Saturday, 17 June 2017

Colon Cancer Ribbon Color

alright! this is john kohler of it had been another exciting episode for you. and in this episode what we're gonnado is interview mit the master grower here at north coast naturals who i consider tobe the leaders in clean green medical cannabis. before we get in to this q&a for those youguys who didn't see it we're gonna put on a link up right in this corner right thereto a link of the tour that i've filmed for you guys to show you guys how clean greencertified medicinal cannabis has grown. so, click that link if you haven't already. otherthan that, let's get in to this interview. so, now we're here with we call him mit, themaster grower here at north coast naturals. first of i wanna tell you mit that i'm choosingnorth coast naturals to be a member here of

your collective because i saw and see whatyou guys are doing here growing some of the cleanest healthiest medicinals that i couldfind. i mean i tried to replicate this in my garden that would be medicinals. but otherthings i feel medicinals and i'm glad that you're providing this for the community sprayfree, chemical free, and some of the best medicine that i've ever seen. thanks john. on behalf of north coast i'd like to welcome you as a member. it's justan absolute honor and pleasure to have you as a member here. we know that you're theman the best of everything that's grown from a plant and that's what we're trying to provide.

awesome. so, i wanna ask you some more questions mit about north coast naturals and why youguys store it and what's your mission here. so, yes, north coast naturals is a very simply a patients and growers association that hasbeen organized collectively under the laws of california in complete legal compliancewith all the medical cannabis laws. we're represented by council that has advised usunder compliance issues and we have many compliance reviews with them to make sure we're legallycompliant. pursuing to that, we've been in contact with local law enforcement, contactedthe sherriff’s department, the police department, the head of police as well as the districtattorney and invited them through here to

do a walk through and inspect the premisesto make sure that not only our plants the best quality that they can be and all natural.but our processes are our best quality and are completely confirming the laws as wellas everything that we're doing for an infrastructure standpoint, everything is decoded, and everythingis above board. that's our mission is to be as much of a model in the medical cannabiscultivation community as possible. if you can imagine the best way to do it, which we’vespend countless hours trying to do. it is the output of that imagination we try to embodyhere at north coast. wow! that's cool. i mean another thing they do is always try to improve and make thingsbetter which is something i do in my very

garden. so, i can appreciate this about northcoast naturals. now, the next question i wanna ask you is why did you decided to grow cleangreen certified also known as organic without the chemicals? that's a really good question. one of the key things we're doing here. i mean the cleangreen certification is a very rare thing in this industry and we wish that it wasn't sorare. it is the equivalent well i don't wanna say the equivalent. but, it's based on theorganic certification process that the usda has promulgated. and what they've done isthey've taken that process and copied it as much as possible and apply it to the cannabisindustry the medical cannabis industry specifically.

and what that does is it's a complete reviewof all the inputs they call the inputs or the ingredients if you will to the recipeof cultivation all the inputs. they review the inputs. they’re gonna review the processeshere. they do a review of the medicine processing to make sure that anything from the fact thatwhen you're processing, your hair, if long hair is on the person's processing that hairis being tied back in a hair net, the globs are being worn, scissors are being cleanedin between processing. detailed things like that are based on federal standard guidelinesfor food handhold. so it's again based as much as possible on the federal guidelinesand always been applied on medical cannabis. now, medical cannabis just like any othercannabis cannot be certified organic by the

usda because it's simply not a fairly recognizedlegal crop yet. we're hoping it's yet. so, this is as close as you can get to an organiccertification. so, we can't say it's organic yet. we have every respect for that and forusda. the clean green certification is what we sought after. they reviewed us thoroughly.they've also done a legal compliance check. it's one of the first things that they doso that when they walk into a place like ours they can say, "okay, first thing is are theylegally compliant?" so they’d be doing an on-sight inspection. they do a soil test samplewhere they look for over 300 different pesticides, fungicides, moldicide, insecticides. theydo a complete soil screening that is done at a federally license lab.

a lab that does soil screening for all sortsof conventional crops that's federally license. we've passed every fine colors which not everyonethat calls them up actually passes amazingly enough to show you how pervasive the problemchemical pesticides are. and so, that is a knock shell what the clean green certificationis. approximately 51 i think something like that of gardens in the state of californiaare clean green certified. there's one of them that i know in colorado and i think nowthey're been brought in to look in gardens. in oregon and washington, i think those arepending as well. so, 51 gardens in california. we’re very proud to be one of them. andit goes hand and hand with our mission of being the best possible provider of true allnatural third partying inspected medicinal

grade cannabis. cannabis that you can safelysmoke, you can safely extract, and give to whomever is sick, and in whatever way andknow that you're not getting them things that are going to make them worse or cause harmdown the line. wow! i mean i definitely agree with that. i wanna hopefully you guys are growers outthere and watching this. i wanna encourage you guys to go to clean and green or minimallyreduce the amount of toxins you're putting in your soil. even if you don't get certifiedclean and green, do some of the practices that i showed you guys here today. so, nextmit wanna talk about what are some of the problems with spraying chemicals on the medicinalherbs that people are buying?

yeah, it's a common problem and the problems are several. right now, the national debateis, “should cannabis be legal? should it be illegal? should be legal only for medicinalnot for medicinal? should it be legal for recreational not for recreational?” andi respect that debate. and i think it's a great debate personally that needs to be at.i would take it a step further in my personal opinion. and say that i think the real debateisn’t whether cannabis should be legal or illegal and for what purpose. i would suggestthat the real debate should be, "is cannabis that has been subjected to chemical pesticides,fungicides, moldicides, insecticides all of those things should that be illegal?"

so, for example, if you're spraying in thevast majority of gardeners do the vast majority i would personally ask 90% of herb has beensized to 95%. if you're spraying your plants with a systemic pesticide like avid or you'respraying it with floramite or latincycle such as it's getting in the plant whether it'searly on in the case of avid or latincycle or if it's floramite and then getting broughtinto the actual flower that is then either extracted or smoked or vaporized by the patientor even the recreational user. what they don't understand the recreation user or the patientin 95% of the cases because their awareness just isn't there. their practices aren't thereand regulations and reinforcement aren't there. what they don't understand is they're smokingthat pesticide that is designed in many cases

to not even be used for food products. it'snot a proof for food products and it's certainly shouldn't be used here on something that isin a best case scenario designed to heal someone. and then may be not so best case but it maybe not been a bad case either. i don't know. other people would be the judge case scenariofor recreational use. so, we'd like to really advertise the factthat this is happening. and in our personal opinion my personal opinion as members ofthis collective that is something that should absolutely be stopped and that is regardlessof how you feel about the other issues of legality and again i respect all of thosequestions and i think that's a great healthy debate. regardless of how you feel about thatthis in our opinion is something that you

absolutely be legal. and towards that endit’s another reason why philosophically we’re clean and green certified. and it'sanother reason why in practice we only use natural sources and naturally derive thingsfor any of the problems that are common that occur in gardens that 90% of my personal opinionof growers will turn to a chemical to use. in many cases because they simply don't knowany better. it's in a lot of cases a simple sheer amount of ignorance. now, willful ignorancewhich is simply ignorance and it's one of our missions and in fact one of the reasonswe’re here today is to educate other people that are growing cannabis whether it's fora fellow patient, a recreational person in the states where that's legal or for themselvesin their own garden. there are ways of combating

common problems the way you don't have toresort in cannabis. i mean i totally agree. i mean i teach how to grow regular plants, fruits, and vegetablesin the garden without the use of chemicals and some of the same techniques. here aresome of the same products i use. so, we're like brothers. [laugh] but, so, if you'reinterested in that you know be sure to stay tuned. be sure to subscribe to our of this next upcoming videos with one of our specific video with mit sharing andspilling the beans like how to control pest naturally, growing the medicinal cannabisthat he's growing here successfully. alright, mit so the next question i have for you iknow a lot of you guys are growers out there

you guys are concern men i've heard that you’vegrown naturally without chemicals, without fertilizers like you're yielding this stuffmen. so, how you would respond with that questions for some of the people out there? i think that the truth of the matter is that's often the case. the other truth of the matteris it doesn't have to be the case. it depends on the strains that you're working with. itdepends on the architecture that you use to deal with the plant and cultivate the plant.there are a lot of master growers out there. there are a lot of growers better than i amthat are getting better yields on strains that i am because they understand the plantbetter. they have a better intuitive understanding

or perhaps a scientific method and laws tounderstand the plant better. it's simply not true. it is simply not true that using a syntheticchemical based fertilizer is gonna guarantee you a better yield than an organic based fertilizeror all natural based fertilizer or fertilizer that is approved for organic gardening. in many cases like i said generally speakingpeople will achieve better results or slightly better results for synthetics but they onlytrades out for that. and if yield is your entire game which is for commercial growers,that's the direction that they're gonna going. but if you're game is best in class, the bestcannabis medical grade that you can cultivate if that is your goal then you’re not gonnago with synthetics. you're going to go with

all natural approaches. and it's gonna showup in the final product. the flavors are gonna be out there and much better. the smoothnessis gonna be there. there's not gonna be any coughing if you're smoking it. and you'renot gonna have those vault of chemicals in the end product of the plant. and it's goingto be healthier. it's going to be healthy. you're not gonna have the sorts of thingslike heavy metals that you're going to get from plants that use synthetic're not going to have the heavy metals that you'll then inhale or that you will theningest if you make an extraction out of the flower. you're not gonna have the nitratesthat you get from synthetic fertilizers. so, you don't hear a lot about heavy metals andnitrates in gardening and in cannabis gardening

in particular but they're there, their issues.and if you're really, really making a medicine they're not something you want in a medicine. i mean, i totally agree. it's not something you want the medicine or in your food. i meanif you just buy and conventionally you raised food with mtk fertilizer. they're higher levelsof some of the nitrates that you're talking about. they will also get basically concentratedin the cannabis that’s sitting right behind us. and this is researched i've done not onlyon cannabis but on regular food crops that we're eating that people are eating. one ofthe things my mom or my parents were kinda hit this back then. they had to share smokeand stuff and when the kids were sleep. but,

me and my brother are nitrate free hotdogbecause they know that too much nitrates may cause cancer. and my parents didn't want toget us cancer so we did eat nitrate. but meanwhile everybody is smoking potentially nitrate richcannabis and eating nitrate rich prune juice from the grocery store. so, that's why it'svery important to form in a course in nature. another thing i want to mention for growersout there you can't differentiate yourself and make yourself different. i mean if everybodyhas the chemical growing stuff causing people to cough and doesn't work so good and it'sjust flood in the market nobody could sell their stuff because there's so much of itand it's just not high quality and you can't sell it what's the use. but if you can differentiateyourself by growing the highest quality stuff

that you don't cough when you're smoking oryou choose to do that and you've got something totally different that you will pay more moneyfor than the regular stuff. they can make up for the quantity that youmight get with higher quality and charge more to me. why do mercedes cost more money right?high quality men. when you guys throw high quality medicinal herbs or high quality fruitsand vegetables. i mean i'm a pretty tired one but i pay top dollar for high qualitynutrient dense grown fruits and vegetables. and that's why literally i joined a collectivehere because they've grown the highest quality medicinal herbs that i can literally findat this time. yes. yes. and we're a non-profit organization.

so we're not concern with the highest dogeye that we can get. if we were, we will be taking a completely different approach. wewould be synthetics. we'd be running rooms that are single strain and we would be organizingcompletely differently. so, that is not our concern for more recreational organizationin colorado or washington. that's not coming online. that would be something that we'dbe addressing. but we can't, for our patients. it's absolutely mandatory to us that our patientsmay absolutely no more just to recompense us for the expenses associated with the productionof this. then they would pay for anything else elsewhere. the number one important thingthe number one priority that we have is to give someone something that needs it somethingthat is chemical free. something that is absolutely

healthy and safe and it's not going to endangerthem in anyway. wow! i mean. so, mit let's talk about i showed in this video earlier or my last video actuallysome of the products that you use to give your plants nutrition besides just like chemicalfertilizer and some of the more natural approaches that you take the pest. can you share someof the practices that you do with some of the growers out there in case they wanna tryto model what you're doing? sure. sure. well, i’ll just stick to the main things and sort of shy away from themore new ones as of things. and everything else i discussed with you right now theseare all are secrets but we're so passionate

about everyone doing things in best possibleway that i'm more than happy to share them. and again, we're not for profits. so, themore that we can lead in terms of practice and education the happier that we are. you do not have to join north coast to getthe highest quality medicine. you can just simply grow yourself. there's absolutely noreason why you can't do that and we encourage you to do that. you can't do that. you havethe space to do it. there are places that you can go get clean and green certified doesn't have to be north coast. and always please keep that in mind. but just to get back in your question whichare the foundations of the things that we

use are fertilizers. when we start using themin the flowering stage or derive from organs or organics that has enabled to accompany,the live nutrients that they use. it's called nectar food guards and it's a fantastic leadingedge line of nutrients. when we started we sat down and we get a tremendous amount ofdiligence and we identified. again, our mission is to be the best is toidentify who are the leaders in the industry with respect to nutrients, with respect toteas, with respect to soil, with respect to the provisioning of device and equipment.all of these things that we knew that we have to rely upon who are the leaders. let's identifythem and to work with them and let's, in fact, help them to develop the future products thatthey wanted to develop. so that's what we're

doing. organs only is a fantastic exampleof that. all of their nutrients are all natural. i don't know if they have the official usdaorganic certification but if they don't they certainly could if they want to do. you'retalking about things like bone meal, feather meal, amino acids that are derived from allnatural sources. and the different thing about them is unlike a traditional organic inputor should i say an input that is good for organic farming unlike a traditional one wehave to actually allow it to develop over time to release its fertilizer low whetherit’ll be nurtured in phosphorus, potassium, or any of the trace metals. these are immediatelyavailable to the plant. and you can do the research or stuff and you’ll find out. sowhen you apply a fertilizer from the nectar

line, it's immediately available and it canbe uptake by the plant immediately. it is not broken down by the microorganisms thatwe spent so much time cultivating. anything that is not needed by the plant immediatelywill stay resident in the root medium and will be broken down by the microorganisms,by the micro heard and become available to the plant as the plant needs it. so, we'renot forcing anything into the plant or making it available to the plant. the plant willget it if it needs it immediately and if not it'll be available to it later. all the formsof nitrogen that are used in the nectar line are all protein based. they’re all proteinbased without nitrates. so, they are much gentler. they're much healthier for the can't burn them. they're much healthier

for the environment. they don't drain oftenand pollute the water tables with nitrates, which all of the nitrogen sources do. so, in that regard the feather meals thatare provided by the nitrogen are similar to the pure protein that's derived from the coalprocess hydrolyzed fish. so, they're very similar in that regard. so, that's one keycomponent that we have. another key component that we have is the soil that we use. it'sactually coco coir. the coco coir that we use has a very low sodium content 70 ppmswhich is i don't know if that's too technical for some of you but for those of you who don'tunderstand that a coco coir medium from that with that 70 ppm rating extraordinarily lowin sodium. so right out of the gate we're

talking about being able to use somethingfor the plants, the root zones that's going to be very friendly. in addition to that,the coco coir that supplied for most master gardens it's loaded with feather meal, bonemeal, alfalfa meal, and diatomaceous earth8. all sorts of good things that you look atthe late when you say, "my gosh! that's amazing." and it is amazing. and the results speak forthemselves. so much so that couple with boogie brew whichis again another one of the key components in our foundation. the compost tea boogiebrew, that's all we use for these plants like this. and i grow plants that are a lot biggerwith just that regimen in verged. that's how powerful that is. so, i'll stick with thosefor the moment. if you have any other questions

about anything be gentle i'll be happy toanswer them. if you go with that, my opinion in our experience you’re gonna be at theright direction and you're gonna be doing it safely and in the most healthy way heavy metals. no nitrates. i want to remind you guys whether you’re growing medicinal cannabis or not you’rejust vegetable gardener like me i mean i already use the boggie brew products. i use sometimesthe monster gardens soil blends actually that they put out. i haven't started using thenectar products yet. but you guys could use that even in your vegetable garden. you mightkinda get the expensive free guides. so that's why i like the boggie brew products are thebest because they are the most bang for the

buck. they're gonna get your soil revitalizedand get some of the microbes in that will help break down the nutrients already existingin your soil. i mean it's basically free nutrients. alright, mit so i have almost a last questioni wanna ask you. is there anything else that you would like to share with my viewers outthere, fellow growers right now on the camera? there are a lot of things that i would like to share but i would just lend it to somethingvery, very, very brief. again, just stay away from anything that's chemically derived whetherbe in the root zone or fertilizer or something that you're spraying on the leaf surface tocombat a common problem. none of that is necessary as you can see the results we're getting withouteven using a fertilizer just to act a super

high quality based soil on a compost tea.there's no need to go with anything more advance unless you're looking to do some more advancedthings with your plants which is why we're turn to the nectar line. on the leaf surfacefront from the standpoint of pesticides and insecticides and things like that i'll behappy to go into that more detail with you. but, the final thought i wanna leave withyou guys if i may is just stay with that approach and you're gonna be healthy and if peoplewould like to consume your products whether it would be vegetables, fruits or medicinalgrade cannabis they're going to be healthy as well. wow! i mean i totally agree. i don't recommend

you guys to use pesticides or chemical fertilizers.i have a whole channel youtube channel full of 950 videos i'm sharing with you guys ondifferent products i find and i shared with you guys and not only more on fruits and vegetablesbut also medicinal cannabis if that's what you wanna grow. so, i guess, the last questionmit is, “i know people may have questions for you after this video on how specificallyyou do things are you available for consult and how so many get hold on maybe collectiveif they are to enjoy all this kinda stuff. yes. well again we would love to have people join us more and more that are interestedor perhaps you can't grow your own. that's how we got started that the members were verysmall the members that we have that's what

we do. that's how we help them. we don't havea website 'cause were not a commercial organization. we're not focused on marketing. we don't evenhave any market. we don't have a facebook page. we don't have any of those things. wedo have a website that we are tentatively going to launch as soon as we feel like wehave the time and the energy to publish some information that's gonna be really helpful.if there's a lot of inquiries will be happy to expedite that process to the best of ourabilities. again, at north coast we focus on gardening. so, that's how all our energiesare focused to date. but, as time goes on we loved to be able to educate more if theinterest is there. so, please let us know if it is and will see what we can do.

yeah. if you like this video actually please give it thumbs up to let mit know that theinterest is there and that you should continue may be with some online videos or online educationto educate people out there that wanted to choose to grow clean and green certified chemicalfreeway, which i think is so important. i mean a lot of the videos that i do will alsowork with this specific crop. but there are special techniques and things he does thati have no clue about 'cause i don't grow this particular crop myself. so, i guess, the lastthing i’d like to say is that once again stay tune and subscribe to my videos for upcomingepisode that i'll be doing with mit on specifically pest control and natural organic pest control.i mean this is very important because i don't

wanna eat chems when i'm eating food but especiallyif i'll be smoking which i actually don't smoke any medicinal herbs. i would not wannabe ingesting that because at least we're eating things with chemicals like conventional grownproduce. we have ways that our body could help detoxify like our liver. but only smokeit, none of that happens if that stuff goes right in your body and especially if you'retrying to heal or get some medicinal benefit. it may not happen as well and you may evendevelop more conditions. so, i'm just gonna leave it that and hopefully guys enjoy thisepisode learning more and answer some questions about north coast naturals how they grow.i wanna definitely thank you mit for allowing me to come out and film you and answer thequestions. so, i hope you guys enjoy this

episode learning more about north coast naturalsand how they grow into the highest quality clean green certified medicinal cannabis.i hope you guys enjoy this episode about north coast naturals medicinal cannabis operationhere. i'm john kohler with will see you next time and remember keep ongrowing. alright. this is john kohler of today, we have another exciting episode foryou. i don’t know what you guys might be thinking. john what the heck you're walkingat a doctor's office men. i know you're gardening show. well, hey.

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