is there asupernatural dimension? a world beyond the one weknow? is there life after death? do angels exist? can our dreams containmessages from heaven? can we tap into ancientsecrets of the supernatural? are healing miracles real? sid roth has spent over 35years researching the strange world of the supernatural.
join sid for this edition ofit's supernatural! sid: hello. welcome. welcome to my world where it'snaturally supernatural. my guest is so accurate in hispredictions that he has direct access to top u.s. government officials to givewarnings of what he sees happening. how would you like to find outwhat he sees happening in the
near future to the unitedstates of america, the former soviet union andisrael. are you interested? i absolutely love the gift ofprophecy. i'm reminded of samuel. it says, "not one of his wordsfell to the ground, meaning they were right ahundred percent of the time. now larry, when did you firstrealize you had a gift that you knew things that you hadno business knowing?
larry: probably four or fiveyears old. and that was my first exposureto me bringing the gift. my father had an incrediblegift. so i was raised in thatenvironment, so you know, was brought upand taught. sid: you know, you were raisedin poverty. larry: yes. sid: you've had, as a youngkid, panic attacks. sid: no friends, lowself-esteem.
sid: and then at 13, he runsaway from home. and i guess it's a good thingyou didn't find the guy that elvis presley found, with thebig cigar. he's playing in night clubs. sid: and he's doing his ownthing. but you knew better? why did you do your own thing? larry: i did my own thingbecause i was raised in a church.
it was a wonderful church withgifts. it was sort of steeped in kindof, you know, tradition. and there was something in methat said there was more out there. there's nothing wrong withwhat i got, but there's something creativein me. there's something out of thebox in me. there's something i want to dothat's different from the same
old, same old of yesterday'sthing. i'm a renaissance man. and i didn't know what thatwas except my expression was sort of, i thought was inmusic, i'll find that expression inmusic. so i ran away. i was running away from thelegalism and the boundaries that locked me into a smallband with expression in my life.
sid: okay. in his early 20s, god did notforget about him. what happened, larry? larry: my early 20s, i decidedi was a legend in my own mind as far as a musician. and so, and god began to dealwith me. i gave my heart back to godbecause i was new to the lord since as a little boy, aminister in the church since a little boy.
so i gave my heart back to godand i took a job as a staff minister at a church in myearly 20s. and long story short, and thiswas one of my first encounters with the lord. it set the stage foreverything that i am today. i was going to sleep one nightand i had been praying for a long time about the lord tovisit me, to help me find, you know,what's my destiny, you know.
because it's destiny bydesign. we just don't have a chance. it's destiny by design. i thought, what's the designfor my life? why am i here? who am i? what am i doing on planetearth? what's my call, etc., etc. iwas drifting off to sleep, a late octoberish, fall nightin arkansas,
and the leaves were on theground. the leaves had fallen from thetree, and so you could hear thesound of any crunch as you walked on the leaves. i heard the sound of leavescrunching under feet in the front of the house. and i immediately thought, youknow, maybe there's a burglar in thearea, because there had been reportsof burglars.
so immediately, i was grippedwith fear. and i thought, should i callthe police, you know, what should i do. of course, at that time ilived in backwoods arkansas. you would stick your head outthe window and yell, "police!" but so i didn't have a phoneand i thought, how will i get the police. and so i'm laying in my bedwith the bedroom window six
inches from my face catchingthe wonderful autumn breeze. and as the footstep turned thecorner of the house, i knew it was coming to mywindow. and at that moment, thingschanged, the atmosphere changed and thespirit of god fell on me. it was the most amazing,anointing, strong that i had ever experienced. and i knew that i had avisitation from god. i knew that wherever heavenwas at,
somebody came down from thereto visit there. and as it turned up to thecorner, i realized and recognized thepresence of jesus. i recognized the presence ofthat overwhelming love for me, and etc., etc. as he came tomy window, it was a figure, but icouldn't see the definition of his face because it was, hewas so clouded in glory and actually love, love like icouldn't see through the veil of love.
so what happened is everythingturned red, a most beautiful living red,became an entity, it was no longer a color, itwas a living thing. and that red was the agapelove of jesus. and it hung like a cloud overmy bedroom. it came through his face, hisbody, into the screen window to thetop, and it hung thick, and itbecame to fall on me like a mist.
it was a liquid red cloud, andi realized it was liquid agape. it was liquid love. and as i began to breathe itin, as i breathed it in,everything unclean and everything not rightdisappeared and the glory of god began to fill my soul. and i realized at that momentthat experiencing, paul says "theincomprehendable love of god,
neither death or nothing can,things to come, things, to pass, demons,angels, nothing can separate me fromthe agape love of god." so it was my first encounterwith someone that i thought loved me unconditionally. sid: tell me what that change,what was it, the contrast? larry: there was two thingsthat happened at this intersection that became atipping point for the rest of
my life. and the two things, sid, was,one, was i was aware of one thing. i was aware that in my life, iwould make some major mistakes, and we all do. and i was aware of that. but i was aware that no matterwhat i did, no matter what my mistakeswere, no matter how i stumble, jesusloved me unconditionally.
and no matter what happened inmy life, he had already paid the pricefor it down the road. so as long as lived, i wascovered in an unconditional love by that. so that set right something inmy spirit about being unloved and rejected. and so i was thinking, wow,unconditional, there's no condition. this man loves me beyondimagination.
it was amazing. then for the first time hesaid something to me. he had never spoken. he had said to this, "larry,look at your hands." and he said, "why did i putyour hands on your arms?" and thought immediately, ithought, to feed myself, to playguitar, to preach. and i said, "lord, i don'tknow." he said, "i put my hands onyour arms because human hands
are an extension of my heart. they're an extension ofheaven." and he taught me how to use myhands and lay hands upon him. he said, "now i'll show yousomething about who you are. this is what you do. your hands are never to hit,never to smite, never hit anyone with myhands. i don't shove with my hands. he said, "have an open hand,not a closed fist."
he said, "live a life with anopen hand. you're to affirm with yourhands. you're to love with yourhands, touch with your hands. you're to bless with yourhands." he taught me about he used hishands to heal people. and the he said this to me,"look at your fingertips." and i looked at my fingertipsand he said to me, "does anyone else have thefingerprint that you do?"
and i said, "no, i'm the onlyone." and i remember he distinctlysaid it with scripture of the psalm, "you are fearfully andawesomely made." i knew that also meantdistinctly, uniquely made. sid: you are fearfully andwonderfully, and uniquely made, and god hasa destiny for you. and i going to believe as wecontinue with larry, it's going to unfold. we'll be right back.
we'll be right back toit's supernatural! sid: my passion is foryou to walk in divine health 24/7. that's why i handpicked myfavorite healing scriptures from many translations of thebible, personalized them for you andmade them available in this free e-book. i want you to meditate or prayout loud these scriptures over your life daily and witnessthe supernatural healing power
of god's kingdom come uponyou. download your free healingscriptures e-book now. we now return toit's supernatural! sid: i'm having themost wonderful discussion with larry randolph about being whoyou are called to be. sid: rather than being a copy. talk to that a little bit. larry: i realized at thatmoment when the lord talked to me that one of the things iwas allergic to,
if i can put it that way, wassameness. i was born in a world ofsameness where people thought that being the same, everybodybeing the same, was seeing the same way wasunity. i didn't realize that god is agod of harmonized diversity. everything in the universe isin harmony, but it's diverse. there are no two stars alike,no two raindrops alike, no two dnas alike, no two hairstrands alike,
no two invertebrate alike, notwo bacteria like. no universe, no star, nothingis alike in god's universe. and i realized that i, too,had a unique reflection and i was the craftsmanship of thisone of a kind phenomenon that this great artist haddesigned. i was a mona lisa. you're a mona lisa, one type. and i thought, how true couldthat be, because god is a geniusartist.
he's the artist of maximumdiversity. that means he's incapable ofrepetition. he's incapable, you don't everpaint two mona lisa's. you paint one and that's it. and i realized i'm unique, i'mreal, and i realized thatauthenticity, my authenticity is what willattract god's friendship, the anointing in my life. and the lord said to me, "youhave to be real.
you have to be you, becausei've made you different. no one in this world can dowhat i've called you to do because they don't have thehardware, the dna footprint. they don't have the destiny,the design that i put in you." every person in this world hasa divine destiny, a footprint from thatreflection of god that no one else owns. so if i don't be me, the worldgoes without seeing that part
of god. you have learned how to blesspeople. sid: by giving them permissionto be unique. explain that a little. larry: i feel like one of thedeficits of the church is a lack of fathers and motherswho give permission for people to become. it's called equipping saints. and we've been whipping thesaints.
and so equipping the saintsmeans that, like your children, you givethem permission. you don't tell them, you'regoing to be a doctor like me. i give you permission tofollow your wildest dreams and be what god has created you tobe. that's what a good father doesor mother does. so what i've done, what i dois i ask people, what is your wildest dream? what's god made you to be?
is it a musician, is it adoctor, is it what are you uniqueabout? i give you permission as aspiritual father to be everything god has called youto be. because we are steeped in atheology of sameness, we need somebody to break themold in our life for us to become what god has called usto be, which is different. sid: i'm going to ask you topray for us.
sid: to break the mold ofbeing copies. sid: it's time for us to beauthentic, unique and fulfill ourdestiny. now you had two encounterswith the lord. tell me about them briefly. larry: briefly, the oneencounter with the lord was the lord, i woke up one nightand the lord, as he does many times, hestands at the foot of my bed, i dont know why, its just hisfavorite spot,
the foot of my bed, and he sang to me. he sang the song to me, "havei told you lately that i love you" and it was just amazing. i wept under the love of godand how much he loved me. and he loved me because i'm aunique reflection of himself. as paul said, "we have thistreasure said in vessels." i'm a piece, something in melooks like something in god, that looks like nobody else.
so he loves that piece of mebecause that's a part of him. that's an original breath hebreathed into me. so as i lay there, he saidthis to me, "larry, i have to ask you aquestion." and he said, "if you found outtomorrow from the doctor you had a terminal disease, howwould you live the rest of your life?" and i knew it was a hardquestion. and i began to weep, and as idid,
i began to say, "lord, i wouldlove people more. i would encourage people more. i would tell my wife i loveher more. i would tell my office, have itold you lately that i love you. i would have a softer heart, iwould forgive, i would not live with a closedfist, but with an open fist." and when i got through thislong list,
i said, "i would hold babies." and i even said this, "i woulddance more." i don't know why i said. but i would dance with mywife. it seemed like the simplethings with the most endearing things to god. and he said to me in thisstrong voice, "larry, i want you to live therest of your life like you're terminal tomorrow."
and i realized we all areterminal. we just don't know when. sid: tell me that secondexperience. larry: the second one afterthat, sometime after that, the lordvisited me again at the left side of me. and he said this to me, whichwas a shocker to me, "larry, you're going to beseeing me pretty soon." and i'm thinking, shoot, youknow.
sid: what would you think? larry: like now? sid: my goodness. larry: and he said, "you'regoing to be seeing me pretty soon and i want to asksomething of you, a favor or you." and he said, "i want you tolive a zero regret lifestyle." and what he meant by that, hesaid, "when you come to see me iwant you to come with no
regrets because i don't wantto have to wipe tears away from your eyes." and i thought, in thescripture it says, "and the lambs that were takenby the river and he shall walk with tears of heaven." and i realized the tears ofheaven are regrets for not being what god made us to beand become. and this is what he said tome. i said, "what do you mean bythat, lord?"
he said, "i want you tomaximize every inch of creative space and talents iput in your life. i want you to forgiveeverybody that's hurt you. i want you to live your lifewith zero regrets. when you come to see me youcan smile, have no tears, and i can say,'well done, good and faithful servant.'" sid: you made a statement to me. sid: this is so profound andso wonderful that the lord
told you he wanted your heart. larry: heart. sid: explain. larry: gifts are given. character is grown in the soulof adversity. he said, "when you come to seeme, you can't bring your gift withyou because you need a word of knowledge up here. i'm here.
can't bring healing with you,can't bring preaching. the best preacher is inheaven. you can't bring yourapostleship. only thing you can bring inheaven is your heart and some of your talent," because i'mplanning on playing guitar with david when i get there. so he said, "you can bringyour heart, he said, "because what,you've lived in a world where your gift is bigger than yourheart,
and in heaven the heart isbigger than the gift." sid: i'll tell you what. hold that thought. i want to find out what godhas shown larry will shortly come to the united states,israel and russia. sid: larry randolph has gotcontacts in high places in our federal government, andthey've learned that when he says things it happens. give me one example before ithappened.
larry: a number of years agowhen we had the spill on the gulf, the spill, theexplosion, two months before it happened,the lord showed me clearly that that was going to happen,and that there was going to be an explosion in the gulf thatwas not terrorist related, but it was going to beenvironmentally related. it's going to affect theecosystems and all the coastlines, the whole gulf ofmexico. i began to tell churchintercessors.
in addition to that, i alreadyhad contact with d.c. so i called them and toldthem, and of course, they were verycurious about, you know, is this terroristrelated, and i said, no, it'senvironmentally related. and so they said, we will keepit in a file here. but anyway, so it did happen. i'm glad it wasenvironmentally related sid: what did god show youabout cancer?
larry: he showed me that therewould be a cure for cancer in my lifetime that would be aseasy as taking a pill for a headache. sid: that's so wonderful. larry: the doctors would havea breakthrough with it and everybody would, he said tome, everybody would get credit,the doctors, but the wisdom will come fromhim. he said, "but i'm secureenough to deal with that."
sid: now tell me about, youactually were taken in the spirit around globe and yousaw what would be happening throughout the whole world. but tell me about a countrythat's in the news a great deal, the former soviet union,russia. tell me about that. that was in the month ofseptember, i saw a recording and video. i was preaching.
i was taken around the worldin my spirit to a lot of different places and shownsome things. some of the things havealready come to pass like the typhoon. i talk about that, and someother things. but i saw an angel, i sawcoming from heaven, i saw this giant sword and itwas stuck in the heart of russia. and it was in russia, thissword was in russia,
i heard the words, "thethoughts and plans of man will come to nothing." and so i had some time todistinguish between this is exactly what god says and thisis my interpretation. i would believe that wouldmean, whatever intent russia has inthe sense of any harm or anything that it will come tonaught because god is in control. god loves the russian,ukrainian people,
all peoples of europe and allpeoples of the soviet union, and i believe god is going todo a checkmate in that particular situation. sid: sounds good to me. tell me about israel. larry: i saw this was, this isexciting to me. i saw israel, and as i'mlooking around the globe, i saw the land of israel, andi saw it like i was three or four miles up in theatmosphere.
and from the dust of theground of israel i saw this image coming out with dust,and i recognized it somehow in my spirit, it was king davidand he was fully dressed with a robe on and with a sword,and he stood up for war. he was ready for war. and he said, and this is whati heard, "when david said to goliath,'this day shall god delivery you into my hands,'" and thescripture said, "and he ran toward goliath,"and i saw this warring davidic
spirit to come out of israelto take its enemies down. and i heard the lord say, "thesafety is israel shall not be compromised." sid: i agree. now briefly, very briefly,u.s.a. larry: u.s.a. a number of things. but one that struck me themost was the fact that the u.s.a., especially those inhigher government,
from the very top to bottom,were not only in for a humbling, but a humblingbeyond embarrassment. and the lord has decided toanswer the blood of our forefathers of this nation toend with prayers of intercessors as he did withabraham. if he was righteous, he wouldhave saved sodom and gomorra. so many righteous in thiscountry and god has heard the prayers, and god is about, thescripture says, "if you don't follow the rockit will fall on you."
the rock is about to fall onamerica in the sense, i don't mean there's somegreat judgment, but in a sense of humbling,which will be judgment for those that are humble. it's going to come from thevery top of the government to the very bottom. we're going to see a greathumbling, and i believe that's this yearand next year in the government of the unitedstates,
because god is going to setright some things. because the lord said to metwo years ago that the united states is going to, hasreceived a period of grace. if jezebel could get a spacefor repentance and revelation, why can't we. god has extended grace to thisnation. and the jury is out in someinstances, because it depends on how wereact as people of god and partner with god.
sid: the humbling is coming. larry: the humbling,definitely, yes. sid: now would you pray rightnow for us to be, have permission to be who godcalled us to be, right now. larry: i will do that. father, we thank you. one of the difficult things wehave to deal with is we're all born an original, we're allborn unique,
but the tragedy is most of diecopies. help us not to fall into thesameness category, lord. help us not to copy. we're not imitators of men. we're imitators of christ. lord, help us to be what youcalled us to be. help us to be us. help us to show the creativitythat you've given us and help us to disclose every piece ofthe dna that you put in us.
lord, i give the men and womenwatching and the children watching this to be what godhas called them to be. don't be afraid to be unique. dare to be different. dare to follow your dreams. and it's just not aboutministry. maybe you're called to be adoctor, a musician, an actor, anactress, a cook, a chef.
i mean, whatever god hascalled you in this great ecosystem, god needs you to bewhat he has called you to be. you need to be true. shakespeare said, "to your ownheart be true" and i believe jesus is saying, "to your ownheart be true." sid and larry: don't be acopy. be an original. sid: next week on it's supernatural! my guest is going to tell usabout four supernatural events
that have transpired thatsiginify the end of the world ♪♪
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