Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Anal Cancer Treatment

hate it when people welcome to the rooma report on dave rubin and we have a smart and a heady show korea as opposed to the not smart noteddie shows that with a pump it out the last year jacko england cara santa maria these aretwo smart science the checks can i say that are you were comfortablewith that description i am signed and chi-x area were okay with it up in a paycheckis is that

debatable ri i feel good about this wegot a budget topic that i think that they're really gonna want to sink theirteeth into so here we go a school in fort lauderdale florida is in a bunch ofhot water after it teacher reportedly banned oneof her students from reading the bible during free reading time she actuallycalled the parents a phone at home and left amessage and we've got money first and shot kept

i don't i'd ok cash-strapped tall first first art direction to first fast call frank i okay so this brings up a lot interestingthings obvious about freedom of religion in this was free

reading time at the school which impliesthat the kids can read anything that they want to read now i know you guys are a huge onreligion so i thought this would be aninteresting topic for you guys to handle what do you make of them best teacher it was in a school-widething apparently but this teacher felt that this kid could notread the bible in class is that okay no i i don't think that's okay imean i'm normally very against havingreligion in schools but that

having the school push religion on thekids in this case the kid just with an individual who wanted to bring the book to schoolread it and it's a personal choice and i don't think that should be handle the way that they did you knowcara personal choice well i mean yeah the first amendment andprotect my right to not read the bible the same way protect this child right toread the bible this is a blatant violation of the constitution and there's a you know there's actionbeing taken now their lawyers that are

working with the with that student's family and thiscould potentially be pushed up through the court system though i'm not sure if this teacher isaware of the fact that she's violating the constitution by telling this child that he can't read this book in herclassroom and maybe that'll be corrected as soon as shekinda remove the constitution yeah like that can read the bible is gonnainfluence the other kids around them you never know it's not being forced toanybody even if it didn't want the other

kids around him it doesn't matterbecause the truth is that is a a choice that our like the law of the land protectthough this wasn't something that was like you that part of the curriculum this is there something the teacher waspushing on to the student but yes you have every right to read whateverreligious text you want to read in a public place in a private place whatever it be one thing if he was reading thisbook when you're supposed to be reading tom sawyer and reading a big stink aboutit but in free reading

class to tell us to do that yet to takebilateral glasser his career and out of the classroom hisstore out of the classroom whatever is yeah it's a violation of the firstamendment yeah i don't like carrying around a correr it or is mad i think the bigger bull it's very likelythat the huge thing i did i used to think that kinda india in israel likethat there are giant bibles 0 i'm ready i can dollar can you have that i pod people pushing her away and i will forgive up to kids bibles america fuck yeah other yeah i got a million others likedstupid bible at are you writing mad

about this i thank you um should we be a little afraid a so what we're blaming this on theteacher not the the school itself so that that's when the but should we be alittle afraid of these people that are pushing the anti-religion being evenif you're not for religion in the public sphere thatthey're pushing it to this extent like that she called she said you know this isn't gonna happen in myclass that there's a there's a danger really in her methodology at how she'strying to preach

liberalism absolutely i mean there's asmuch of a danger there weather is pushing religion on kids youdon't wanna make up their mind for them it should be up to the child is worsethan before yeah so every night another child canreally make those kinds of decisions i mean that's another that's another debate entirely but asidefrom that i i think we need more contact like sheep reaching anti-religion or she so aparade a first amendment violations and afraid of all the things that she's beenin the news lately that she thought that

this was the right course of action like oh no i don't a bible in my classroombecause i could get in trouble for that maybe like that's the thing is that whenyou become very extreme on one side or the other the issue i think and because it's sucha polarized issue it's such a political kinda hot-button issue i think that there'sconfusion surrounding and this again we don't we don't have contact itcould be that this woman was trying to push

a specific agenda it could be that shewas afraid up the opposite agenda being you know it seeming like it's beingpushed in her class arms up i think with a little more context we would understand it's a little better butuntil then it kinda hard to tell yet where you guys following terms a love where'd where the debate should beon this because there is so it seems to me you could teach in history class youcould teach about the historical existence fg's is and what was going onin that time

without giving a religious context to itbut should but you want to start doing that then you open up a can of wormswhere everyone wants to bring all the the miracles and all thatin it so we're waiting for in terms of what we can teach without teaching near so obviously there's noviable evident that you have actually at all maari yeah all right he wrote a book about thehistorical yeah go yeah plays halo their theirtheir stories there's you no

corroborating like tales and myths and and and maybenine minutes we don't know but there's no there's no actual evidence that therewas a historical figure in jesus the way that there's evidence of historicalfigures who you know wrote things or where wehave you know their bowling someplace like that that doesn't existfor for jesus christ so so and i'm not saying i don't thinkjesus christ existed i have no fucking idea

but i don't think than one empiricaleveryone here at 11 and there's absolutely nothing wrong with talkingabout the history of religion and history philosophy in those types ofcourses i don't know it like jesus's existed should be talking ahistory class regular i don't think we should bemaking i mean the sorry that is that the distinction that should be taught thepurity in high school for example should be taught in social studies but it could be taught in in a velocityyeah there's a lot to be there electives you can choose to take religion you canhave bible study classes

outside at the high school mean but youcan't just sit there and say that i know jesus was historical summit egypt youcan teach the affects that religion had a history man it'simportant to carefully avoided yeah that's going to be part of your historyclass regardless if you're learning about kinda american history or ifyou're learning about world history like you can't avoid a conversation aboutreligion but i think religion as institution andits sociological effect is a very different conversation then the lower and the dogma within areligion being taught us

backed like that that's where i start tothe charge actually existing in and having political you know mac an asian thing like thatthat's real the a walk on water stuff emad yeah well we're all agreed that part of myhusband and i know what i am going nowhere near science yeah right there you go iwith some that when a pretty well let me but i thought this was kindafascinating a 25-year-old woman named emily let

with an abortion counselor from newjersey she filmed herself having an abortion and this thing is blowing upyou might have seen it already we're gonna shaded a little bit justmention to me on show women very soon have abortions during now on 1 at

yeah that fine you well as obviously she was trying to showa positive abortions are in fact the pro-abortion abortion counseling ibelieve a woman's right to choose and i have noright to tell women what to do with her own body but after watching this i was reallykinda conflicted this sorta helps the cause abortion ornot because by showing something

that clinically it actually paid a go toa little weird to me really did what you think i mean okay like itpersonally i think my very first response when i watch this was like idon't care but i don't think i'm the audience orthat for the a story i a i've never had an abortion but likeyou i'm pro-choice i have friends who have hadabortions and i don't think that i am eating youtube video to understand the processbut that's me i would research it in different ways i think ifi were faced with that

difficult but we on aggression may ornot be going to the character in a mere i'm yeah every democrat exactly i'm notyou know but at new my fuckin response when i sawthis video with like you know air like it not well done that like i think that was my problemshuster trying to force with the music and michael with a positive attitudeit's like okay it it the personal experience yeah it an experience that could havepositive i'll often does have positiveramifications in somebody's life down

the line but with having an outpatient procedure islike you know something that needs violinmusic behind it just you're right puts a bad taste in your mouth a little bit andi think more than anything all this video is really going to do isgonna polarize people if you look at where it was posted thearticle where i first read it from with on a conservative site and thevictory all in the comments section with like 0 i mean granted she must haveknown that was gonna happen i don't blame her i think that you knowshe has the right to

to make this kind of statement andhonestly maybe if she did touch one or two young women who were like i want to do this but i'm afraid i thinkthat it's gonna hurt i think it's gonna you know ruin my lifeand they want to go maybe it's not that bad i actually do have an option yeah amino well and you're totally rightabout strengthening the others i think that once this thing got posted ondrudge then it goes to cross the right weighing blog a spear and everyonestarts granting get it do you generally agree with that

i mean i generally do i think i feel badbecause your i didn't get posted on a conservative website the comments for sohateful towards her they said that she got pregnant onpurpose so that she could do this and get all this attention which is justbecause we love having abortions around i'm not a look now but right there now it really parties andreally touchy subject in like i'll try to avoid saying that i'm pro-abortion and say that i'm pro-choice because noone wants the pro-abortion like yeah abortions are us on the right but howmany people i think that like

yet it it something that most women useas a form of birth control because it somehow easier without you there to just notthink about it get laid what the fuck ever other take care the baby it's like woman wants to do that it can't becomfortable and i it is emotional for most be heldwhat a medical problem sometimes people can't get pregnant after having anabortion there's a lot of serious consequences with that and it can bepsychologically detrimental which is something that i think the onethe biggest reasons why didn't like this

video is because she's just so whathappy the whole time in that's good because like you said it'simportant showgirls already made the choice to have an abortion that it's not goingto hurt you know it's not gonna the as horrible as they might think it couldbe and it kinda give them some reassurance but the same time it's kinda like almost encouraging awayright so it sounds like you both agree that her idea was good here but that theway they produce this with the music and you know her it like she was going sofar out of her way to make it seem like

it was okay that also you know we don't see theclinical things it will remind me awake the death penalty when we don't see these people being putto death i'm against the death penalty anywhere but like if we don't see it we don'tknow what's going on a bike seeing her laying there if felt much more humid it actually wasmaking me rethink my position a little bit i'm still pro-choice i mean thatkinda what my first reaction was just

like the production values are soterrible i feel like if it had been produced alittle bit differently like if if she had you know editedthings a little bit differently shown it look like you selectively edited toonly show the part where he is the most comfortable she never once said like okay this part is a little inc okay i'mi'm pass it up after it if it had felt a little more real to mebecause i'm i do kind of like the idea though that we were in that room withher experiencing it with her and she wassharing that intimate moment

to so that people would understand likeif i can do it and you're free to do it but you knowyou need to do what you can do it to you yeah but it with almost forced in thisweird kinda hard to come by all buy it when he said yeah i'm really unrealisticjust no one's gonna be that excited that happy to go through this process i feel likeim sure showed both sides right and of course you know she i'm not saying she gotpregnant and not going i'm noticing she got pregnant

to do this video but obviously herallegiances are where they are because working out there so she wanted to spendit in a in a certain way what do you guys make above the mainbasically that try to tell you what to do and becauseit's pretty much all men or a huge percentage amanda the toros voting on abortion and andygray and allegedly writing a red graduation all that and i'm alwaysfascinated by xi literally cannot understand how someonewho does not have the body part kim can tell you what to do with yourbody parts

now totally great there needs to be morewomen in legislation so that kinda thing doesn't happen but i don't want to be too one-sidedbecause i feel like certain women who are in relationships have abortions without telling yoursignificant other and i can be kinda gray area i think or you mightneed to actually talk to the father i are you think they should have somesort of like force you know i don't think generation i don't think so but ijust feel like to say that you know men have no say and they shouldn't even beable to give me their opinion on it i

think that's going too far yeah i mean of course i think men shouldbe able to give you their opinion yeah or talk to the people that arevoting yeah i mean i'm back her sleep feel very strongly that until the babyis born like it it a women's health issue and awomen's health issue alone and dylan this you know thisorganism is viable on its own what we're really talking about is a medicalcondition pregnancy is a medical condition for a woman yeah and it's a choice that she isdeciding to make the same way that you

can make a choice about the best treatment option for hercancer the same way that she can make a choiceabout a you know whether or not you want to elect to have certain surgeries andyes i think that having outside perspectivesis helpful i hope that if you're you're only luckyenough to be in a situation where there is a man in your life yeah we the willing to give you hisopinion about the situation because many times in a woman is faced with thedecision having an abortion she

on her fuckin own and that even moredifficult but it's her choice fundamentally it is herchoice and nobody has the right whether we're talking about legislators or we're talking about people withpersonal relationships to tell a woman what she can and can't do with her own pregnancy because untilthat baby is born it is a women's health a medical issueso you're saying until that baby is born do you guys havea cut-off is there a cut-off point is that the other debate you know is it the

two trimesters is it i didn't seem to methat look if you were to say eight months while that baby probably could live i think it'ssilly to draw a line to be honest it but i think it's silly to draw a linelike obviously when the baby is born then there are certain legal issues thatyou can argue with right but before that i feel like if an individual's you know perspective on the situationand that's why i'm pro-choice because my opinion on that might not be the same ifsomebody else's opinion that i recognize that

you know i personally don't think icould go through having an abortion but that has nothing to do with my you knowwillingness to vote on whether not somebody else can you know i'm notgonna be pushy i mean obviously there are legal issues that and you know in a perfectworld we don't often think about so sure maybe there's a woman whose ate halfmonths pregnant she's abusing drugs and alcohol the courts wanna be able to say right you're abusing a life inside viewand we should be able to force you to maybe

stop doing that we should be able toforce you to you have the child instead obama and that's where things start toget really touchy and really a you know to go lookat that but i it if the complicated topic i thinkbut the problem most of the time when it comes to thiskind of legislation is not motivated by those specificsituations i think that legislation is generally motivated by religious bias and a int there are people who go to theextreme that they'll say that like the

actual feed the actual for me is you knowordained by god and that that shouldn't even be spilled so i i'm pretty sure my yeah i bet the whole other topic up by two final thought on it is thisyou know i was thinking this putting this type of thing onyoutube really such a 2014 thing is there something very freeinghappening in the digital year that we can put this about theirthat whether it's whether it's good or bad weather we watch this and whetherit's strengthening the other side or not

or whether it's really affecting achange anyone's mind that can be more pro-choice this is allgood though just the information right yeah i think that overall it a positivething just because it does give that comfort to girls who've decided to havean abortion but i do see how it can really be alightning rod for the opposite side yeah and that's what frustrates me themost because religious people are the ones who are saying don't masturbate don't use condoms don'ttake birth control and then they wanna legislate against abortions it's likewell maybe if you were a little bit more

open minded about prevention it's very cool that we'reliving in a world right now where free speech is and is kinda helped by multimedia and by the fact that we can usesomething as simple as the the camera on our phone to produce avideo in to tell a message in a much more compelling way then just standing outside and hopingthat people gather around us to hear what we have to say

and we at least have that free moneyinternet for a little while longer although net neutrality was struck down withwe've also talked about a thousand times so you know good luck to us all okay letyou know what let's talk about porn cuz i'm sure that not going anywhere on theinternet arizona's republican governor jan breweryou know jan brewer she signed a law this week cracking downon revenge porn classifying it as a sex offender courserevenge porn is when you post photos or videos usually havean accent yours without their consent

there's a budget state that have thiswould get a little info on law arizona's strict new law makes revengepointer belletti establishing an initial 18 months inprison or two and a half years in prison if the person in the image can easily be identified it will applyto any photographs videotape film or digital recording a person andit makes it a crime to disclose display distribute publish advertise or offer these photos orvideos i the themes all good to me i usuallydon't agree with jan brewer

but they seemed pretty good is thereanything wrong with this kinda law and did we really just need this because a that was my question like whydo we have to say they are not allowed to post revealing photos up your act on theinternet like better be albeit should be i do that are no people sometimes have abad major i'm yeah i think gallery yeah i mean it'sridiculous that the even had to be fed like don't

be an asshole don't break don't murderpeople don't post pictures people on the internet foreveryone to see and invade their privacy like that common sense whether the originaleleventh commandment thou shalt not pose for pictures having everybody that level up a lot a yeah all good here ordered openly i meanobviously this needs to be legislated because a peoplewill argue that this is a violation of free speech and that they should havethe right to

be able to say this and if there'ssomething in their possession especially you know it get complicated whensomebody takes felt the and the interesting thing is that some of theserevenge porn laws actually don't apply to you self recorded the inin arizona they do but in rather stay to love them don't apply to like selfrecorded images which i think is a new one that shouldn't be writteninto the law but that's where i think the legality gets confusing because itook a picture myself naked and gave it to you and that this is now yourproperty he does although then yeah it's ourrelationship yeah that's good

don't gotta okay well aa work already aat though if i did that you should you know you might be able to argue thatit now your property and you can do whatever you want with it on now i'm for it yeah unfortunatelythere's no waiver signed there are no relief there if they werewaiver signed this revenge porn i would not apply right ifthat actually not a terrible idea like have an appwhere you're going to send all your new did you have to actually alex tanguay saying i the reduction of all the timeif i film you on the street during an

interview in you don't want your face oncamera you can choose not to sign the releaseand then after blur your face that out yeah the fact that either you know privateexperiences that people will ultimately i think ithink that kind of the interesting thing about this law it's sort of like the separation betweena typical violent crime and a hate crime because it motivated by something that'sreally specific and really dark and kinda violent and vengeful

and because i've that direct motivationa i think the penalty should be strongerbecause the actual act is is the i honestly like what is your protection that act like what can youargue in a courtroom right that the oh yeah i did write in good faith and intown as a pike senate that picture to all my friendsgood yeah i just wanted to promote the new deserve this other guy with grayup his party from here that we got all this technology so fast you know any like the internet is allreally for for our purposes it's like 20

years old you know it's not that longago that it was all dial and we got all of this stuff webcams andphone cameras in snapchat we got it also passed that everybody started doing all thiscrazy stuff and now it's like we'd need these laws to control us becauseotherwise it's just sell it right yeah people arepeople not the brightest soldiers do whatever they can with what they have imean it's not the technology's fault though imean we have a bunch of things our disposal of your choice to

to be a jerk with it so now at thetechnology's fault but definitely people are going a little bit crazy and have to make lawslike this where short-sighted as a society that's part of the problem isthat people make decisions that seem good in the moment and they don't think about theramifications down the line and it's also difficult because there's no legislationin place protecting miners heard fresh and so now we are youin the country all the time about the

legal drinking age the legal driving itlook at what point are you responsible enough to operate heavy machinery or you know at take a substance thatpsychotropic and so yeah at what point are youresponsible enough to have at camera and the ability to upload any picture that you take onto theinternet it's difficult when you're young person it even harder to think about thedownstream ramifications and their biological reason for that

that part of your brain isn't welldeveloped though and we're also not socialized to have that kindaresponsibility at that age that that's where things get difficult that's why i thinkit is so important to have legislation like this yeah i am totally on board we were allin agreement there are right there you go let that lets move on ok i'm veryexcited to talk about this because we do a lot of stuff by the show that all thecrazy shit

that in our food all the wac dowchemical better in yoga mat that you're reading a inc so i am and everything else thatevery time we do want the story the comment section below crazy and they yell at me and they say i'm atthe sayed because i'm even bringing this up and it in there and it's not gonnakill you that seems to be a general theme i think it's weird that we bieber analgland use and i know what labor i think that we'retied it may not kill me i just think it

odd that someone with squeezing the bieber is a decentbut stays good grow up the what i want to be that guybut i understand a little more about times than i do and break somebodystepped down because you might have heard this week that coca-cola hasannounced that it's not going to use brominatedvegetable oil oil or bebo in soft drinks such as badpress/graham powerade anymore i and this comes after a lot of peoplewere talking online about how bbdo is related to compounds

that are found in fire retardant solet's look at a little more info on bebo it contain the chemical bromide which isalso founded by retarded said small quantities a bb or legallyallowed in some drinks to ensure even labor distribution according to thecenter for science in the public interest bebo is a poorly tested and possiblydangerous food additive and there's no reason touse it in gatorade or other drinks a so before we get to the next thing iwant to stop there for a second because as i said when we do this every one

yells at me they say well if you don'teat a ton a bit you'll be okay we put chemicals in our body all the time andeverything as chemicals in the inc has is gettingchemicals in yucaipa and you made a chemical and you'remaking ever go today all of that right yeah all of that so can you guys give mejust sorta a basic break something to give mesomething to pick this conversation of so i'll start by saying that i thinkthat the people in the comment section and there's a lot of validity to whatthey're saying because they're is as a especially in liberal media their iskinda

up quick tech to immediately be afraid have anything that corporation producesat and immediately be afraid of words like molecule or can i call an hour and youknow and all the senate on dangers we have thisdebate all the time with genetically modified organisms we have this debate with you nopreservatives food additives whatever yeah so their is i'll their is a reason to kind of stop sitback and think about this

rationally okay i'm on board so theywill start their now i personally don't know much about bevo as a foodadditive but when organizations that are there toprotect the public interest are do their research and do their duediligence is a okay we don't know much about this there aremany nations that have banned it i no that's not reason enough for us toyou but the clincher for me there's no reason for it to be therebecause you can have the same effect if you use something that's been proven tobe say right why aren't we using the thingthat's been proven to be

day i me think about having to do withmoney yet you think possibly it could be a financial decisionprobably and that's the cool thing i think about living in the internet ageis that if enough people get wind have an issue and write a petition andget loud about it and say i'm gonna buy your product anymore because i'm i'm afraid if there's one thing thatyou're using it that i don't think has been clearly tested and i'm not sureabout the health benefits of it want to stop by coca-cola product googlehave to respond they see a drop in profit and then maketheir product better even if

night killing us they can make it morenatural and that you may not have a good basic is it fair to say that things that are natural arebasically good number i like that the economic argument yet everything isnatural yeah every girl record any artificialstuff yeah it occurs in nature that i o i hate tobe that nikki but i know that everybody can i help lead no but i mean it's true and i think it'sa good to fine things you think are unhealthy point them out

and replace them with something that'sbetter especially that think that's better is available at a while he saidwe're not already using that to begin with butyeah money but there's a lot of people outthere who like to think about the things and theyfreak out about it because they want to be like i'm health-conscious i'm gonna you know i'm gonna take thisinitiative and do better with this issue but there are no ring everything elselike they're ignoring the ammonia that people used to disinfect meet theirignoring

all the hard things like him i mean yeahi mean there's just so many things out there that are exponentially worse but nobody caresabout to hop onto this one issue and feel better about themselves as awhole because they're taking care one tiny little detail okay to just to talkabout the things i projected to get everybody nights and we got a couplevideos on it so basically they're taking the worstthe worst meet stop literally it's falling on the floor then they pile it all together they washit with ammonia you were not in the wash

it with ammonia to kill all the e-coli horrible sup it on thereand then we'd any is edible it is humid before they do thatprocess it's not even fit for human consumption the meat and that and then it is butwhen we don't do not even then people say well they've done what they'resupposed to do so it's okay but you wouldn't you would not agree with that now i wouldn't accept that was washedwith bleach either i mean it doesn't matter what they've done toit two different but it's still really

unhealthy not to mention all thehormones and stuff that you find in me rates just i mean really bad for you i take a really nuanced approach you likespecifically for talking about pink slime that because let's say that i am livingin the inner city and i don't have the monetary means to eat at whole foodsyeah and i don't have them the means to growmy own i mean ho courtly ii like the idea of gettingback to a slow food movement i like the idea of getting back to youthe ones you can get to the source of

your food if there's you are steps that it takesbefore that makes it your mouth it more likely i think generallyspeaking i'm not gonna say as a rule but generally speaking it more likelythat that food will be healthier the left process to get themore process to get the the more we get into the conversation about food that weirdly kinda paradoxically make this obese butalso make this malnourished and that's a hugeproblem in in this country specifically

but of that going into other western nations so whenit but when you say if something more natural it's probablybetter for you that bullshit because like anne shit this i yeah like and i go out to eatthroughout shit like that natural enough genital particularly day out here yeahthere are certain things that a we talk about that first-ever horriblydangerous the you know there's toxic things all over the place andmajor and kemp kenneth have been able to extract things and toyou a

to add things together in such a waythat they take natural ingredients and make powerful drugs out of them and make powerful substances and makefood use food science to make things that taste better and that or whatever and so i think the issue is as youalways like to say this is an important point follow the money like what is the goalhere is the goal feeding people and and feeding them nutritious food or is thegoal you know a a multinational corporationsprofit motive coca-cola and i'm the

first to admit i love coco endangered everyday like my biggest life it'shorrible for you that brought you a big ass coca cola drink i think we'll always a big idea allnight like i don't drink alcohol i don't smoke i don't do drugs at my by like that is my life but it's not goodfor you like in no sense of the term is drinkinga coke something that you need for good basic nutrition high fructose corn syrupand i could be in my arms feel completely screwy causes all sorts a

health problems like liver problems anddiabetes like your body shouldn't take in much sugar yeah so what we're talkingabout here is are these corporations makingdecisions in the best interest of your help probably not the probably makingdecisions in the best interest up their profits as you mentioned so we needlegislation we need regulation that protect theconsumer but we also shouldn't be sotrigger-happy that every time we hear

the word chemical make the shake in our boat becauseeverything it may never have occurred open beta tau so speaking at thecorporation for the the big thing that kick this off acouple months ago was the subway thing that we've alluded to and the chemical that is in the bread orwas in the bag that nothing as called adan let's get some more info about ada its primary use is in plastic and rubberproducts like yoga mat and flip flops where it used to make them softer andmore stretches up you wonder

why the bread at subway so plot be instretchy you think maybe if i do that many bread products often contain a dawhich is used to make job more elastic an ata is known to increase the riskasthma allergies and skin problems and we've got a with a buncha food thatactually contain edta mcdonalds by and check play fair whichis burger king bun dunkin donuts wendy's bread armisteadlike roger i mean everything pretty much everything i don't see itout on there which is nice a metal how should we fear this because this this one seems alittle more close to home to me cuz

you can sorter like really tangibly seewhy the bread you mean you get great if you getregular you go to a bakery and get a bread it's not as floppy and stretchy so thereis some connection between the robbery feeling a yoga mat and this bread so can i atleast make that well let can you guys grab raid in our minds like just because it has a one-componentdoesn't mean we're eating yoga mat like i think that that is the thing weimmediately jumped yeah i'd like

okay this chemical found in these twoproducts so therefore these two products are the same thing yeah and don't know we are not eatingyoga mat let's get that clear we okay i really hate that jump a little bit morelike this one we we don't know if those quantitiesthere were harmful i don't think there's enough research but again if you canmake it without the damn thing yeah and it and there's even a chance atit more healthy for the consumer then thereyou go that's a great idea i mean why not and i do like that thepower up the consumers

collective boy made a change for subwaybecause that way tried to tout themselves as a more healthy alternative and they don't want to have things intheir food that are going to make health conscious consumers turn away but if you're really thatconcerned about it the first option would be don't justgoing oh yeah at the end of the day by about as i meanis that really the end they let you get at least get that out that's what i'vebeen thinking this whole time like i don't want to say you shouldn't fix theproblem that exists because

if you can you something healthier thanuse it but at the same time you're freaking out over one chemicalwhenever you're eating a mcdonald's hamburger you think aboutwhat you're eating at home wrote that isn't all the crap it in there andyou're freaking out about ada later it just seemed a little bitand also i know the people will make the economic argument that you talked beforethe say they're not they don't have access to this other food and things ofthat nature but i do think that you know you couldbuy canned tuna for a dollar fifty and yes to pride i've mercury poison ismy my my yeah

but there are some cheaper ways to eatthings i know it's not as quick as mcdonald's but there are ways so it's not totally tied up with youstacked against you my advice is never throw up your handsand just give up bright yes this deck is stacked against you andunfortunately you're going to the people in certain economic situation having left options and it's going to beharder to make healthy decisions and so yes that fucking thought unfair and i thinkwe should be pushing

to have more healthy grocery options inlower-income neighborhoods i'm not saying that it the auction orthe best option is just fucking eat mcdonalds and cry about it likeobviously fast food is not healthy like point-blank it's just not healthyto eat fast food and as you said wiry nit-picking about this one thingwhen there's a million other reasons that fast food is not healthy yes of for healthier options but let'sall keep in mind as we're sitting here in our comfy chairin west hollywood to that some people don't have theoptions that we have so we should at

least maintain perspective about it technically we're in culver city we areright for you nations were calling on people wouldn't know who had it rightfor you something that they had a referendumaren't like that we had a good segue here from with you should need this is an interesting as study the gameexperience marketing services conducted a rolling survey to determinewhether there any patterns between politics and food eye-rolling surveys where yougot gather information over a long

period of time and there are some interesting findingswhich we've got a budget the first what is conservative versusliberal food chain so this is where conservatives by tonight conservatives or love all charlie is cracker barrelthat one doesn't surprise me they like home town buffet what is anexcellent pop over after i dot papa murphy'slonghorn steakhouse okay so the same these are meaty kinda things heartyparty is where the liberals eating

california pizza kitchen that socialistyeah macaroni grill ruth chris steak housesounds kinda pricey on the border that makes and pf changs everybody likes a lil nochange asian food next up conservative versus liberal fastfood chain so the conservatives they're diggingkristall i actually don't know what that is burger i don't know across the river andclaim a little burgers yeah it kinda like white castle okaycandidate that i think tanks and that is

why i look at it like a thought-out there about what a burger that mostlydown south side ataxia whatever shellac skis delhi which also i don't know that one wheream i i hella i have no the sharma chick-fil-a that one doesn't surprise meand they like steak n shake which is big in the midwest where the liberals in their fast food arbonne par a dirty rebel girl taking an airport yeah

water bread water bread trip ole and youknow because portable is supposed to be a you know relatively healthy way as faras that goes ago but which is basically in tripoli knock up blimpie i thought that was interestingthey like it more than subway or what's the quiznos and a starbucks weekor so that the liberals are we hanging out at starbucks i want more on supermarket chain changethis is where the conservatives are gone they're going to randalls wife marketpiggly wiggly

broke shires and boomtown i interestingly that so liberal brokeshires brookie my berkshire russia rather me go backyeah going i want to dissect so i these firstthe what piggly wiggly i know about how theyhave been to any these first four poo towns big on the east coast yeah idon't either st. resolve the matter how are these rather than midwestern other only ever done piggly wiggly youknow who they are where the liberals guy doing their food wrapping

i where a not being liberal all food okay check with the a traderjoe that's where i do much to my shopping fred meyer acme and state way so thereare some interesting i i think im going someinteresting stuff that is do you think you can get moreinformation about what people believe politically by this kind of stuff them pot by polling them on actualpolitics i think there might be something to that liberals are if theyare much healthier

is that going back to the rate is a goodnow liberal sorta why help yourself yeah more vegetarian yeahthey're do i mean i think that if you were somesort of advertising your consumer marketing company and you wanted to be meeky about the way that you reach yourconsumer yes you could go this route they don'tthink you're going to glean more information about somebody's political views thanasking them point blank what are your political views i don't think thatthere's some all teary you're like a

weird now everybody shops a hole for methat way everybody architecture it i think thatthis is a bullshit study point-blank this is thebullshit study i remember once doing a maybe with the young turks maybe itwas the point i remember i at a roller being on the show with us and talking about maybe was even thecommon room and talking about a similar study that was like i can tell your political persuasionbased on the alcohol that you drink and right know what you can tell itwhere i live in the country

and the truth is there's a highcorrelation between this type of food consumption andregional different that yeah and there's also a high correlationbetween those regional differences and political affiliation and now thosethings are being completed carry this is a hundred percent wirebritt let us know because i'm not always told on the studies but i think the veryinteresting that they get out there to look at the buncombe a little bit i'mnot have there's also a high correlation between people that wear wranglers andpeople that wear i don't know j brand jeans and theirpolitical persuasion it because where

you live at j brand that can be california ifcalifornia new york it's gonna be a higher scale client shop that you know north commerce active avenueand wrangler jeans like i'm from texas i know this this is going to besomething that people in the south are going to be more likely to wear twomorow a fashion statement that you see in this out and so it's going to be more likely thatthose people are conservative and they're probably gonna drinks a whiskeyinstead of wine do you think that that

spot yeah or with the incentive vodka forexample so i think they're really just regional differences in people becausethat where i under the movies somebody's restaurantso take advantage of those racial differences in our their purpose becausei know and i felt their cracker barrel everywhere everywhere and i have friendswho refused to go to them because when you walk in it's like there's do thismusic playing they've had to say john 3:16 all thesebible though and they just feel uncomfortable so they won't go into

brown gravy yeah they make character really hard reallydo here with this conversation that we have a lot of times about voting with their dollar which i thinkthat that you know the big chick-fil-a today wea i mean maybe i'm just a sucker and igrew up in texas and i really like chick-fil-a i apologize i am not homophobic you knowthe rail but i like homophobic chicken k reallygood and yeah

here's here's part iv: be issue i thinkis that it's the deck is stacked against a lot of consumers in this country andif we chase the money ultimately we're gonna get something wedon't like ultimately organic and everything that we are polarized aboutand that were politically against and idle i get it if you're somebody whocan take the time to do your due diligence and do i love your researchand pick up where you wanna shop based on your political a affiliationsthat's great and more power to you but i don't like it when people get high andmighty about telling other people that they should do that to you because like

sign up fucking time in the day day to research every single thing i spendmy money on yeah it gets confusing i mean you knoware left to right late daughter and a bonner going toprison right now for tax evasion and italy and like if you're against thatyou know it's it goes from the top 20 to the bottom it goes from high to lowfrom magistrate a dark corner all the time alone everything okay nevergoing after shock anywhere guarded gas at bp exactly and somebody's making it likelythat any better to get gas at exotic

know and companies making a decision if you're shopping atm a multinationalconglomerate probably that they're making money on the backsof other people in this is a big difficulty in capital with the fight yes you can i generally up to eat at inand out over these other choices because i atehealthier try and be i do appreciate their corporate values a little bit more and i'd much rather go to a mom-and-popthen go to a big change but there are times when i'm stock istill have to put gas in my car right

now call it. we live it we all makedifferent choices an interesting the bp thing you know the oil spillobviously whichever which they were completely at fault for most people were boycotting their gasstations which are franchised so you weren't even hurting the corporation the conglomerate youwere hurting the individual franchisees which had nothing to do with any thesafety thing at chick-fil-a it's on a totally franchise and so yousee like the chick-fil-a here in west hollywood

is not a homophobic chick-fil-a at allpeople are boycotting they're like where on the west hollywood likely itworked here later healthcare and that's a problem you know is that wedon't know all the ins and outs a lot of these deals are done kinda in the darkin the shadow in that the record available to the consumer andtaking political action via your food choices i think is a goodidea but i also don't think it's always areasonable idea alright people there you go wedon't know everything about what in our food and who selling author we'redoing the best we can okay

i wanted to quit if it isn't interestingeither saudi arabia's king abdullah of saudiarabia one of our biggest allies in the gulf a which doesn't let women vote or drivebut at a different topic altogether has introduced a series of new lawswhich defines atheist as terrorist at missus according to areport from human rights watch and the the boys basically have comeinto play because the the growing number of saudisthat are traveling to into syria to fight in the civil war there and thenthey're returning to syria

with newfound part-time freedom and theynow have all these new military skill and the monarchy isbasically afraid that all these new ideas is gonna cause what's happening in syriato happen in saudi arabia let's look at royal decree 44 criminalizes participating inhostilities outside the kingdom with prison sentences between three and twenty years articleone at the new provisions define terrorism as calling for

eps thought in any form or calling intoquestion the fundamentals are the islamic religion on which this country is bait i thought as a starwars guy i thought it was funny that i broiled the cree 44 which sounds so muchlike order 66 which is where they killed allthe jet i but i'd have to tell you do that island okaywe've got to to a pst right i mean i know you wellenough and i know your way well mister i am what the actor-director i don't believethat there's somebody up there judging

me but i believe in the force basicallybut i don't think i believe him either i believe there's something happeninghere that i can't really explain but i w yeah odiaun even got i don't think icared how much i jerk off alright alright alright i think he's madlike a a yeah god where you work all that icreated this little universe and i was creating some others 10 not watching leave it at that yet yeahthat the ds i think you'd be like in trouble with right now d omg rathernot be programming to make it okay okay i am

so art to add aps is there a bit wasbonkers thing you've ever i love that i can be a terrorist without doinganything but i know i am it early atf in the left the increased like it itdoing less than being religious it didn't laugh a bully so literallywithout doing anything making any decisions having any belief system or insights into anything where terror but can it can youunderstand why a monarchy the that has so much control of their peopleand as i said doesn't let women vote

or drive yet can you understand why thatin a weird way is more of a threat i can sorta see why they'd see that concept as more of a threatthan actually terrorism united way of course that isthe problem with living under a theocracy is that you'regoing to have legislation in place that morallydirected that fundamentally based on the your specific religious values and it going to you byits very nature target individuals that don't fit intothat box

and you know look at what's happeningright now in brunei with assault and overnight past sharia law in this country minutes fucking insane like they are i'dmuch rather go number of someone's hand now for allfeeling if i go to brunei it like i will be put to death in five minutes like iwill figure out how to break some sort of law that will you know they kill your execute exactly and so i i'd rather go to saudi arabiabut these are shades of shit

is what we're talking about right nowand yeah the way they are you boycotting the beverly hotel because they're gonna yeah beverly hillshotel because that owned by the sultan of brunei habitat i generally spend alot of money at the beverly i right you people wake up for me a butyeah i mean i think these are all say the same thingyou know if we talk about a oppression of women and we talk aboutoppression a baby estate values what we're really talking about is that the%ah kersee trying to maintain its religious valueswhich are patriarchy

and kind of core you know power in thehands of the rich in the hands of the people who whocan use me kinda religious codes to control thedecisions that the that lesser than than the i mean itage-old story it's depressing as shit that we'reliving in 2014 and we're seeing this but it doesn't surprise me that saudi arabiamake these decisions what pisses me off is that they're a strong ally of america same as brunei by the way we're now ihave a country with sharia law and that's all because family also i betthat that connecting i wanted to bring

other with i without getting into majorgeopolitical discussion do we have to reevaluate some a baralliances and some these places that such horrific human rights where they'reliterally stoning gay people to that and for the third time now women can'tboat and i mean it's such a fundamental basic simply america do we have to reevaluatewho were friends with even though yet it got all apparentlylike yeah i i was actually going to pose thatquestion to you guys because it's like a really touchy subject but

i find it hard to imagine that i'm in acountry that supporting that type of environment people i feelso bad i get messages from people all the time for middle east and they're scared toeven write me a message because if somebody were to see if theycould be executed yeah so for people to have to live in that are people who are being killed becausethey're gay like i just i just don't understand why we would you know use money as and ihave an incentive to support that type

environment and that's the problem were soentrenched in this kind of american exceptionalism in this political like whatever my country thinki think you that we actually use phrases why do we support fucking support their but my government does and that'sunfortunate for a lot of people because it make us look on the worldstage like we are willing to turn the otherway a were willing to turn the it turn theother way about the human rights

violations which we r which we exactly and that's the realproblem why not right but as a nation we are in thatbasically because of what you said it that dependence on oil and i think thatif we got to a place where we where left depended on fossil fuels and i'm not even about foreignbattlefields fossil fuels in general and we were really embraced a more greenmovement which is helpful for a million reasons is helpful to theeconomy it helpful to the environment i mean there's

only positive side effect that makingthese decisions we this won't even this will be aconversation obama would immediately be like fuck youguys want to give you eight anymore non tell you you know lift this ban or not until youstop you know killing people for their belief evenobama is not about politics i can't believe who i just a little bit like by alaska'swere talking about atheism what what do you guys personally say tothe people that say there are no

atheists in foxholes to the people that they are on on yourdeathbed you are going to retract everything you believe and much moreshit take a horrible that horrible i knowthat christopher hitchens spoke a lot about that whenever he was dying yet he definitely didn't take backanything that he said i think that really it and salt to your intelligencesaying you obviously can't hold your beliefstrue because if you were in a situation you throw it so you're

almost in a phase until you need god orreligion or something and that's just insulting to your character and yourintelligence yeah it also putting such a strange onus onthe absa we think like their can believe everything they believe theyretired to the letter to you it's just one more way for them if theywere right and you're wrong because one day you're gonna agree with me it through this if we were raised in anation where religion was never taught where there was no cultural bias towardreligion

and then we went to war for our countryand then we found ourselves in a box all we wouldn't makeup but not that i've gotlike were thirtieth by default religion isindoctrinated into us so of course some people go backto their earlier mentalities because they wereraised that way but i don't know any abs who in the late stages of life whowere never exposed to religion who are all the sudden like i'm going to invent some sort ofreligion as a as a means the feeling safe and and comfortable gonna bringthat up i met a lot of people

who are raising their kids aboutreligion and i've had a conversation with the kidknow what i just don't understand how people think these crazy things you knowi don't believe in santa claus anymore and i think it's really important thatpeople could just step back and imagine that they never had that a doctor nationimagine that they never were brought up with religion an entireself the religion story again whether your muslim or christian or whatever youare it would sound ridiculous so i wanna ask those people who ask mewhat i would do my deathbed wall why on your deathbed argument startpraying to allah yeah

you know you could be wrong might aswell cover all the bases yeah that you know a common thing that theythat they say kinda been a bf their goals which is that were all abs i just go one god mar a napi very ago i hope we gave you a smartheavy show is a promise up top i want to thank jacqueline glen caravan maria their twitters a right nowbelow don't forget to subscribe comment all backed up that weindoctrinate you to do on the youtube because that is truly thesupreme power

okay with the next week

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