i'm going to do an article now. this is basedon material from my book, candida crusher. i think you're going to find this quite auseful article. it's going to be a comprehensive article, and it's basically on the 12 besttips on how to improve digestive and bowel function. there are many different ways youcan improve how your gut works, but these are probably 12 of the best ways. again, i'mgoing to read a little bit from my book, and i'm going to give you a few illustrationsand examples along the way. my book contains many of these different hints and tips.the first one. add fermented and cultured foods to your diet. i just wrote in my bookabout fermented and cultured foods, but now
i'm elaborating a little bit more on it. itmakes sense to incorporate these foods into your diet for many different reasons. i'vebeen recommending people eat these sort of foods for over 20 years, long before bookscame out on body ecology and different styles of diet, whether it's tempeh or kim chee.i was recommending people eat sauerkraut not long after i started practicing more than25 years ago. i've made sauerkraut up for a long, long time, over half my life. it'sa fantastic food to eat. i've eaten yogurt. sour yogurt. even when yogurt wasn't in fashion.i started to eat yogurt when i was quite young. yogurt was once very hard to find in supermarketsand was considered like a foreign food. i can remember one of my teachers, quite awell-known naturopath in australia, who taught
me naturopathy a long time ago mentioned thatwhen she first started to look for yogurt in the 1950s in the supermarket, she was toldthey don't sell that foreign muck here. they considered these foods quite strange and unusual.they were considered european foods, and they weren't really available in the us that muchin the 1950s. they were very hard to get. the same with sauerkraut. the only peoplewho ate sauerkraut were really people from germany or switzerland who moved over to othercountries, particularly post war and brought these foods with them. these kinds of foodsinclude yogurt, kefir, kombucha, tempeh and fermented coconut water, miso, soy, kumis,and there are many other kinds of cultured foods as well.besides containing beneficial bacteria like
lactobacillus and bifida bacteria, fermentedand cultured foods provide your body with lactic acid, and this is what basically feedsthe bacteria is the lactic acid rich environment that you're providing the body. a good wayto begin to incorporate these foods into your diet is small amounts. this is a key thing.if you haven't really been taking cultured or fermented foods, don't just go crazy onit. in my book, you'll hear me say over and again, always make change slowly but surely.don't go nuts with any kind of change you make. whether it's exercise or a diet change.you're only going to pay the price and feel terrible for it. start maybe with two or threetablespoons of yogurt per day if you're not accustomed to eating yogurt. start with asmall amount of kefir. don't start with huge
amounts straight away. you're going to getsick. it's just really going to affect your gut too much.be very careful with yogurt, in particular, because many brands are laden with artificialsugars. i've seen lots of yogurt containing aspartame and even cane sugar. that's notwhat you want to do. you don't want to eat fruit and sugar with your yogurt with candida.just have a sour acidophilus yogurt to start with in a small amount. many people can tolerateyogurt, even people with dairy problems. if you've got a lactose intolerance and you getbad diarrhea, you want to avoid yogurt, but not a lot of people have got lactose intolerance.it's not as common as you think. the people who tend to have a big problem with cow'smilk, can often tolerate small amounts of
yogurt, but then make sure it's a good yogurt.always read the labels and if in doubt, avoid buying yogurt from your supermarket and purchasefrom organic whole food suppliers. these kind of folks are less motivated to make purelya profit and many of them are focused on providing you the consumer with foods that are actuallyhealthy. that's often why they run good health food shops, especially the organic whole foodshops. farmer's markets are another good source. point number two. slowly begin adding solubleand insoluble fiber to your diet. it never ceases to amaze me how many patients i'veseen over the years who simply don't eat much fruit at all. in fact, in england, about 30percent of the population doesn't eat any fruit at all. no apples. no oranges. nothing.no fruit. isn't that crazy? three out of ten
people. if you're british, i hope you're oneof the seven out of ten. and as the saying goes, probably for people in america, theydon't eat fruit. they'll eat takeaway food, but they won't eat fruit, and then they wonderwhy they have digestive problems. they might eat a piece every six months or so, but generallythey won't eat. vegetables they consume are either bought frozen and consumed after havingbeen boiled or microwaved. fruits and vegetables contain some of the best levels of solubleand insoluble fibers you can get. i say here be sure to read what i've written furtherahead in this section on fiber in your diet. there are many ways you can increase the amountof fiber you can take in, but once again, go easy. don't start going crazy because toomuch fiber can bind you up. it can bloat you.
it can create a lot of gas if your body isnot used to it because the bacteria have to break the fiber down. go low and go slow ismy motto when it comes to making any changes in diet and digestion. it is a fact that mostpeople eat a small amount of fiber, about 20 to 40 grams, when compared to people wholive in undeveloped nations who eat anywhere from 80 to 120 grams. you've heard me saybefore, small stools, big hospitals. big stools, small hospitals. think about it.start by including a small amount of beans, lentils, fruits, but wait until candida improvesbefore you eat fruit, especially too much fruit. i find lots of veggies tearing intovegan patients, in particular, the ones with bad vaginal yeast infections or yeast infectionbecause they like dates and figs and dried
fruits and too much fruit, and that can causea lot of problems. don't believe the bologna you see on youtube about eating all the bananasyou want and crap like this because eating lots of fruit for most people is not a goodway to fight candida. it might help some skinny 20-year-old girl with a good youtube presence,but as i said, i'd like to see what she looks like when she's like 50. she's going to lookterrible. vegetables, raw or partially cooked are best.seeds, whole grains, brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, and millet are, i think, the best grains.and continue to add these foods slowly over about a 14- to 21-day period until over halfof what you eat are these kind of foods. if you want to eat less and lose weight, feelfull, and improve your bowel tone, then eat
more soluble fiber. these foods include pears,oranges, strawberries, kiwi fruit, carrots, psyllium hulls, slippery elm bark power, lentils,rolled oats and cucumber. soluble fiber fills you up and it swells in your stomach becauseit holds quite a lot of water. you'll feel full. your brain will get signaled that youdon't want to eat a lot of food. some of these foods, obviously, you're not going to eatin large amounts or right away with bad candida. oranges are not a good idea if you've gotcandida. but when your yeast infection improves, you can incorporate fruit; believe me youcan. it will take time, but you'll be able to.you want to bulk up your bowel motions or perhaps clean out that lazy bowel. then tryincluding insoluble fiber to your diet, so
the body can't break this down. this is whatyou're going to pass out. these foods include brown rice, onions, leafy green vegetableslike broccoli, spinach, celery and cracked wheat, bulgur, chia seeds, various nuts andseeds and whole grains. so you want to reduce the amount of gas andbloating you have and feed up the good bacteria. then i recommend you consume a combinationof fermented and cultured foods, as well as foods containing prebiotics. basically, theseare beneficial sugars that feed the friendly bacteria. the prebiotic feed the probiotic.and these foods include jerusalem artichokes, garlic, onions, shallots, scallions and springonions. i'm not a fan at all of prebiotics in a dietary supplement. i think it's a loadof bologna.
in fact, the probiotic enzyme i'm creatingright now, the new canxida product that's due to be launched very soon is exciting becausei've kept all the prebiotics out of it. i think it's crap. i've used prebiotics nowfor a long time with patients. some patients respond to prebiotics, but i can tell younow, the bulk of people don't. these are the people that just don't get a result with aprebiotic. products like threelac and syntol. there are many of them on the market and theycontain false fructooligosaccharides. research i've done and experience tells me it is nota good idea to have false in your diet if you've got candida because candida patientsoften have bad bacteria as well. and these sorts of sugars in theory sound good, butthey create a problem with people. i much
prefer that you get these kind of sugars fromfoods like onions and shallots and also the jerusalem artichoke that contains a high amountof natural inulin. why would you want to take inulin in from a factory source? you don'treally want to do that. cut back on sugar and fat in your diet ispoint number three. this is quite a simple achievement. just reduce the amount of foodsyou buy and eat that contain sugar and fat. be sure to read the labels of processed foodsyou buy to see how much sugar and fat they contain. it won't be difficult for you todo this if you prepare most of your own meals. i cook all my own food. i rarely eat out.and if i do eat out, it's going to be something like sashimi like raw fish, maybe some seaweed.i'm quite fussy with what i eat like a lot
of people are. i don't like eating crappyfoods. i hate processed foods. sure, i go to parties like you do and i'll eat potatochips and have a beer or something like that, but this is not really a regular thing withme. this is something i do every now and then. the problems with foods containing sugarsand fats is that they will also contain all manner of chemicals like artificial colors,flavors and preservatives that you may not be aware of, especially if they're highlyprocessed foods. the less of these foods you consume, the better your digestion will workand the more likely you'll be able to build good levels of beneficial bacteria. and thiswill make it easier for you to crush your candida infection. eat natural foods, notprocessed foods.
drink water, point number four. basic stuff.this sounds like a simple tip, but again, i've not seen many people achieve good levelsof water for prolonged periods of time. your digestive system will work so much betterwhen you do and you'll be quite surprised how much better you'll feel overall when you'remore hydrated. especially your stomach, pancreas and intestines will work better. and althoughno proof exists that water actually aids digestion, i've certainly noticed that those with a yeastinfection who drink water and not much coffee, tea and especially no alcohol, appear to havemuch less bother with many kinds of digestive problems. remember also that when you slowlyadd more fiber to your diet, it really pays off to drink more water.the best approach to improving our digestion
is to cut back on sugary, salty and fattyfoods. increase vegetables and some fruits as you improve, whole gains you consume, fiber,and drink water every day. try this for 21 days and watch what happens. you're goingto be blown away. basic stuff. folks, it's all basic stuff, but no one does the basicstuff right. they follow all these stupid, hair brain schemes, weird diets and they getno results, and eventually they come and talk to me. common sense isn't common. i use thatphrase quite a lot. five. avoid three large meals a day and eatsmaller meals. don't have large meals. i just had some lunch. i had an avocado and aboutseven brazil nuts. that's just a snack for me, so i don't tend to eat big meals anymore.i tend to eat smaller meals every now and
then. i find it better. the whole idea ofthree major meals is not really a good idea for a lot of people. keep your digestion abit on the lean and hungry side, occasionally skip a meal, and just have something verylight. did you know that one of the best-kept secretsfor crushing candida permanently is to improve the ability of your digestive system to produceenzymes? many high quality candida supplements contain enzymes. now why would that be? thinkabout it. why would enzymes improve candida? it's because enzymes can help to bust openthe walls of yeast, bad bacteria and nasty bugs that can invade your digestive system.by eating smaller meals more frequently, you avoid overloading your gut. and because yourbody is better at digesting smaller quantities
in one sitting, you'll be improving the wayyour digestive organs perform. first, you'll have to figure out how muchfood you need to eat at a meal, and then try to keep a regular schedule that your bodycan adjust to. this could take about two or three weeks before you get used to eatinglike this. the more keen your digestion, the better it's going to work. and the betteryour digestion works, the more likely you're going to be able to crush candida.six. eat small amounts of lean protein. look at the palm of your hand. and if you're ameat eater, that's the size of the piece of meat you should be eating every day. manyadults simply eat too much meat and the portion sizes are too big. while protein is essentialfor good health, you'll find that smaller
amounts of protein are less likely to causedigestive discomfort like heartburn, bloating or gas. and they're much quicker to digestas well. in general, high fat meats will take longer to digest than low fat, lean proteinmeats. number seven. chew food well. you will haveheard this said many times, but do you actually take your time to chew food properly and slowlyor are you checking your iphone when you're eating? are you texting people and chewingfood? are you doing that? that's a very bad habit. spending time on the computer eating.bad habit. looking at your ipad eating. bad habit. not a good idea.the way you prepare your digestive system for what's about to come promotes the releaseof digestive enzymes and acids in your stomach
and small intestine. make sure you chew allfoods well, but especially protein foods. that way you'll help to reduce them to smallerparticles and allow your digestive power to more easily render these foods to their components.what i'm trying to say is proper chewing and relaxing when you're eating will be easierfor you to bust open these foods to allow your body to extract all the maximum nutritionfrom them. lots of people are like the pets they have like cats and dogs; they just swallowfood down without even chewing it properly. number eight. thirty minutes of exercise aday is brilliant for the digestive system. you'll find that bowel motions will improvesignificantly when you walk every day. the sitting disease is common with people. sittingon their butt working on their computer and
not getting up and walking around. constipationis a huge problem because so many people have constipation. walking regularly every dayfor 20 to 30 minutes will stop constipation. did you know that those who walk daily havea significantly better digestive system than those who don't? are you creating sittingdisease or have been chained to your pc? walking stimulates digestion is one of the best thingsyou can do to improve the tone of your small and large bowel. just get up and out of yourchair and start moving. don't take the escalator. take the stairs instead. when i go to theairport "i fly regularly" i find the stairs always empty and people are on the escalator.not many people take the stairs anymore. regular movement like walking, swimming and dancingwill help food to move through your digestive
system, stimulate your metabolism, and alsoaid in weight loss. alcohol and tobacco are the two biggest enemiesof the digestive system. you'll never beat a yeast infection if you can't give up drinkingalcohol entirely for at least four months. end of story. if you can't stop drinking,switch this darn video off now and just go away and leave my channel alone because i'mnot interested in you coming to me in time complaining that you can't beat candida becauseyou can't darn well stop drinking booze. don't complain to me. don't complain to your partner.just shut up and just keep it to yourself. if you can't stop drinking, then you've stoppedthinking. simple as that. i'm pretty tough on people, and that's because i like gettingresults for people. listen up. if you can't
stop drinking, don't complain to me aboutit. those who are serious about their health willknow that cigarette smoking is crazy. it's like pointing a gun to your head. but i'mvery surprised i've seen people with yeast infections who want to continue both smokingcigarettes and drinking alcohol, and they still want to beat their candida. it is notlikely to happen. and the day you're prepared to become disciplined and say "no" to thesedestructive habits is the day your health will change. once your candida has significantlyimproved, you should be able to drink socially again. but you may soon realize that heavierdrinking may lead you down the path of another yeast infection.number ten. learn the art of relaxation. your
digestive system is very much affected bystress, especially any acute or ongoing low-grade stress. i talk a lot more about stress inother parts of the book, and it's one of the missing links when it comes to beating a yeastinfection. when you learn how to account for the effects of stress in your body, you'llbe amazed at how much better your digestion works. in fact, it's another one of thosebest kept and totally understated health secrets. stress has the ability to impair your stomachand digestion in general. it's been shown to cause weight gain, constipation, diarrhea,and a lowered immune system. for example, i see many guys in my clinic who complainof heartburn and indigestion related distress. a few methods you can do right now to reducestress in your life would be to do things
like yoga, meditation and have regular massages.there are many other relaxation techniques that can help you handle stress, and in mybook, i expand on heaps of those different things.number eleven. understand your digestive habits. if you've got recurring digestive problemsand can't get a handle on them, then try to use a diary or a daily journal to find outwhat's happening. write down what you eat along with any increased or reduction of digestivesystems you experience. sometimes it is the simplest thing in your diet or lifestyle youhave to change in order to get significant improvements in your health. it may be a combinationof a few dietary indiscretions you're consuming simultaneously or you may be eating too lateor too fast. either way, by keeping a diary,
you'll be in a more powerful position to establishcause and effect. the last one, number twelve. don't treat yourself.go and see somebody. okay, so you've made all the changes. you're exercising. you'relearning to relax. you're drinking more water. eating plenty of vegetables. you're chewingslowly. you're taking your time. you're understanding technology can screw you up. you've stoppeddrinking booze. you're eating lean meats, but you still don't feel quite right. whatthe heck is going on? maybe you should go contact someone. go and see someone and seewhat's wrong. you might need testing. there might be some underlying problem. it couldbe staring you right in the face. it could be something you're doing right now and youdon't really see the link between cause and
effect.i'm always open to seeing new patients. you can always see me. i'm one of the few peoplei know that has a significant profile on youtube with my writing and my work, and i still seeclients and i still don't rip people off. i charge a very reasonable fee for my consultation,so you can always contact me through ericbakker.com. you can also find my "book now" consultationbutton on yeastinfection.org on the home page. i'm always happy to work with you. otherwise,i'm happy to give an expert opinion alongside your medical doctor or naturopathic doctoror chiropractor. i have consultations with many clients in now about 70 countries aroundthe world on a regular basis, so i'm happy to see you.the other thing i'd like you to do is if you
haven't already done it, is to please completemy survey. if you go to candidacrusher.com, you'll find one of the boxes is "take thequiz." please take the quiz. it's a fantastic quiz. it's going to show you if you've gota mild, moderate or severe yeast infection and give you a score then it's up to you toreally do something about it. also, a reminder is to make sure you checkout my canxida range of dietary supplements at canxida.com. i believe that these productsare some of the best you can ever find anywhere to help you overcome candida or a bacterialinfection. the result of nearly 30 years of practice, tens of thousands of patients now.i've used every product on the market and i've decided a lot of these products are mediocreor crap, so i decided to make my own things.
this is not a commercial to promote my productat all. this is to show you that i spent a lot of time in the clinic with people, andit was time i developed something that actually kicks butt that really does work. becausei got sick and tired of using products that were very average to having no effect on peopleat all. and that's also why i wrote my book to giveyou lots of hints and tips and understanding that you can beat this thing called yeastif you apply the right kind of principles. you don't need a whole lot of money either.you just need a bit of discipline and a bit of common sense. and that's what a lot ofthings boil to in life. never giving up. using correctly defined principles and implementingthem long enough to get outstanding results.
and if you apply those principles to yourrelationship, making money, improving your health, whatever it is you do in life. ifyou do that, you're going to become a winner. it will work for you.i hope this video was of use for you today and that you gained some good understandingof how you can improve your digestive system. i don't care what's wrong with your gut. whetheryou've got colitis, whether you've got crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea,constipation, even bowel cancer. i don't give a darn what you've got, you can always improveyour digestive system to a huge degree by following those principles.thanks for tuning in.
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