let's listen in as ed visitswith the honorable ambassador,nancy goodman brinker found with the honorable ambassador,nancy goodman brinker foundotherrer and c.e.o. of susan g. nancy goodman brinker foundotherrer and c.e.o. of susan g.komen. otherrer and c.e.o. of susan g.komen.>>some of these demands have komen.>>some of these demands havebeen incredible for me. >>some of these demands havebeen incredible for me.in doing research about you, and been incredible for me.in doing research about you, andof course, we have known each in doing research about you, andof course, we have known eachother for several years. of course, we have known eachother for several years.i stopped counting at 35 awards.
other for several years.i stopped counting at 35 awards.in the top three, presidential i stopped counting at 35 awards.in the top three, presidentialmedal of freedom. in the top three, presidentialmedal of freedom.do you recall that? medal of freedom.do you recall that?>> i do recall it. do you recall that?>> i do recall it.you are very nice to say that. >> i do recall it.you are very nice to say that.i have always looked at awards you are very nice to say that.i have always looked at awardsas being one of the nicest i have always looked at awardsas being one of the nicestthings i can do. as being one of the nicestthings i can do.my father used to say "they give
things i can do.my father used to say "they givepeople awards when they don't my father used to say "they givepeople awards when they don'tpay them." people awards when they don'tpay them."he had a dry sense of humor! pay them."he had a dry sense of humor!(laughing) i am very honored. he had a dry sense of humor!(laughing) i am very honored.people have didn't nicest (laughing) i am very honored.people have didn't nicestthings. people have didn't nicestthings.>>this was big deal. things.>>this was big deal.>>this was big. >>this was big deal.>>this was big.>> the president.
>>this was big.>> the president.>>this was a big deal. >> the president.>>this was a big deal.>>nation's highest civilian >>this was a big deal.>>nation's highest civilianaward. >>nation's highest civilianaward.>>yeah. award.>>yeah.it was one of the most >>yeah.it was one of the mostembarrassing potential days of it was one of the mostembarrassing potential days ofmy life. embarrassing potential days ofmy life.the call came in, and i had left my life.the call came in, and i had leftthe white house a few months
the call came in, and i had leftthe white house a few monthsbefore, fully embedded at susan the white house a few monthsbefore, fully embedded at susang. komen. before, fully embedded at susang. komen.>>you were chief protocol. g. komen.>>you were chief protocol.>>yes. >>you were chief protocol.>>yes.i answered the phone, i was >>yes.i answered the phone, i wasracing out of my apartment that i answered the phone, i wasracing out of my apartment thatday, in washington, late for a racing out of my apartment thatday, in washington, late for ameeting and i really don't like day, in washington, late for ameeting and i really don't liketo be late.
meeting and i really don't liketo be late.they said "this is the white to be late.they said "this is the whitehouse calling. they said "this is the whitehouse calling.president barack obama's office house calling.president barack obama's officeis calling." president barack obama's officeis calling."at first i think it was a prank is calling."at first i think it was a prankor telemarketer. at first i think it was a prankor telemarketer.i said i am real any a hurry. or telemarketer.i said i am real any a hurry.i really don't have time to talk i said i am real any a hurry.i really don't have time to talkright now.
i really don't have time to talkright now.could you call back later. right now.could you call back later.and no, no, no, ambassador, this could you call back later.and no, no, no, ambassador, thisis for real. and no, no, no, ambassador, thisis for real.we need to talk to you. is for real.we need to talk to you.i said, okay, what are you we need to talk to you.i said, okay, what are youselling basically! (laughing) i said, okay, what are youselling basically! (laughing)she said could you go to your selling basically! (laughing)she said could you go to yourdesk top. she said could you go to yourdesk top.this sounds odd we are calling.
desk top.this sounds odd we are calling.i go to my desk top, i was so this sounds odd we are calling.i go to my desk top, i was soembarrassed because she said we i go to my desk top, i was soembarrassed because she said wereally need to talk to you. embarrassed because she said wereally need to talk to you.we need to talk to you about really need to talk to you.we need to talk to you aboutaward ceremony this summer. we need to talk to you aboutaward ceremony this summer.i thought maybe they want my award ceremony this summer.i thought maybe they want myadvice about something or i thought maybe they want myadvice about something ornomination. advice about something ornomination.when i call back and she said
nomination.when i call back and she saidit, i was just overwhelmed. when i call back and she saidit, i was just overwhelmed.>>what do you see in nancy? it, i was just overwhelmed.>>what do you see in nancy?>> well, i feel -- first of all, >>what do you see in nancy?>> well, i feel -- first of all,what i see is i deal with it, it >> well, i feel -- first of all,what i see is i deal with it, itwill be in my books, which will what i see is i deal with it, itwill be in my books, which willbe published in the fall, i will be in my books, which willbe published in the fall, ithink i was given the greatest be published in the fall, ithink i was given the greatestgift i was ever given. think i was given the greatestgift i was ever given.i was born in america.
gift i was ever given.i was born in america.i was born to two parents who i was born in america.i was born to two parents wholoved me, who gave us every i was born to two parents wholoved me, who gave us everyopportunity they could afford, loved me, who gave us everyopportunity they could afford,mostly encouraged us to be who opportunity they could afford,mostly encouraged us to be whowe thought we wanted to be, and mostly encouraged us to be whowe thought we wanted to be, andthat included women, and that we thought we wanted to be, andthat included women, and thatwas in a time when fathers that included women, and thatwas in a time when fathersdidn't often encourage their was in a time when fathersdidn't often encourage theirdaughters to have careers and to
didn't often encourage theirdaughters to have careers and tounderstand they could do daughters to have careers and tounderstand they could doanything they were strong and understand they could doanything they were strong andthey could learn and lead. anything they were strong andthey could learn and lead.>>let's talk about the book. they could learn and lead.>>let's talk about the book.susie was your big sister. >>let's talk about the book.susie was your big sister.>>right. susie was your big sister.>>right.>>died in '77 of breast cancer. >>right.>>died in '77 of breast cancer.she called you nanny. >>died in '77 of breast cancer.she called you nanny.>>right.
she called you nanny.>>right.>>why, nanny. >>right.>>why, nanny.>>it was affectionate name. >>why, nanny.>>it was affectionate name.she thought of me as a little >>it was affectionate name.she thought of me as a littlekid. she thought of me as a littlekid.in fact, in the book, my mother kid.in fact, in the book, my mothertells the story that when i was in fact, in the book, my mothertells the story that when i wasborn, she took susie to see me tells the story that when i wasborn, she took susie to see mein the crib, and susie's first born, she took susie to see mein the crib, and susie's firstcomment was "boy, she is really
in the crib, and susie's firstcomment was "boy, she is reallya character!" (laughing). comment was "boy, she is reallya character!" (laughing).>>susie was the glamour. a character!" (laughing).>>susie was the glamour.homecoming queen. >>susie was the glamour.homecoming queen.>>she was so beautiful and homecoming queen.>>she was so beautiful andlovely. >>she was so beautiful andlovely.much smarter and sensitive, much lovely.much smarter and sensitive, muchhigher emotional iq i could ever much smarter and sensitive, muchhigher emotional iq i could everaspire to. higher emotional iq i could everaspire to.she really understood people and
aspire to.she really understood people andloved people. she really understood people andloved people.she was the perfect big sister loved people.she was the perfect big sisterbecause she never was mean to me she was the perfect big sisterbecause she never was mean to meor excluded me or made me feel because she never was mean to meor excluded me or made me feeldiminished she liked to help me. or excluded me or made me feeldiminished she liked to help me.she took part in my growing up. diminished she liked to help me.she took part in my growing up.>>you negotiated the peace -- she took part in my growing up.>>you negotiated the peace -->>yeah, i was the hostage >>you negotiated the peace -->>yeah, i was the hostagenegotiator all the time! i had
>>yeah, i was the hostagenegotiator all the time! i hadto always negotiate curfews and negotiator all the time! i hadto always negotiate curfews andthings like that. to always negotiate curfews andthings like that.>>thinking of variety show, do things like that.>>thinking of variety show, doyou recall that show. >>thinking of variety show, doyou recall that show.>>i certainly do. i remember you recall that show.>>i certainly do. i remembermother, my mother and my >>i certainly do. i remembermother, my mother and mygrandmother who i never knew but mother, my mother and mygrandmother who i never knew buti knew her spirit and the grandmother who i never knew buti knew her spirit and theculture in the family.
i knew her spirit and theculture in the family.mother was a great volunteer, culture in the family.mother was a great volunteer,and she used to say "you will mother was a great volunteer,and she used to say "you willnever get anything done sitting and she used to say "you willnever get anything done sittingon your duff" every weekend, she never get anything done sittingon your duff" every weekend, shewould get will in ths back of on your duff" every weekend, shewould get will in ths back ofold wide, back of her station would get will in ths back ofold wide, back of her stationwagon. old wide, back of her stationwagon.it was hot. wagon.it was hot.peoria can be pretty hot in the
it was hot.peoria can be pretty hot in thesummer. peoria can be pretty hot in thesummer.our only goal was swimming. summer.our only goal was swimming.her idea was when she took us to our only goal was swimming.her idea was when she took us tothe homeless shelter, we would her idea was when she took us tothe homeless shelter, we wouldbe rewarded, we would go the homeless shelter, we wouldbe rewarded, we would goswimming afterwards. be rewarded, we would goswimming afterwards.one day we were fussing in the swimming afterwards.one day we were fussing in theback of the car, and said one day we were fussing in theback of the car, and said"girl's get out.
back of the car, and said"girl's get out.she"she never talked to us and "girl's get out.she"she never talked to us andshook her finger, and said she"she never talked to us andshook her finger, and saidpeople die for our country. shook her finger, and saidpeople die for our country.fix what is wrong, and be people die for our country.fix what is wrong, and bestewards of our country. fix what is wrong, and bestewards of our country.and we are not going swimming stewards of our country.and we are not going swimminguntil you tell me you and we are not going swimminguntil you tell me youunderstand. until you tell me youunderstand.i stood there, i was five, and
understand.i stood there, i was five, andsusie was eight. i stood there, i was five, andsusie was eight.i had no idea what she meant. susie was eight.i had no idea what she meant.susie poked me and said "yes, so i had no idea what she meant.susie poked me and said "yes, sowe can get back in the car and susie poked me and said "yes, sowe can get back in the car andgo squirming." we can get back in the car andgo squirming.">>of of of (laughing) go ahead. go squirming.">>of of of (laughing) go ahead.>>that's what susie did, she >>of of of (laughing) go ahead.>>that's what susie did, shebounced on my bed that night, >>that's what susie did, shebounced on my bed that night,jumped and said "i know what we
bounced on my bed that night,jumped and said "i know what wewill do to be stewards, we will jumped and said "i know what wewill do to be stewards, we willhave a song and dance show, and will do to be stewards, we willhave a song and dance show, andraise money for our friends who have a song and dance show, andraise money for our friends whohave polio. raise money for our friends whohave polio.you will sing and dance, and i have polio.you will sing and dance, and iwill tell the tickets. you will sing and dance, and iwill tell the tickets.i said "oh, great." will tell the tickets.i said "oh, great."that's what we did. i said "oh, great."that's what we did.>>you raised $50.14.
that's what we did.>>you raised $50.14.>>that's right! afterwards, >>you raised $50.14.>>that's right! afterwards,susie said to me "you know what, >>that's right! afterwards,susie said to me "you know what,nanny, next time i will sing and susie said to me "you know what,nanny, next time i will sing anddance and you tell the tickets." nanny, next time i will sing anddance and you tell the tickets."that's how i became a fundraiser dance and you tell the tickets."that's how i became a fundraisertrue story. that's how i became a fundraisertrue story.>>everyone has a beginning! from true story.>>everyone has a beginning! fromthe tree story, the bicycle >>everyone has a beginning! fromthe tree story, the bicyclestory to that is how this began!
the tree story, the bicyclestory to that is how this began!>>right. story to that is how this began!>>right.>>this has been a part of the >>right.>>this has been a part of theyour life since the beginning of >>this has been a part of theyour life since the beginning ofyour knowledgeable life. your life since the beginning ofyour knowledgeable life.>>right. your knowledgeable life.>>right.>>getting ban to your honors, as >>right.>>getting ban to your honors, asi said 34, 35, i stopped >>getting ban to your honors, asi said 34, 35, i stoppedcounting, chief of protocol, i said 34, 35, i stoppedcounting, chief of protocol,ambassador to hungry, world
counting, chief of protocol,ambassador to hungry, worldtrade organization. ambassador to hungry, worldtrade organization.television, more than 11 trade organization.television, more than 11television appearances, oprah, television, more than 11television appearances, oprah,good morning america, today television appearances, oprah,good morning america, todayshow, o 20-20, fox and friends. good morning america, todayshow, o 20-20, fox and friends.what was the most interesting? show, o 20-20, fox and friends.what was the most interesting?>> you know, they are all what was the most interesting?>> you know, they are allinteresting, ed, for different >> you know, they are allinteresting, ed, for differentreasons.
interesting, ed, for differentreasons.i do media for different reasons.i do media for differentreasons. i do media for differentreasons.many times it is to advocate a reasons.many times it is to advocate acertain position we are taking many times it is to advocate acertain position we are takingfor susan g. komen, other times certain position we are takingfor susan g. komen, other timespeople want to know about for susan g. komen, other timespeople want to know aboutorganizations, how we built it, people want to know aboutorganizations, how we built it,what we did. organizations, how we built it,what we did.it was fascinating to be on
what we did.it was fascinating to be onoprah. it was fascinating to be onoprah.i am a great fan of her's and oprah.i am a great fan of her's andthe way she connects with the i am a great fan of her's andthe way she connects with theaudience. that was a very the way she connects with theaudience. that was a veryfabulous and interesting day. audience. that was a veryfabulous and interesting day.two, i have had interesting fabulous and interesting day.two, i have had interestingopportunities with so many two, i have had interestingopportunities with so manypeople, "meet the press" was opportunities with so manypeople, "meet the press" wasamazing opportunity with david
people, "meet the press" wasamazing opportunity with davidgreggory and talking about the amazing opportunity with davidgreggory and talking about thescreening regulations that were greggory and talking about thescreening regulations that wereall the issue and still continue screening regulations that wereall the issue and still continueto be the issue in the united all the issue and still continueto be the issue in the unitedstates. to be the issue in the unitedstates.it is set up a storm of states.it is set up a storm ofcontroversy. it is set up a storm ofcontroversy.>>you have no opinion on it. controversy.>>you have no opinion on it.>>i have no opinion, of course
>>you have no opinion on it.>>i have no opinion, of courseunopinionated. >>i have no opinion, of courseunopinionated.>>any topic, is that correct. unopinionated.>>any topic, is that correct.(laughing) but in any event, you >>any topic, is that correct.(laughing) but in any event, youare a tv personality so to (laughing) but in any event, youare a tv personality so tospeak. are a tv personality so tospeak.>>so to speak. speak.>>so to speak.>>at that time did you look >>so to speak.>>at that time did you lookback, the bicycle to oprah, did >>at that time did you lookback, the bicycle to oprah, didyou think, "gee whiz, is this
back, the bicycle to oprah, didyou think, "gee whiz, is thisme." you think, "gee whiz, is thisme."did you pinch yourself. me."did you pinch yourself.>>they are all building blocks. did you pinch yourself.>>they are all building blocks.you don't ever realize where you >>they are all building blocks.you don't ever realize where youare until you kind of stop and you don't ever realize where youare until you kind of stop andlook. now the process, i have are until you kind of stop andlook. now the process, i havealways been a late bloomer. look. now the process, i havealways been a late bloomer.the process is still sometimes a always been a late bloomer.the process is still sometimes alittle new to me when i realize
the process is still sometimes alittle new to me when i realizethe opportunity we have in the little new to me when i realizethe opportunity we have in theunited states with susan g. the opportunity we have in theunited states with susan g.komen for the cure to really united states with susan g.komen for the cure to reallyinfluence policy and now as we komen for the cure to reallyinfluence policy and now as wegrow globally and produce our influence policy and now as wegrow globally and produce ouroutcomes so that people now take grow globally and produce ouroutcomes so that people now takethis organization very outcomes so that people now takethis organization veryseriously. this organization veryseriously.we have been at the work almost
seriously.we have been at the work almostagain ration. we have been at the work almostagain ration.so our outcomes are very again ration.so our outcomes are veryimportant what we have studied so our outcomes are veryimportant what we have studiedin communities, the disparities, important what we have studiedin communities, the disparities,we understand how to deliver in communities, the disparities,we understand how to delivercare. we understand how to delivercare.wend stand how to climb over care.wend stand how to climb overcultural barriers. wend stand how to climb overcultural barriers.at the same time we funded more
cultural barriers.at the same time we funded moreresearch than anyone other than at the same time we funded moreresearch than anyone other thanthe u.s. government dedicate research than anyone other thanthe u.s. government dedicatetoday breast cancer. the u.s. government dedicatetoday breast cancer.so we have developed scientists, today breast cancer.so we have developed scientists,whole pools of thought, and so we have developed scientists,whole pools of thought, andthat's what i am very excited whole pools of thought, andthat's what i am very excitedabout, what it will mean in the that's what i am very excitedabout, what it will mean in thenext two to five years. about, what it will mean in thenext two to five years.>>susie, unfortunately was the
next two to five years.>>susie, unfortunately was thesubject of nine operations, >>susie, unfortunately was thesubject of nine operations,three courses of chemotherapy, subject of nine operations,three courses of chemotherapy,etcetera. three courses of chemotherapy,etcetera.couldn't have been any worse. etcetera.couldn't have been any worse.>>right. couldn't have been any worse.>>right.>>she passes when she is, what,. >>right.>>she passes when she is, what,.>>36. >>she passes when she is, what,.>>36.>>linda washkin who started the >>36.>>linda washkin who started therace.
>>linda washkin who started therace.>>her best friend. race.>>her best friend.>>27 years ago this began. >>her best friend.>>27 years ago this began.>>right. >>27 years ago this began.>>right.>>miss linda talked about come >>right.>>miss linda talked about cometo go peoria with that idea and >>miss linda talked about cometo go peoria with that idea andthought it was appropriate. to go peoria with that idea andthought it was appropriate.anyway, she started, passed it thought it was appropriate.anyway, she started, passed itoff, and it is where it is. anyway, she started, passed itoff, and it is where it is.this last year you folks raised
off, and it is where it is.this last year you folks raiseda million bucks. this last year you folks raiseda million bucks.>>eric brinker, my son, susie's a million bucks.>>eric brinker, my son, susie'snephew, chaired it, co-chaired >>eric brinker, my son, susie'snephew, chaired it, co-chairedit which is really meaningful to nephew, chaired it, co-chairedit which is really meaningful toour family which he has taken it it which is really meaningful toour family which he has taken iton. our family which he has taken iton.this younger group of people are on.this younger group of people arenow stepping up to the plate this younger group of people arenow stepping up to the platewhich is what has to happen.
now stepping up to the platewhich is what has to happen.>>everything is pink. which is what has to happen.>>everything is pink.>>everything is pink. >>everything is pink.>>everything is pink.>> you caused the em tire state >>everything is pink.>> you caused the em tire statebuilding to be lit with pink >> you caused the em tire statebuilding to be lit with pinklights! building to be lit with pinklights!>>i think one of the most lights!>>i think one of the mostproudest lightings of pink was >>i think one of the mostproudest lightings of pink waslight the gaze, in cairo. proudest lightings of pink waslight the gaze, in cairo.>>in cairo?
light the gaze, in cairo.>>in cairo?>> in cairo. >>in cairo?>> in cairo.we are having a race for the >> in cairo.we are having a race for thecure in jerusalem october 28. we are having a race for thecure in jerusalem october 28.the mayor committed to light the cure in jerusalem october 28.the mayor committed to light thewalls in the old city pink. the mayor committed to light thewalls in the old city pink.this speaks volumes to the walls in the old city pink.this speaks volumes to themeaning of this color and the this speaks volumes to themeaning of this color and themeaning of our movement. meaning of this color and themeaning of our movement.>>it is all over. n.f.l., what
meaning of our movement.>>it is all over. n.f.l., whatyou are wearing,. >>it is all over. n.f.l., whatyou are wearing,.>>major league baseball. you are wearing,.>>major league baseball.>>major league baseball. where >>major league baseball.>>major league baseball. whereis it now? >>major league baseball. whereis it now?where you do you want to go with is it now?where you do you want to go withthe pink you haven't gone? where you do you want to go withthe pink you haven't gone?>> i will tell you where we are the pink you haven't gone?>> i will tell you where we aregoing, we are making pink a much >> i will tell you where we aregoing, we are making pink a muchstronger color.
going, we are making pink a muchstronger color.our pink is different of stronger color.our pink is different ofeveryone else's pink because of our pink is different ofeveryone else's pink because ofthe teeth, outcome it it everyone else's pink because ofthe teeth, outcome it itrepresents. the teeth, outcome it itrepresents.when people kret advertise susan represents.when people kret advertise susang. komen for so much pink. when people kret advertise susang. komen for so much pink.i asked the public what which g. komen for so much pink.i asked the public what whichthink if red didn't symbolize t i asked the public what whichthink if red didn't symbolize taids, and we didn't have the
think if red didn't symbolize taids, and we didn't have thedoug with we have now. aids, and we didn't have thedoug with we have now.that's all the movement with the doug with we have now.that's all the movement with thecolor red. that's all the movement with thecolor red.this color pink will be the color red.this color pink will be therepresentation of what is going this color pink will be therepresentation of what is goingto quickly become a chronic representation of what is goingto quickly become a chronicdisease for people with advanced to quickly become a chronicdisease for people with advancedbreast cancer. disease for people with advancedbreast cancer.people recognizing that now, so
breast cancer.people recognizing that now, sowe not only put our dollars into people recognizing that now, sowe not only put our dollars intoresearch and disparities but we not only put our dollars intoresearch and disparities butinto advocacy and keeping this research and disparities butinto advocacy and keeping thisissue and being on front lines into advocacy and keeping thisissue and being on front linesfighting for breast cancer, and issue and being on front linesfighting for breast cancer, andpatients all around the world. fighting for breast cancer, andpatients all around the world.>>foundation has raised patients all around the world.>>foundation has raisedinception to date $1.5 billion. >>foundation has raisedinception to date $1.5 billion.>> that's what we have granted.
inception to date $1.5 billion.>> that's what we have granted.we have raised more, yes. >> that's what we have granted.we have raised more, yes.>> how much have you raised? we have raised more, yes.>> how much have you raised?>> somewhat more than that. >> how much have you raised?>> somewhat more than that.we give 80 to 85 cents of every >> somewhat more than that.we give 80 to 85 cents of everydollar to our cause. we give 80 to 85 cents of everydollar to our cause.but we want to continue to match dollar to our cause.but we want to continue to matchwhat we have given in the last but we want to continue to matchwhat we have given in the last30 years in this decade. what we have given in the last30 years in this decade.i hope it is possible because
30 years in this decade.i hope it is possible becausethat's what it will take for us i hope it is possible becausethat's what it will take for usto get to the finish line. that's what it will take for usto get to the finish line.>>intermath impact. to get to the finish line.>>intermath impact.how many other countries? >>intermath impact.how many other countries?>> 50 other countries besides how many other countries?>> 50 other countries besidesthe u.s. >> 50 other countries besidesthe u.s.with a mix of programs, depends the u.s.with a mix of programs, dependsif it is lower resource country with a mix of programs, dependsif it is lower resource countryor higher resource country.
if it is lower resource countryor higher resource country.june 8 we will be announcing or higher resource country.june 8 we will be announcingsusan g. komen he global june 8 we will be announcingsusan g. komen he globalalliance in washington where we susan g. komen he globalalliance in washington where weare taking a policy position for alliance in washington where weare taking a policy position forcountries who come to us and are taking a policy position forcountries who come to us andneed programs, focused on countries who come to us andneed programs, focused onwomen's cancer and breast cancer need programs, focused onwomen's cancer and breast cancerfor countries who need and women's cancer and breast cancerfor countries who need andcompanies overseas who need help
for countries who need andcompanies overseas who need helpdeterming what to do and companies overseas who need helpdeterming what to do andindividuals. determing what to do andindividuals.>>your spare time? individuals.>>your spare time?what do you do in your spare >>your spare time?what do you do in your sparetype? what do you do in your sparetype?is there any spare time. type?is there any spare time.>>no. is there any spare time.>>no.while i am on the job. >>no.while i am on the job.i have learn add couple of
while i am on the job.i have learn add couple ofthings. i have learn add couple ofthings.i try to take, although i really things.i try to take, although i reallydon't get it all the time, at i try to take, although i reallydon't get it all the time, atleast 30 minutes to an hour a don't get it all the time, atleast 30 minutes to an hour aday to do something for me, just least 30 minutes to an hour aday to do something for me, justlike exercising. day to do something for me, justlike exercising.i am learning to read my new like exercising.i am learning to read my newkindell. i am learning to read my newkindell.i collect hungarian art when i
kindell.i collect hungarian art when iwas serving in hungry and i like i collect hungarian art when iwas serving in hungry and i liketo read about it and stud ty. was serving in hungry and i liketo read about it and stud ty.i don't get a lot of free time. to read about it and stud ty.i don't get a lot of free time.i love to spend with the very i don't get a lot of free time.i love to spend with the verysmall family it that i have. i love to spend with the verysmall family it that i have.>>thinking about the foundation, small family it that i have.>>thinking about the foundation,240 corporate partners. >>thinking about the foundation,240 corporate partners.>>320 i think this year, over 240 corporate partners.>>320 i think this year, over300.
>>320 i think this year, over300.but close! 300.but close!>>122 u.s. affiliates. but close!>>122 u.s. affiliates.>>yes. >>122 u.s. affiliates.>>yes.>>1,900 men diagnosed with >>yes.>>1,900 men diagnosed withbreast cancer. >>1,900 men diagnosed withbreast cancer.>>uh-huh. breast cancer.>>uh-huh.>>this is not a disare criminal >>uh-huh.>>this is not a disare criminalna tory disease. >>this is not a disare criminalna tory disease.>>no.
na tory disease.>>no.>>you yourself. >>no.>>you yourself.>>i, too, am a survivor. >>you yourself.>>i, too, am a survivor.i developed the disease three >>i, too, am a survivor.i developed the disease threeyears after my sister died, i i developed the disease threeyears after my sister died, iwas 37. years after my sister died, iwas 37.you know, it is no respector of was 37.you know, it is no respector ofracial description, ethnicity, you know, it is no respector ofracial description, ethnicity,culture it, breast cancer can racial description, ethnicity,culture it, breast cancer canhappen to anyone.
culture it, breast cancer canhappen to anyone.it happens to young he people. happen to anyone.it happens to young he people.it happens to older people. it happens to young he people.it happens to older people.it is a deadly disease. it happens to older people.it is a deadly disease.it is still the leading killer it is a deadly disease.it is still the leading killerof women, particularly between it is still the leading killerof women, particularly between40-670 in the u.s. of women, particularly between40-670 in the u.s.>>i recall weather linda washkin 40-670 in the u.s.>>i recall weather linda washkincame back are from the polo >>i recall weather linda washkincame back are from the polomatch.
came back are from the polomatch.she started a polo match because match.she started a polo match becauseher spouse was into polo. she started a polo match becauseher spouse was into polo.we will talk about know man in a her spouse was into polo.we will talk about know man in aminute. we will talk about know man in aminute.short of it is, i said to linda, minute.short of it is, i said to linda,breast, breast! that was just short of it is, i said to linda,breast, breast! that was justsomething you never talked breast, breast! that was justsomething you never talkedabout. something you never talkedabout.>>he haded, you not only didn't
about.>>he haded, you not only didn'ttalk about it, you couldn't put >>he haded, you not only didn'ttalk about it, you couldn't putit in print the reason we had to talk about it, you couldn't putit in print the reason we had topare it was unconventional it in print the reason we had topare it was unconventionalactivities. pare it was unconventionalactivities.it was so depressing to people. activities.it was so depressing to people.remember, cancer was spoken of it was so depressing to people.remember, cancer was spoken of30 years ago as the "big c" they remember, cancer was spoken of30 years ago as the "big c" theysaid, when you have what 30 years ago as the "big c" theysaid, when you have what(whisper, breast cancer) you had
said, when you have what(whisper, breast cancer) you hadto whisper it. (whisper, breast cancer) you hadto whisper it.it was becoming such a huge to whisper it.it was becoming such a hugedisease. it was becoming such a hugedisease.underfunded. disease.underfunded.we had to change not only the underfunded.we had to change not only theclinic but the culture. we had to change not only theclinic but the culture.you have changed the culture. clinic but the culture.you have changed the culture.how do you feel about na. you have changed the culture.how do you feel about na.>>that, i feel good about.
how do you feel about na.>>that, i feel good about.>>worldwide, you have changed >>that, i feel good about.>>worldwide, you have changedthe culture. >>worldwide, you have changedthe culture.>>weevil vated the dialogue and the culture.>>weevil vated the dialogue andthe discussion and the >>weevil vated the dialogue andthe discussion and theawareness. the discussion and theawareness.>>i'd like to address a quote awareness.>>i'd like to address a quotethat you have expressed from >>i'd like to address a quotethat you have expressed fromdesmond tutu. that you have expressed fromdesmond tutu.if i stand a little taller it is
desmond tutu.if i stand a little taller it isbecause of standing on the if i stand a little taller it isbecause of standing on theshoulders of others, can you because of standing on theshoulders of others, can youexpand on that. shoulders of others, can youexpand on that.>>well, that's the other thing. expand on that.>>well, that's the other thing.whenever i am given a and award, >>well, that's the other thing.whenever i am given a and award,and you asked, i am so honored, whenever i am given a and award,and you asked, i am so honored,but never accept it would you and you asked, i am so honored,but never accept it would yourealizing i am only there but but never accept it would yourealizing i am only there butfor work, of the army of people
realizing i am only there butfor work, of the army of peoplewho got me there that day. for work, of the army of peoplewho got me there that day.this doesn't take a village. who got me there that day.this doesn't take a village.had hilary clinton said it takes this doesn't take a village.had hilary clinton said it takesa village, but this takes an had hilary clinton said it takesa village, but this takes anarmy for what we are doing at a village, but this takes anarmy for what we are doing atsusan g. komen for the cure. army for what we are doing atsusan g. komen for the cure.i am there on the shoulders of a susan g. komen for the cure.i am there on the shoulders of alot of angels because there are i am there on the shoulders of alot of angels because there area are not a lot of people who
lot of angels because there area are not a lot of people whohaven't lived through this a are not a lot of people whohaven't lived through thisdisease, but for their work and haven't lived through thisdisease, but for their work andeffort, and i can always feel, i disease, but for their work andeffort, and i can always feel, ican always feel susie's presence effort, and i can always feel, ican always feel susie's presenceand their presence in a very can always feel susie's presenceand their presence in a veryspiritual way when i am and their presence in a veryspiritual way when i amfortunate enough to represent spiritual way when i amfortunate enough to representour organization. fortunate enough to representour organization.>>almost surreal.
our organization.>>almost surreal.>>yeah, it is. >>almost surreal.>>yeah, it is.>>so you have been given a gift. >>yeah, it is.>>so you have been given a gift.>>yes, i have. it is a gift. >>so you have been given a gift.>>yes, i have. it is a gift.it is a sacred trust. >>yes, i have. it is a gift.it is a sacred trust.i believe -- i believe i am it is a sacred trust.i believe -- i believe i amfortunate -- i am a messenger, i believe -- i believe i amfortunate -- i am a messenger,and i am very lucky to be a fortunate -- i am a messenger,and i am very lucky to be amessenger. and i am very lucky to be amessenger.i have always thought of people
messenger.i have always thought of peoplethat have been given so very i have always thought of peoplethat have been given so verylittle and yet have given so that have been given so verylittle and yet have given sovery much. little and yet have given sovery much.it seems to me that i am not very much.it seems to me that i am notsuggesting you have been given it seems to me that i am notsuggesting you have been givenso little, but in light of your suggesting you have been givenso little, but in light of youraccomplishments, starting with so little, but in light of youraccomplishments, starting withthe variety show, and what going accomplishments, starting withthe variety show, and what goingon changing the culture, you
the variety show, and what goingon changing the culture, youhave got to look back and say, on changing the culture, youhave got to look back and say,perhaps, is this real, do you have got to look back and say,perhaps, is this real, do youthink think that? perhaps, is this real, do youthink think that?>> you know, i hadn't really think think that?>> you know, i hadn't reallyfocused very much on the past. >> you know, i hadn't reallyfocused very much on the past.i do, from time to time, but i focused very much on the past.i do, from time to time, but ithink writing this memoir made i do, from time to time, but ithink writing this memoir mademe focus much more on t we wrote think writing this memoir mademe focus much more on t we wroteit over a period of eight months
me focus much more on t we wroteit over a period of eight monthswhich made me focus on a lot of it over a period of eight monthswhich made me focus on a lot ofthings. which made me focus on a lot ofthings.so i do believe that i am very things.so i do believe that i am veryfortunate that, abs i said, one so i do believe that i am veryfortunate that, abs i said, oneof the most fortunate things in fortunate that, abs i said, oneof the most fortunate things inmy life is being born in a of the most fortunate things inmy life is being born in acountry where i was raised as a my life is being born in acountry where i was raised as afree and fortunate child who country where i was raised as afree and fortunate child whofelt there was a future, and
free and fortunate child whofelt there was a future, andhope, and not terribly felt there was a future, andhope, and not terriblydiscriminated against and cover hope, and not terriblydiscriminated against and covermy face every day because i was discriminated against and covermy face every day because i wasa woman or being treated badly my face every day because i wasa woman or being treated badlybecause i was a woman against my a woman or being treated badlybecause i was a woman against mywill. because i was a woman against mywill.a lot of people wear cultures will.a lot of people wear culturesbecause it is part of their a lot of people wear culturesbecause it is part of theircultural heritage.
because it is part of theircultural heritage.in our country, it hasn't been. cultural heritage.in our country, it hasn't been.i have been fortunate to feel, in our country, it hasn't been.i have been fortunate to feel,and i use it figuratively, i i have been fortunate to feel,and i use it figuratively, ididn't have to hide i had an and i use it figuratively, ididn't have to hide i had aneducation. didn't have to hide i had aneducation.i am very lucky, and i am very education.i am very lucky, and i am verylucky to have my parents, and i am very lucky, and i am verylucky to have my parents, andgrow number a community like lucky to have my parents, andgrow number a community likethis, in peoria.
grow number a community likethis, in peoria.i know it is different today, this, in peoria.i know it is different today,but we didn't lock our doors. i know it is different today,but we didn't lock our doors.we had great neighbors. but we didn't lock our doors.we had great neighbors.we were able to do things, we had great neighbors.we were able to do things,express our sense of freedom and we were able to do things,express our sense of freedom andour volunteerism and all the express our sense of freedom andour volunteerism and all thethings that we felt we could our volunteerism and all thethings that we felt we couldmake a change for the better in things that we felt we couldmake a change for the better inour community.
make a change for the better inour community.>>you could change things. our community.>>you could change things.>>yes. >>you could change things.>>yes.>>ambassador to hungry? >>yes.>>ambassador to hungry?george bush, your role, 2003. >>ambassador to hungry?george bush, your role, 2003.>>being ambassador is poorly george bush, your role, 2003.>>being ambassador is poorlyunderstood by most people in >>being ambassador is poorlyunderstood by most people inamerica. understood by most people inamerica.sometimes people think it is a america.sometimes people think it is achance to live exotic lifestyle.
sometimes people think it is achance to live exotic lifestyle.well, it is in a way, but it is chance to live exotic lifestyle.well, it is in a way, but it isnot really about your life well, it is in a way, but it isnot really about your lifestyle. not really about your lifestyle.it is really about your service. style.it is really about your service.again, your service to the it is really about your service.again, your service to theunited states to the president again, your service to theunited states to the presidentand also to the secretary of united states to the presidentand also to the secretary ofstate, to the state department, and also to the secretary ofstate, to the state department,and to the president.
state, to the state department,and to the president.you carry a set of obligation. and to the president.you carry a set of obligation.you carry a term of service that you carry a set of obligation.you carry a term of service thatidentifies you as the american you carry a term of service thatidentifies you as the americanliving in a country. identifies you as the americanliving in a country.you have a heavy mantle of living in a country.you have a heavy mantle ofresponsibility to do it right. you have a heavy mantle ofresponsibility to do it right.and i think it is one of the responsibility to do it right.and i think it is one of thegreatest opportunities to serve and i think it is one of thegreatest opportunities to servethat i can ever imagine,
greatest opportunities to servethat i can ever imagine,greatest honors you can have. that i can ever imagine,greatest honors you can have.i was to leave on 9-11. greatest honors you can have.i was to leave on 9-11.that was the day i was packed i was to leave on 9-11.that was the day i was packedout to leave nor ungary. that was the day i was packedout to leave nor ungary.it changed nature of what i out to leave nor ungary.it changed nature of what ithought i would go doing it changed nature of what ithought i would go doingdrastically, what an experience thought i would go doingdrastically, what an experienceit was, amazing experience in my drastically, what an experienceit was, amazing experience in mylife because what turned into
it was, amazing experience in mylife because what turned intothe first year was about being life because what turned intothe first year was about beingat war, 9-11, afghanistan, and the first year was about beingat war, 9-11, afghanistan, andiraq, and i had to get very up at war, 9-11, afghanistan, andiraq, and i had to get very upto speed on armed services, iraq, and i had to get very upto speed on armed services,everything that we were doing, to speed on armed services,everything that we were doing,understood and looked at the everything that we were doing,understood and looked at thelens of our country through the understood and looked at thelens of our country through thelens of another country, allied lens of our country through thelens of another country, alliedcountry, and understanding what
lens of another country, alliedcountry, and understanding whatwe ask of our allies and what we country, and understanding whatwe ask of our allies and what wehave to do to gain their we ask of our allies and what wehave to do to gain theirengagement and what we do right have to do to gain theirengagement and what we do rightand sometimes what we do wrong. engagement and what we do rightand sometimes what we do wrong.it was a fascinating time. and sometimes what we do wrong.it was a fascinating time.i grew to love where i was. it was a fascinating time.i grew to love where i was.i grew to love the people. i grew to love where i was.i grew to love the people.difficult times, but i grew to i grew to love the people.difficult times, but i grew toreally fall in love with their
difficult times, but i grew toreally fall in love with theirculture, and i go back often really fall in love with theirculture, and i go back oftenstill to hungary. culture, and i go back oftenstill to hungary.i made wonderful friends and i'd still to hungary.i made wonderful friends and i'dlike to go back. i made wonderful friends and i'dlike to go back.>> norman brinker, visionary, like to go back.>> norman brinker, visionary,ray crock of chili, casual >> norman brinker, visionary,ray crock of chili, casualdining, came up with a salad ray crock of chili, casualdining, came up with a saladbar. dining, came up with a saladbar.>>right.
bar.>>right.>>heiden-dass, steak and ale, >>right.>>heiden-dass, steak and ale,from 23 to 276 stores from 40 to >>heiden-dass, steak and ale,from 23 to 276 stores from 40 to600 million in ref you knew. from 23 to 276 stores from 40 to600 million in ref you knew.what was he like? 600 million in ref you knew.what was he like?you were married to norman for what was he like?you were married to norman for20 plus years. you were married to norman for20 plus years.>>right, i was with more man a 20 plus years.>>right, i was with more man along part of my life. >>right, i was with more man along part of my life.it was, in fact, next to my
long part of my life.it was, in fact, next to myparents, my book is dedicated to it was, in fact, next to myparents, my book is dedicated tonorman and eric my son. parents, my book is dedicated tonorman and eric my son.he was such a profound influence norman and eric my son.he was such a profound influencein my life. he was such a profound influencein my life.he was older than i. in my life.he was older than i.he was 16 years older. he was older than i.he was 16 years older.i had advantage of having a he was 16 years older.i had advantage of having ateacher. i had advantage of having ateacher.norman was a great spiritual
teacher.norman was a great spiritualguide, my husband. norman was a great spiritualguide, my husband.i was in love were him. guide, my husband.i was in love were him.we had a wonderful life together i was in love were him.we had a wonderful life togetherwe were well suited for each we had a wonderful life togetherwe were well suited for eachother, but he helped me realize we were well suited for eachother, but he helped me realizemy dream. other, but he helped me realizemy dream.a lot of people thought, maybe my dream.a lot of people thought, maybehe just wrote checks, that a lot of people thought, maybehe just wrote checks, thatwasn't it.
he just wrote checks, thatwasn't it.he was very generous with me, wasn't it.he was very generous with me,but it wasn't that. he was very generous with me,but it wasn't that.he taught me and coached me, and but it wasn't that.he taught me and coached me, andgave me to understand how he taught me and coached me, andgave me to understand howimportant leadership was and how gave me to understand howimportant leadership was and howyou build something, how you important leadership was and howyou build something, how youreally have to approach it. you build something, how youreally have to approach it.and even though i had other really have to approach it.and even though i had otherpowerful male friends, my father
and even though i had otherpowerful male friends, my fatherwas a hugely powerful mentor of powerful male friends, my fatherwas a hugely powerful mentor ofmine. was a hugely powerful mentor ofmine.a man called stanley marcus who, mine.a man called stanley marcus who,a lot of young people, father a man called stanley marcus who,a lot of young people, fatherand creator of niemann marcus, i a lot of young people, fatherand creator of niemann marcus, igot to work for him for a period and creator of niemann marcus, igot to work for him for a periodof time. but norman really got to work for him for a periodof time. but norman reallyshowed me how to build a team, of time. but norman reallyshowed me how to build a team,how to grow something, how to do
showed me how to build a team,how to grow something, how to doa grass roots movement, how to how to grow something, how to doa grass roots movement, how totheir shape thought among your a grass roots movement, how totheir shape thought among yourteam and how not to rule from their shape thought among yourteam and how not to rule fromthe top down, but rule from the team and how not to rule fromthe top down, but rule from thebottom up, try to build census the top down, but rule from thebottom up, try to build censusin collaboration, teamwork, set bottom up, try to build censusin collaboration, teamwork, setgoals. in collaboration, teamwork, setgoals.mostly, ase always said begin goals.mostly, ase always said beginwith the end in mine.
mostly, ase always said beginwith the end in mine.begin with the end in mind. with the end in mine.begin with the end in mind.>>one of the most important begin with the end in mind.>>one of the most importantthings can you do because it >>one of the most importantthings can you do because itwill guide your thinking. things can you do because itwill guide your thinking.it will keep your mission will guide your thinking.it will keep your missionintact, and it will keep you it will keep your missionintact, and it will keep youwalking on a tightrope every day intact, and it will keep youwalking on a tightrope every day>>norman was married to mow walking on a tightrope every day>>norman was married to mowconally.
>>norman was married to mowconally.>>right. conally.>>right.>>she died of cancer. >>right.>>she died of cancer.>>you know what, it was that, >>she died of cancer.>>you know what, it was that,the way she lived and died, and >>you know what, it was that,the way she lived and died, andher relationship with more man the way she lived and died, andher relationship with more manand i dedicated entire chapter her relationship with more manand i dedicated entire chapterto maureen conally because it and i dedicated entire chapterto maureen conally because itwas due to their unique to maureen conally because itwas due to their uniquerelationship, after all they
was due to their uniquerelationship, after all theywere two child athletes, she was relationship, after all theywere two child athletes, she wasthree time wimbledon, little were two child athletes, she wasthree time wimbledon, littlemow. three time wimbledon, littlemow.he was equestrian team, mow.he was equestrian team,competing in budapest, in 1954. he was equestrian team,competing in budapest, in 1954.>>what goes around comes around. competing in budapest, in 1954.>>what goes around comes around.>>yes. >>what goes around comes around.>>yes.>>it was his sporting life and >>yes.>>it was his sporting life andhis business life and service in
>>it was his sporting life andhis business life and service inthe navy and maureen, being a his business life and service inthe navy and maureen, being avery strong dedicated singularly the navy and maureen, being avery strong dedicated singularlyfocus person, was a huge very strong dedicated singularlyfocus person, was a hugeinfluence in his life as his focus person, was a hugeinfluence in his life as hismother about how norman viewed influence in his life as hismother about how norman viewedwep. mother about how norman viewedwep.he was a great supporter of wep.he was a great supporter ofwomen. he was a great supporter ofwomen.>>this was years and years ago.
women.>>this was years and years ago.>>before it was fashionable. >>this was years and years ago.>>before it was fashionable.>>yeah. >>before it was fashionable.>>yeah.he understood how important it >>yeah.he understood how important itwas to have a partner. he understood how important itwas to have a partner.to have your partner fulfilled. was to have a partner.to have your partner fulfilled.he used to say to me "if i quash to have your partner fulfilled.he used to say to me "if i quashyour potential and your dreams, he used to say to me "if i quashyour potential and your dreams,i will destroy you as a person. your potential and your dreams,i will destroy you as a person.rather i want it to build
i will destroy you as a person.rather i want it to buildyourself confidence because then rather i want it to buildyourself confidence because thenare you a better partner to me. yourself confidence because thenare you a better partner to me.you are a better person. are you a better partner to me.you are a better person.>>" you are a better person.>>">>better person. >>">>better person.>>of course, and it was. >>better person.>>of course, and it was.>>thinking about this >>of course, and it was.>>thinking about thisdiscussion, what question have i >>thinking about thisdiscussion, what question have inot asked you that i should have
discussion, what question have inot asked you that i should haveasked you? not asked you that i should haveasked you?>> i think about perhaps the asked you?>> i think about perhaps thevalues and it is hard to use >> i think about perhaps thevalues and it is hard to usevalues, the future of our values and it is hard to usevalues, the future of ourcountry in terms of shaping what values, the future of ourcountry in terms of shaping whatwe want in the future for our country in terms of shaping whatwe want in the future for ourchildren, what we want for our we want in the future for ourchildren, what we want for ourcountry. children, what we want for ourcountry.what i hope and pray is that the
country.what i hope and pray is that theyoung this our country, and i what i hope and pray is that theyoung this our country, and idesignate anybody under 35 young young this our country, and idesignate anybody under 35 youngin our country. designate anybody under 35 youngin our country.young people are going to do in in our country.young people are going to do inthe future to keep our country young people are going to do inthe future to keep our countrygreat, and to keep the level of the future to keep our countrygreat, and to keep the level ofservice that we are able to do great, and to keep the level ofservice that we are able to doto each other to build their service that we are able to doto each other to build theirbusinesses, it to keep the
to each other to build theirbusinesses, it to keep theprivate sector strong. businesses, it to keep theprivate sector strong.this country is fueled by the private sector strong.this country is fueled by theprivate sector. this country is fueled by theprivate sector.and, yet, how to keep the private sector.and, yet, how to keep thegovernment as the kind of and, yet, how to keep thegovernment as the kind ofpartner that allows for that government as the kind ofpartner that allows for thatkind of strength and at the same partner that allows for thatkind of strength and at the sametime serves its citizens. kind of strength and at the sametime serves its citizens.i guess what i would love to see
time serves its citizens.i guess what i would love to seein a perfect world are people i guess what i would love to seein a perfect world are peoplewho have mentalities who are in a perfect world are peoplewho have mentalities who arefiscally responsible and sen who have mentalities who arefiscally responsible and senterrorist terrorist in thinking fiscally responsible and senterrorist terrorist in thinkingin personal freedoms. terrorist terrorist in thinkingin personal freedoms.we have gotten very partisan in in personal freedoms.we have gotten very partisan inour world today, and it bothers we have gotten very partisan inour world today, and it bothersme a lot. our world today, and it bothersme a lot.>>nancy, breast cancer was
me a lot.>>nancy, breast cancer wassolved yesterday are, where are >>nancy, breast cancer wassolved yesterday are, where areyou going? solved yesterday are, where areyou going?>> well, outside of the borders you going?>> well, outside of the bordersof our country, it won't be >> well, outside of the bordersof our country, it won't besolved yesterday. of our country, it won't besolved yesterday.>>hypothetically. solved yesterday.>>hypothetically.let's assumed it was solved >>hypothetically.let's assumed it was solvedyesterday, the day before, or it let's assumed it was solvedyesterday, the day before, or itwill be solved tom.
yesterday, the day before, or itwill be solved tom.nancy brinker with this energy, will be solved tom.nancy brinker with this energy,this mission will be moved from nancy brinker with this energy,this mission will be moved fromthe solving of breast cancer to this mission will be moved fromthe solving of breast cancer towhat? the solving of breast cancer towhat?>> if i am lucky enough to live what?>> if i am lucky enough to livelong enough, and i think of that >> if i am lucky enough to livelong enough, and i think of thatsong "i want to grow up and be long enough, and i think of thatsong "i want to grow up and beold woman and be successful". song "i want to grow up and beold woman and be successful".>>i want to grow old! (laughing)
old woman and be successful".>>i want to grow old! (laughing)i just asked you to grow beyond >>i want to grow old! (laughing)i just asked you to grow beyond60. i just asked you to grow beyond60.>>i want it to work as hard as 60.>>i want it to work as hard asmy father did as long as he did, >>i want it to work as hard asmy father did as long as he did,and hopefully longer to fix what my father did as long as he did,and hopefully longer to fix whatis wrong. and hopefully longer to fix whatis wrong.i like that. is wrong.i like that.and i believe that -- and i am i like that.and i believe that -- and i amhoping that i have a long life
and i believe that -- and i amhoping that i have a long lifeahead of me that i can continue hoping that i have a long lifeahead of me that i can continueto work, and if this problem ahead of me that i can continueto work, and if this problembecomes solved and it will take to work, and if this problembecomes solved and it will takeyears for this problem to be becomes solved and it will takeyears for this problem to besolved, but i hope i can move in years for this problem to besolved, but i hope i can move incontinued leadership, wherever solved, but i hope i can move incontinued leadership, wherevermy leadership that was needed. continued leadership, wherevermy leadership that was needed.>>this is the same nancy in the my leadership that was needed.>>this is the same nancy in thetree?
>>this is the same nancy in thetree?>> that's right. tree?>> that's right.>>i want to fix this! (laughing) >> that's right.>>i want to fix this! (laughing)you will find another wrong that >>i want to fix this! (laughing)you will find another wrong thatwill be fixing. you will find another wrong thatwill be fixing.>>that's right. will be fixing.>>that's right.>>and you will do the next one! >>that's right.>>and you will do the next one!>>right. >>and you will do the next one!>>right.>>until you are in the next >>right.>>until you are in the nextworld, you will be fixing
>>until you are in the nextworld, you will be fixingwrong's. world, you will be fixingwrong's.>>that's right. wrong's.>>that's right.>>it it has been my privilege. >>that's right.>>it it has been my privilege.>>thank you. >>it it has been my privilege.>>thank you.thank you. >>thank you.thank you.>>
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