self-confidence and her egostrength really has just been incredible. she's gained a lot of strength through thisprocess. you know, it's a great, great feeling seeing her progress and seeing that she hasbuilt confidence in her it feels really, really good, it's a great satisfaction. that willdo it, that'll wrap up another edition of the best docs network featuring some of thebest doctors in the entire dallas, fort worth area that helped change people's lives. andfor more information on any of those doctors,

any of the doctors you've seen on today'sshow, just visit our website at and if you have a question or comment forus we'd love to hear from you, send us an email at and kandace,also the best docs network magazine, check it out at newsstands near you. so long everyone,we will see you next week.

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