all right. this is john kohwith growing yourgreens dot com. today we have another exciting episode for you. we're well into fall hereand i'm still getting my fall garden planted out and growing for the season got my lettucebed you guys can see this right next to real price you know upcoming show. i got this bedplanted out on this and i got like about five of their beds on the other side the yard allplanted out. but today i'm planted out another huge bed this beds approximately four feetby about sixteen feet long and so this calls for a lot of plants my lettuce been actuallyhas i think about one hundred four plants in the same size bed this bed because i amplanting a different plants or crop which is all be my leafy greens and brassica familyplants. they're going to require a little
bit different spacing like about a twelveinch spacing is what square foot gardening calls for i'm doing actually a diamond patterninstead of a box pattern and i got between fourteen inches in one direction and eleveninches in the other direction so i'm fitting seventy two plants in this raised bed. i thoughti should you guys like you know some of the special fertilizers that i'm putting in tomy you know bed into my soil to grow higher quality and the most nutritious crops on theentire planet. but before i do actually i want to share with you guys the plants i'llbe planting in this bed. so i've got three flats here i'm only going to probably uselike two flats i'm going to pick and choose of these plants i might have duplicates ofbut i want to go over all the different kind
with you guys real quick. you know as youguys know my channel is called grown your greens. it's called grow your greens for areason because especially in the winter time i want you guys to really focus on the leafygreens. these are the crops like grow really well and then the most nutritious food inthe inter planet. all these plants here are basically anti-cancer factories right! there'ssitting out here in the sun they’re observing the sun rays right! and they're producingall these plant metabolites the plant metabolites are actually what the plant produces to keepitself healthy. to prevent defend itself from diseases and pests the weather and all thesekind of things but more importantly when you eat the plants you get those benefits andeach one of these different kinds of plants
produce little bit different you know whichis brew of these healthful compounds. iso-thyo cynide just one of these many compounds oneof the discovery compounds and i'm sure there's plenty of other undiscovered ones. so youknow my goal every day is the two pounds a leafy greens and i'm easily able to do thatin the winter time with all the greens i'm growing in my garden. so i was let's go overthe different greens i'll be growing this year in my garden here heirloom kill red russiani love that guy a lot. it's a really good performer in some areas it'll grow year round.i got you know twelve of those guys over here we've got some more leafy greens this is theheirloom kale loss and not oh also known as black kale tuscan kale or dino kale . i gota bunch of those guys here. i got like three
six packs i don't know if i'll be plantingall those guys in here and i got one six pack of the georgia collared. oh i do want to mentionthe dino kale. that's also another really good performer that will grow in the summerhere. also the winter here. so i mean if you only had to pick one kill i'd pick the dinosaurkale it's like the most resilient one i found. going over to collard greens if you had onlypick one kind of collard greens i'd pick the georgia callers. they're more heat resistantand actually i have you know some that i think actually over severed because summer’s herequite hot. i've had plans going the entire summer georgia callers now but i grow allthese for the leafy greens although these plants will also go to flower and set seedwhich are also all edible. the next category
plants are growing mostly for the flowersbut also the greens the greens and all of these guys are on edible one next year wegot some cheddar cauliflowers and i love the cheddar cauliflower a lot, it grows you knowthe cauliflower but instead of being the white here. it grows a brilliant cheddar cheesecolored cauliflowers its like yellow oranges color really cool and i want to encourageyou guys besides just eating nutrient rich foods like the leafy greens here. you alsowant to eat highly pigmented food you know that eating something white you know likea white chocolate right you get counted on and that was a bad example. but you know ireally want you guys to focus on foods of color right. there's new emerging researchthat has already come out has been published
and studies that have yet not to be publishednot to come out yet but the phytonutrient surprise. in my opinion one of the most importantnutrients in the food especially when you're eating all these refined process foods whiteflour white sure white vinegar. right. all these foods have all these you know beneficialpigments processed out of them and then much of the beneficial properties of the food goesdown the toilet in my opinion. so that's one growth really rich in colorful foods in mygarden to do the exact opposite. this is actually long island brussels sprouts. i don't generallyget the brussels sprouts here and you know and like the brussels sprouts in the stockslike everybody always wants but i don't really care because those guys actually grow furtherlike you mature you know a buds. maybe i grow
also in addition for the leaves. so i don'tcare if i don't get the process of sprouts what i'm used in the store all the brusselssprout plant produces is leaves copious amounts of leaves that i just like collards or kaleor cough i really. or broccoli leaves which all have very similar nutrition for you guys.of course next we've got some more stuff we've got the cop bar rambo mix so this price hasthe white cheddar and the purple cauliflower in there and like that a lot over here. andthen also i got these guys we've got graffiti call a farce a look at the picture on therethis is like a nice purple rich colored cauliflower so once again. you know what you guys eatthe food the color and actually there's been some special research regarding purple the research was done with purple care
they were fed rat. purple carrots along withjunk food. and then they fed another set of rats just the junk food alone and the ratseat the purple carrots with the junk food either did not gain weight and or lost weightresit animals eating the junk food again the weight. now i'm not saying that you know eatpurple high antioxidant rich foods like purple carrots and then you junk food. why even eatjunk food whatsoever. so i just like the purple deep purple pigment food such as purple carrotspurple color far. purple broccoli blueberries you know black berry without the junk foodright to get the benefits of those guys because they pry help you keep it and also help keepyou healthy and over in this bunch we got just the standard purple cauliflower so muchof that's different than the graffiti variety
that you guys just saw. of course last wegot one last six pack you're going to go over real quick. now most are grown the broccoliright. i think it's sad how cauliflower broccoli are grown for the immature flower buds. that'swhat they're known for like you go to buy broccoli or cauliflower the store and youget the immature flower buds. you know or just the flower that you're going to eat andthis is sad because people will not let you use the leaves. of these plants the leavesof these plants can be just like a kale or color green in some instances in my opinionthey're actually more delicious and sweeter then the kale and collard greens. so you knowas long as these guys are grew and they're producing leaves i could harvest the leavesto put in juices add to smoothies. make kale
chips or broccoli chips or cauliflower leavechips or brussels sprout leaves chips to me it's all the seem like greens or greens andi want to get as many of these guys in to me as possible and i love the wintertime becausei could do just that and also because it's so cold out the plant makes additional sugarsand put them into the leaves. so they're actually sweeter so if you kill out your summer garnyou like man that kills them john that sucks it tastes bad i'm not going to eat it right.try to give it another chance and broaden your winter garden when it's cold becausethis will make sure to come out and they're going to taste so much better and i'm goingto get you to be a lover of kale yet. right now right. so here we got the broccoli earlydividend. the thing i want encourage you guys
to do is plant different varieties of thecrops right. i'm growing not just like all you know white cauliflower i got graffitii got purple i got you know a cheddar i got a rainbow mix and see what the broccoli gotthe early dividend here. and if we got another early dividend because i like my coffee i like my women early. no it didn't make sense but you know i like the early broccoliso i have some broccoli as you know sooner rather than later in the season so i got twoflats or two six packs of those are not got some. english violet broccoli never seen thisvariety before i'm glad they have this as a start. so they want to buy it and you knowi do want to say that and actually quite lucky to have the availability of all these plantstarts and all the unique and different varieties
to the know if you only have like one nurseryor something. there you go to that nursery. whatever they got they got it. that's whatyou get. so and some you guys are still buying body plants were. depot and lowe's and allthis stuff and you know i buy those when i don't have any other options but i preferto go to you know a local nursery where i've gotten some of these or the majority of theseplants actually came from a plant nursery which if i remember a post a link down below.there in southern california. you know i basically buy. i think around five hundred plants thislast trip and this is the last major bug to be planting out in the garden i got like somestragglers like two more but but yeah i'm glad that they they really grow with a widevariety so you guys can have a nice selection
of different plants and see which ones dobetter grow better for you and also which ones you like or taste your for you this oneis actually called the broccoli asked brock so i never grew this report and of courseyou know along with my purple cauliflower. i got some purple sprouting broccoli. i reallylike the food the color and i think that's really i want to really encourage you guysto grow like purple colored foods that the bomb. i think the last a bunch and looks likeyeah i think this is it. i got the broccoli cauliflower romenesko so this is kind of amixture between the two. so what's going to happen is i'm going to go ahead and selectvery like two flats of all these maybe not take out the doubles and then i'm going toplant like all these intermixed in this bed
here and oh i'm going to get pry planted outget a good start on it. get planted a bunch out and then i'm going to come back out hereand show you guys how i plant these guys and more importantly the special fertilizer thati use to actually already take the high levels of fighter nutrients but all chemicals bymeans of minerals in these plants they are the produce to the next level. so as you guysget more than half the band planted out in this bed i got basically five rooms one twothree four five they're all off set. so they're not like even they're kind of like makinga diamond pattern and going down this direction between this plant and this plant there. it'sfourteen inches and then go and die agnelli between plants. there's about eleven inchesso i kind of like this piecing it just kind
of gets allows me to get more plants in thebed with you know a little bit more space between them. normally you'd want to spaceyour basket plants out every twelve inches or so i like to kind of put them a littlebit closer so i could get more plants in the same space in addition as you guys can seethere's a lot of extra space in between the plants still i'm going to go in and eitherprobably seed with some kind of an intermediary plant in between. while these guys get bigso i could even easily get a you know harvest a radishes in for example in between the plantsand maybe i might do something like carrots even in between some nice a root vegetablesin between. you know to maximize my space so i could put like some kind of like leafygreen down in the bottom. you know maybe some
like miners letters or even better even mock.or my she actually i think of that actually i love marsh many ways got that cleared outwhat i do next is actually assured the guys how i'm planting these guys out and you guyscan see got all the stakes. so you know the first step is clear in this bed was a bithave peppers in it so i could clear cut them down. i just cut to the stems and left allthe root matter underneath the ground and i leave them there. that's my new practicenow to you know encourage more soil micro biome and life in the soil. unless they getin the way when i'm digging my new planting holes they stay in the ground and just getto rot in place and actually i've only ran into a few of them through this process sothat's kind of cool but also sees the work
from having to you know pull him up shakethem out and compost my compost bin. they're just going to go ahead and compost in thebed where they lay. so as you guys can see i basically put these bamboo sticks i actuallydo this elaborate set up of like you know making a string from each into. the otherin making a line and then making a little stick still like spaced out each plant atyou know at the appropriate spacing and you know it does take some time and you know ithis is the way i like to garden and you guys have to do this. i know a lot of you guysjust plant haphazardly but i'm really here to produce the most amount of food in thesmallest amount of space and by be more methodical allows me to do just that. so if you wantto see actually that process be sure to check
the link down below if i remember to a linkof actually planting this exact bit out of peppers. but they're the same peppers thati'm clear cut. because i showed you guys from like a a rube shot like how i plant all thisout in the whole process i go through any case what's we've got all the stakes in ibasically pull out one steak at a time and it basically take a bald planter and yes iknow i'm planting transplant. starts and not bulbs but i like the ball plenty because itallows me to minimally disturb so most you guys might think a little shovel or traveland dig a little hole or even your hand but i like that. this gets in there gives me thatjust about the right size hole in the plant. from my joe six packs and everything and iactually even have some electrical tape on
here to denote how deep i need to go. so idon't go too deep. so i just put that in there and just to spin this b.v. around go to mydepth. i pull out a nice core of soil that's in there and then i go you know a bucket andthen i just tap it out and it's empty ready for the next one. that i'm going to hole that'salready planted out. so the next thing i do is i actually stock that hole with more nutrientsand the other stuff that i didn't mention actually is all this new layer on the topis all new compost mixture so i have mixed things like two different kinds of worm castingsmaybe three different kinds of compost maybe three different kinds of rock. but
in addition it also contains non plant foodingredients including many different kinds of beneficial bacteria and more importantlymike arise a he make acids kelp and all kinds of other nutrients for my baby plants to kindof get them off to the right start now. besides that stuff i add something else and actuallyhave a dk and another product which i talked about in a minute when i come back into thislittle bucket here which is actually the original one. i got last year and this is a westernbiotech sore solutions g t f glucose tolerance factor so conditioner that's what it sayson the label but that's not what's in here. this is last year's label i'm just reusingcontainer and encourage you guys always to reuse instead of recycle it's better. so whati do is i empty some soil conditioners into
here and this is what it looks like it's basicallyinside dust and i take one scoop of this stuff and i put it in each hole and the scoop sizei'm using is a level scoop size of one teaspoon. now why this step is important is becausethis adds specific amounts of very essential trace minerals into the planting hole intothe soil for the plants to absorb so that then they could hold on to those plants digestthese in organic minerals turn them into inner gannett form so that when i eat the plants.i can get these very important trace minerals that in my opinion and based on research i'veread will help keep me healthy and disease free and that's very important because mostpeople have no clue about this and i'm going to go into a segment at the end of this evenget more into it. so i have to add those two
items to the planting hole i'm ready to plantmy plants start. you know what we got here is we've got some red russian kale how i'mdoing this is actually i'm planting a rose but they're diagonal rows it's going to lookreally cool i'll go read russian kill on this earth this row and get some english violetbroccoli in the next room i got there last night our testing kit on the next roll likeall the way down. so when it's done it's going to look really cool or when it's we're going to do is we're going to have to take one of these little heirloom russiankale plants popping out of the so. we've got a really nice roots in there. in the bottomand so what i generally do is go ahead and take an empty bucket and this is my basicallythe soil that i topped off my bed with and
ridgeville a bit more. i put this in i'llgo over here and i just you know tease out the roots like you're teasing out the here.your girl in the eighty's. and we get them kind of hanging out a little bit and theni put this guy which is a shaker bottle which is once again also reused. and screw it andthen i just shake a little bit of this stuff on there while i'm like over my little a bucketthat has all my stuff that i topped off the bed with once i shake that on there. theni'll go very carefully to the planting hole they go put a little bit of the stuff in thebucket in the planting hole and then i'll draw these guys in there carefully and theni'll take my fingers and kind of go around and like take out the air space because thejumbo six pack size a little are little bit
smaller than the ball planter so we're goingto make sure the soil is flush near the bottom and then we're going to finally take likea handful of this stuff on the top and just spread on the top. sometimes i find on theprasco plants like these guys you know they start to pop out so they can be planted alittle bit deeper and that's what we did and that's basically how i planted now you probablywant to join what's in this stuff right here let me go ahead and show you. so this is amixture of different several different i don't know i think i have like maybe about at leasttwo thirds of this sugar bottle is this guy stuff right here. it's actually known as themicro right. granular micro right. so this has a different kinds of indo and mica rising.good for both you know vegetables and trees
and i know you're thinking right now johnthe basket family of plants they don't like colonize with the mica rice well that maybe true but i'm going to also be growing things in between these plants plus i just want themin my stall to hang out you know for next time and also the other thing is that as muchas this is two thirds of this is going to some other things in there. so the remainingtwo thirds consist of a few things number one the plant success sayable premium microas a knock on wood trigger a beneficial bacteria acids. so that also gets the remaining onethird in here. i think i like that. mainly for the beneficial bacteria in addition igot the pure protein dry powder also part of this last two thirds and of course i gotthe aqua sat. so i had these additional nutrients
to really give the plants boost so that theydon't have as much. you know a shell shock or root shock or transplant shock. once they'replanted back in and i've actually already planted actually all the lettuce is in a wholebunch of other stuff with the same mixture that i've been using for years and i've alwaysbeen tweaking it over the years as my latest mixture and they are always do really you know and so i point out i guess next i need to actually plant the rest of theseguys out then we're going to come back atcha. and let you guys know why this sawdust stuffhere these trace minerals are probably one of the most important agents of fertilityyou guys could add to your garden and probably art. so as you guys can see me behind me.i've got that. rays been all planted out seventy
two plants to me several hours that was liketoday's project today the sun's going down. it's getting kind of cold are really dislikewhen the days get shorter. you know in saying goes down earlier this encourages me to getup early get outside and do my garden early before it gets too cold in the afternoon anywayas i got my gardening done today. last thing i'm going to do for this bit is actually justput a little a fence around it because otherwise my dog gets it in there and digs and leavesfootprints in poops so i do that after this video but i want to come back out to let youguys know what was at that sawdust like powder fertilizer that i was putting in and i gotmy new shipment in of that stuff and what it is it's actually called the western biotechsdoyle solutions and says oh grow your own
mineral supplements and this is the mastergardener packs all conditioner. this past right here is not for the faint of heart right.this is like if you're serious about your health and about growing high quality food.if you're not turning out this beer now because you could continue to do your free gardeningstyle right. i mean i want to tell you guys real quick. like why i'm so into gardeningand growing food and growing not only just any old food but the highest quality. youknow most nutritious food i possibly can and that's basically because when i was in mytwenty's i had a life threatening illness known as spinal meningitis. i was hospitalizedand my mom sed stayed by my side. the whole time i was hospitalized. i was taken intointensive care unit. i was passed out. i woke
up in intensive care with all these i.v. stuckinside me and you know when you're sick in the hospital. you asked the doctor one question.hey doc when i'm going to get out of here and he gave me the answer the no one everwants to hear no matter what age your act especially i was just graduated from college.he said you might not make it out here and i thought a second i thought about it fora second. like and like whoa this is not a good situation like i might not make it outhere. he's like you have a viral version of the spinal meningitis and there is no medicaltreatment for you. and that's not something anyone he wants to hear at any age you know.and so that like i was like wow this is messed up this the last thing i'm going to see potentiallyin my life is inside of this hospital and
not get to experience life not to use my collegedegree to the benefit of anybody or anything or me or anything. luckily as you guys knowi made it out of that situation but i did not say through the medical system. i canonly say through higher powers and that's what i like to say you know i'm here i wasgiven a second chance and my second chance is to in my opinion help their fellow know i made a promise isn't you know prayed when i was in the hospital that if i makeit out there. i'm going to you know be a better person in this life and do the best i anyways i made it out of that situation and when i was leaving us a doctor. hey docwhy did i get in this situation in the first place like why would i say you know my collegeyou know buddy that i was playing broom ball
with you know get sick and he says well youhave what's called compliment immune deficiency which basically i have a car. he basicallyin his words he says you're chronically weak immune system. because of your genes. so youblame it on my genes and so then all i knew after i left is that john you need to do somethingto make your genes stronger so that you don't get sick again you know in the hospital andthe doctors not telling you. again another point like you might not make it out alivebecause that's not a fun place to be right. the only thing i want to win the doctors toldme that is that i just wanted my help i didn't want to million dollars i don't want to billiondollars and want you know to be president. i don't want anything to have my health becausei almost lost it. and i think it's really
sad in this day and age that we all. takeour health for granted. we all take being healthy for granted. i take being healthyfor granted. you know i walk around with without stomach gigs without you know all these differentaches and pains like my brother who's a couple years younger than me. you know and it's onlyin times when i make a video or really think about it that i really appreciate the helpthat i have but you know the health that i have is not just did not happen to me haphazardlyright. i've been working very you know a judiciously for last twenty one years now on buildingmy health to the next level and what's in this box in my opinion can take your healthto the next level. no matter where you're at. so i learned at a young age that yourhealth is your greatest wealth and it's not
about making money in our world. right. it'sabout having your life and not only being healthy and living a long life but livinga long healthy productive life that you know you're doing something worthy for worthy goalsand making the planet a better place. you know i mean a lot of people are not makingthe planet a better place. and so i want to do my part to make this planet better forthe future generations and my kids and their kids and their kids' kids are right. ok soanyways back to the solution so conditioner why i think this is you know a revolutionaryin fertilizer let's go ahead and read the barter hitchens' provide your soil with properbio available minerals needed to increase mineral take in the plants. so here's thething as you guys know you know i put a lot
of different nutrients in my soil prime morethan anybody i know or ever admit you know whether that's an over kill or i'm overdoingyour journey to put that much stuff in you know that's up to debate but once again youknow this is my money and gardening is my hobby and i can spend my money. however i'dlike my dad said you like when i was a kid he's like john you could take all your yourmoney in like to take it in pennies and throw it off the golden gate bridge for all i careto see let us kids do with our money. what we want and i believe the. by doing this imean making an investment. you know not investment into the u.s. treasury or the bank of americaor eating what investment in my health which is my greatest wealth and the most the thingthat i have that is most dear invaluable to
me so i would encourage you guys you knowto make your health. first and yes some of these things that i do may cost a little moneybut it's going to grow higher quality food which means you can be a higher quality personand you know i mean literally in my opinion. i'm buying myself out of getting sick in thefuture and that is prices because i don't want to go through all those pain and allthose things that people go through when they're really sick and in the hospital with cancerand cancer is even their body and i don't even want to know how painful that can beright and so up till now you know i've added things like the rock and different kinds ofrock to spy different kinds or rock and different kinds of rock does with the trace mineralsbecause i know that trace minerals are super
important to put in soil q mates and dr joelwallach i'll put a link down below to that video for our member. you know who's doneall kinds of research on how important and vital trace minerals are to your health andunfortunate with top so they were just the standard farming practices of today even organicfarming practices. they're not replacing the certain trace minerals in the soils like thereshould be. furthermore what soil contamination of certain trace minerals other trace mineralsmay not be absorbed properly and things may not work in the system. you know so i tryto bring muscle back into balance and add some of the trace minerals into the soil andthat's what i do with the rock does rock this is kind of like a shotgun right now shotgunall the different minerals and i hope that
my plants take up the minerals they need tobe healthy and pleasant and i get to be healthy but still it's like playing poker you're leavingmany things up to chance right. and i don't want to leave things up to chance as muchas i you know i have to you know i want to only gamble and pull that slot machine showobviously mean. lever when i know i'm going to win. how do you know you're going to win.well you could rig it right and so like that's what this stuff is the conditioner. you knowyou're kind of rigging the systems that are just put in our cars or rock this and hopingthat certain trace minerals are up taken when you eat those you're going to get those inyour solutions products what they allow you to do is a lot of you to spoonfeed the plantcertain minerals that then it converts takes
up and then makes it bio available for us.furthermore aside from just the minerals it's taken up you know because a plant maybe healthiermaybe producing you know different kind of play metabolites which are nutrients for usso we don't want to do now is actually open up this box and show you guys what's insideright in this box here. i've got some cool stuff we've got a whole bunch of stuff sowe've got mainly the soil conditioner pack right here and in this pack there's a couplebegs maybe like i think six banks of this fertilizer stuff and this is the emotionalwell being formalists all conditioner. so what this normally is it's specifically formulatedwith certain trace minerals bad has been shown in people to be maybe deficient. if you maybedon't feel emotionally well right. so we could
put this over and then there's a total likea list of all the different minerals in there. so there's like thirty six grams of borontwo hundred twenty five grams of calcium three hundred sixty five grams of men using threehundred sixty milligrams of selenium three thousand six hundred fifty milligrams of lithiumhundred grams of sulfur and the pine shavings and so here's the thing you're thinking. johni could get like you know boron from a supplement well number one and then you know why youcould take boron and other trace mineral supplements you know the absorption rate is very low andthat's not how we're supposed to you know take our get our minerals when i suppose wetake in these mineral some things were not supposed to be stuck in our copper get a car we want to get copper from the
foods we eat and that's how we were designedto do it. the problem is if especially things like boron which may be deficient in soilsacross the world is not in the soils the food that's being grown in those soils will nothave the boron in it and so how do we know all these minerals are really important. wellthere's this book that comes along with this pack right here. it's actually minerals andthe genetic code even if you're not going to buy this pack i would encourage you togo on amazon and pick up this book. so you can learn about how important these traceminerals are if you don't believe me it says exposition exposition and analysis of thedr or ri standard genetic period church in the physical chemical and biological connectionby charles walters put in here you know he
goes into all the different minerals and howthey are important. you know for different conditions and also you know more importantlywhat specific plants take up these minerals so for example i dine you know i dine in myopinion is a big deficiency of these days you know most people get it from like eatingsome i die of salt but what if you don't eat iodized salt it's a crap table salt but youcut out your diet. oh i see saw john you're not going you know if i die from c. so maybeyou're eating see minerals. but other than that. you know things actually and here bladderrock. it's a really high. i dine pistachios you know a significantly lower in iodine thenkelp or bladder rock and then even going down from there soybeans red cedar shoots. anyways.that goes over all the different plants rich
and i die which is actually significantlylower than the seaweed so i just recommend seaweed for that but up pistachios could havefifty one parts per million. so. we're talking like parts per million. the kelp has fiftyfour hundred parts per million. and so the thing is this we know the pistachios can absorbthe iodine. but the problem is if there's not. i mean the soils the put stash ain'tgoing to have it in there and this could be true for all minerals. so that's why thisbook goes over. but let's get back to this right here. so you know certain plants willtake up certain trace minerals. so you know they make recommendations on this formulaso over this formula if you want to really take up boron and get more boron in your dietyou want to grow things like strawberries
lettuce tomatoes and cabbage. if you wantto get more calcium that the tomatoes cauliflower and dill will absorb more the calcium if youwant to get the magnesium uptick you want to grow beans oats and spinach. if you wantto get the selenium selenium is a very important trace minerals that i believe many peoplemay be deficient in these days you want to grow things like milk thistle lemon grassand pumpkin. if you want to get lithium. is an essential nutrient we want to get it wheni grow time beans and lettuce if you want to sulfur very important cabbage and onionsas well as the amazing trouble before you name durian take a lot of saw for. they goso garlic garlic also rich in so many ways that lets you know what things you could plantto get those trace minerals. but then here
you know it has basically the mineral functionso boron calcium magnesium selenium lithium you know i could sit here and read all thati might read one for. boron born appears to affect calcium and magnesium metabolism andmembrane function into the essential for efficient absorption of calcium in the body. it wasfound by the us to part of a good culture to significantly reduce the loss of calciummagnesium and phosphorus in post-menopausal women. it may also be helpful for ski makeheart disease. as in other forms of cardiovascular disease brawn deficiency signs may be relatedto the level of vitamin d. and possibly other nutrients in the diet deficiency symptomsosteoporosis and arthritis. so you know if you are deficient in certain trace may be more likely to get diseases they've
done a lot of different studies regardingthat so many ways this one is for the emotional well being. so if you have an emotional wellbeing issues this is the one to get to your you also got one for the g t f glucose tolerancefactor this is the one i use last year. if you want to learn significantly more thani'm talking about these trace minerals then this episode. be sure to check that link downbelow where i interviewed robert rison ham regarding these products that he came up withand how actually how he came up with it and why he came up with it is actually his parentsactually had cancer so had to come up with a way so that they could get some of the veryimportant trace minerals so that they could overcome their cancer and i guess he wasn'table to get to one of his parents but he was
able to save the other one as well as hiswife's parents but this one's a glucose tolerance factor i've been using this and this one hasa chromium vanadium of it. molybdenum zinc sulphur and the pine shavings. you guys arelike trying to get pregnant you guys can't write then maybe you want to try this onefertility in potency formula. yeah i won't be potent man you know what i mean you mightmean. oh didn't that apply for women to you. i think it's mostly men. chromium potassiumiodide calcium magnesium cobalt sulphur and pine trees. next one. this is the one actuallyi've been using this year. now planted all my lettuce that's you can see behind me withthis formula help immune system formula for the most important for me because i do havea compromise. i want to make sure my immune
system strong and i. has a specific traceminerals. you know to build my immune system. and this one has boron potassium iodine magnesiumsilver is ink tin and sulphur. got another one here. this is one of the largest killersof americans in this day and age and people around the world is a heart disease. thisis heart health in cardiovascular formula. and it says calcium magnesium magnesium sowhen you copper and sulfur. and i got one left in here. this is enough for one for manyyou guys maybe getting up there. i think my dad needs to get on this one. member leaf.memory for me and this is for you know if you want to enhance your memory. maybe eventhings like a certain diseases that you may lose your memory when you get older. magnesiumsulphate boron cobalt selenium and you trio.
that's an easy one. when have you gotten yourtrio lately. anyways. each one of these formulas are specifically designed to support certainconditions. so you could actually grow like your own medicine. literally your food yourfruits and your vegetables will take these trace minerals and you'll get them when youeat the foods that you're harvested. now you might be thinking john why is all this importantman and how much is this stuff. well i'll tell you this with the discount code gee whydid you guys get thirty percent off to buy these guys and these guys keep a small know you know set you back a pretty penny might be a paycheck or even two for some yougot to be around a hundred dollars including shipping. but here's the thing. this one bagof soil conditioner for the heart health and
cardiovascular forma formula is going to treatone cubic yard. so the rich man's way to use this is actually just a treat a yard. youknow of soil with this and then. in your garden and then planted it in other way. if you wantto you know mix it into a whole yard is you could actually kill it into a ten by ten raisedbed three inches deep. you could also do it that way the way i do it. that's the richman's way just spreading it out in your whole garden because you're not planning in everyarea your garden. unless you have a like a forest style garden. the poor man's way theway i'm doing is actually i just take out one teaspoon of this stuff and then put itin each planting pool that way these banks are going to last me for actually many yearsto come and the last i mean these will not
evaporate or go bad or anything like thatbut yeah that's that's the stuff i mean definitely really important. i want to exactly show iwhy it's so important and why i like using this in this is going to blow your guy's mindsomething good. grab some paperwork. so here's the thing fruits and vegetables and thingsthey'll absorb these trace minerals they're in the soil in my opinion you know soils aregetting devoid of minerals due to soil degrade degradation due to unsustainable farming practices.yes even organic farming. you know is in many cases to great in the soil because they'restill till in the soil. so i like to do the note kill method which preserves you knowsome nutrients and they're bringing in compost. but the compost is grown on last year's remnantsand whatnot and if the trace minerals aren't
in there. they're not going to magically appear.unless you're getting heavy better trace minerals from the you know things that are fallingout the sky but i will mention what they are some you guys believe in it and some guysdon't. but what is the foods are deficient in the in the minerals and if you're doinga mineral deficient diet right. you may come down with health conditions and that's notfun and i want to avoid these things and that's why i'm doing and adding all these thingsinto my soil. anyways here's a here's a test right so this is the health and immune systemform of the one actually i just use for my. actually the lettuce bed right over there.and this is a certified lab testing results for bore on so boron you know maybe a mineralyou fishermen you know there's many implications
for boron i could read off one of the backof the packages. i'll send you the website. you know for this company you could read aboutthe different minerals and what they do and how they can enhance your health. so the companybasically grew in a in a controlled bit just regular soil. you know they grew vegetablesand then they added in the same soil blend they added their health formula and then theygrew the same vegetables. so here's for example they grew weak rast in if you grew it in thehealth formula you could eat like you know one serving a week grass and you just grewit in the control soil which is like they didn't do anything to you know one two threefour five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen serving as a weak rise you could have significantly more nutrition
in less you know volume of food. so for could get the trace minerals by eating one head. you know if you added the help forma instead of you know two heads for not doing anything and beans it's one serving of beansinstead of three servings of beans. so what's the benefit to those the benefit to this isactually you could get lower calories to get the same amount of trace minerals. so thecalories for the health form what you could eat one hundred forty calories versus fourhundred thirteen calories. so you can eat significantly less calories and calorie restrictionhas been the only thing has been shown to proven to enhance the longevity so now youcan eat less calories but still maintain and get your nutrients and this is just one ofboron we go to the next page when we talk
about zinc zinc another very important traceminerals many friends of mine. you know whether they're eating a plant based diet or not aredeficient in sync. because sink is disappearing from the soils and not being supplementedbecause standard agriculture is focused on three main minerals putting in n.p. k. andthey don't care about anything else man and they're grown these big giant heads of lettuceand things that taste like nothing that don't give you the nutrients that your body reallyrequires to function and don't even get me started about if you're eating processed foodsand in process that some of the cheap stuff you could get in the process a lot of thenutrients added in new ways for example zinc week grass was the same whether you. theyadded the zinc or not but for example the
lead is you know you could eat one servinginstead of two servings. and the calories was ninety nine versus hundred four. so that'snot like a big savings for zinc. you know with that with this formula versus the controlthe control might already had a good zinc levels in there. but what's even more funis actually when we get into these guys this is the silver and the tin. so for examplein silver. lettuce. you could eat either one head if you had this mineral formula addedto your soil and actually this is the same one i added to my lettuce been over there.oh i like a month or you could eat one two three four five six seven eight eight servingsof lettuce to get the same amount of the trace minerals by using the health formula onceagain the calorie difference one forty versus
three seventy seven. that's like almost likea two and a half three times difference. so on tin the on the health formula and the converseof the control you could eat one serving of radishes or you'll have to eat fifty two servingsof radishes grown in control. i don't know that's a lot of radish to you right. my goal.these days eat the minimal amount of food and get the maximum amount of nutrients notonly the trace minerals but also plant phytochemicals and fido nutrients and vitamins and minerals.and. that's literally what this fertilizer allows me to do it allows me to really maximizethe crease minerals so they don't have to buy a supplement that you know maybe isn'tabsorbed and this is you know of course this is advance topic advance credit only if you'rereally serious about your health. maybe you
have a condition maybe you have you know diabetesor something right. you might want to try that glucose tolerance factor right try itright. it's one hundred bucks right you guys are buying insulin or whatever and if it wasn'tcovered by insurance. i mean it cost. well more than one hundred bucks like drugs. thereare really expensive right. invested in some fertilizer and it's going to last you a longtime. if you just have a teaspoon like i'm doing right. it's a good investment and it'sgoing to last and maybe you'll see a difference in your diet. now of course you know growinghigh mineral you know food is not the answer to all the world's health challenges but inmy opinion it's a part of the answer craze minerals are definitely you know indicatedin many different disease situations and i
have seen diseases get reversed by supplementingwith foods rich in trace minerals it may just be eating more fruits and vegetables thatmay do it for you. it may be adding in things like kelp powders and seaweed powders andother kind of you know a available plant available trace minerals and you. you know it mightbe adding in some of these vegetables that are grown in the soil solution products tobasically up the levels of the certain trace minerals you need to be healthy to get ridof your disease conditions. of course also going on without always one encourage youguys to eat a healthy diet that's focused around plants right. eat mostly what you growin your garden and other plant foods if you've got to eat other junk foods and processedfoods eat those in small quantities right.
i don't really care what you guys eat buti want you guys you. a lot of plants especially the ones you grill in high quality so andalso when you're spending one hundred dollars you know per bag like i've just put in mygarden. you're going to want to eat your food because you don't want that very nutritiousfood to go to waste. you know i love to give my food to my family my parents my brothermy friends that you know so they could have some high quality food right and maybe theycould be healthy because of it. you know robert the owner and c.e.o. of this company has researchto show there's higher uptakes in his products. you know that he's grown and the fertilizerproducts that he's used to groom food is a higher quality. now here's a thing like ifyou don't invest in the fertilizer which is
by far the cheapest way to do this and astime goes on. since he's a new company hopefully he's going to get these products in a wal-martall these other places one of these days and it's going to be like super cheap to do iton mass scale. he does all these you know badges by hand and stuff. lotsa labor youhe uses u.s. labor pairs that pays a fair wage in wyoming where present. but if youdon't want to like buy the fertilizer then grow out with it. what he also has is theseguys he sent me a couple samples here. he has his we craft powder. so this is we crossedpowder gruen in the glucose tolerance factor so basically he took his product grew weakerounce with it. he got the weak grass and the powdered up and put it in a bottle for you guys could take it. this is the glucose
tolerance factor i guess he sent me threeof those so this is for people you know they may have things like diabetes. this may helpthem with their blood sugar issues too. i need less insulin or maybe even potentiallyget off it. you know he has been getting testimonials from people you know i just literally changechanging and adding in some super mineral rich certain mineral rich enhanced foods youknow to get better and. i mean i think this is really where drugs will go in the futureinstead of taking you know a drug to cure diabetes or you know unfortunately most drugsdo not cure anything in my opinion. they're a crutch. you know my dad is on you know bloodpressure lowering medications. it didn't just fix them. he has to take that for the restof his life and against my wishes right. maybe
if he grew in the you know the the heart know a fertilizer. maybe he get off his drugs and not have to keep buying drugs thatbasically don't do anything to fix the problem. there are a band-aid or a temporary crutchand not a full solution whereas i believe these products. you know if if every drugstore. you know sort of food or if you could go to the grocery store and buy food grownin these middle products and we've got to get have really nutritious food and maybewe wouldn't have any diseases in our world today. this is i think you know where we reallyneed to go these fertilizer products and to go out to big industries and people need tostart growing especially in the candidate industry you know medicinal medicinal cannabisyou know could be grown with some of these
trace minerals to get higher up takes. sothen when the users of the cannabis hopefully they're juicing it or use an enhanced rawstate. you know it's going to get better results because they're also going to get not onlythe kanab annoyed but also higher levels of certain trace minerals that have been implicatedin certain diseases right. so the future is is great. i'm glad to be living in this there's so much new information technology and things going on the world so that youguys can get healthier one step at a time if you guys want to right and that's whati simply do you know i mean a lot of you guys are going to pooh pooh this john that stuffis too expensive. fine you could garden on the cheap grow your own food is still betterin the store right. my goal because i was
lost my life is going the highest qualityfood. so i don't end up back in the hospital get in and being out of control. i don't controlmy ultimate destiny and my ultimate help and i believe this is a product that can do itfor you guys. so you guys were. more about these products you want to visit the websitewestern environmental services dot com also put things down below this video. so you guyscould check it out. also be sure to use a discount code g y g that's me for a limitedtime only and that's going to get you guys thirty percent off these so conditioners oreven if you don't want to grow your stuff in the social conditions with the cheapestway this big if you just don't get it out a teaspoon at a time with your transplantsor even in your plant starts or when you're
moving up in a pots of you just grown in pondsyou could put a teaspoon in you know the plants around the seed that's going to definitelyget some uptake in the other thing i forgot to mention is that what you treat your soilis going to last for four years you know the reed you know add to. step two. so for anotherfour years. but if it's in the bag it's probably literally going to last forever like the mineralsin there are just going to evaporate right. so yes definitely an investment to make aninvestment you help you. and if you don't want to use it. of course the discount codewill also work. you know for the different powders that in my opinion are actually quiteexpensive. so definitely pay the money in this case to buy the fertilizer products.your own food and then actually take your
food and then the hydrated into your own powdersso you can eat it in the winter and in times when you're not able to eat the healthiestfood out of your own garden. i mean that's pretty much my episode for today. i didn'teat lunch because i had to work through wants to get all those plants and make this videofor you guys i'm going to go and eat lunch at dinner time and then only dinner later.anyways if you guys enjoy this episode learning about the trace minerals and the importanceof them. i also want encourage you guys to go to the website down below to learn aboutthe trace minerals and why they are so important. also link to a database that talks about mineraldeficiencies and what challenges you may health challenges you may see because of that i meanthis is new of valving research and i believe
every you know place that has like a healthfacility retreat center that's growing food should be using these especially for peoplewith certain conditions. because it's only going to in my opinion up the level of youknow what healing and success for people around the world. so yeah anyways enjoy the city.please me. thumbs up to trying to get out to robert's place and see how he's grown andwhat he's doing make a full video there if i get thousand thumbs up. it's got this placein wyoming. hopefully in the summer time because i'm a freeze my butt off in the winter alsobe sure to check the links down below in the description. you know i have links to theoriginal video i did with robert also other you know videos i talked about in this episodeand also the link to the place to buy the
stuff. also be sure to click on subscribeand write down below to be noted minute upcoming episodes of new coming episodes coming outof every you know three to four days on this channel you never know where i'm going topop up what you'll be learning on my you tube channel and finally finally be sure to sharemy past episodes my past episodes are a wealth of knowledge over twelve hundred episodesnow at this point you guys all aspects on how to grow the highest quality food on theplanet. so once again my name is john kohler with growing your i will see nexttime. and until then remember keep on growing.
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