hello everyone, it's ole butter bob briggshere at my favorite place in the world, burgess falls state park, because i want to talk toyou about a tree. and when i say a tree, i don't mean a realtree, like this old gentleman behind me - i'm talking about a way to understand the relationshipsmany illnesses have to each other and why understanding how they're all connected likea tree, with a common root. a common root that waters them all, and a common root thatwe can dry up much easier than this complex tree would lead us to believe at first. understanding this tree, will completely changethe way you think when you walk into a hospital, pharmacy or doctors office, never again willyou be able to go into a place like that without
thinking to yourself, that most the peoplethere, are there because they've been on this tree for years and years. this big tree is called "metabolic syndrome" or "insulin resistance syndrome" and a common root. if the major illnesses of today were picturedas a tree, then insulin resistance and it's partner in crime, chronically high insulinlevels could be pictured as the root of this tree. from this root, springs up the trunk of thetree, and that trunk could represent all the
vicious cycles of problems that go on foryears and years in your body, without you knowing about them. all these processes are caused by or madeworse by chronically high insulin levels, either directly or indirectly. these vicious cycles are both caused by thiscontinuously high insulin, and in turn feed back and cause high insulin levels to becomeeven higher and last longer. all these go on for years, setting you upto become sick, fat and hurting. then looking up into our tree we see the manybranches growing out of the trunk of unnoticed problems, growing into open outward branchesof disease.
all the branches have names that we've allheard about or even worse that we've been diagnosed with.all these branches of disease seem like separate, unrelated problems. they effect differentpeople, differently. you might be on the type 2 diabetes branch,your husband on the heart disease branch, your daughter on the polycystic ovarian syndromebranch, your mother may have fatty liver and she'son a branch too. it's even possible with some of the newerscience of the last few years that your sister who has breast cancer and your grandma whohas alzheimer�s might be on one of these branches too.
then you might be on this tree, but not onone of these branches, you might be outwardly healthy right now,but you found out from your doctor that you had high triglycerides. guess what? you're on this tree too, but you'restill down in the trunk, your problem hasn't spring out and grown into an outward branchyet. you might have been put on blood thinners,you might be in the trunk of this tree too. maybe you have joint pain that's gotten worseover the years, it's possible you're in the trunk of this tree. you might be in the trunk of this tree ifyou have low hdl cholesterol too.
the same could be said if you have high bloodpressure, at least 50% of you, who have high blood pressure also have high insulin at theroot of your tree. maybe you found out that your blood sugaris slightly high or even fairly high, you're in the trunk of this tree too. maybe you've been getting fatter around themiddle every year � well chances are you're in the trunk of this tree too, because bellyfat is the best sign that you have chronically high insulin levels at the rootof your tree. even though you're fairly healthy outwardly,it is very probable that you're still on this tree, your problem has just not branched outinto open disease yet.
high insulin levels exist in our body foryears and years, causing and being caused by many other problems like the resistanceof certain tissues to the effects of this high insulin level, the resistant tissuesboth being caused by high insulin and in turn causing more insulin to be made. increasing obesity, getting fat, being causedby high insulin levels making fat storage easier and also by the increasing fat tissueitself becoming eventually resistant to insulin and therefore causing more insulin to be made.being fat around the middle is the number one clue that you have chronically high insulinlevels. as you get fatter, your fat cells themselves become insulin resistant and causeyour body to have to make more insulin. the
fatter you become, the more the resistance,the more the resistance, the more the insulin levels, which continue to feed back, makingit easier to store more fat. a true vicious cycle. we could carry this same cause and effectcycle into the liver. it is in the liver that your insulin resistance problem, your chronicallyhigh insulin level problem becomes deadly. as your liver becomes fatter, it also becomesmore resistant to insulin, this causes your insulin levels to rise and worse than that,stay higher all the time. all these processes, all these vicious spinningcycles travel together and cluster together in people who are fat, and or have heart disease,and or have type 2 diabetes, or high triglycerides
or fatty liver or high blood sugars or psos. the question of which of these is the realroot of this tree could be better understood if we thought about the old philosophy question,�which came first, the chicken or the egg�? if all these processes are like the old � �whichcame first, the chicken or the egg debate�, then they are really a circle or feedbackloop or chain of cause and effect, a cycle of spinning events, all these processes become and endless �whichcame first the chicken or the egg debate�, with no right answer, because the chickenlays the egg and the egg hatches the chicken. if there is any part of these cycles we couldstep in and stop, if there was any weak link
in the chain, then the spinning cycle of causeand effect will stop. so when we look at the root of our tree, wecould �pick out a chicken� or �pick out an egg� that fuel these vicious, causeand effect cycles and we could �fry that chicken� or �scramble that egg� andthe whole cycle of cause and effect will begin to be broken. now that we've looked at the branches of thistree, let's go down into the roots and look at what causes insulin to become chronicallyhigh and what you can do about it. insulin is released when you eat, period.it doesn't matter what you eat, when you eat, insulin is released.this is completely normal.
as we all know, some foods and drinks spikeinsulin more than others, some much more than others, but eating causes insulin to be released,period. also, some of us, just by being born to theparents we have and inheriting certain genes are just more prone to becoming insulin resistant,which as we've said, insulin resistance and chronically high insulin are traveling partnersin crime. another cause of insulin being high is ourlifestyle, do we snack a lot? do we constantly drink sugary drinks? and are we active orcouch potatoes? all these things get the insulin resistanceand chronically high insulin levels started, but this isn't the problem.
if having a high insulin level after a mealor two was the problem, we'd all be in trouble fast. but insulin levels after a single meal isnot the problem. the root of our tree is chronically high insulinlevels. the insulin problem builds on itself in avicious cycle. constantly eating and drinking highly processedfoods and overeating period, slowly but surely keep our insulin levels higher through mostof the day. eating itself causes an insulin response,so continuously snacking and overeating and sucking on a sugary drink all day for years,causes insulin levels to remain higher than
they would have and last longer. the more insulin and the longer it remains,the more resistance to insulin, which leads to higher insulin. getting slowly fat in the belly caused byhigh insulin levels causing you to store more of the food you eat as fat also leads to moreresistance, which leads to more insulin. the fatter you become, the higher the insulinresistance in your tissues, and the higher your resistance, the higher your chronicallyhigh insulin levels go. this vicious cycle builds over the years andat some point, your insulin levels are so high and last so long and remain constantlyand chronically high, that you no longer need
to eat much of anything to maintain a highlevel of insulin. even while you sleep, your fatty insulin resistantliver is making sugar, because it no longer feels the effects of this high insulin level. the trunk of the tree springs out into openbranches of disease. you become fat, sick and hurting out on a limb and not understandingthe problem is in the root of chronically high insulin levels. that's why many of you can't lose weight,your insulin levels remain high all the time, even when you do a low carb diet. if the problem is chronically high insulinlevels, if this is the root of this tree of
metabolic diseases, then the way to dry upthis root and destroy the tree is to find a way to have chronically low insulin levels. low carbohydrate is not the cure, low carbis a treatment strategy to keep your insulin from spiking high when you eat. high fat is not the cure, it is a treatmentstrategy keeps your appetite under control, so you can practice the real cure.the cure is chronically low insulin levels, the exact opposite of this tree.listen, i got good news for you, getting your insulin levels chronically lower is easierthan you might think, but for most of you who are really fat, really sick and reallyhurting, it will take time to really dry up
the roots of this tree. i'm going to propose a simple plan you caneasily carry out on your own to chronically lower your insulin levels, to dry up the underlyingroot cause of this tree. listen, what i'm about to say is the mostimportant thing i'm going to say in this video: the one thing proven to reduce insulin levelsthe most is fasting. going without food by mouth for a period of time. in my butter makes your pants fall off video,i talked about a low carb � high fat diet and i talked about how that type of diet keepsyour insulin lower and turns down your appetite so you can go hours and hours without eating.
hours without being hungry, without usingyour will power at all. the appetite control that a low carb highfat diet gives you, makes it easy to fast, because you're just not hungry. lchf imitates fasting itself, because boththe lchf diet and going without food, both cause the body to burn fat as an energy source. lchf is using fat from food for energy, fastingis your body using body fat for food. and this fat supply is a steady, long termsource of energy. the problem that people have on this dietis this: they think the fatty foods are the cure.
in other words, they believe it is eatingbutter and other fats that are the magic cure, but this is not true at all. of coarse, eating fatty foods will preventyou from spiking your insulin, so that's good, but more importantly, fatty foods will keepyou satisfied longer and allow your body to remain in fat burning mode, which will keepyour appetite under complete control, allowing you to eat less often. this eating less often is the real cure toyour chronically high insulin problem and this eating less often is called intermittentfasting. short term fasting.
not eating less food, but eating your foodless often, allowing most of the time each day withoutany eating. this lchf diet is a long term treatment thatwe can use to control our appetite while we practice the cure of fasting. fasting is the cure for chronically high insulinlevels, and when we do eat in a narrow window of time, we need to eat low carb/ high fatto continue the benefits of fasting. lchf is an imitation of fasting, and allowsthe processes natural to fasting, the low insulin levels and the burning of fat forenergy to continue even when we do eat food. so we're fasting, so we've got these benefitsof low insulin and fat burning, but when we
eat, we're not turning that process off. whenwe eat low carb high fat, we're not turning that fasting process off. we have a big problem and it's bigger thatjust being fat. if we're on this tree, either in the trunkwithout diagnosed disease, or in the branches with full blown open disease, you have atthe root of your problem, a long term chronically high insulin problem. to fix this problem we need to find a wayto establish a long term chronically lower insulin level. we need to do that for life,but to get to life, we need to be able to do some program long-term.
any eating causes insulin to be released,watering the root of this tree. so periods of not eating are like a drought, daily dryingup the root of this tree. lchf allows you to eat, while continuing the drought, thedrying up of the root, that fasting causes. what i'm going to tell you is a simple planand i think of it as a treatment, a technique to dry up the root. first � keep your diet simple. when i saysimple i mean just that. 90% of the time eat very simple, you don't need a recipe for eggsand bacon, you don't need a menu for a piece or two of fried chicken and some green vegetables. simple means real, whole foods, do not usereplacement drinks and meal bars, stay away
from replacement flours like almond and coconutflours. not because these flours are bad, but because you will overeat using them andremember, we are trying to reduce the amount of time we eat each day. be very careful about artificial sweetenersand use them sparingly and it's best not to use powdered artificial sweeteners at all,don't use protein shakes and take it easy on cheese, because it's easy to overeat, andthe whey proteins in cheese and protein shakes while not raising blood sugars do tend toseriously raise insulin levels, remember its the insulin levels at the root of our tree.our goal is to dry up the root of our tree. this sounds very restrictive, but rememberour goal is to correct our problem, dry up
the roots and get well. most of these restrictionswill not last forever. we are getting well and making this treatment as idiot proof aswe can. the next step on our simple plan is to fast.fasting is not eating, when not hungry. the simply rule is don't eat when not hungry.do not schedule a snack. do not eat, when not hungry. do not eat lunch just because it's lunch time,do not eat, when not hungry. do not eat breakfast because it's breakfasttime, do not eat, when not hungry. when you do get hungry, eat until you're satisfied.we are not trying to eat less when hungry, we are trying to eat less often. not eat less,but eat less often. in other words, we are
going to eat most of our meals in a smallerwindow of time and that will leave the rest of the time with us not eating. you can do this anyway that's comfortableto you. experiment with it. this not eating when not hungry is a formof intermittent fasting. you see there are as many ways to do intermittentfasting as there are people doing it. you could skip breakfast because you're nothungry. that would leave you not eating from say 6 p.m. at night when you eat dinner, untillet's say 10 or 11 o'clock the next day, when you break your fast and eat lunch, or whatwill become your breakfast. there's an easy plan that leaves you not eating about 16 hourseach day.
my own schedule was different. i ate breakfastabout 7 a.m. and fasted most of the day while i slept and ate a late dinner about 10 or11 o'clock at night. but i am a person who works nights and this just worked for me.it left me not eating 15 to 16 hours each you could experiment with �alternative dayfasting�. for instance, eat a day, fast a day. and you could even set this up by eatingyour last meal at say 5 o'clock on the eating day and then fasting 24 hours until 5 thenext day, your fasting day so even on your fasting day you get to eat dinner. but yougot a 24 hour time without eating, chronically lowering your insulin level and drying upthe root of your tree. you will be surprised how easy some form ofthis fasting will be for you while your being
strict on your low carbohydrate high fat diet. and remember, never force this, never deliberatelynot eat until satisfied at meal times. we're not trying to starve ourselves, when you eat,eat until satisfied. the problem is not the meal, the problem is chronically high, orconstantly high insulin, never allowing the body a rest from high insulin levels is theroot of our tree. but you should drink water and you can havebroth or a fatty coffee or tea during the hours you're fasting. keep it simple and don't eat when not hungry. this will begin the process of drying up theroot of chronically high insulin levels.
as insulin levels are kept chronically lowermost of the time, the processes going on in the trunk of our tree start to reverse. the body takes the fat out of the liver first. without this fat, the liver becomes less resistantto insulin, the liver greatly reduces the amount of triglycerides in your blood. it'sone of the most noticeable things we see on this diet. as the triglycerides come downthe good hdl begins to go up. as the liver fat comes down, the blood sugarsbegin to normalize. as the belly fat starts to reduce, the inflammationin the body coming from this fat begins to be reduced, the arteries stop being damaged,the joints start to heal. blood becomes thinner,
your body starts being able to break up clotsagain. this is a simple plan to accomplish a verycomplex goal. this is why i told you that when you understoodthat this whole tree of diseases was tied together at the root by chronically high insulinit would change the way you live your life and you would never be able to walk into ahospital, doctors office or pharmacy and not think that most of the people you see thereare on this tree and they've gotten sick because of years and years of watering the root ofchronically high insulin. so now you know, �butter makes your pantsfall off� and �lard makes you lean�, but using your appetite control and not eatingwhen not hungry, in other words listening
to �your own personal diet guru� and fastingwill begin the process of �drying up the root� of this tree. thanks for watching. and for a much more detailedarticle on this topic, go to my website at www.buttermakesyourpantsfalloff.com. and come visit me on my facebook page www.facebook.com/buttermakesyourpantsfalloff
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