yes you know whether women have equalityof rights with men in islam as a matter being debated around thecountry today some scholars say that islam guaranteeswomen do have the quality of rights well others scholars say the contrary which should we accept thank you for joining us this eveningunder date night canadian live i'm chris conway your moderator of theevening we have two experts today in this motion
islam guarantees women equality ofrights with matt i monitor introduce mustafa zayed whoargue on the infirmary of the of the motion we stop as i as a member of thescientific board of koran and soon the research in cairo he speaks widely in interfaith settingswith devotion to bridging peace between major religions in communities diet is offer of silver books including allies about muhammad i'm also honor to introduce you robertspencer who argue on the negative a
promotion robert spencer is the directorof jihad watch an organization dedicated to bringing public attention to the role of job geology and ideologyplays in the modern world and to correcting popular misconceptions about the rolejihad religion and modern-day conflicts is the author of ten books includingnewt new york times bestsellers the truth about muhammad and the politically incorrect guide to aslob and the crusades
we'll hear from gauge of the debaters inopening statement rebuttals crossfire and a closing statement on thefight each the debaters when there are thirty seconds left clock we will then conclude the formal part ofthe debate and open the phone lines for you the audience number here at the studio is two foureight forward six thirteen hundred
again the motion of the net up tonight's debate is islam guarantees women equal ity ofrights with matt at this time i'd like to turn it over toyou must offer pre-opening statement have seven minutes terminals uncle sam wants to accomplishand most of the intended for me locked up on uh... before we our busspeak about the specific evil thoughts article pharmacists lam and generali dealing with any human being and slam isincluded islamic law sharia law
cherry i was not a law that is made by the limit comprehension of man at thecenter of the time of the century ethical here and fun and pose that above all humans worldwide anytime thisis the logo and i was just twenty four billion justice upon himself in any topic and for me for his worshipers andcreations sony say
when my sis lamp need to understand that it is the law ofgod protecting and and and making sure that women and men i have the prospective in equal rightsinto every aspect of life two things before we get to the rightsof women in islam and the position of slam
uh... the first thing is that in thisland men and women are not in competition than the roommates competing for whoplays a bigger blow smoke portion of the bill you know splitting whatever cost somewhere they are tocomplement each other therein different and physiology the different emotional structure and islamic law came at the usually thebest of their life according to the old
one structure and meeting each other independent eachother in completing each other complementing each other that's number one number two specifically because of the rights ofwomen in woman that female in this land is your potential mother and it's not that females are helpful
you know net new no humanity and thenthey deserve rights as well so forth females all the mothers of the nixonrelation or to shake and sculpture the character ulf all men and women theentire next generation to come so this land an islamic will make sure to guarantee the protection the financial systems there uh... stability
so they can performed the best and themost of these things are good human being can do which is again wheezing the next generation when he took uh... uh... bob opposition i would say hopefully will get theposition and looking at the conditional phone and the rights and obligationsbefore it slammed and after a slim
the difference quimby more stark is the difference between aday on nightmare before it slammed for example in partsof india according to hinduism a woman was to be burned alarms ever us frompassed away she's just there for him he dies is no need for existence not a fact and other places when they got someprogression should leave as opposed to marry me
little newborn babies were very relaxed of the horrendous this translation inthe bible about the cause of the poor results and that it is true llc alarmother eve uh... our father and was deceived out of paradise in progress when his name comes in all that was rectify and our mothers our daughters are sis'srelieved will also come about and the poor and said has another ship on one hand in his beddevil
that deceived them both alphabetized had now inheritance rights that inamerica today women do not have guaranteed inheritance rights women have equal payments we have the right to own to speak theirmind to debate uh... to run businesses but mohammed peace be upon him only wifefor courses free khadijah nato must rather be pleased with her was the businesswoman
in england till eighteen eighty two willbe end of the nineteenth century only did not have any whitewater property to only have tobe the brother of the hospital the sun she could not even stand in court as alegal entity at the end of nineteenth century that mike was mandated to i'll get into muslim women andersoncentury so it's not even equal to or similar toa better to know that was better
and the seventh century islam mandated the location of women and the middle sentences chicken agreethat's liable cutting even for a uh... award captive that is now entrusted to a mostly men that he even though she's not a muslim he needs to between him well and educator and defend the case of a problem as isaid i am
which released a wall combatants letmike tigar uniconindia muslims and he talks muslim men how to read and writeand a similar thing for mostly women how to read i'm right a woman is not suitable bizarre anymoreis not a vessel for procreation she has just for her character and hermannerism and the world religion in this in the language of the profit meanscharacter you can't personal informatics for herbeauty for her money for the social status the profits ignore pursue the one withthe character
that only thing that she is actually incontrol of she has no control which was one beautiful race or from the family but she is in control of her character she's my multiple desire anymore a woman in a slim someone who is equal in so many things that you cannotbegin to imagine what do you know bill in the nineteenth century she can hash out michael fortier she canget legal opinions and many women have
the legal opinion the first commerce sentences secretarythat is a female cadets of mankind what ice effect the top elected not tojobs who was the commerce secretary at thetime among the top of the it will happen tous but she's still role in the night of the market betweenmen and women the first political party that is right by if a lot of the same time as part of itis led by a woman uh... as mad and uh... uh... if the andalso you know what you get the problem
as i said and she said by represent somany women that have the same opening that i haven't seen one insane andhere's what we want these will be asking subramaniam a facade responded to herthe holy holy scripture and the world that when he speaks to the believersbecause they've been female and mail terms as the perfect not the bible nothing out of holy scripture believing them believing women righteousmen watch as well as on so far
anonymous on coming back uh... on fellowallotment cannot have a clear but will go into themale or female we would learn welsh has also four the only chapter in any holy scripture the gospels in thearticle on the left of the house on the part of that is named after a woman is on the program and this woman she might be
she's the greatest woman that ever liveda malevolent beds virgin mary peace be upon our and this lab she is such a classroom and that's whyshe was blessed to be the mother open race uh... my proper about the only choked onall of the scriptures that is chapter and he said that women there's almost a manifesto on presidentlandlines now and then
islam is not defending the rights ofwomen islamic bank i represent tell us the rights of women that is unprecedented today that is in his lap watched robert spencer now comments you would extreme examples ofrotarians attending to somewhere and try to generalize in all over the entire population of one point sixbillion watchin
bringin twisted and you know misinterpret and antonio missions and and and and this translation of books that only god knows where hegot their translations from once the serbs ok are ever spencer bill transition there we have now resetthe clock for you you have seven minutes and you can begin anytime thank you and i hear i think that i'm not gonna argue thispoint i'm going to let the koran do it
and the koran says men have authorityover women because god has made the one superior tothe other and because they spend their wealth tomaintain them now i would ask the uh... humanity momwould stop in zaire if uh... that's a mystery inflation working your contactswith the context that would justify it such a statement now have a party over women because godhas made the one superior to the other the question before us is its loanguarantees equality of men and women
obviously that flatly contradicts thekoran and so i assume that you mom was stopped a as a believer in the koran believes that dot that's me men superior to women the passage goeson good women are be it they got their unseen parts because godhas guarded them as for those from whom you fear disobedience admonish them forsake them and that's the part
and beat them the uh... the learning team uh... wasvery uh... uh... uh... eloquent in saying that the crime is the onlyscripture which addresses believers as both male and female that of course is flatly false but weare not here i would remind him to discuss the bible or christianityclear here to discuss this loan and whether it's long mandates equality ofrights for women and men and so the fact is that the koran doesindeed tell believers that uh... they should bedistinguished male and female they
should understand that is being uh... of fundamentally important distinctionand does address them as such and it does not say that women can beexpected to be deemed makan it says that men can be to disobedientwomen the crumble so it has this distinction of being the only scripturethat mandate stossel abuse uh... reality of the spousal abuse issuch that in the islamic world it is relativelyfrequent and is taken for granted and there is a very common hideous whichi'm sure the amount will be able to refreshes about in which some uh...muslims approach mohammed
and asked him what they should beattheir wives with and as it happens he's a brushing histeeth at the time some people that person's walk his toothbrush and sayswith this uh... which has been interpreted as meaning that the muslimshould only be his wife uh... with in a symbolic way and so it'snot too cause or any pain or cause her any harm and that's abeautiful thing i suppose relatively uh... symbolic wife beating seems to me to be uh... her perhaps lesspainful but still brother-in-law concept but unfortunately it's contradicted byother cady
for example when i said mohammed'sfavorite white rooney married when she was six andconsummated the marriage when she was nine he was fifty four she recalls a time when mohammed quote struck me on the chest whichcaused me pain that second muslim twenty one twenty seven and so it appears that he did himself did not just to use his toothbrush to behis disobedient wife
and of course mohammed being theexcellent example of conduct that is unfortunately the uh... the depicted here that is sanctioned ashaving a the example of the profit behind it as something that muslims canand should with profit imitate and so we see on saudi television from the kingdom ofthe two holy places a place where it is very self-consciously dedicated uh... dvd into every aspect of this lawnational television programs discussing
the property implements for wife beating the the problem here is not just wife beating the question before us again is aboutthe quality of provides of women with men in the judeo-christian westerncivilization of course while this has been a along battle and something that has many this is thetutsis the enormous pointed out there is the fundamental idea that womenand men are equal in dignity before god
and that should have equality of rightsbefore the law but in the car on it's very differencedeem uma stop of pointed out that women could testify in court but he did not bother to tell you aboutcrime chapter two verses two hundred and eighty two which says that uh... you should get towitnesses out of your own men and if they are not to men then the men two women such as you choose for witnesses so thatone of them forgets the other can remind
her and almost basis mohammed himself in avery famous city told women that's been he had seen a vision of helland there were many more women nl than men and the reason why he said when theybring them into a complete asked him why that was she responded that it's because womenwere deficient in religion and in intellect
and they asked him again how is thattime keeper appointed to the stars of the car on and said you're deficient inintellect obviously because your testimony is devalued and deficient in religion because whenmenstruating you're not allowed to pray in the mask and so this was they'd inequality of intellect and inequality of spirituality
and equality of rights before the lawresulting from it and so here again the question before us is does this loanguarantee equality of rights to women obviously by the testimony of the crimeitself and islamic law it hadn't been muhammad the prophet ofislam it manifest that does not uh... chapter four verses folk chapterfour verses eleven of the crime says allot direct use regards yourchildren's inheritance through the mail apportion equal to thatof two females
let me repeat that to the mail apportioned equal to that of two females but israeli quality of rights now i would remind you once again that iquoting from the crime in the mountains stop and they say but this is a lot of context but hecannot at least if he has any interest in the truth which is of course not allestablished for the pick-ups and he cannot denied
that these things are elements ofislamic law to this day and in islamic law as is the consensus in shimla of although form that had to put thesony's the schools of jurisprudence is the greed upon by them that a manshould have greater inheritance rights the woman that a woman should not have the same value in her testimony as aband and indeed is barred from
it testifying at all in cases of zena orsexual indiscretions even if she is the victim testimonies devalued altogether and huh their spitzer candidate four inequality that manifests itself in manyways which i'm sure we will discuss uh... but uh... the record of islamiclaw is clear and so this is not the uh... the matterof some that's your village were out of context citations
this is a matter of the crime itself asinterpreted by mainstream islamic authorities thank you armistice but i think you'reour winner we were not move into the first of all and you have at thispoint we stop the uh... five minutes and you may start cubans dispenser who defeated a ofpersonal brand has jumped to four number thirty four pdt and bob is the fact is that protected the verses original colon one on thisend of berg then mister spencer
conveniently solely obliterated cloning means to attend the building superintendent is not theowner of the building on the bustle all the tenants that tend to responsibility all of the meant to bethe men in the house as an american culture stems from
what the verses after that bite beenproviding that family and carrying theresponsibility of the family so men are no weight bearing then women in this lamp soul easy i cango to the court and the works is why i can just leave it conveniently total work black as for mister spencer and what he does all the time uh... mister spencer will never tell youwill be other parts of the and this is
what i would not midler libya in the tomorrow will behave the same rights and obligations as men have rights and obligations andthe only degree that and then by the forecast which isthat he would be responsible for the family its condition if he qualifies for bywhen he supports the family when he feeds them provides for the family sold is nowhere and the poor andpolitical problems they send them
that men are better then and fight with challenge in the kitchenarea that culhane won't mean superior only inthe language of mister spencer and i'm shocked actually that mister spencer and then they have aban on says that he brought ip address to a tool diet condomunemployment nationwide press release that the paris peace about financialtransactions ultimate boredom when
mister spencer removed that in his bookthe truth about how much and claim that the press as abouts rape victims just show you the man was you know uh... talking about well if i know butwere i don't know and he dares to bring it back in again read his book and read my bruce respond will providelive tomorrow uh... the second thing
uh... missus benson speaks about thesame verse for thirty forty says well they've become that no-shows he'dsay that well he can go ahead and be in for a you know situation the very specifically limit well intothe whole financials and the word mitchell's isn't the only two times inthe courtroom one-time what it pertains to the new shows off a wife and one-timeinformant twenty-eight lippert installation was not on that so it's not ok this is the sovietsnationalists
is when i go into a higher ground tool for their in the case of magistadrather for another man or another woman and then when you look for another womaninto slammed with restrictions and i'd like you can go ahead and get macprobably you know about me is the guidelines butwhen a woman look for another man that's anabomination and that you do not need to go to a memo stuff is a great entireanyone or anybody let's go to the profit
himself talking about the case you know the subtleties o'quinn uh...wisely rule number one lap of the people in thehello you can not beat up that goes on allow effort had his that'sthe general these units section is one from almost a cement and that made hisday of the human history when he said the reason i was part of the complete hesaid disposal in the same kind of deal withwomen righteously and equitably and that's the general let and yet the end of the fact thatthere will be released a common commit
apparent abomination but legal mother available rhythm beathim lightly i slept on the rest of our legalcourts when somebody gets that doesn't meanthat is this level there is that means that he got the lights judgment so when the wife commits a crime that isthat they aren't abomination two things you would ever to the cop you'd have tothe correctional facility officer they give out of the jobs within her house folk
the house but would be a greatpsychological punishment that is is lab on the wrist which wayyou prepare the rule level to be able to not allow but as isaid he goes to the extreme situation allstate brian and try to make it the general uh... v uh... nothing about the impactof this uh... abyss thirty four pieces orpotential in happens four cases they want it hurts half ofthe men thirty cases
the other first thirty cases on it hurtsmore and has the same and in some cases about this case is sheinherits and the man does not impact whatsoever so missus doubtfire was helpful casesand does not want to buy the remainder of the thirty cases when he said the problem is i sent himsaid that but you know a majority of hellfire might be off women and whenthey passed and he put in another howdy totally different
about disappointing his reason and you have the server is what you did than men he makes too heavy together inhis way if you don't know if you don't agree to confuse you and i would postpone myblood both happy and you will see how misterspencer this trial i'll try to see it okay well we have uh...
one master but all this is up for yourather we have the clock reset now for five minutes then would be uh... going into our breakso robert spencer five minutes thank you did you see here is the momentstop uh... as is clear from anybody who looks atthe actual translations of uh... the first part of a risk forthirty four which uh... he was disputing uh... he's saying that i made it outthat uh... it says that may make some end superiorto women that's actually i was reading from the translation of n_j_ daoud
who is a native speaker of arabic fromiraq i guess he got it wrong or maybe i toldhim that he ought to this translated in that way but we can also go to themuslim translators uh... a police the police very common mainstreamtranslation and he says men of the protectors and maintenance of womenbecause a lot has given the one more than the other and muhammad marta depict all daycelebrated english convert to islam grid another very common translation mentorin charge of women because a lot has made the one of them to excel the otherand uh... and a check airmen of the
maintainers of women because a lot hasmade some of them to excel others and so apparently with uh... my deceiving placards i hadpretty met the misled all of these translators uh... who wrote before i was born intoms translating this birth in exactly the same way to say that meant excel womenor superior to women and obviously not that they are equal to women and so it'sclear that the amount was stopped the while self righteously claiming that i am deceiving it's actually trying to deceive on a grand scale he's actuallybritain well uplink
uh... uh... treatment that is full of deceit call the lies about muhammad which isvery aptly named because that's all it is then another one regards chapter twoverses to eighty two which is saying that keep popping out on actually thekoran itself it says as i quoted before that uh... you should get the emailuh... witnessed and if you cannot get
email witnessed then you get if they are not too many of them and andtwo women such as you choose for witnesses so that if one of them where's the othercan remind her that is the translation of the buildingis the bali it has nothing to do with the rape inthe context of the corona never said it did but it does com into questions but greatwomen's testimonies disallow altogether
as is something that comes from islamiclaw now as far as the eating at the whiteit's interesting to note that this uh... learning team on is actually granted that a husband does have the responsibility to be disobedientwoman in islam but he's trying to convince us that it is the matter of only beatingher lightly or giving her a cap on the wrist once again
i refer to translations of the car onthese are all translations of the crime made by the by moslems or by its longscholars they're not my translations of the word in question re diplomat andit says uh... in pic follow and scourge them or sheralee and chastised them rockwellalso scourge that uh... family pharisees khalifa beat them also shakir pick them up and arleneponce beat them politely as does use the bullybut that likely is not in the arabic as i'm sure the chemo mustafa
working truthful would have to admit and that uh... states as i quoted thethe b_-twenty eight which is from bukhari or don't startfrom muslim that says that uh... it heat equation incaused her pain it is hard to understand how couldmuhammad is the supreme example of conduct fishes example would not beexemplary in this one particular and i wonder what the uh... authorities avalosheart would think that most often cited if a hurricane contradicting muhammad onthis point
as for the other head deep in whichwomen predominate and hal that is easily found online if he's going to post hislies about it because the truth about attitude about what's tomorrow and give you the it eats in question there's also a great deal more of coursethat we were not able to address for reasons of time for example mohammed saying this is apool party hardy if a husband calls his wife to his badto have sexual relations and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger theangels will curse her till morning
and this is the foundation of theislamic law that a woman has no right to refuse sexual intercourse to herhusband for any reason at any time that reduces her essentially to the status ofan object four procreation or sexual pleasure ironic that be among the stopper said inhis initial statement the woman is not the object of desirebecause essentially all cheers in islam is a play thing for sexualrelations and the coconut course and so on butthat's about it uh... there's another hit deep in thesame way if i can and ite
woman cannot carry out the writer formore to she carries out the right of her husband and he asked her to surrender herselfting for sexual intercourse she should not refuse then even if sheis on a camel saddle now this is that this is plainly justuh... another uh... species of slavery and uh... it's notgoing to do it because you're right whatever smoke this uh... learn it evenentirely to seek for the mom chooses to blow tonight okay greg thank you robert
thank you were stopped a we have nowthis country the first uh... thirty minutes or so love ourupper section of tonight's program a ring or a quick break right back will continue with our toapologize again islam guarantees women equalyou've rights with men will continue discussing tonight statehood also foradopted it give us a full collyer two four eight four one six thirteen hundredtwo questions look forward to that and we're right back at this brief break name
means all combat that they've done thescientist promptly eleven and works at about uh... the continuing topic tonight which we're debatingbetween the stop as i had the and robert spencer are muslim or non muslimapologist again the topic is islam guarantees when the quality of rightswith men the debate continues as a reminder toclarify we will be taking our calls at the last break but i think about
the opportunity to speak tonight againnumbers two four eight four one six thirteen hundred will particulars callsuntil we get to our last break which is roughly nap a half hour from now speakat a time where go ahead start that clock it five minutes and stop up neverbottle number two and you uh... start right now alright are uganda's hope for the peoplewho have busy days online week wanted to go back to the onlytranslation the mister spencer base further work on one he chooses superior to which whiteolympic does not mean and arabic believe
it or not is my native language he said well other people sent to look he was a value so protector andprovider i ask a second greeted us protector meansuperior to thus provider me superior to and then he went out of the president'stranslation in charge off if i have been charged off a diamond that means it's mine that's appeared to it i'm talkingincharge upon our children than my life is better than that onceappeared to them instead and they
twisted translation and the only onethat he picks infidelity and never heard of thistranslation couldn't care less here is a private we're not at ten means to be a protector to be in charge of that has to be a leader for the family by default that leader is chosen by alot to be the man like any other culture predominately
and only when he qualifies that's numberone the second thing when he goes to thewitnessing he chooses again the exception infinancial transactions you know if you don't have one and bringto women because women by nato glossary and tell me how many women as a percentage of paulthe work and then but he was totally fogel all the other cases what testimonyof a woman is exactly the same as an act in all kind of cases of islamic lawexcept hair witnessing
hate crime or armed robbery where there's gonna be a penal code updates to you i mean she should beashamed lee says that if she was there a victim hayward would not be taken howcould it be a case that is to be prosecuted if the victim did not even complained tobegin with and that's our testimony totally wrong when she's at outsidewitness to the events of the hurt that
happen then it's lab avoids and protects the woman major fromgetting into violent crimes testimonies a hospital in his her life a constantcivilians oracle or chapter twenty forces tonight because the one isexactly the same and that is all this a nicer bahamasair someone pushed her amongst some of the powerful man he wasnot being a whatsoever in a heartbeat anyone not even his servants
that all close this interview that he'stalking about when i call them mixing too heavy to get them on theafterlife are someone at the majority fell choir and he brought unethicaltoledo for heavy and say that one of them is not authentic i said that youmakes tools that they can be together i wasn't nice or not even if you know allen across that youtell the truth starting we're not talking aboutdisobedience when we're talking about that beating of a life it's a wife whocommitted a crime
that doug remote very exceptionalsituation should we have heard of the law should be dealt with way into a slap on the rest within thehousehold and i'm not justifying that fordisobedient wife's reliable commited and that gay-rights crime has benefited the problem wasawsome that they aren't abomination uh... the other thing is
uh... the refusal of heaven and ofcourse that eases up their nuclear and unique to be a genius a look atinterpretation or foundational islamic daddy said that the angels will bepassing out of the day the com it did not say that the husband shouldforce her into sex bestie despicable that is something thathas risen forest land bacterial abiding about uh... just like mad
what happened is not one of the puzzleis less likely refuse for no reason mister spence as usual it's slip u_n_ that for enemies in when eating leftyesterday fully prevent upon your life when she isn't what she said by mr starr's open for any reason he isanyone's pencil in his famous walk and he's making and you've been again look at the translation that hewas and look at what he's talking about and again in witnessing peggy what doesnot want a would be able to say that he
totally new liver stomach or m from but he's all financial witnessingto at least ulf repetitive electrons and all that sortof more now that they have to be meant at highpollen how close to the game that it means schulich means witnessesit didn't specify men ordinance that supply women did a suitcase generalize it incite hatred againstmuslims anything muslims
confuse how deeply other aware that means liketranslated as black and tell me names of people that nobodyhad ever the only people that are reputabletranslators and even though i say that they have some mistakes intranslation by nature use center upstate superior of the other cheek if it didn't startoff it nothing severe hussein superiormissus spencer because the dog is loose i'd hatred and evil eyes almost lens
the simple minded people who cannot readfor themselves i cannot even understand english superior does not mean protector a woman who's looking for uh... amazingabomination to the crime of a kind of a nation is not that disobedient white that someone who committed a crime and that's the best buds with a giver a slap on the wrist
but a m typical stands they're gonna stop lowers the alas partof that secular bottle there now we have one one more a five minute uh... portion oftime here four robert spencer for your second of all robber the caucus out youmay start right now the elaborate listen certification and persistent stopping him almostopposite deceptions is truly breathtaking and has a liar i think he'sreally unsurpassed today
uh... really it's extraordinary whathe's doing here the sleight of hand in regard to this passage in chapter fourverses the report the crime keep arguing about the word that is translated by i'll leave asmeant to be protectors and maintainers of women the word being the theprotectors and maintenance part or by pick those men are in charge of women or by daoud as men have a party overwomen but that part is not in dispute uh... the park that he is taking issuewith isn't dilutes translation is
guys made one superior to the other which is the next part of the births sohe's actually getting all upset about the arabic word that are not disputingthe meeting up because that is not the problem onlysays none of the protectors and maintainers of women that part is not indispute and then he goes on to say because a lot has given the one morethan the other videos and what you notice that part because it shows the inequality of thewomen we respect all another muslim has thatmen are in charge of women because a lot
has made the one of them to excel theother it doesn't tell you all about the arabic word for in chart that day gun given the one more than the other orexcel the other for superior to the other in the dollartranslation because that of course would not serveas argument and instead he's trying to fool the listener into thinking that the argument isreally about the park that is translated as man of theprotectors and as a standard that women are at a party over women
which is not the issue at all it's the same thing with zena it's amatter of established fact it was one o'clock that women's testimony is not allowed in crimes of zena and as far as the uh... mixing the twotds together you notice that he said is very excited and speaking quickly but go back and listen to it again and he was here that he says he's notsaying ones authentic in one's an
authentic so see i'm speaking frommemory here and high in speaking about it eats which i will produce on thewebsite fiat watch tomorrow or tonight if i get a chance and thereality is that they're archimedes that are considered authentic by moslems in which muhammad says that most of the people in heller women and it's in which muhammad says that women are deficient in religion andintellect and he doesn't even dispute theauthenticity the authenticity of those
instead he's trying to make a big dealout of my putting them together in a conversational presentation well that'sridiculous one fifty to the gates find the question is do is a part of islamic doctrine thatmuhammad said these things yes these idiots are considered authentic and sothe question is do muslims believe that they're mostly women and help if theybelieve mohammed yes doodle flute but the that women aredeficient in religion in intellect into the problem that yes doodle flutebelieved that they have a right to be thereby
and not just as a symbolic tap on thewrist as he meticulously claims well let me just look at the pakistaninstitute of medical sciences which is not as far as i know uh... anenterprise that i'm in charge of or that i've created and probably apredominantly predominantly made up of muslims they've determined that over ninety percent of women in pakistan over ninety percenthave been struck the or sexually abused often for trivial offense is the problemis one man strap and slap on the rest is
another man's brutal beating thesethings can go all too often be in the eye of the beholder once you've given the sanction to thebehavior that's where the trouble begins and islam does sanction wife beating and muslims beat their wives the imamuh... mohammed come on let's stop at any moment spain in two thousand four was found guilty by spanish court
of inciting violence on the basis thatgender because in his book women in islam he discussed the methods ofadministering physical punishment of women and so this was the something thatwas clear was real was taken very seriously and so this is uh... it problem allaround the islamic world he can pretend indices the foolish andignorant people into thinking that it's something thati'm making but uh... that is just another part ofthe sophistication of his perception so when is a very good liar
but the text save what they say and allthe uh... islamic translations of the car on they say instead beginning part chapterfour verses thirty four that in some way that men are superiorto or excel or or greater than our at more he stated intention beaches disobedientwife and muhammad did that too i should letyou know as he did not address at all and culture pain and he dvd exemplary
pattern of conduct as per chapter thirtythree burst when one of the car on that is the very dangerous passage inthe kitty okay thank you very very much robert okay now really low dose section wouldcall crossfire each of you have three minutes and we've reset the clock is what thispointless top you've got three minutes and you may begin right now alright uh... please uh... whoever's thewatched as recorded after that please live from the beginning and watch
robert spencer rich reads where he saysquickly first of all it was that the victim will free cannotjustify for herself and i was saying all women and that is the point of peacewhich is the second part is the correct work but in the beginning it was not saythat tell expose them the second thing the part that he saysall that's the part that means superior it's has been awful below about your momabout by lot a lot of hybrid for some all the otherelissa count our endeavors not specified all women with their
that each one as i said they complementeach other it could be the woman that has the basket and dunk mentor than that as a basket at bay mouthful buffalobuffalo bob buddy what cooper for some of the other any extract from the which is that whichis one available peace prize but let me give itto you uh... the second thing uh... that at theabruptly spencer totally more than ever tell you that askyourself
went on in the pentagon and that'll beat the same rights obligations as men women do sort of about chuck total number uh... twenty uh... the other one he keeps saying thatyou believe that this will be online explained so many times that in thatwill dresses is no shows which is committee i'm up in the nation are about to permitabomination added proc
explanation although profits limits off never be the woman you'd freedom righteously and he clearlyalice st commit an f_b_i_ crime become a criminal and that i have to be a punishment andthen those degrees it's not being right away you give them advice you abstain from ina bit and that after that you go uh... you give us that was the latestpunishment
after they commit a crime so he makes the crime or the criminal the major case uh... again watches how he's practicing at that mohammed when the limit as to why and it's a real political player aregonna be that way and he said the answer is that they aredeficient and klein asansol court the answer is that the country and saton a different thing the second heavy
mohammed peace be upon was praisingwomen is that i've never seen war people that they have their emotions supersedes the reason that they can take away the michael stuff an intellectual man it separates and electoral virtual dvds
inspite a licensed all dot when they'repregnant will be out there for you and so cal along with the apron andthat's how i can't allow it and so does mister spencer that celestron dot that is not somethingto be ashamed or making a list of worshipers in all aspects of the advocacy hahaha opponents say it you as argue best to the women and that is the last one
used to clean his house do you still blue house shortly as wifelusted keys to plow source for her he would get worse before it would notthey're cheap he would do everything for his life and he said treatment aggressive dot the path of thefamily is serving a life you'll get they work as if you give adegenerative that's the problem is that and that is
robertson's okay yeah i think in the software driveryou've got three minutes for your portion of crossfire week reset theclock and you may start right thank you of actually uh... there is uh... no difference in what isaid from one part of the other about the testimony of women uh...actually women's testimony is not allowed in crimes of zena you can if she is thevictim he exposed nothing except his own lies
uh... because as a matter of fact it hasbeen established even by muslim women's rights groups like the wonderful group in malaysiasisters in a slump that uh... most of the women who were inprison in countries like pakistan and otherswhere the zena has traditionally thin understood has been in the ground punishmentsyndrome islamic block rather than in the civil law uh... thatuh... most of the women in prison part of their because they were victims ofrape but their testimony is inadmissible
and they don't have the witnesses toprove they wear please because islamic lawstipulates in chapter twenty four hrs portent reports thirteen of the koranthat in such crimes there has to be a uh... form before veiled muslim witnesseshimself yet and that's obviously something that hisessentially impossible to established and that's for wife beating you noticethat once again that he's admitting that demand can legitimately unlawfullybeaches disobedient wife and that's really all interested instarting because that is
a holding equality in what we havebefore us here is the question of whether women aretreated equally missile or not but any uh... thing that can be beatenlike a pack in a moment disobedient is not and uh... here again he does not treat the petty that i have brought forwardthat is from second-most loom and because that's considered to beauthentic by muslims in which ice chest says that muhammad kuat nak quote struck me on the chestwhich caused me pain
and that is not something that is asymbolic or like thing when it involves pain itinvolves pain obviously beating a white or skirting orchastising uh... if you guys these various muslimtranslations habit is something that's going to cause painit's not something that is of some sort of a lot of tap and that's a ridiculousapologetic notion sizable westerners into thinking that there's a problemhere about unfortunately there is we haven'teven thought was so much more that mentors when the body like polygamythat a man can have four wives and as
many sexual slaves as he wishes out ofthe uh... captives his right hand possesses that is something that uh...unfortunately for mister zayed has been recently reaffirmed kreitzer ought to be the revival ofsexual slavery but not believing women who were captured ants mate into prostitutes or sexual slavesby their muslim captors as has been recently reaffirmed actually by f_e_m_a_legislator in kuwait combine other
islamic cleric so uh... he's pulling thewool over our eyes but uh... are you not going to allow it to happen okay thank you robert bork andrea atthis point will get interview six minutes starting with will stop by make your closing comments your closingstatement for the evening again six minutes and then we'll be going to break and sell at this point we as one of mybody will be taking your calls after this tax break by this point where it'sat the next
six minutes times two twelve minutes messed up but you are up first thank you uh... intl of the progression of mister spencer withdrawing from the false claims that union used in thebeginning uh... it was superior one part of theperson on the other personal supposed to now means superior an approved it neither speakabout men and women so that standard uh... what i mentioned is not theauthenticity of the tool could be said
that he did but up part of his deceptions that whenthe woman custom why the maturity or of of women from authorities don't talkabout the cause because wasteful to other hospital given everything and just for one mistake that they makeit clear that the gave us nothing ungrateful miss the other happy is atotally different heavy totally different kinds the ethanol does say that your i thinkthat side challenging
to bring the d_n_c_ all by which issupposed to be disobedient and that promises not being there say that i saw was the greatest probably white liberals and send them she was never the serbians again and she said that badly he pushed me he didn't see she did saystruck me prices at the serbian i'm gonna publish deputy tomorrow
again bush me is not struck me and shewas never disobedient again please mister spencer read my lipsuniversity be eight disobedient wife i said bear the heaviest all the profits nownot some pakistani many general areas and somethink that was that she commits an act payments can you read my lips if you cannot yoube pleased i never said disobedient i said the prime officials an apparentcrime if you can understand english
any anymore uh... legal delicacy up the that second part of misterspencer when he tries to take the poorest countries that most werestricken countries and try to generalize and already slammed his papers sandboxwe'd have been spent weapons that you bring me enterprise in pakistan was somebodysickness or some female or collect in spain sayssomething
well at by elite swat or and and the model behavior problems as them then these people have committed a crimeor by an islamic law and for the homicides you connect judgesslam by the panels if he was you can judge people by slept well and again what matters here explain to the viewers
it's not he walks it's a lot likenesses insist on this want us tostrengthen his legs are constant inside of the papers between americans because that's what it is paypal if you look at what was publishedrecently in the past three years nine hundred twenty thousand dollars themajority of them for all of the freedom organization for the federal businessanalyst funnel pencil
outside assistance by the name lovejoyscan etc and that's not publish animals themagazine it's published and the jerusalem post of his friends it's a business it makes a lot of moneyout of that this in mind that we took what wasexposed and c_n_n_ the biggest problem is not how muchmoney you make so they can't do that in fact the months people look at whathappened mon-wed that there's the norway who killed ahundred innocent people enter more that person quoted robert spencer hismanifesto are sixty four times
and reference jihad western over a hundred and thirtypax and i couldn't care less of theauthenticity of what he says it's not a predawn speeches fabrications it's life it's a sign hatred after thissimple minded people like the insane terrorism or money the result can be innocent people mostly
young kids and a summer camp and will be mistaken about that benhamto spread allies of applications and legislation against muslim in america wecome by machine-gunned they kicked out by the silhouette so special you are for writing in some states so mister spencer makes eleven inciting hatred amongstpeople i haven't lost any of the people who areway out to look mister spencer as an investigator hope that crime off a tripbecause that's the ideology unix
the powers of mister spencer are not people who eat from themselvesall can look at those lesions and objectively understand what is beingthrown at them as the simple-minded hatred and the tendency cars people wanta polarizing had something to still be given him a polite bring resentment is somewhat someone outthere and if we help that been one of us someone who's reallypossible slimmer non-muslim and the american people
would be the victims from dot blot obese and some people in the way is and mister simpson's hand and dot for a bit divinity apart of back pay for it an incitement won the suspense is sonice all that and it's a plus or minus about his lab and he has no property businessman
it does not speak the language it's notmajor references and i thought that put him in his book saying something in one place that allmohammed evident we believe the rumors about his life the following page he says it brings up in the country dotmohammed since i never believed anything likethat it's copy and paste are laughable
he claims that democratic means out me uh... up men settler a stop in location is nowhouse and all these little things but the problem is his followers are simple-minded illunderstand and their hatred is like this building gasoline of our population waiting for the nextpart organics there as part of school
white hatred apply doesn't have the suspense drugdealers no trucks kill but the money is good and the money they make is quotefrom the worst enemies of islam the extreme right wing sinus of israel asspublished and resembles i have been the money's worth it and anypeace in america has gone almost no should be alert the venom and admitted that he's been spread over the world
muslims and specifically in america uh... muslims make three percent of the population maybe twenty five percent of the baptist youramericans are muslims over twenty five percent of the hatecrimes agonist of americans are committed againstamerican muslims and is the air is right there misterspencer inside pages for a living his life exposed adequate and
the both the lies about my comment most of the land and accept is that myclass most of the people off of the woman gender highly educated and this land is the fastest familiesdot com wrote they give us that the that was uh... your last six minutesyour closing statement now robert you have six minutes to make your closingstatement that will be going to break okay i'm going to have to respond tosome of this although you'll note that
the topic is not the evils of propertyspencer the topic is does islam treat women equally considerthem equal and that has been at least that was thatthey cannot even by messed up as i yet but the character assassination and viciousness of this man is clear nowit's really breathtaking how he will still to this kind of defamationintimidation and it's interesting because he isclaiming that i'd teaching hate speech but he is obviously trying to get peopleto take me and some other wonder if he thinks it is
of moslems to give me daily deaththreats if those moslems actually succeed in killing me what you considerthat he himself has blood on his hands for trying to denies me and get peopleto beat me tonight uh... that would be a very interestingthing uh... whether they can we are not goingto keep telling the truth up until height guy and uh... the fact is that ihave nothing to do with the norway killing anymore than the beatles have todo with charles manson's killings the men suddenly he cited for uncle bobmackie cited john locke thomas jefferson charles darwin idea play drive to get abomber but nobody's saying that radical
environmentalists are to blame for thishe started plotting violence in the nineteen nineties before i get publishedanything about islam accepted a college setting uh... which he never could nothave seen uh... he uh... was already plotting violence long before abbasevery doing anything uh... publicly in this line and uh... in regard to incitement otherchallenged the enormous tapas i adore anyone to actually produced a single genuineexample
of my head telling anybody to commitviolence against anyone or to hate anyone obviously he wants youto hate me but all i'm doing here is telling thetruth and so it's very interesting that he once again is proving to beadage at saint paul said about becoming a penny by telling you the truth he cannot stand the truth can keep lyingabout chapter four verses thirty four uh... which i explains that he wastaking issue with the part of the verse that is acknowledged to mean but none ofthe protectors and suspenders of women and completely ignoring an office kifollowing part
which is translated by moslems as but because the law has made the one toexcel the other or in dogwoods translation to besuperior to the other he keeps trying to make a big deal out of these idiot that i quoted being different but the fact is that they are bothconsidered authentic all considered authentic she uh... outright lies aboutthe city in which muhammad says which patient says and i quote he struck me on the chestwhich caused me pain
and fence that did you think that a lotand his apostle with the lunch justly with you that's muhammad uh... muhammad striking her on the chestand i should think of muhammad struck me on the test which caused me pain that is the translation of stock inmuscle twenty one twenty seven by up to hymie siddiqi who is himself amuscle and so i would wonder if the mister cited thinks that i somehow dotthe year of up two hundred fifty t and deceived him you're going to misstranslating this passage which he is now
lying about but the fact is that all the lights andeight are not coming from either coming from the start the cited in people likehim and that is because they cannot stand to have the truth about islam toll thefact is that islam institutionalize is discrimination against womeninstitutionalize is the come modification of women and anything hesays about me is not going to change that because i did not procrastinate
uh... the fact is that uh... polygamy ismandated in the program he never mentioned anybody anything about thatbecause you can't deny it the fact is that the crime alsostipulates that he mentioned divorced his wife i think a lot active force herethree times and if he does it the third time thenshe is divorced definitively customary another man and consummate that marriage can bedivorced by him before she can go back to her first husband if he chooses tohalf of that but the kind of a monstrous and barbariclaw but that is part of its like lol
and it certainly has nothing to do withequality of rights for women i he didn't say anything about the sex slavesbecause he cannot tonight as i said that this lucky mom's not spencer but islamica month's themselves said have called for the revival of thispractice which is chronic the car on chapter four verses three says that aman can marry up to four wives and then have captives that his right handpossesses sex slaves and there is a traditionallegal stu category for sexual slavery in islam while the woman has to covereverything except her face and hands according to mohammed emiti and anislamic law the sex slaves are actually
police to be naked from the waist up anaccessible to their older when after he wishes and this is the six something else thatis monsters and barbaric but that was tough to say it would passover in silence and then spend this time staring into thinking that you tried toincite violence against me uh... in order to divert attention awayfrom that well you know something i don't care it's not as if i'm notgoing to die if i don't do this work
and he said that the idea that i've beengetting nine two thousand dollars dispensable which i had gotten in twothousand dollars because i could certainly use it to be exposed is liesin the lives of people like him and theater greatly expand my operations butyou've got nothing like that and even if i had it's irrelevant even if the richest man in the world and the most evil men in the world thequestion before us is does this long well quality products women with men andmanifestly does not
and i think it's just simple that he would spend all his timespreading patriot against people who tell the truth about the slums ofdesperate easy to deceive unbelievers about this agenda one must ask what's the overall point of deceiving usin the split they have a much cell well we've gottento oregon or program in right now it's an opportunity for you pick up the phone and call us at two four eight
or one six thirteen hundred two four eight four onesix thirteen hundred near the phone ringing right now will be taking a briefbreak we're coming right back at that pointwill be taken our callers and to get ready your questions uh... as we had continue with the nexttopic again his long guarantees women equal ity of rights with men we want youto me encourage u implore you to stick to the topic whenyou ask your questions
will have if you give it up attorney toask either at gilman tonight stop obvious toppers i add or robert spencer uh... moslem a non-muslim apologistrespectively again back after this quick break for yourquestions are you a christian loved watching thegame shows eager to make a video posted online citybeach millions of middle east for people or your muslims was not like to askquestions made comments for speedy responses to pursue angeles called libyato federal eighty into extended media outlet t_v_ads
we've gotten the overwhelming responsehe was a baby launching media outlets people likeyou've offload from video response some of the cookie about whether any of yousaid that uh... all right thanks at our goal is to bring to light annianalyze buffalo green open dialogue all religions amongpeople of the date and secure please visit our site w_w_w_ dot eighty into if you have any questions please visitour website w_w_w_
into the webcast it slicing shells cancer mohammed uski bhi apologetics and more hillsong going himself click and donate comedian meaning then click on going on make a donation
keeping really appreciates room are welcome back to perform ballparkcolleges this evening a topic of exile islam guarantees oneequality of rights with that we do have a couple of callers we're gonna ask real quick because ofthat the blood that time we have left here please state your question please directed to it's each other oneof the to tell him us up as i had all robert spencer
on the sock lower or is our robert youhave two minutes to respond and then if they have fought if if wehave fun essary the other person who doesn't get the question has one minuteto respond or make a comment on the answer cell at this point we'll take ourfirst caller well come to debate night and what isyour question who is a directed to yes from in my micro shuttle-mir yet amplified that welfare
acting violent country unicorn i wouldlike for and what about to in easier too lazy holding the eight days one yesterday's him but they don't doanything to anyone populist artist diplomats rejection i was born alexandria but i have manycoptic friends of there's a huge o a problem of peoplecool in regular crimes when a muslim kills a christian aggression pose amuslim because the crime of religion which is not true by lived there i knowthe people
uh... when you come to a terroristattack like what happened and can use of the could be seen in my hometownalexandra that is that there is that that most likely was done by the specialforces before mark i condemn the fact that we did not find the people whodon't have time yes and that's a bit right because the these are my people however not that benny will be no crime of a victim of violence uh... whitby up crying because he's achristian uh... other than that when i
get it all person in america have beenamericans are killing muslims that is not true uh... upto christians were protected bythe muslims it is the muslims who seems to be caught christians from a newkamian the role of the room i was going to attend them of the hope all of thechristians laws and at that as skate for twelve years and he came with theprotection of the muslims his brother was of almost like barbeque and for lackof their attempt to change his religion he refused with the protection ofmuslims christianity survive today one of theworst of the employers that use truly it
is a slim alfred ballpark himselfadmitted that if it wasn't that the muslims came to egypt the orthodoxreligion the coptic christian religion was totally to be on my needed by the romans uh...during the romans cops used to pay fourteen different kind of taxes whenthe muslim people as only to have you know it's less than a hundred years thepredominant language became arabic and ninety percent of coptic christians accepted islam as the these althoughreligion and lived in peaceful fourteen ideas
of my heart goes out to the victims ofthe tears attack in case of the at the scene and any other place about that hasnothing to do this land animals local matson on the first want to put them onthe first one blast for the maximum punishment upon no one should touch to any person forhis religion or ethnic background whatsoever an islamic law is the firstone to mandate that and is the highest punishment is at robert you have one that you like touh... respond to that
there have been many attacks on churchesin egypt and so i wonder if it's just incidental but the victims are christians also if you mention the pope the copticpope shouldn't uh... who has also spoken out many times complaining about thekidnapping of christian girls and their forcible conversion to islam that'ssomething that uh... has to do with religion uh... and he lies about theuh... the invasion of egypt in the seventh century
actually if you look back at thedocuments and i can cause this tomorrow geog watch uh... the uh... there's an earlyegyptian general of the muslims actually wrote back uh... to his superiors segregate moremoney because high-impact troops obviously they were not welcomingpeacock urs in egypt as they were resisting that okay we have another caller are what ashock our question and who was attracted to you
uh... britain to barbara berra uh... part i'd like to thank you forbeing that the crime are and encouraging the moslem are are didn't come out looking down thecorridor our big bang and but there are bankers ordinance progress for or aren't thank you explanation or it probably character under or
it we've bought it it more it out mister mustapha missus i act well of of bio cause us a look coolerfull embassy what he says there's a characteristic with people who had abouta slam from the hairs of the slap everything that he said his absoluteignorance and i can even find the source the systems are made that mistakeclaiming that cuomo kits at which is the
old result form of the program beforewas a real two-pronged permit at its actually the opening chapter ofthe first chapter of the proposal we put that they have those look at that the caller is make some things i don'tknow where he got that from obviously got his islamic formation fromthe likes of spencer affairs for people to learn about judaism bhaskar robotthough not asked the nazis so you know that i slam rebook referee self out thetranslation we don't have to pay for yourself willnot go to the east will enemies people make a living like spencer
inside it really is most lens by the hundreds of thousands bused andthey come to the san antonio this is a defend yourself this is not a slam the park and his wifeor an redefining itself the happy authentic process and are verydifferent self do not put me on the spencer asme to tryto defend this lamp and the defense something that does not exist or there are two they responded like forour one at that time
yeah well you know here again he'sinciting more hatred and violence uh... the reality is that the caller made a good point the first part of what he said because you know that's not what you'redoing that site is trying to help me with uh... the guided not stay and couldnot have said that he was committing violence because of anything that i hadwritten to just uh... cited some news articles that i could put up with you dot blotsthat's hardly an inspiration many islamic terrorists is a matter offact virtually all islamic terrorists
quote karana dat to justify violence andto explain why they're committing acts of violence and so i would wonder if westop as i it would say that the crime is therefore inside and condemn it in asimilar way but of course he will not instead he just keeps winning the samedemon is asian and defamation which is all designed toget us all topic and keep us from looking at the manifest injustice is that islam perpetrates okay we are ready for another caller uh... at we have a caller wattage whatis your art
question it was a direct it to you uh... uh... op well pop up effectively yasir game please dodge the question our life activa question park for it it better to pull out one of our peopleor
imam a woman are before their blog correct we stop at global rights torbay ballpark older woman expect realwarfare obama superman iraq back quick work why is that albeit a females wherecowboy parliament white picture purohit uh... well
uh... i don't know what religion theybelong to but let me ask you have you ever seen the hair color allvirgin mary in any picture any christian church chili sauce her face and i had just amused will slow that ever lived analytical let and that's how it was alist of grass obviously women piled up with attractionto men and as mandated by god
even in the by the little does not coverhead does not respect her mind uh... bob you know uh... and that's the decency and that'sthat this objectification all when that they're not an object of desire andrespect for them women do not last over many that you knowuh... upcoming those children here but actually men loss of two women at theexpose their body and expose
uh... their bodies more than that thatis the respect for the moment already have one minute they like torespond to that shared you know this is the only thingthis guy can do in response to this question iscriticize christianity and he can actually addressed the fundamental atpoint but the question which it is if men and women in thisslum our people then why does the koran an islamic lawmandate different treatment for women and men and in response he startstalking about the virgin mary
and how she's depicted in christian icannot graffiti uh... wealthy you know if that's allvery well but it doesn't answer the question the fact is that the islamic texts andteachings are very clear that women are not equal to men that they are uh... didindeed they do have the responsibility to rein in men's desires men don't havethe responsibility for self control it's all on the women who have to cover-up tomake sure that the men have no object of desire that will distract to them and that in itself shows that men andwomen are not equal in this long but as
a matter of fact the women are theservants of the men and have to always accommodate thenature of the men the desires of the men the demands of the man in everyrespecting every the trio of their lives okay we have caller at this point and we're readywith your question who is a directed to we are ready for your question okay we might still be waiting for acaller uh... we are are still taking calls ifyou haven't call where we have a call right now again to four a four one sixthirteen other your question and it was
attracted to uh... to uh... uh... farm their purple question one of them view economically a beforeyou why do you think there are you readingin the world that would someone if he'd become if they're going to be the moreprematurely dept number one number two you've broken will be there are and i hope that all uh... grad
requirement howden weaker concrete year low burn ipi appa will be around the twenty firstcentury it would be chernomyrdin yeah okay thank you your answer yet twominutes if you'd like and he is talking about apostles capostasy in the context and the purpose of islamic load is treason on promises of civil liberties israelisand kill them that was in the midst or buying thepecans and we need change relation at thatcontext that specific historical moment
you are joining the enemy's army its military defectionits military did and even though that's the case of this technicalproblems assad no one single man was killed apostasy an expose of the spencerwhen he brought alun roberts will kill option birds and stole camels as if theywere killed and punishment but punished for thecrime apostasy that's the number one the general dennislamp
no compulsory cinematic rocket dean ifi'd for someone to become a muslim he's not fully accepted by god because he wasforced to does that really believed and i would be punished four force an end tobelieve in something they does not believe is one of the calf chestertonnineteen a lot of hereditary diseases mention at the human online shopping upfor whether one of the lead should lead and we're working on it and it should bewell all stand before a wal-mart greeter and we'll asap individually my mom and my dad and the country i wasborn in would not be there to protect me
god does not need to shape his shiphimself from the media amount of a monkey or companies had beenindia or to be uh... tree that is beingworshipped in south africa or to be some formal fleming believe your for thelocal people to westerman as they like people succeed dot the law mighty god if out there you want to believe in you'll berewarded you wanted to leave otherwise
we'll follow the convenience of mom anddad then the uh... the second person whohave time to answer or not you have your shots of uh... uh... the second question about thematter is it's a nice at first of all he married her consummate the mad when she was not asprepare testimony and i said in the last debate there's nohistorical reference that she renewal how old she was but again
at the time not even the worst enemiesall prophet mohammed not only that spencer's overtime anyone ever a processthat two reasons maybe that was the norm adequate care for that because of theprofit said that this is ok is looking for a long time or she was much taller than what shethought she wants mind you in america two thousand i livein a new hampshire that he died of matches thirteen years old and exerciseroutine years old there was a rural area for many yearsalthough i think people should take a
prozac and get off the topic becauseit's meaningless it is the proper about her parents consented she was happily married she was one ofthe last one that ever lived chairman and it would be above the thethe uh... fourth michael bachelor program as i said i'm even i was younger even if she was alltheir it doesn't matter was accepted at the time it's accepted all time for mostlybecause that's the man whose own norman anna reference not ourprejudices in midtown manhattan ok
router you have one minute to respond ifyou like banks of as far as positive goes here ten dimesdesired says well let's just reason and people werejoining the opposing armies and that's what it's all about wellactually uh... that's of course once again not true apostasy is against thelaw in islam wouldn't join the opposing or me or not uh... muhammad said if anybody changeshis religion kill him this is something that is shared by allthe schools of islamic law as being the
responsibility for the muslims to kill those two meters long of door up mom was a man and uh... afghanistan whoconverted from islam to christianity in two thousand star on prior what it's like but try to do toget more times did you get tired more time uh... he was put on trial here was a gila
he was put on trial for his life forleaving islam even join the opposing army it was put on trial for apostasy on the basis of islamic law and he's by no means the only one as faras pedophilia goes here again uh... at the idea that i should have no hopeshe was is an insult to my honda and two i shot whom he supposes that supposedlypraises but they didn't know how to count
and that they didn't know how tomeasured the sons the revolutions uh... that's ridiculous on the face ofit she knew how old she was she was nine itit became has been in the modern times here again like apostasy lot becomes thenorm so that could be a sonic republic of iran lowered the marriage of relatesto grow up gross tonight when uh... khomeini took power because it was in imitation of theprofit and happy uh... growth of second grade age were married in afghanistan when he workers went tothe refugee camps in two thousand three
and virtually all the girls over the netin imitation of muhammad use of this is a problem with victimizers young girlsand it's done because of muhammad not because of spencer not because of someother oregon to list or so-called enemy of islam but because ofmuhammad inside instead of trying to fix it is lying about it and demonizing heapinghatred upon his opponents okay we've got more callers we're gonna go ahead and i can to movethrough here don't think so much for the uh... answers here an hour
or give me a little that's lack of timehere but we're gonna continue with this next sack all are and what is yourquestion pride uh... actually issue and actually orbit enacted you uh... andany anchored jurgen in i'd will be a statement flopif all punchan election volume okay from com about what can you do you have any political that mohammedwas a perfect gate that individual cooking octoberwhere
and uh... cooking with the profit hadford to the people and character and he had no propective and he had nowitnesses walking with uh... at out because i think the mariogreco language and having a democratic culture for such a long time and can youcannot or happier too hot to hit two women uh... right at monthly when do you mean you know i will let himlet's let the lives of the questioning of two blocks leagues thank you
we're stopping at two minutes uh... welcome to the what to say to that uh... problema con that is the profitboth one point six billion people in the face of the planet so you might you knowuh... of pushing yourself a little before us combat uh... would say wouldamount to a question uh... or and which is the holy book of the muslimsand it's uh... the forty nine years ago it tellsexacting pinpoint accuracy the developmental fifties and fee ifu_s_ in a woman's uh... won't exactly as
you can look into a tonic microscope how clinton a letter it man you know uh... arabia fertility usablemovies the kiosk the details of the big bang theory is with the assault and beer you re arabic get-up article beat thecrap resort and be a that ruled of everywhere the source of every livingthing is water not that water people drink it to be alifeboat actually wudunn and nicholas and height
and the poor and uh... about details also you know that we didn't know till theupset a lot that the woman's were defeated by thepresence of the lowest point in paris which is somewhere in the rear uh... the river jordan and when we had sent a letter discoverthat actually is the lowest learned that how they prob mohammed know that other problem ha matt insulted that hehad
in the poor and when i was surprisedthat was so mad i mean are they doing then i will see own anastasia doeswithout the i_r_s_ and we are expanding and scientists would tell you now that actually theedges of the universe aesthetic spending or there was no big bang how to processanimal that the insanity defense darryl brutality and sa muhammad does u unless people place out one millions upon talent inouye low-income more importantly readthe stories of the biblical profits and
how it was worth the fight from thealteration that happened in the hands of people why in the park and that was ismentioned a hundred and thirty one times widest is defined as mentionedtwenty-five times what problem hamas nationally four times because the entirebody of profits for the purpose of this land and the other less opera but notbrought beware but comple uh... alter ok recoil at robert you'dlike we have a minute for units to respond
at yes sure actually uh... they karana youknow you can read those verses as uh... do you mow mustafa claims that they have all the scientificrevelations in them but they're all very forcedinterpretations actually uh... it's interesting to note also that soul covernineteen in that sort of eighteen of the crime journeys to the edge of the world wherehe sees the sun setting in a muddy who'll
and so uh... i guess we're still waitingfor the scientists to find that muddy war the sense that and verify once again the wonderfulscientific splinters of the crime actually there's nothing supernaturalabout the kroner sloan that all uh... is a matter of fact is that for uh... sixtyyears after the muslim conquests the arab conquests i should say from six thirty seven six nine east it's noteworthy that neither the eraconquerors nor those people that they conquered ever mentioned the koran orislam or muhammad the conquered people
called the conquerors had gary ns orsaracens or ishmaol x they knew nothing about the holy book they knew nothing about a profit theynever said anything about mohammed and neither did the muscles it was only sixdecades after these conquest supposedly that happen in the name of the slum began that we started hearing about this andthat's when it started to be invented uh... these things are historical andthat's the only problem is as the imam stop a points out at one point sixbillion people do believe in them or as
some number approaching that and you know i don't even care aboutthat he keeps calling me a hater in an enemy of the song this is all just partof his hateful agenda and his character assassination but in reality i icouldn't care less what do you want to stop it wants to believe about god orwhat he wants to believe about mohammed it is not on my business the only time when it becomes mybusiness is way mickey and other stuff is like begin to commit violence in thename of his belief begin to victimize innocent people who don't believe theway he does and that's when it becomes a
matter of human rights and that's wheni'm going to speak up and anybody is interested in justice and human rightsand equality of rights of women with men in equality of rights of all peoplebefore the law in the freedom of conscience in thefreedom of people like bob dole rockman to change his religion if he wishesthat's when it becomes a matter for all three people to speak up otherwise if he wants to leave us alonewith his beliefs that's just great and if he wants to believe the coronasfrom god that's just great the problem
is most of the world over and not doingthat they are victimizing christians in egypt christians in iraq christians in pakistan in indonesia thatare on a relentless in genocidal jihad against israel to destroy israel outearly and did you know the in the evening even personas riled up uh... but because of all what is said tocontain the jews are going to his real so we don't have to go and fight huntthem down all around the world which betrays his genocidal agenda which isreally miss anti semitism wahaan part well as part of that stuff
stop people the tracks when they're whenthey're speaking out by must interrupt at this point we are finishing up here uh... we are veryclose to the end of our program uh... i do want it to sta uh... thankyou both for your passion in for your uh... preparation tonight's programuh... we are we're gonna have to frodo clothes here we i know they'll be certainly moredebates and they'll be more our emails and more outpost on a on variouswebsites in uh... obviously more programs here in ab and and think you are used for for
viewing tonight in for listening forcalling commenting and we are are going to continue ourministry here but we are gonna dot finish our program for tonight again uh... we thank you uh... mustafazayed r_r_ muscle apologists and robert spencer are christian apologist forspeaking tonight on this topic islam guarantees when thequality of rights with men the debate will continue at that just because uh... program isover is me that the date
won't continue at this point so we do ithink you opera watching again judith you can uh... watch us at our our web site whichis debbie debbie harry avian sat dot com uh... watch our our programs as weupload them to youtube attitude call us anytime at two four eight four one sixthirteen hundred and we are are also asking for your prayers we cut them aswe continue our ministry god bless you and thank you so much have a greatweekend
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